567 resultados para dynamic film morphology


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The modern diet has become highly sweetened, resulting in unprecedented levels of sugar consumption, particularly among adolescents. While chronic long-term sugar intake is known to contribute to the development of metabolic disorders including obesity and type II diabetes, little is known regarding the direct consequences of long-term, binge-like sugar consumption on the brain. Because sugar can cause the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) similarly to drugs of abuse, we investigated changes in the morphology of neurons in this brain region following short- (4 weeks) and long-term (12 weeks) binge-like sucrose consumption using an intermittent two-bottle choice paradigm. We used Golgi-Cox staining to impregnate medium spiny neurons (MSNs) from the NAc core and shell of short- and long-term sucrose consuming rats and compared these to age-matched water controls. We show that prolonged binge-like sucrose consumption significantly decreased the total dendritic length of NAc shell MSNs compared to age-matched control rats. We also found that the restructuring of these neurons resulted primarily from reduced distal dendritic complexity. Conversely, we observed increased spine densities at the distal branch orders of NAc shell MSNs from long-term sucrose consuming rats. Combined, these results highlight the neuronal effects of prolonged binge-like intake of sucrose on NAc shell MSN morphology.


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The choice of ethanol (C2H5OH) as carbon source in the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of graphene on copper foils can be considered as an attractive alternative among the commonly used hydrocarbons, such as methane (CH4) [1]. Ethanol, a safe, low cost and easy handling liquid precursor, offers fast and efficient growth kinetics with the synthesis of fullyformed graphene films in just few seconds [2]. In previous studies of graphene growth from ethanol, various research groups explored temperature ranges lower than 1000 °C, usually reported for methane-assisted CVD. In particular, the 650–850 °C and 900 °C ranges were investigated, respectively for 5 and 30 min growth time [3, 4]. Recently, our group reported the growth of highly-crystalline, few-layer graphene by ethanol-CVD in hydrogen flow (1– 100 sccm) at high temperatures (1000–1070 °C) using growth times typical of CH4-assisted synthesis (10–30 min) [5]. Furthermore, a synthesis time between 20 and 60 s in the same conditions was explored too. In such fast growth we demonstrated that fully-formed graphene films can be grown by exposing copper foils to a low partial pressure of ethanol (up to 2 Pa) in just 20 s [6] and we proposed that the rapid growth is related to an increase of the Cu catalyst efficiency due weak oxidizing nature of ethanol. Thus, the employment of such liquid precursor, in small concentrations, together with a reduced time of growth and very low pressure leads to highly efficient graphene synthesis. By this way, the complete coverage of a copper catalyst surface with high spatial uniformity can be obtained in a considerably lower time than when using methane.


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Predicting temporal responses of ecosystems to disturbances associated with industrial activities is critical for their management and conservation. However, prediction of ecosystem responses is challenging due to the complexity and potential non-linearities stemming from interactions between system components and multiple environmental drivers. Prediction is particularly difficult for marine ecosystems due to their often highly variable and complex natures and large uncertainties surrounding their dynamic responses. Consequently, current management of such systems often rely on expert judgement and/or complex quantitative models that consider only a subset of the relevant ecological processes. Hence there exists an urgent need for the development of whole-of-systems predictive models to support decision and policy makers in managing complex marine systems in the context of industry based disturbances. This paper presents Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) for predicting the temporal response of a marine ecosystem to anthropogenic disturbances. The DBN provides a visual representation of the problem domain in terms of factors (parts of the ecosystem) and their relationships. These relationships are quantified via Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs), which estimate the variability and uncertainty in the distribution of each factor. The combination of qualitative visual and quantitative elements in a DBN facilitates the integration of a wide array of data, published and expert knowledge and other models. Such multiple sources are often essential as one single source of information is rarely sufficient to cover the diverse range of factors relevant to a management task. Here, a DBN model is developed for tropical, annual Halophila and temperate, persistent Amphibolis seagrass meadows to inform dredging management and help meet environmental guidelines. Specifically, the impacts of capital (e.g. new port development) and maintenance (e.g. maintaining channel depths in established ports) dredging is evaluated with respect to the risk of permanent loss, defined as no recovery within 5 years (Environmental Protection Agency guidelines). The model is developed using expert knowledge, existing literature, statistical models of environmental light, and experimental data. The model is then demonstrated in a case study through the analysis of a variety of dredging, environmental and seagrass ecosystem recovery scenarios. In spatial zones significantly affected by dredging, such as the zone of moderate impact, shoot density has a very high probability of being driven to zero by capital dredging due to the duration of such dredging. Here, fast growing Halophila species can recover, however, the probability of recovery depends on the presence of seed banks. On the other hand, slow growing Amphibolis meadows have a high probability of suffering permanent loss. However, in the maintenance dredging scenario, due to the shorter duration of dredging, Amphibolis is better able to resist the impacts of dredging. For both types of seagrass meadows, the probability of loss was strongly dependent on the biological and ecological status of the meadow, as well as environmental conditions post-dredging. The ability to predict the ecosystem response under cumulative, non-linear interactions across a complex ecosystem highlights the utility of DBNs for decision support and environmental management.


