593 resultados para typical steppe


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How litigious are Australians? Although quantitative studies have comprehensively debunked the fear of an Australian civil justice system in crisis, the literature has yet to address the qualitative public policy question of whether Australians are under- or over-using the legal system to resolve their disputes. On one view, expressed by the insurance industry, the mass media and prominent members of the judiciary, Australia is moving towards an American-style hyper-litigiousness. By contrast, Australian popular culture paints the typical Australian as culturally averse to formal rights assertion. This article explores the comparative law literature on litigiousness in two jurisdictions that have attracted significant scholarly attention — the United States and Japan. More specifically, it seeks to draw lessons from this literature for both understanding litigiousness in modern Australia and framing future research projects on the issue.


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Individuals with limb amputation fitted with conventional socket-suspended prostheses often experience socket-related discomfort leading to a significant decrease in quality of life. Bone-anchored prostheses are increasingly acknowledged as viable alternative method of attachment of artificial limb. In this case, the prosthesis is attached directly to the residual skeleton through a percutaneous fixation. To date, a few osseointegration fixations are commercially available. Several devices are at different stages of development particularly in Europe and the US.[1-15] Clearly, surgical procedures are currently blooming worldwide. Indeed, Australia and Queensland in particular have one of the fastest growing populations. Previous studies involving either screw-type implants or press-fit fixations for bone-anchorage have focused on fragmented biomechanics aspects as well as the clinical benefits and safety of the procedure. However, very few publications have synthetized this information and provided an overview of the current developments in bone-anchored prostheses worldwide, let alone in Australia. The purposes of the presentation will be: 1. To provide an overview of the state-of-art developments in bone-anchored prostheses with as strong emphasis on the design of fixations, treatment, benefits, risks as well as future opportunities and challenges, 2. To present the current international developments of procedures for bone-anchored prostheses in terms of numbers of centers, number of cases and typical case-mix, 3. To highlight the current role Australia is playing as a leader worldwide in terms of growing population, broadest range of case-mix, choices of fixations, development of reimbursement schemes, unique clinical outcome registry for evidence-based practice, cutting-edge research, consumer demand and general public interest.


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Metabolic imaging using positron emission tomography (PET) has found increasing clinical use for the management of infiltrating tumours such as glioma. However, the heterogeneous biological nature of tumours and intrinsic treatment resistance in some regions means that knowledge of multiple biological factors is needed for effective treatment planning. For example, the use of 18F-FDOPA to identify infiltrative tumour and 18F-FMISO for localizing hypoxic regions. Performing multiple PET acquisitions is impractical in many clinical settings, but previous studies suggest multiplexed PET imaging could be viable. The fidelity of the two signals is affected by the injection interval, scan timing and injected dose. The contribution of this work is to propose a framework to explicitly trade-off signal fidelity with logistical constraints when designing the imaging protocol. The particular case of estimating 18F-FMISO from a single frame prior to injection of 18F-FDOPA is considered. Theoretical experiments using simulations for typical biological scenarios in humans demonstrate that results comparable to a pair of single-tracer acquisitions can be obtained provided protocol timings are carefully selected. These results were validated using a pre-clinical data set that was synthetically multiplexed. The results indicate that the dual acquisition of 18F-FMISO and 18F-FDOPA could be feasible in the clinical setting. The proposed framework could also be used to design protocols for other tracers.


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Ediea homevalensis H. Nishida, Kudo, Pigg & Rigby gen. et sp. nov. is proposed for permineralized pollen-bearing structures from the Late Permian Homevale Station locality of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. The taxon represents unisexual fertile shoots bearing helically arranged leaves on a central axis. The more apical leaves are fertile microsporophylls bearing a pair of multi-branched stalks on their adaxial surfaces that each supports a cluster of terminally borne pollen sacs. Proximal to the fertile leaves there are several rows of sterile scale-like leaves. The pollen sacs (microsporangia) have thickened and dark, striate walls that are typical of the Arberiella type found in most pollen organs presumed to be of glossopterid affinity. An examination of pollen organs at several developmental stages, including those containing in situ pollen of the Protohaploxypinus type, provides the basis for a detailed analysis of these types of structures, which bear similarities to both compression/impression Eretmonia-type glossopterid microsporangiate organs and permineralized Eretmonia macloughlinii from Antarctica. These fossils demonstrate that at least some Late Permian pollen organs were simple microsporophyll-bearing shoot systems and not borne directly on Glossopteris leaves.


