651 resultados para Choice behaviour


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A combined experimental and numerical program was conducted to study the in-plane shear behaviour of hollow concrete masonry panels containing reinforced grout cores. This paper is focused on the numerical program. A two dimensional macromodelling strategy was used to simulate the behaviour of the confined masonry (CM) shear panels. Both the unreinforced masonry and the confining element were modelled using macromasonry properties and the steel reinforcement was modelled as an embedded truss element located within the grout using perfectly bonded constraint. The FE model reproduced key behaviours observed in the experiments, including the shear strength, the deformation and the crack patterns of the unconfined and confined masonry panels. The predictions of the validated model were used to evaluate the existing in-plane shear expressions available in the national masonry standards and research publications.


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The social cost of road injury and fatalities is still unacceptable. The driver is often mainly responsible for road crashes, therefore changing the driver behaviour is one of the most important and most challenging priority in road transport. This paper presents three innovative visions that articulate the potential of using Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication for supporting the exchange of social information amongst drivers. We argue that there could be tremendous benefits in socialising cars to influence human driving behaviours for the better and that this aspect is still relevant in the age of looming autonomous cars. Our visions provide theoretical grounding how V2V infrastructure and emerging human–machine interfaces (HMI) could persuade drivers to: (i) adopt better (e.g. greener) driving practices, (ii) reduce drivers aggressiveness towards pro-social driving behaviours, and (iii) reduce risk-taking behaviour in young, particularly male, adults. The visions present simple but powerful concepts that reveal ‘good’ aspects of the driver behaviour to other drivers and make them contagious. The use of self-efficacy, social norms, gamification theories and social cues could then increase the likelihood of a widespread adoption of such ‘good’ driving behaviours.


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This paper uses a correlated multinomial logit model and a Poisson regression model to measure the factors affecting demand for different types of transportation by elderly and disabled people in rural Virginia. The major results are: (a) A paratransit system providing door-to-door service is highly valued by transportation-handicapped people; (b) Taxis are probably a potential but inferior alternative even when subsidized; (c) Buses are a poor alternative, especially in rural areas where distances to bus stops may be long; (d) Making buses handicap-accessible would have a statistically significant but small effect on mode choice; (e) Demand is price inelastic; and (f) The total number of trips taken is insensitive to mode availability and characteristics. These results suggest that transportation-handicapped people take a limited number of trips. Those they do take are in some sense necessary (given the low elasticity with respect to mode price or availability). People will substitute away from relying upon others when appropriate transportation is available, at least to some degree. But such transportation needs to be flexible enough to meet the needs of the people involved.


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This paper considers two problems that frequently arise in dynamic discrete choice problems but have not received much attention with regard to simulation methods. The first problem is how to simulate unbiased simulators of probabilities conditional on past history. The second is simulating a discrete transition probability model when the underlying dependent variable is really continuous. Both methods work well relative to reasonable alternatives in the application discussed. However, in both cases, for this application, simpler methods also provide reasonably good results.


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The aim of the research was two-fold: firstly, to investigate strategies used by Australian parents to encourage desirable child behaviours and to decrease undesirable behaviours; secondly, to determine the acceptability and perceived usefulness to parents of various strategies. The research encompassed two studies. In the first study, 152 parents of children aged under six years completed questionnaires to identify their disciplinary practices. In Study 2, 129 parents reported on the acceptability and perceived effectiveness of various parenting strategies (modelling, ignoring, rewarding and physical punishment) for influencing child behaviour. Most parents in Study 1 reported using techniques consistent with positive parenting strategies. The use of physical punishment was also reported, but predominantly as a secondary method of discipline. In Study 2, the techniques of modelling and rewarding were found to be more acceptable to parents than were ignoring and smacking. The findings highlight the need to raise parental awareness and acceptance of a broader range of positive ways to manage child behaviour.