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Morphology-controlled bilayer TiO2 nanostructures consisting of one-dimensional (1D) nanowire bottom arrays and a three-dimensional (3D) dendritic microsphere top layer were synthesized via a one-step hydrothermal method. These novel 1D-3D bilayer photoanodes demonstrated the highest energy conversion efficiency of 7.2% for rutile TiO2 dye-sensitized solar cells to date, with TiCl4 post-treatment.


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Oriented, single-crystalline, one-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanostructures would be most desirable for providing fascinating properties and features, such as high electron mobility or quantum confinement effects, high specific surface area, and even high mechanical strength, but achieving these structures has been limited by the availability of synthetic techniques. In this study, a concept for precisely controlling the morphology of 1D TiO2 nanostructures by tuning the hydrolysis rate of titanium precursors is proposed. Based on this innovation, oriented 1D rutile TiO2 nanostructure arrays with continually adjustable morphologies, from nanorods (NRODs) to nanoribbons (NRIBs), and then nanowires (NWs), as well as the transient state morphologies, were successfully synthesized. The proposed method is a significant finding in terms of controlling the morphology of the 1D TiO2 nano-architectures, which leads to significant changes in their band structures. It is worth noting that the synthesized rutile NRIBs and NWs have a comparable bandgap and conduction band edge height to those of the anatase phase, which in turn enhances their photochemical activity. In photovoltaic performance tests, the photoanode constructed from the oriented NRIB arrays possesses not only a high surface area for sufficient dye loading and better light scattering in the visible light range than for the other morphologies, but also a wider bandgap and higher conduction band edge, with more than 200% improvement in power conversion efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) compared with NROD morphology.


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Reticulated porous Ti3AlC2 ceramic, a member of the MAX-phase family (Mn+1AXn phases, where M is an early transition metal, A is an A-group element, and X is carbon and/or nitrogen), was prepared from the highly dispersed aqueous suspension by a replica template method. Through a cathodic electrogeneration method, nanocrystalline catalytic CeO2 coatings were deposited on the conductive porous Ti 3AlC2 supports. By adjusting the pH value and cathodic deposition current, coatings exhibiting nanocellar, nanosheets-like, or bubble-free morphologies can be obtained. This work expects to introduce a novel practically feasible material system and a catalytic coating preparation technique for gas exhaust catalyst devices.


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γ-Y 2Si 2O 7 is a promising candidate material both for hightemperature structural applications and as an environmental/thermal barrier coating material due to its unique properties such as high melting point, machinability, thermal stability, low linear thermal expansion coefficient (3.9×10 -6/K, 200°-1300°C), and low thermal conductivity (<3.0 W/ṁK above 300°C). The hot corrosion behavior of γ-Y 2Si 2O 7 in thin-film molten Na 2SO 4 at 850°-1000°C for 20 h in flowing air was investigated using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) and a mass spectrometer (MS). γ-Y 2Si 2O 7 exhibited good resistance against Na 2SO 4 molten salt. The kinetic curves were well fitted by a paralinear equation: the linear part was caused by the evaporation of Na2SO4 and the parabolic part came from gas products evolved from the hotcorrosion reaction. A thin silica film formed under the corrosion scale was the key factor for retarding the hot corrosion. The apparent activation energy for the corrosion of γ-Y 2Si 2O 7 in Na 2SO 4 molten salt with flowing air was evaluated to be 255 kJ/mol.


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The ability to test large arrays of cell and biomaterial combinations in 3D environments is still rather limited in the context of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This limitation can be generally addressed by employing highly automated and reproducible methodologies. This study reports on the development of a highly versatile and upscalable method based on additive manufacturing for the fabrication of arrays of scaffolds, which are enclosed into individualized perfusion chambers. Devices containing eight scaffolds and their corresponding bioreactor chambers are simultaneously fabricated utilizing a dual extrusion additive manufacturing system. To demonstrate the versatility of the concept, the scaffolds, while enclosed into the device, are subsequently surface-coated with a biomimetic calcium phosphate layer by perfusion with simulated body fluid solution. 96 scaffolds are simultaneously seeded and cultured with human osteoblasts under highly controlled bidirectional perfusion dynamic conditions over 4 weeks. Both coated and noncoated resulting scaffolds show homogeneous cell distribution and high cell viability throughout the 4 weeks culture period and CaP-coated scaffolds result in a significantly increased cell number. The methodology developed in this work exemplifies the applicability of additive manufacturing as a tool for further automation of studies in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.


