460 resultados para information systems applications


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The Business Process Management domain has evolved at a dramatic pace over the past two decades and the notion of the business process has become a ubiquitous part of the modern business enterprise. Most organizations now view their operations in terms of business processes and manage these business processes in the same way as other corporate assets. In recent years, an increasingly broad range of generic technology has become available for automating business processes. This is part of a growing trend in the software engineering field throughout the past 40 years, where aspects of functionality that are potentially reusable on a widespread basis have coalesced into generic software components. Figure 2.1 illustrates this trend and shows how software systems have evolved from the monolithic applications of the 1960s developed in their entirety often by a single development team to today’s offerings that are based on the integration of a range of generic technologies with only a small component of the application actually being developed from scratch. In the 1990s, generic functionality for the automation of business processes first became commercially available in the form of workflow technology and subsequently evolved in the broader field of business process management systems (BPMS). This technology alleviated the necessity to develop process support within applications from scratch and provided a variety of off-the-shelf options on which these requirements could be based. The demand for this technology was significant and it is estimated that by 2000 there were well over 200 distinct workflow offerings in the market, each with a distinct conceptual foundation. Anticipating the difficulties that would be experienced by organizations seeking to utilize and integrate distinct workflow offerings, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), an industry group formed to advance technology in this area, proposed a standard reference model for workflow technology with an express desire to seek a common platform for achieving workflow interoperation.


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In this Article, Petia Wohed, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Nick Russell, Birger Andersson, and Wil M. P. van der Aalst present the results of their examination of existing open source BPM systems. Their conclusions are illuminating for both Open Source developers as well as the user community. Read their Article for the details of their study.


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Today the future is travelling rapidly towards us, shaped by all that which we have historically thrown into it. Much of what we have designed for our world over the ages, and much of what we continue to embrace in the pursuit of mainstream economic, cultural and social imperatives, embodies unacknowledged ‘time debts’. Every decision we make today has the potential to ‘give time to’, or take ‘time away’ from that future. This idea that ‘everything‘ inherently embodies ‘future time left’ is underlined by design futurist Tony Fry when he describes how we so often ‘waste’ or ‘take away’ ‘future time’. “In our endeavours to sustain ourselves in the short term we collectively act in destructive ways towards the very things we and all other beings fundamentally depend upon”


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A business process is often modeled using some kind of a directed flow graph, which we call a workflow graph. The Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) is a technique for workflow graph parsing, i.e., for discovering the structure of a workflow graph, which has various applications. In this paper, we provide two improvements to the RPST. First, we propose an alternative way to compute the RPST that is simpler than the one developed originally. In particular, the computation reduces to constructing the tree of the triconnected components of a workflow graph in the special case when every node has at most one incoming or at most one outgoing edge. Such graphs occur frequently in applications. Secondly, we extend the applicability of the RPST. Originally, the RPST was applicable only to graphs with a single source and single sink such that the completed version of the graph is biconnected. We lift both restrictions. Therefore, the RPST is then applicable to arbitrary directed graphs such that every node is on a path from some source to some sink. This includes graphs with multiple sources and/or sinks and disconnected graphs.


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Service science combines scientific, management, and engineering disciplines to improve the understanding of how service systems cooperate to create business value. Service systems are complex configurations of people, technologies, and resources that coexist in a common environment of service provisioning. While the general concepts of service science are understood and agreed upon, the representation of service systems using models is still in its infancy. In this chapter, we look at business processes and their role in properly representing service systems. We propose flexible process graphs, a high-level process modeling language, and extend it in order to specify service systems and their compositions within shared environments in a flexible way. The discussion in this chapter is the first step towards a formal description of service science environment, including service systems, networks, and whole ecology.


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Identification of behavioural contradictions is an important aspect of software engineering, in particular for checking the consistency between a business process model used as system specification and a corresponding workflow model used as implementation. In this paper, we propose causal behavioural profiles as the basis for a consistency notion, which capture essential behavioural information, such as order, exclusiveness, and causality between pairs of activities. Existing notions of behavioural equivalence, such as bisimulation and trace equivalence, might also be applied as consistency notions. Still, they are exponential in computation. Our novel concept of causal behavioural profiles provides a weaker behavioural consistency notion that can be computed efficiently using structural decomposition techniques for sound free-choice workflow systems if unstructured net fragments are acyclic or can be traced back to S- or T-nets.


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Mobile devices are rapidly developing into the primary technology for users to work, socialize, and play in a variety of settings and contexts. Their pervasiveness has provided researchers with the means to investigate innovative solutions to ever more complex user demands. Tools for Mobile Multimedia Programming and Development investigates the use of mobile platforms for research projects, focusing on the development, testing, and evaluation of prototypes rather than final products, which enables researchers to better understand the needs of users through image processing, object recognition, sensor integration, and user interactions. This book benefits researchers and professionals in multiple disciplines who utilize such techniques in the creation of prototypes for mobile devices and applications. This book is part of the Advances in Wireless Technologies and Telecommunication series collection.


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This thesis investigated the information literacy experiences of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students in a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Phenomenography was used to investigate how EFL students' 'used information to learn' (ie. information literacy). The study revealed that EFL students' experienced information literacy across four categories and had varying experiences of information and learning. The research also showed that EFL students' faced a number of challenges and barriers due to language that impacted on their experiences of reading, understanding, accessing and translating information.


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This study explored early career academics' experiences in using information to learn while building their networks for professional development. A 'knowledge ecosystem' model was developed consisting of informal learning interactions such as relating to information to create knowledge and engaging in mutually supportive relationships. Findings from this study present an alternative interpretation of information use for learning that is focused on processes manifesting as human interactions with informing entities revolving around the contexts of reciprocal human relationships.


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Facial expression recognition (FER) has been dramatically developed in recent years, thanks to the advancements in related fields, especially machine learning, image processing and human recognition. Accordingly, the impact and potential usage of automatic FER have been growing in a wide range of applications, including human-computer interaction, robot control and driver state surveillance. However, to date, robust recognition of facial expressions from images and videos is still a challenging task due to the difficulty in accurately extracting the useful emotional features. These features are often represented in different forms, such as static, dynamic, point-based geometric or region-based appearance. Facial movement features, which include feature position and shape changes, are generally caused by the movements of facial elements and muscles during the course of emotional expression. The facial elements, especially key elements, will constantly change their positions when subjects are expressing emotions. As a consequence, the same feature in different images usually has different positions. In some cases, the shape of the feature may also be distorted due to the subtle facial muscle movements. Therefore, for any feature representing a certain emotion, the geometric-based position and appearance-based shape normally changes from one image to another image in image databases, as well as in videos. This kind of movement features represents a rich pool of both static and dynamic characteristics of expressions, which playa critical role for FER. The vast majority of the past work on FER does not take the dynamics of facial expressions into account. Some efforts have been made on capturing and utilizing facial movement features, and almost all of them are static based. These efforts try to adopt either geometric features of the tracked facial points, or appearance difference between holistic facial regions in consequent frames or texture and motion changes in loca- facial regions. Although achieved promising results, these approaches often require accurate location and tracking of facial points, which remains problematic.