580 resultados para Cell biology


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Antibodies can play a protective but non-essential role in natural chlamydial infections dependent on antigen specificity and antibody isotype. IgG is the dominant antibody in both male and female reproductive tract mucosal secretions, and is bi-directionally trafficked across epithelia by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). Using physiologically relevant pH-polarized epididymal epithelia grown on Transwells®, IgG specifically targeting an extracellular chlamydial antigen; the Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP), enhanced uptake and translocation of infection at pH 6-6.5 but not at neutral pH. This was dependent on FcRn expression. Conversely, FcRn-mediated transport of IgG targeting the intracellular chlamydial inclusion membrane protein A (IncA), induced aberrant inclusion morphology, recruited autophagic proteins independent of lysosomes, and significantly reduced infection. Challenge of female mice with MOMP-specific IgG-opsonized C. muridarum delayed infection clearance but exacerbated oviduct occlusion. In male mice, MOMP-IgG elicited by immunization afforded no protection against testicular chlamydial infection, whereas; the transcytosis of IncA-IgG significantly reduced testicular chlamydial burden. Together these data show that the protective and pathological effects of IgG are dependent on FcRn-mediated transport as well as the specificity of IgG for intracellular or extracellular antigens.


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Most vaccines developed against Chlamydia using animal models provide partial protection against a genital tract infection. However, protection against the oviduct pathology associated with infertility is highly variable and often has no defining immunological correlate. When comparing two adjuvants (CTA1-DD and a combination of Cholera toxin plus CpG- oligodeoxynucleotide–CT/CpG) combined with the chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP) antigen and delivered via the intranasal (IN), sublingual (SL) or transcutaneous (TC) routes, we identified two vaccine groups with contrasting outcomes following infection. SL immunization with MOMP/CTA1-DD induced a 70% reduction in the incidence of oviduct pathology, without significantly altering the course of infection. Conversely, IN immunization with MOMP/CT/CpG prevented an ascending infection, but not the oviduct pathology. This anomaly presented a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms by which vaccines can prevent oviduct pathology, other than by controlling the infection. The IL-17 signaling in the oviducts was found to associate with both the enhancement of immunity to infection and the development of oviduct pathology. This conflicting role of IL-17 may provide some explanation for the discordance in protection between infection and disease and suggests that controlling immunopathology, as opposed to the rapid eradication of the infection, may be essential for an effective human chlamydial vaccine that prevents infertility.


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The development of effective therapeutic strategies against prostate cancer bone metastases has been impeded by the lack of adequate animal models that are able to recapitulate the biology of the disease in humans. Bioengineered approaches allow researchers to create sophisticated experimentally and physiologically relevant in vivo models to study interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment under reproducible conditions. The aim of this study was to engineer a morphologically and functionally intact humanized organ bone which can serve as a homing site for human prostate cancer cells. Transplantation of biodegradable tubular composite scaffolds seeded with human mesenchymal progenitor cells and loaded with rhBMP-7 resulted in the development of a chimeric bone construct including a large number of human mesenchymal cells which were shown to be metabolically active and capable of producing extracellular matrix components. Micro-CT analysis demonstrated that the newly formed ossicle recapitulated the morphological features of a physiological organ bone with a trabecular network surrounded by a cortex-like outer structure. This microenvironment was supportive of the lodgement and maintenance of murine haematopoietic cell clusters, thus mimicking a functional organ bone. Bioluminescence imaging demonstrated that luciferase-transduced human PC3 cells reproducibly homed to the humanized tissue engineered bone constructs, proliferated, and developed macro-metastases. This model allows the analysis of interactions between human prostate cancer cells and a functional humanized bone organ within an immuno-incompetent murine host. The system can serve as a reproducible platform to study effects of therapeutics against prostate cancer bone metastases within a humanized microenvironment.


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Upon overexpression of integrin αvβ3 and its engagement by vitronectin, we previously showed enhanced adhesion, proliferation, and motility of human ovarian cancer cells. By studying differential expression of genes possibly related to these tumor biological events, we identified the epidermal growth-factor receptor (EGF-R) to be under control of αvβ3 expression levels. Thus in the present study we characterized αvβ3-dependent changes of EGF-R and found significant upregulation of its expression and activity which was reflected by prominent changes of EGF-R promoter activity. Upon disruption of DNA-binding motifs for the transcription factors p53, ETF, the repressor ETR, p50, and c-rel, respectively, we sought to identify DNA elements contributing to αvβ3-mediated EGF-R promoter induction. Both, the p53- and ETF-mutant, while exhibiting considerably lower EGF-R promoter activity than the wild type promoter, retained inducibility by αvβ3. Mutation of the repressor motif ETR, as expected, enhanced EGF-R promoter activity with a further moderate increase upon αvβ3 elevation. The p50-mutant displayed EGF-R promoter activity almost comparable to that of the wild type promoter with no impairment of induction by αvβ3. However, the activity of an EGF-R promoter mutant displaying a disrupted c-rel-binding motif did not only prominently decline, but, moreover, was not longer responsive to enhanced αvβ3, involving this DNA element in αvβ3-dependent EGF-R upregulation. Moreover, αvβ3 did not only increase the EGF-R but, moreover, also led to obvious co-clustering on the cancer cell surface. By studying αvβ3/EGF-R-effects on the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and the mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) p44/42 (erk−1/erk−2), having important functions in synergistic crosstalk between integrins and growth-factor receptors, we found for both significant enhancement of expression and activity upon αvβ3/VN interaction and cell stimulation by EGF. Upregulation of the EGF-R by integrin αvβ3, both receptor molecules with a well-defined role as targets for cancer treatment, might represent an additional mechanism to adapt synergistic receptor signaling and crosstalk in response to an altered tumor cell microenvironment during ovarian cancer progression.