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Three fullerene isoindoline nitroxides N-methyl-3,4-fulleropyrrolidine-2-spiro-5′- (1′,1′,3′,3′-tetramethylisoindolin-2′-yloxyl), (C60-(TMIO)m, and C70-(TMIO)n) were synthesized by the covalent bonding of 5-formyl-1,1,3,3-tetramethyl isoindolin-2-yloxyl to the fullerenes C60 and C70. Significantly, the X-ray photoelectron spectra indicated the characteristic N 1s signals of NO. at 402 eV. The atomic force microscope morphologies showed that the average particle sizes of C60-(TMIO)m and C70-(TMIO)n were 38 and 15 nm. The electrochemical experiments indicated that fullerene bound isoindoline nitroxides retained similar electrochemical properties and redox reaction mechanisms as the parent nitroxides. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the fullerene isoindoline nitroxides all exhibited the hyperfine splittings and characteristic spectra of tetramethyl isoindoline nitroxides, with typical nitroxide g-values and nitrogen isotropic hyperfine coupling constants. Therefore, these fullerene isoindoline nitroxides may be considered as potential candidates for novel biological spin probes using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.


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Background In 2011, a variant of West Nile virus Kunjin strain (WNVKUN) caused an unprecedented epidemic of neurological disease in horses in southeast Australia, resulting in almost 1,000 cases and a 9% fatality rate. We investigated whether increased fitness of the virus in the primary vector, Culex annulirostris, and another potential vector, Culex australicus, contributed to the widespread nature of the outbreak. Methods Mosquitoes were exposed to infectious blood meals containing either the virus strain responsible for the outbreak, designated WNVKUN2011, or WNVKUN2009, a strain of low virulence that is typical of historical strains of this virus. WNVKUN infection in mosquito samples was detected using a fixed cell culture enzyme immunoassay and a WNVKUN- specific monoclonal antibody. Probit analysis was used to determine mosquito susceptibility to infection. Infection, dissemination and transmission rates for selected days post-exposure were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Virus titers in bodies and saliva expectorates were compared using t-tests. Results There were few significant differences between the two virus strains in the susceptibility of Cx. annulirostris to infection, the kinetics of virus replication and the ability of this mosquito species to transmit either strain. Both strains were transmitted by Cx. annulirostris for the first time on day 5 post-exposure. The highest transmission rates (proportion of mosquitoes with virus detected in saliva) observed were 68% for WNVKUN2011 on day 12 and 72% for WNVKUN2009 on day 14. On days 12 and 14 post-exposure, significantly more WNVKUN2011 than WNVKUN2009 was expectorated by infected mosquitoes. Infection, dissemination and transmission rates of the two strains were not significantly different in Culex australicus. However, transmission rates and the amount of virus expectorated were significantly lower in Cx. australicus than Cx. annulirostris. Conclusions The higher amount of WNVKUN2011 expectorated by infected mosquitoes may be an indication that this virus strain is transmitted more efficiently by Cx. annulirostris compared to other WNVKUN strains. Combined with other factors, such as a convergence of abundant mosquito and wading bird populations, and mammalian and avian feeding behaviour by Cx. annulirostris, this may have contributed to the scale of the 2011 equine epidemic.


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In an attempt to generate supramolecular assemblies able to function as self-healing hydrogels, a novel ureido-pyrimidinone (UPy) monomer, 2-(N ′-methacryloyloxyethylureido)-6-(1-adamantyl)-4[1H]-pyrimidinone, was synthesized and then copolymerized with N,N-dimethylacrylamide at four different feed compositions, using a solution of lithium chloride in N,N-dimethylacetamide as the polymerization medium. The assembling process in the resulting copolymers is based on crosslinking through the reversible quadruple hydrogen bonding between side-chain UPy modules. The adamantyl substituent was introduced in order to create a “hydrophobic pocket” that may protect the hydrogen bonds against the disruptive effect of water molecules. Upon hydration to equilibrium, all copolymers generated typical hydrogels when their concentration in the hydrated system was at least 15%. The small-deformation rheometry showed that all hydrated copolymers were hydrogels that maintained a solid-like behavior, and that their extrusion through a syringe needle did not affect significantly this behavior, suggesting a self-healing capacity in these materials. An application as injectable substitutes for the eye's vitreous humor was proposed


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In this paper, the results of the time dispersion parameters obtained from a set of channel measurements conducted in various environments that are typical of multiuser Infostation application scenarios are presented. The measurement procedure takes into account the practical scenarios typical of the positions and movements of the users in the particular Infostation network. To provide one with the knowledge of how much data can be downloaded by users over a given time and mobile speed, data transfer analysis for multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) is presented. As expected, the rough estimate of simultaneous data transfer in a multiuser Infostation scenario indicates dependency of the percentage of download on the data size, number and speed of the users, and the elapse time.


