534 resultados para Lung cells


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The graft-versus-myeloma (GVM) effect represents a powerful form of immune attack exerted by alloreactive T cells against multiple myeloma cells, which leads to clinical responses in multiple myeloma transplant recipients. Whether myeloma cells are themselves able to induce alloreactive T cells capable of the GVM effect is not defined. Using adoptive transfer of T naive cells into myeloma-bearing mice (established by transplantation of human RPMI8226-TGL myeloma cells into CD122(+) cell-depleted NOD/SCID hosts), we found that myeloma cells induced alloreactive T cells that suppressed myeloma growth and prolonged survival of T cell recipients. Myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in the myeloma-infiltrated bones exerted cytotoxic activity against resident myeloma cells, but limited activity against control myeloma cells obtained from myeloma-bearing mice that did not receive T naive cells. These myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells were derived through multiple CD8(+) T cell divisions and enriched in double-positive (DP) T cells coexpressing the CD8alphaalpha and CD4 coreceptors. MHC class I expression on myeloma cells and contact with T cells were required for CD8(+) T cell divisions and DP-T cell development. DP-T cells present in myeloma-infiltrated bones contained a higher proportion of cells expressing cytotoxic mediators IFN-gamma and/or perforin compared with single-positive CD8(+) T cells, acquired the capacity to degranulate as measured by CD107 expression, and contributed to an elevated perforin level seen in the myeloma-infiltrated bones. These observations suggest that myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in myeloma-infiltrated bones are enriched with DP-T cells equipped with cytotoxic effector functions that are likely to be involved in the GVM effect.


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A single plant cell was modeled with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and a discrete element method (DEM) to study the basic micromechanics that govern the cellular structural deformations during drying. This two-dimensional particle-based model consists of two components: a cell fluid model and a cell wall model. The cell fluid was approximated to a highly viscous Newtonian fluid and modeled with SPH. The cell wall was treated as a stiff semi-permeable solid membrane with visco-elastic properties and modeled as a neo-Hookean solid material using a DEM. Compared to existing meshfree particle-based plant cell models, we have specifically introduced cell wall–fluid attraction forces and cell wall bending stiffness effects to address the critical shrinkage characteristics of the plant cells during drying. Also, a moisture domain-based novel approach was used to simulate drying mechanisms within the particle scheme. The model performance was found to be mainly influenced by the particle resolution, initial gap between the outermost fluid particles and wall particles and number of particles in the SPH influence domain. A higher order smoothing kernel was used with adaptive smoothing length to improve the stability and accuracy of the model. Cell deformations at different states of cell dryness were qualitatively and quantitatively compared with microscopic experimental findings on apple cells and a fairly good agreement was observed with some exceptions. The wall–fluid attraction forces and cell wall bending stiffness were found to be significantly improving the model predictions. A detailed sensitivity analysis was also done to further investigate the influence of wall–fluid attraction forces, cell wall bending stiffness, cell wall stiffness and the particle resolution. This novel meshfree based modeling approach is highly applicable for cellular level deformation studies of plant food materials during drying, which characterize large deformations.


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Melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells (ipRGCs) are a class of photoreceptors with established roles in non-image forming processes. Their contributions to image forming vision may include the estimation of brightness. Animal models have been central for understanding the physiological mechanisms of ipRGC function and there is evidence of conservation of function across species. ipRGCs can be divided into 5 ganglion cell subtypes that show morphological and functional diversity. Research in humans has established that ipRGCs signal environmental irradiance to entrain the central body clock to the solar day for regulating circadian processes and sleep. In addition, ipRGCs mediate the pupil light reflex (PLR), making the PLR a readily accessible behavioural marker of ipRGC activity. Less is known about ipRGC function in retinal and optic nerve disease, with emerging research providing insight into their function in diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and hereditary optic neuropathy. We briefly review the anatomical distributions, projections and basic physiological mechanisms of ipRGCs, their proposed and known functions in animals and humans with and without eye disease. We introduce a paradigm for differentiating inner and outer retinal inputs to the pupillary control pathway in retinal disease and apply this paradigm to patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In these cases of patients with AMD, we provide the initial evidence that ipRGC function is altered, and that the dysfunction is more pronounced in advanced disease. Our perspective is that with refined pupillometry paradigms, the pupil light reflex can be extended to AMD assessment as a tool for the measurement of inner and outer retinal dysfunction.


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In this work, diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells with inverted and regular architecture have been investigated. The influence of the polymer:fullerene ratio on the photoactive film nanomorphology has been studied in detail. Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy reveal that the resulting film morphology strongly depends on the fullerene ratio. This fact determines the photocurrent generation and governs the transport of free charge carriers. Slight variations on the PCBM ratio respect to the polymer show great differences on the electrical behavior of the solar cell. Once the polymer:fullerene ratio is accurately adjusted, power conversion efficiencies of 4.7% and 4.9% are obtained for inverted and regular architectures respectively. Furthermore, by correlating the optical and morphological characterization of the polymer:fullerene films and the electrical behavior of solar cells, an ad hoc interpretation is proposed to explain the photovoltaic performance as a function of this polymer:blend composition.