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Background and Aims Successful cryopreservation of bryophytes is linked to intrinsic desiccation tolerance and survival can be enhanced by pre-treatment with abscisic acid (ABA) and sucrose. The pioneer moss Ditrichum plumbicola is naturally subjected to desiccation in the field but showed unexpectedly low survival of cryopreservation, as well as a poor response to pre-treatment. The effects of the cryopreservation protocol on protonemata of D. plumbicola were investigated in order to explore possible relationships between the production in vitro of cryopreservation-tolerant asexual propagules and the reproductive biology of D. plumbicola in nature. Methods Protonemata were prepared for cryopreservation using a four-step protocol involving encapsulation in sodium alginate, pre-treatment for 2 weeks with ABA and sucrose, desiccation for 6 h and rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen. After each stage, protonemata were prepared for light and electron microscopy and growth on standard medium was monitored. Further samples were prepared for light and electron microscopy at intervals over a 24-h period following removal from liquid nitrogen and re-hydration. Key Results Pre-treatment with ABA and sucrose caused dramatic changes to the protonemata. Growth was arrested and propagules induced with pronounced morphological and cytological changes. Most cells died, but those that survived were characterized by thick, deeply pigmented walls, numerous small vacuoles and lipid droplets in their cytoplasm. Desiccation and cryopreservation elicited no dramatic cytological changes. Cells returned to their pre-dehydration and cryopreservation state within 2 h of re-hydration and/or removal from liquid nitrogen. Regeneration was normal once the ABA/sucrose stimulus was removed. Conclusions The ABA/sucrose pre-treatment induced the formation of highly desiccation- and cryopreservation-tolerant propagules from the protonemata of D. plumbicola. This parallels behaviour in the wild, where highly desiccation-tolerant rhizoids function as perennating organs allowing the moss to endure extreme environmental conditions. An involvement of endogenous ABA in the desiccation tolerance of D. plumbicola is suggested.


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The field of research of epithelial-mesenchymal transitions, EMT, and its reverse, mesenchymal-epithelial transitions, MET, has expanded very rapidly indeed from its beginnings, heralded by Professor Betty Hay in the 1970s and 1980s. This expansion has involved the realisation that the EMT was not just an interesting phenomenon of early developmental morphogenetic cell behaviour, but bore remarkable resemblance to clinically crucial pathological events in cancer invasion. Not surprisingly, this discipline soon became numerically dominant in the EMT publication field. Simultaneously, the EMT concept has been extended to normal physiological wound healing. Exploration revealed that these resemblances were more than skin deep: the same sets of growth factors, receptors, transcription factors, epigenetic marks and signalling pathways turned up repeatedly in EMTs and METs in a variety of contexts, both pathological and normal. This molecular genetic research in turn uncovered similarities of the EMT signature to that of fibrosis, a set of diseases which is of enormous clinical importance, rivalling that of cancer. Most recently, and more surprisingly, the EMT signature has shown considerable similarity to that found in stem cell and cancer stem cell biology.


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Based on the characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), we report that the mechanical property of single chondrocytes has dependency on the strain-rates. By comparing the mechanical deformation responses and the Young’s moduli of living and fixed chondrocytes at four different strain-rates, we explore the deformation mechanisms underlying this dependency property. We found that the strain-rate-dependent mechanical property of living cells is governed by both of the cellular cytoskeleton (CSK) and the intracellular fluid when the fixed chondrocytes is mainly governed by their intracellular fluid which is called the consolidation-dependent deformation behavior. Finally, we report that the porohyperelastic (PHE) constitutive material model which can capture the consolidation-dependent behavior of both living and fixed chondrocytes is a potential candidature to study living cell biomechanics.