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In a standard overlapping generations growth model, with a fixed amount of land and endogenous fertility, the competitive economy converges to a steady state with a zero population growth rate and positive consumption per capita. The Malthusian hypothesis is interpreted as a positive statement about the relationship between population growth and consumption per-capita, when production exhibits diminishing returns to labor and there is a fixed amount of land essential for production. Even when individuals care only about the number of their children and not about their children's welfare, the equilibrium is such that they eventually would choose to have only one child for each adult. Hence, if Malthus's "positive check' on population is the result of the response of optimizing agents to competitively determined prices, Malthus's pessimistic conjecture is not necessarily true, even though his other assumptions hold. -from Authors


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the factor structure of the Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) in an Australian community sample of mother-infant dyads. A secondary aim was to explore the relationship between the BEBQ subscales and infant gender, weight and current feeding mode. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) utilising structural equation modelling examined the hypothesised 4-factor model of the BEBQ. Only mothers (N=467) who completed all items on the BEBQ (infant age: M=17 weeks, SD=3 weeks) were included in the analysis. The original 4-factor model did not provide an acceptable fit to the data due to poor performance of the Satiety responsiveness factor. Removal of this factor (3 items) resulted in a well-fitting 3-factor model. Cronbach’s α was acceptable for the Enjoyment of food (α=0.73), Food responsiveness (α=0.78) and Slowness in eating (α=0.68) subscales but low for the Satiety responsiveness (α=0.56) subscale. Enjoyment of food was associated with higher infant weight whereas Slowness in eating and Satiety responsiveness were both associated with lower infant weight. Differences on all four subscales as a function of feeding mode were observed. This study is the first to use CFA to evaluate the hypothesised factor structure of the BEBQ. Findings support further development work on the Satiety responsiveness subscale in particular, but confirm the utility of the Enjoyment of food, Food responsiveness and Slowness in eating subscales.


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In Australia, the decision to home educate is becoming increasingly popular (cf. Harding & Farrell, 2003; Townsend, 2012). In spite of its increasing popularity, the reasons home education is chosen by Australian families is under-researched (cf. Jackson & Allan, 2010). This paper reports on a case study that set out to explore the links between families that unschool and the parenting philosophies they follow. In- depth, qualitative interviews were conducted with a group of home education families in one of Australia’s most populated cities. Data were analysed using Critical Discourse Analysis. The analysis revealed that there were links between the parents’ beliefs about home education and their adherence to Attachment Parenting.


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Catalytic probes are used for plasma diagnostics in order to quantify the density of neutral atoms. The probe response primarily depends on the probe material and its surface morphology. Here we report on the design, operation and modelling of the response of niobium pentoxide sensors with a flat and nanowire (NW) surfaces. These sensors were used to detect neutral oxygen atoms in the afterglow region of an inductively coupled rf discharge in oxygen. A very different response of the flat-surface and NW probes to the varying densities of oxygen atoms was explained by modelling heat conduction and taking into account the associated temperature gradients. It was found that the nanostructure probe can measure in a broader range than the flat oxide probe due to an increase in the surface to volume ratio, and the presence of nanostructures which act as a thermal barrier against sensor overheating. These results can be used for the development of the new generation of catalytic probes for gas/discharge diagnostics in a range of industrial and environmental applications.


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Informed broadly by the theory of planned behaviour, this study used qualitative methodology to understand Australian adults' sun-protective decisions. Forty-two adults participated in focus groups where they discussed behavioural (advantages and disadvantages), normative (important referents), and control (barriers and facilitators) beliefs, as well as potential social influences and images of tanned and non-tanned people. Responses were analysed using the consensual qualitative research approach to determine the dominant themes. Themes of fashion and comfort were prominent, the important role of friends and family in sun safe decision-making was highlighted, as was the availability of sun-protective measures (e.g., in an accessible place or in the environment). Additional themes included the need to model sound sun-protective behaviours to (current and future) children, the emphasis on personal choice and personal responsibility to be sun safe, and the influence of Australian identity and culture on tanning and socially acceptable forms of sun protection. These beliefs can be used to inform interventions and public health campaigns targeting sun safety among Australians, a population with the highest skin cancer incidence in the world.