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We report herein highly efficient photocatalysts comprising supported nanoparticles (NPs) of gold (Au) and palladium (Pd) alloys, which utilize visible light to catalyse the Suzuki cross-coupling reactions at ambient temperature. The alloy NPs strongly absorb visible light, energizing the conduction electrons of NPs which produce highly energetic electrons at the surface sites. The surface of the energized NPs activates the substrates and these particles exhibit good activity on a range of typical Suzuki reaction combinations. The photocatalytic efficiencies strongly depend on the Au:Pd ratio of the alloy NPs, irradiation light intensity and wavelength. The results show that the alloy nanoparticles efficiently couple thermal and photonic energy sources to drive Suzuki reactions. Results of the density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that transfer of the light-excited electrons from the nanoparticle surface to the reactant molecules adsorbed on the nanoparticle surface activates the reactants. The knowledge acquired in this study may inspire further studies of new efficient photocatalysts and a wide range of organic syntheses driven by sunlight.


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Derailments are a significant cost to the Australian sugar industry with damage to rail infrastructure and rolling stock in excess of $2 M per annum. Many factors can contribute to cane rail derailments. The more prevalent factors are discussed. Derailment statistics on likely causes for cane rail derailments are presented with the case of empty wagons on the main line being the highest contributor to business cost. Historically, the lateral to vertical wheel load ratio, termed the derailment ratio, has been used to indicate the derailment probability of rolling stock. When the derailment ratio reaches the Nadal limit of 0.81 for cane rail operations, there is a high probability that a derailment will occur. Contributing factors for derailments include the operating forces, the geometric variables of the rolling stock and the geometric deviations of the railway track. These combined, have the capacity to affect the risk of derailment for a cane rail transport operating system. The derailment type that is responsible for creating the most damage to assets and creating mill stops is the flange climb derailment, as these derailments usually occur at speed with a full rake of empty wagons. The typical forces that contribute to the flange climb derailment case for cane rail operations are analysed and a practical derailment model is developed to enable operators to better appreciate the most significant contributing factors to this type of derailment. The paper aims to: (a) improve awareness of the significance of physical operating parameters so that these principles can be included in locomotive driver training and (b) improve awareness of track and wagon variables related to the risk of derailment so that maintainers of the rail system can allocate funds for maintenance more effectively.


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BACKGROUND Many koala populations around Australia are in serious decline, with a substantial component of this decline in some Southeast Queensland populations attributed to the impact of Chlamydia. A Chlamydia vaccine for koalas is in development and has shown promise in early trials. This study contributes to implementation preparedness by simulating vaccination strategies designed to reverse population decline and by identifying which age and sex category it would be most effective to target. METHODS We used field data to inform the development and parameterisation of an individual-based stochastic simulation model of a koala population endemic with Chlamydia. The model took into account transmission, morbidity and mortality caused by Chlamydia infections. We calibrated the model to characteristics of typical Southeast Queensland koala populations. As there is uncertainty about the effectiveness of the vaccine in real-world settings, a variety of potential vaccine efficacies, half-lives and dosing schedules were simulated. RESULTS Assuming other threats remain constant, it is expected that current population declines could be reversed in around 5-6 years if female koalas aged 1-2 years are targeted, average vaccine protective efficacy is 75%, and vaccine coverage is around 10% per year. At lower vaccine efficacies the immunological effects of boosting become important: at 45% vaccine efficacy population decline is predicted to reverse in 6 years under optimistic boosting assumptions but in 9 years under pessimistic boosting assumptions. Terminating a successful vaccination programme at 5 years would lead to a rise in Chlamydia prevalence towards pre-vaccination levels. CONCLUSION For a range of vaccine efficacy levels it is projected that population decline due to endemic Chlamydia can be reversed under realistic dosing schedules, potentially in just 5 years. However, a vaccination programme might need to continue indefinitely in order to maintain Chlamydia prevalence at a sufficiently low level for population growth to continue.