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As microenvironmental factors such as three-dimensionality and cell–matrix interactions are increasingly being acknowledged by cancer biologists, more complex 3D in vitro models are being developed to study tumorigenesis and cancer progression. To better understand the pathophysiology of bone metastasis, we have established and validated a 3D indirect co-culture model to investigate the paracrine interactions between prostate cancer (PCa) cells and human osteoblasts. Co-culture of the human PCa, LNCaP cells embedded within polyethylene glycol hydrogels with human osteoblasts in the form of a tissue engineered bone construct (TEB), resulted in reduced proliferation of LNCaP cells. LNCaP cells in both monoculture and co-culture were responsive to the androgen analog, R1881, as indicated by an increase in the expression (mRNA and/or protein induction) of androgen-regulated genes including prostate specific antigen and fatty acid synthase. Microarray gene expression analysis further revealed an up-regulation of bone markers and other genes associated with skeletal and vasculature development and a significant activation of transforming growth factor β1 downstream genes in LNCaP cells after co-culture with TEB. LNCaP cells co-cultured with TEB also unexpectedly showed similar changes in classical androgen-responsive genes under androgen-deprived conditions not seen in LNCaP monocultures. The molecular changes of LNCaP cells after co-culturing with TEBs suggest that osteoblasts exert a paracrine effect that may promote osteomimicry and modulate the expression of androgen-responsive genes in LNCaP cells. Taken together, we have presented a novel 3D in vitro model that allows the study of cellular and molecular changes occurring in PCa cells and osteoblasts that are relevant to metastatic colonization of bone. This unique in vitro model could also facilitate cancer biologists to dissect specific biological hypotheses via extensive genomic or proteomic assessments to further our understanding of the PCa-bone crosstalk.


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The articles collected here in this special edition Epithelial-Mesenchymal (EMT) and Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transitions (MET) in Cancer provide a snapshot of the very rapidly progressing cinemascope of the involvement of these transitions in carcinoma progression. Pubmed analysis of EMT and cancer shows an exponential increase in the last few years in the number of papers and reviews published under these terms (Fig. 1). The last few years have seen these articles appearing in high calibre journals including Nature, Nature Cell Biology, Cancer Cell, PNAS, JNCI, JCI, and Cell, signaling the acceptance and quality of work in this field.


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Recent developments in analytical technologies have driven significant advances in lipid science. The sensitivity and selectivity of modern mass spectrometers can now provide for the detection and even quantification of many hundreds of lipids in a single analysis. In parallel, increasing evidence from structural biology suggests that a detailed knowledge of lipid molecular structure including carbon-carbon double bond position, stereochemistry and acyl chain regiochemistry is required to fully appreciate the biochemical role(s) of individual lipids. Here we review the capabilities and limitations of tandem mass spectrometry to provide this level of structural specificity in the analysis of lipids present in complex biological extracts. In particular, we focus on the capabilities of a novel technology termed ozone-induced dissociation to identify the position (s) of double bonds in unsaturated lipids and discuss its possible role in efforts to develop workflows that provide for complete structure elucidation of lipids by mass spectrometry alone: so-called top-down lipidomics. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipodomics and Imaging Mass Spectrom. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry has allowed the unambiguous identification and quantification of individual lens phospholipids in human and six animal models. Using this approach ca. 100 unique phospholipids have been characterised. Parallel analysis of the same lens extracts by a novel direct-insertion electron-ionization technique found the cholesterol content of human lenses to be significantly higher (ca. 6 times) than lenses from the other animals. The most abundant phospholipids in all the lenses examined were choline-containing phospholipids. In rat, mouse, sheep, cow, pig and chicken, these were present largely as phosphatidylcholines, in contrast 66% of the total phospholipid in Homo sapiens was sphingomyelin, with the most abundant being dihydrosphingomyelins, in particular SM(d18:0/16:0) and SM(d18:0/24:1). The abundant glycerophospholipids within human lenses were found to be predominantly phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylserines with surprisingly high concentrations of ether-linked alkyl chains identified in both classes. This study is the first to identify the phospholipid class (head-group) and assign the constituent fatty acid(s) for each lipid molecule and to quantify individual lens phospholipids using internal standards. These data clearly indicate marked differences in the membrane lipid composition of the human lens compared to commonly used animal models and thus predict a significant variation in the membrane properties of human lens fibre cells compared to those of other animals. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the impact of new-onset diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) during child- hood on brain morphology and function. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Patients aged 6–18 years with and without DKA at diagnosis were studied at four time points: <48 h, 5 days, 28 days, and 6 months postdiagnosis. Patients under- went magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy with cognitive assess- ment at each time point. Relationships between clinical characteristics at presentation and MRI and neurologic outcomes were examined using multiple linear regression, repeated-measures, and ANCOVA analyses. RESULTS Thirty-six DKA and 59 non-DKA patients were recruited between 2004 and 2009. With DKA, cerebral white matter showed the greatest alterations with increased total white matter volume and higher mean diffusivity in the frontal, temporal, and parietal white matter. Total white matter volume decreased over the first 6 months. For gray matter in DKA patients, total volume was lower at baseline and increased over 6 months. Lower levels of N-acetylaspartate were noted at base- line in the frontal gray matter and basal ganglia. Mental state scores were lower at baseline and at 5 days. Of note, although changes in total and regional brain volumes over the first 5 days resolved, they were associated with poorer delayed memory recall and poorer sustained and divided attention at 6 months. Age at time of presentation and pH level were predictors of neuroimaging and functional outcomes. CONCLUSIONS DKA at type 1 diabetes diagnosis results in morphologic and functional brain changes. These changes are associated with adverse neurocognitive outcomes in the medium term.