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SupaCee section is one of the cold-formed steel members which is increasingly used in the construction sector. It is characterized by unique ribbed web and curved lip elements, and is claimed to be more economical with extra strength than the traditional channel sections. SupaCee sections are widely used in Australia as floor joists, bearers, purlins and girts. Many experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of conventional channel beams subject to web crippling. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the web crippling behaviour and strength of SupaCee sections. Current cold-formed steel design equations do not include any design procedures for SupaCee sections. Hence experimental studies were conducted to assess the web crippling behaviour and strengths of SupaCee sections under ETF and ITF load cases. Thirty six web crippling tests were conducted and the capacity results were compared with the predictions from the AS/NZS 4600 and AISI design rules developed for conventional channel sections. Comparison of ultimate web crippling capacities from tests showed that AS/NZS 4600 and AISI design equations are unconservative for SupaCee sections under ETF load case, but are overly conservative for ITF load case. Hence new equations were proposed to determine the web crippling capacities of SupaCee sections based on the experimental results from this study. Suitable design rules were also developed within the direct strength method format. This paper presents the details of this experimental study of SupaCee sections subject to web crippling and the results.


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There is substantial attention worldwide to the quality of secondary school teaching in STEM in Education. This paper reports on the use of Outcome Mapping (OM) as an approach to guide and monitor change in teacher practice and a visual tool, shaped as a Star, to benchmark and monitor this behaviour. OM and the visual tool were employed to guide and document three secondary teachers’ behaviour as they planned, implemented and assessed a science unit in the new Australian standards-referenced curriculum. Five key outcome markers in the teachers’ behaviour were identified together with progress markers — cumulative qualitative indicators — leading to these outcomes. The use of a Star to benchmark and track teachers’ behaviours was particularly useful because it showed teacher behaviour on multiple dimensions simultaneously at various points in time. It also highlighted priorities in need of further attention and provided a pathway to achievement. Hence, OM and the Star representation provide both theoretical and pragmatic approaches to enhancing quality in STEM teaching.


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This study reports on the utilisation of the Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) to examine the self-reported driving behaviours of a large sample of Australian fleet drivers (N = 3414). Surveys were completed by employees before they commenced a one day safety workshop intervention. Factor analysis techniques identified a three factor solution similar to previous research, which was comprised of: (a) errors, (b) highway-code violations and (c) aggressive driving violations. Two items traditionally related with highway-code violations were found to be associated with aggressive driving behaviours among the current sample. Multivariate analyses revealed that exposure to the road, errors and self-reported offences predicted crashes at work in the last 12 months, while gender, highway violations and crashes predicted offences incurred while at work. Importantly, those who received more fines at work were at an increased risk of crashing the work vehicle. However, overall, the DBQ demonstrated limited efficacy at predicting these two outcomes. This paper outlines the major findings of the study in regards to identifying and predicting aberrant driving behaviours and also highlights implications regarding the future utilisation of the DBQ within fleet settings.


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A better understanding of the behaviour of prepared cane and bagasse, and the ability to model the mechanical behaviour of bagasse as it is squeezed in a milling unit to extract juice, would help identify how to improve the current process, for example to reduce final bagasse moisture. Previous investigations have proven that juice flow through bagasse obeys Darcy’s permeability law, that the grip of the rough surface of the grooves on the bagasse can be represented by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for soils, and that the internal mechanical behaviour of the bagasse is critical state behaviour similar to that for sand and clay. Current Finite Element Models (FEM) available in commercial software have adequate permeability models. However, no commercially available software seems to contain an adequate mechanical model for bagasse. The same software contains a few material models for soil and other materials, while the coding of hundreds of developed models for soil and other materials remains confidential at universities and government research centres. Progress has been made in the last ten years towards implementing a mechanical model for bagasse in finite element software code. This paper builds on that progress and carries out a further step towards obtaining an adequate material model. The fifth and final loading condition outlined previously, shearing of heavily over-consolidated bagasse, is outlined.


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Hilmer and Gnjidic drew attention to the pharmacological management of behavioural problems in nursing home residents, and called for a reduction in inappropriate prescribing and the development of alternative management strategies.1 We extend these concerns to another vulnerable population — people with intellectual disability. Historically, this population is one of the most medicated groups in modern society.