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The fate of two popular antibiotics, oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid, in a fish pond were simulated using a computational model. The VDC model, which is designed based on a model for predicting pesticide fate and transport in paddy fields, was modified to take into account the differences between the pond and the paddies as well as those between the fish and the rice plant behaviors. The pond conditions were set following the typical practice in South East Asia aquaculture. The two antibiotics were administered to the animal in the pond through medicated feed during a period of 5 days as in actual practice. Concentrations of oxytetracycline in pond water were higher than those of oxolinic acid at the beginning of the simulation. Dissipation rate of oxytetracycline is also higher as it is more readily available for degradation in the water. For the long term, oxolinic acid was present at higher concentration than oxytetracycline in pond water as well as pond sediment. The simulated results were expected to be conservative and can be useful for the lower tier assessment of exposure risk of veterinary medicine in aquaculture industry but more data are needed for the complete validation of the model.


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Background Over the last two decades, Transcutaneous Bone-Anchored Prosthesis (TCBAP) has proven to be an effective alternative for prosthetic attachment for amputees, particularly for individuals unable to wear a socket. [1-17] However, the load transmitted through a typical TCBAP to the residual tibia and knee joint can be unbearable for transtibial amputees with knee arthritis. Aim A. To describe the surgical procedure combining TKR with TCBAP for the first time; and B. To present preliminary data on potential risks and benefits with assessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up Method We used a TCBAP connected to the tibial base plate of a Total Knee Replacement (TKR) prosthesis enabling the tibial residuum and the knee joint to act as weight sharing structures by transferring the load directly to the femur. We performed a standard hinged TKR connected to a custom made TCBAP at the first stage followed by creating a skin implant interface as a second stage. We retrospectively reviewed four cases of trans-tibial amputations presenting with knee joint arthritis. Patients were assessed clinically and functionally including standard measures of health-related quality of life, amputee mobility predictor tool, ambulation tests and actual activity level. Progress was monitored for 6-24 months. Results Clinical outcomes including adverse events show no major complications but one case of superficial infection. Functional outcomes improved for all participants as early as 6 months follow up. Discussion & Conclusion TKR and TCBAP were combined for the first time in this proof-of-concept case series. The preliminary outcomes indicated that this procedure is potentially a safe and effective alternative for this patient group despite the theoretical increase in risk of ascending infection through the skin-implant interface to the external environment. We suggest larger comparative series to further validate these results.


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Background Over the last two decades, Transcutaneous Bone-Anchored Prosthesis (TCBAP) has proven to be an effective alternative for prosthetic attachment for above knee amputees, particularly for individuals suffering from socket interface related complications. [1-17] Amputees with a very short femoral residuum (<15 cm) are at a considerable higher risk for these complications as well as high risk of implant failure, if they underwent a typical TCBAP due to the relatively small bony-implant contact leading to a need of a novel technique. Aim A. To describe the surgical procedure combining THR with TCBAP for the first time; and B. To present preliminary data on potential risks and benefits with assessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up Method We used a TCBAP connected to the stem of a Total Hip Replacement (THR) prosthesis enabling the femoral residuum and the hip joint to act as weight sharing structures by transferring the load directly to the pelvis. We performed a tri-polar THR connected to a custom made TCBAP at the first stage followed by creating a skin implant interface as a second stage. We retrospectively reviewed three cases of transfemoral amputations presenting with extremely short femoral residuum. Patients were assessed clinically and functionally including standard measures of health-related quality of life, amputee mobility predictor tool, ambulation tests and actual activity level. Progress was monitored for 6-24 months. Results Clinical outcomes including adverse events show no major complications. Functional outcomes improved for all participants as early as 6 months follow up. All cases were wheelchair bound preoperatively (K0 – AMPRO) improved to walking with One stick (K3 – AMPRO) at 3 months follow up. Discussion & Conclusion THR and TCBAP were combined for the first time in this proof-of-concept case series. The preliminary outcomes indicated that this procedure is potentially a safe and effective alternative despite the theoretical increase in risk of ascending infection through the skin-implant interface to the external environment for this patient group. We suggest larger comparative series to further validate these results.


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This paper evaluates and compares the system performance of a solar desiccant-evaporative cooling (SDEC) system with a referenced conventional variable air volume (VAV) system for a typical office building in all 8 Australian capital cities. A simulation model of the building is developed using the whole building simulation software EnergyPlus. The performance indicators for the comparison are system coefficient of performance (COP), annual primary energy consumption, annual energy savings, and annual CO2 emissions reduction. The simulation results show that Darwin has the most apparent advantages for SDEC system applications with an annual energy savings of 557 GJ and CO2 emission reduction of 121 tonnes. The maximum system COP is 7. For other climate zones such as Canberra, Hobart and Melbourne, the SDEC system is not as energy efficient as the conventional VAV system.