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Elevated circulating interleukin-6 (IL6) and up-regulated S100P in prostate cancer (PCa) specimens correlate independently with progression to androgen-independent and metastatic PCa. The cause of up-regulated S100P levels in advanced PCa remains to be determined. We investigated the possibility that IL6 is an inducer of S100P. Determination of mRNA and protein levels by real-time PCR and Western blotting revealed that IL6 is a more potent inducer of S100P than the synthetic androgen, R1881, in the LNCaP/C4-2B model of PCa progression. IL6 did not require androgen to induce S100P in these cells, which express a functional androgen receptor (AR). Like R1881, IL6 was unable to induce S100P in PC3 cells that lack a functional AR. IL6 did not strongly induce the AR-dependent genes PSA and KLK2 and, contrary to R1881, down-regulated Cyr61/CCN1, a potential marker that is down-regulated in PCa. Epidermal growth factor (EGF), which like IL6 is a non-androgen activator of the AR, did not induce S100P. The data identifies a unique gene-induction profile for IL6 and suggests that IL6 may require a functional AR for S100P induction. A link between elevated IL6 and up-regulated S100P in androgen-refractory and metastatic PCa is postulated.


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The conversion of an epithelial cell to a mesenchymal cell is critical to metazoan embryogenesis and a de. ning structural feature of organ development. Current interest in this process, which is described as an epithelial- mesenchymal transition (EMT), stems from its developmental importance and its involvement in several adult pathologies. Interest and research in EMT are currently at a high level, as seen by the attendance at the recent EMT meeting in Vancouver, Canada (October 1-3, 2005). The meeting, which was hosted by The EMT International Association, was the second international EMT meeting, the . rst being held in Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia in October 2003. The EMT International Association was formed in 2002 to provide an international body for those interested in EMT and the reverse process, mesenchymal-epithelial transition, and, most importantly, to bring together those working on EMT in development, cancer, . brosis, and pathology. These themes continued during the recent meeting in Vancouver. Discussion at the Vancouver meeting spanned several areas of research, including signaling pathway activation of EMT and the transcription factors and gene targets involved. Also covered in detail was the basic cell biology of EMT and its role in cancer and . brosis, as well as the identi. cation of new markers to facilitate the observation of EMT in vivo. This is particularly important because the potential contribution of EMT during neoplasia is the subject of vigorous scientific debate (Tarin, D., E.W. Thompson, and D.F. Newgreen. 2005. Cancer Res. 65:5996-6000; Thompson, E.W., D.F. Newgreen, and D. Tarin. 2005. Cancer Res. 65:5991-5995).


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SVP-like MADS domain transcription factors have been shown to regulate flowering time and both inflorescence and flower development in annual plants, while having effects on growth cessation and terminal bud formation in perennial species. Previously, four SVP genes were described in woody perennial vine kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.), with possible distinct roles in bud dormancy and flowering. Kiwifruit SVP3 transcript was confined to vegetative tissues and acted as a repressor of flowering as it was able to rescue the Arabidopsis svp41 mutant. To characterize kiwifruit SVP3 further, ectopic expression in kiwifruit species was performed. Ectopic expression of SVP3 in A. deliciosa did not affect general plant growth or the duration of endodormancy. Ectopic expression of SVP3 in A. eriantha also resulted in plants with normal vegetative growth, bud break, and flowering time. However, significantly prolonged and abnormal flower, fruit, and seed development were observed, arising from SVP3 interactions with kiwifruit floral homeotic MADS-domain proteins. Petal pigmentation was reduced as a result of SVP3-mediated interference with transcription of the kiwifruit flower tissue-specific R2R3 MYB regulator, MYB110a, and the gene encoding the key anthocyanin biosynthetic step, F3GT1. Constitutive expression of SVP3 had a similar impact on reproductive development in transgenic tobacco. The flowering time was not affected in day-neutral and photoperiod-responsive Nicotiana tabacum cultivars, but anthesis and seed germination were significantly delayed. The accumulation of anthocyanin in petals was reduced and the same underlying mechanism of R2R3 MYB NtAN2 transcript reduction was demonstrated.