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Novel low bandgap solution processable diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) based derivatives functionalized with electron withdrawing end capping groups (trifluoromethylphenyl and trifluorophenyl) were synthesized, and their photophysical, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties were investigated. These compounds showed optical bandgaps ranging from 1.81 to 1.94 eV and intense absorption bands that cover a wide range from 300 to 700 nm, attributed to charge transfer transition between electron rich phenylene-thienylene moieties and the electron withdrawing diketopyrrolopyrrole core. All of the compounds were found to be fluorescent in solution with an emission wavelength ranging from 600 to 800 nm. Cyclic voltammetry indicated reversible oxidation and reduction processes with tuning of HOMO-LUMO energy levels. Bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells using poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) as the electron donor with these new acceptors were used for fabrication. The best power conversion efficiencies (PCE) using 1:2 donor-acceptor by weight mixture were 1% under simulated AM 1.5 solar irradiation of 100 mW cm-2. These findings suggested that a DPP core functionalized with electron accepting end-capping groups were a promising new class of solution processable low bandgap n-type organic semiconductors for organic solar cell applications.


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Organic photovoltaic devices with either bulk heterojunction (BHJ) or nanoparticulate (NP) active layers have been prepared from a 1:2 blend of (poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1, 4-dione-alt-naphthalene}) (PDPP-TNT) and the fullerene acceptor, ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester) (PC70BM). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used to investigate the morphology of the active layers of the two approaches. Mild thermal treatment of the NP film is required to promote initial joining of the NPs in order for the devices to function, however the NP structure is retained. Consequently, whereas gross phase segregation of the active layer occurs in the BHJ device spin cast from chloroform, the nanoparticulate approach retains control of the material domain sizes on the length scale of exciton diffusion in the materials. As a result, NP devices are found to generate more than twice the current density of BHJ devices and have a substantially greater overall efficiency. The use of aqueous nanoparticulate dispersions offers a promising approach to control the donor acceptor morphology on the nanoscale with the benefit of environmentally- friendly, solution-based fabrication. © 2014 the Owner Societies.


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We investigate the blend morphology and performance of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices comprising the donor polymer, pDPP-TNT (poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1, 4-dione-alt-naphthalene}) and the fullerene acceptor, [70]PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester). The blend morphology is heavily dependent upon the solvent system used in the fabrication of thin films. Thin films spin-coated from chloroform possess a cobblestone-like morphology, consisting of thick, round-shaped [70]PCBM-rich mounds separated by thin polymer-rich valleys. The size of the [70]PCBM domains is found to depend on the overall film thickness. Thin films spin-coated from a chloroform:dichlorobenzene mixed solvent system are smooth and consist of a network of pDPP-TNT nanofibers embedded in a [70]PCBM-rich matrix. Rinsing the films in hexane selectively removes [70]PCBM and allows for analysis of domain size and purity. It also provides a means for investigating exciton dissociation efficiency through relative photoluminescence yield measurements. Devices fabricated from chloroform solutions show much poorer performance than the devices fabricated from the mixed solvent system; this disparity in performance is seen to be more pronounced with increasing film thickness. The primary cause for the improved performance of devices fabricated from mixed solvents is attributed to the greater donor-acceptor interfacial area and resulting greater capacity for charge carrier generation.


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Bulk heterojunction organic solar cells based on poly[4,7-bis(3- dodecylthiophene-2-yl) benzothiadiazole-co-benzothiadiazole] and [6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester are investigated. A prominent kink is observed in the fourth quadrant of the current density-voltage (J-V) response. Annealing the active layer prior to cathode deposition eliminates the kink. The kink is attributed to an extraction barrier. The J-V response in these devices is well described by a power law. This behavior is attributed to an imbalance in charge carrier mobility. An expected photocurrent for the device displaying a kink in the J-V response is determined by fitting to a power law. The difference between the expected and measured photocurrent allows for the determination of a voltage drop within the device. Under simulated 1 sun irradiance, the peak voltage drop and contact resistance at short circuit are 0.14 V and 90 Ω, respectively. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disease characterized by lung endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling. Recently, bone marrow progenitor cells have been localized to PAH lungs, raising the question of their role in disease progression. Independently, serotonin (5-HT) and its receptors have been identified as contributors to the PAH pathogenesis. We hypothesized that 1 of these receptors, 5-HT(2B), is involved in bone marrow stem cell mobilization that participates in the development of PAH and pulmonary vascular remodeling. A first study revealed expression of 5-HT(2B) receptors by circulating c-kit(+) precursor cells, whereas mice lacking 5-HT(2B) receptors showed alterations in platelets and monocyte-macrophage numbers, and in myeloid lineages of bone marrow. Strikingly, mice with restricted expression of 5-HT(2B) receptors in bone marrow cells developed hypoxia or monocrotaline-induced increase in pulmonary pressure and vascular remodeling, whereas restricted elimination of 5-HT(2B) receptors on bone marrow cells confers a complete resistance. Moreover, ex vivo culture of human CD34(+) or mice c-kit(+) progenitor cells in the presence of a 5-HT(2B) receptor antagonist resulted in altered myeloid differentiation potential. Thus, we demonstrate that activation of 5-HT(2B) receptors on bone marrow lineage progenitors is critical for the development of PAH.