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This study investigates the morphology, microstructure and surface composition of Diesel engine exhaust particles. The state of agglomeration, the primary particle size and the fractal dimension of exhaust particles from petroleum Diesel (petrodiesel) and biodiesel blends from microalgae, cotton seed and waste cooking oil were investigated by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy. With primary particle diameters between 12-19 nm, biodiesel blend primary particles are found to be smaller than petrodiesel ones (21±2 nm). Also it was found that soot agglomerates from biodiesels are more compact and spherical, as their fractal dimensions are higher, e.g. 2.2±0.1 for 50% algae biodiesel compared to 1.7±0.1 for petrodiesel. In addition, analysis of the chemical composition by means of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed an up to a factor of two increased oxygen content on the primary particle surface for biodiesel. The length, curvature and distance of graphene layers were measured showing a greater structural disorder for biodiesel with shorter fringes of higher tortuosity. This change in carbon chemistry may reflect the higher oxygen content of biofuels. Overall, it seems that the oxygen content in the fuels is the underlying reason for the observed morphological change in the resulting soot particles.


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The assembly of influenza A virus at the plasma membrane of infected cells leads to release of enveloped virions that are typically round in tissue culture-adapted strains but filamentous in strains isolated from patients. The viral proteins hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), matrix protein 1 (M1), and M2 ion channel all contribute to virus assembly. When expressed individually or in combination in cells, they can all, under certain conditions, mediate release of membrane-enveloped particles, but their relative roles in virus assembly, release, and morphology remain unclear. To investigate these roles, we produced membrane-enveloped particles by plasmid-derived expression of combinations of HA, NA, and M proteins (M1 and M2) or by infection with influenza A virus. We monitored particle release, particle morphology, and plasma membrane morphology by using biochemical methods, electron microscopy, electron tomography, and cryo-electron tomography. Our data suggest that HA, NA, or HANA (HA plus NA) expression leads to particle release through nonspecific induction of membrane curvature. In contrast, coexpression with the M proteins clusters the glycoproteins into filamentous membrane protrusions, which can be released as particles by formation of a constricted neck at the base. HA and NA are preferentially distributed to differently curved membranes within these particles. Both the budding intermediates and the released particles are morphologically similar to those produced during infection with influenza A virus. Together, our data provide new insights into influenza virus assembly and show that the M segment together with either of the glycoproteins is the minimal requirement to assemble and release membrane-enveloped particles that are truly virus-like.


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Pure and W-doped ZnO thin films were obtained using magnetron sputtering at working pressures of 0.4 Pa and 1.33 Pa. The films were deposited on glass and alumina substrates at room temperature and subsequently annealed at 400oC for 1 hour in air. The effects of pressure and W-doping on the structure, chemical, optical and electronic properties of the ZnO films for gas sensing were examined. From AFM, the doped film deposited at higher pressure (1.33 Pa) has spiky morphology with much lower grain density and porosity compared to the doped film deposited at 0.4 Pa. The average gain size and roughness of the annealed films were estimated to be 65 nm and 2.2 nm, respectively with slightly larger grain size and roughness appeared in the doped films. From XPS the films deposited at 1.33 Pa favored the formation of adsorbed oxygen on the film surface and this has been more pronounced in the doped film which created active sites for OH adsorption. As a consequence the W-doped film deposited at 1.33 Pa was found to have lower oxidation state of W (35.1 eV) than the doped film deposited at 0.4 Pa (35.9 eV). Raman spectra indicated that doping modified the properties of the ZnO film and induced free-carrier defects. The transmittance of the samples also reveals an enhanced free-carrier density in the W-doped films. The refractive index of the pure film was also found to increase from 1.7 to 2.2 after W-doping whereas the optical band gap only slightly increased. The W-doped ZnO film deposited at 0.4 Pa appeared to have favorable properties for enhanced gas sensing. This film showed significantly higher sensing performance towards 5-10 ppm NO2 at lower operating temperature of 150oC most dominantly due to increased free-carrier defects achieved by W-doping.


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Fe-doped tungsten oxide thin films with different concentrations (0 to 2.6 at%) were synthesized on glass and alumina substrates at room temperature using DC reactive sputtering and subsequently annealed at 300oC for 1 hour in air. The alumina substrate has pre-printed interdigitated Pt-electrodes for gas sensing measurements. The effects of Fe-doping on the film structure and morphology, electronic and optical properties for gas sensing were investigated. The grain size of the different films on the alumina and Pt regions of the substrate vary only slightly between 43-57 nm with median size of about 50 nm. Raman spectra showed that the integrated intensity of W=O to O–W–O bands increases with increasing Fe concentrations and this indicated an increase in the number of defects. From XPS the different concentrations of the Fe-doped films were 0.03 at%, 1.33 at% and 2.6 at%. All the films deposited on glass substrate have shown similar visible transmittance (about 70%) but the optical band gap of the pure film decreased form 3.30 eV to 3.15 eV after doping with 2.6 at% Fe. The Fe-doped WO3 film with the highest Fe concentration (2.6 at% Fe) has shown an enhanced gas sensing properties to NO2 at relatively lower operating temperature (150oC) and this can be attributed to the decrease in the optical band gap and an increase in the number of defects compared to the pure WO3 film.