576 resultados para liver cell


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We show that in melanoma cells oncogenic BRAF, acting through MEK and the transcription factor BRN2, downregulates the cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase PDE5A. Although PDE5A downregulation causes a small decrease in proliferation, its major impact is to stimulate a dramatic increase in melanoma cell invasion. This is because PDE5A downregulation leads to an increase in cGMP, which induces an increase in cytosolic Ca2+, stimulating increased contractility and inducing invasion. PDE5A downregulation also this leads to an increase in short-term and long-term colonization of the lungs by melanoma cells. We do not observe this pathway in NRAS mutant melanoma or BRAF mutant colorectal cells. Thus, we show that in melanoma cells oncogenic BRAF induces invasion through downregulation of PDE5A.


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The Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus saprophyticus is the second most frequent causative agent of community-acquired urinary tract infections (UTI), accounting for up to 20% of cases. A common feature of staphylococci is colonisation of the human skin. This involves survival against innate immune defenses including antibacterial unsaturated free fatty acids such as linoleic acid which act by disrupting bacterial cell membranes. Indeed, S. saprophyticus UTI is usually preceded by perineal skin colonisation.


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We describe here the role of muramidases present in clones of metagenomic DNA that result in cell aggregation and biofilm formation by Escherichia coli. The metagenomic clones were obtained from uncultured Lachnospiraceae-affiliated bacteria resident in the foregut microbiome of the Tammar wallaby. One of these fosmid clones (p49C2) was chosen for more detailed studies and a variety of genetic methods were used to delimit the region responsible for the phenotype to an open reading frame of 1425 bp. Comparative sequence analysis with other fosmid clones giving rise to the same phenotype revealed the presence of muramidase homologues with the same modular composition. Phylogenetic analysis of the fosmid sequence data assigned these fosmid inserts to recently identified, but uncultured, phylogroups of Lachnospiraceae believed to be numerically dominant in the foregut microbiome of the Tammar wallaby. The muramidase is a modular protein containing putative N-acetylmuramoyl--alanine amidase and an endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase catalytic module, with a similar organization and functional properties to some Staphylococcal autolysins that also confer adhesive properties and biofilm formation. We also show here that the cloned muramidases result in the production of extracellular DNA, which appears to be the key for biofilm formation and autoaggregation. Collectively, these findings suggest that biofilm formation and cell aggregation in gut microbiomes might occur via the concerted action of carbohydrate-active enzymes and the production of extracellular DNA to serve as a biofilm scaffold.


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Germ cell mutagens are currently classified into three categories in the German List of MAK- and BAT-Values. These categories have been revised and extended in analogy to the new categories for carcinogenic chemicals. Germ cell mutagens produce heritable gene mutations, and heritable structural and numerical chromosome aberrations in germ cells. The original categories 1 and 2 for germ cell mutagens remained unchanged. Two new categories 3 A and 3 B are proposed for chemicals which are suspected to be germ cell mutagens. A new category 5 is proposed for germ cell mutagens with low potency which contribute negligibly to human genetic risk provided the MAK value is observed. The following categories are presented for further discussion. 1. Germ cell mutagens which have been shown to increase the mutant frequency among the progeny of exposed humans. 2. Germ cell mutagens which have been shown to increase the mutant frequency among the progeny of exposed animals. 3 A. Substances which have been shown to induce genetic damage in germ cells of humans or animals, or which are mutagenic in somatic cells and have been shown to reach the germ cells in their active forms. 3 B. Substances which are suspected of being germ cell mutagens because of their genotoxic effects in mammalian somatic cells in vivo or, in exceptional cases in the absence of in vivo data, if they are clearly mutagenic in vitro and structurally related to in vivo mutagens. 4. not applicable (Category 4 was introduced for carcinogenic substances with nongenotoxic modes of action. By definition, germ cell mutagens are genotoxic. Therefore, a Category 4 for germ cell mutagens cannot exist.) 5. Germ cell mutagens, the potency of which is considered to be so low that, provided the MAK value is observed, their contribution to genetic risk is expected not to be significant.


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Suspected nephrocarcinogenic effects of trichloroethene (TRI) in humans are attributed to metabolites derived from the glutathione transferase (GST) pathway. The influence of polymorphisms of GSTM1 and GSTT1 isoenzymes on the risk of renal cell cancer in subjects having been exposed to high levels of TRI over many years was investigated. GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes were determined by internal standard controlled polymerase chain reaction. Fourty-five cases with histologically verified renal cell cancer and a history of long-term occupational exposure to high concentrations of TRI were studied. A reference group consisted of 48 workers from the same geographical region with similar histories of occupational exposures to TRI but not suffering from any cancer. Among the 45 renal cell cancer patients, 27 carried at least one functional GSTM1 (GSTM1 +) and 18 at least one functional GSTT1 (GSTT1 +). Among the 48 reference workers, 17 were GSTM1 + and 31 were GSTT1 +. Odds ratios for renal cell cancer were 2.7 for GSTM1 + individuals (95% CI, 1.18-6.33; P < 0.02) and 4.2 for GSTT1 + individuals (95% CI, 1.16-14.91; P < 0.05), respectively. The data support the present concept of the nephrocarcinogenicity of TRI.


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Technical dinitrotoluene (DNT) is a mixture of 2,4- and 2,6-DNT. In humans, industrial or environmental exposure can occur orally, by inhalation, or by skin contact. The classification of DNT as an 'animal carcinogen' is based on the formation of malignant tumors in kidneys, liver, and mammary glands of rats and mice. Clear signs of toxic nephropathy were found in rats dosed with DNT, and the concept was derived of an interrelation between renal toxicity and carcinogenicity. Recent data point to the carcinogenicity of DNT on the urinary tract of exposed humans. Between 1984 and 1997, 6 cases of urothelial cancer and 14 cases of renal cell cancer were diagnosed in a group of 500 underground mining workers in the copper mining industry of the former GDR and having high exposures to explosives containing technical DNT. The incidences of both urothelial and renal cell tumors in this group were 4.5 and 14.3 times higher, respectively, than anticipated on the basis of the cancer registers of the GDR. The genotyping of all identified tumor patients for the polymorphic enzymes NAT2, GSTM1, and GSTT1 identified the urothelial tumor cases as exclusively 'slow acetylates'. A group of 161 miners highly exposed to DNT was investigated for signs of subclinical renal damage. The exposures were categorized semi-quantitatively into 'low', 'medium', 'high', and 'very high'. A straight dose-dependence of the excretion of urinary biomarker proteins with the ranking of exposure was seen. Biomarker excretion (alpha1-microglobulin, glutathione S-transferases alpha and pi) indicated that DNT-induced damage was directed toward the tubular system. New data on DNT-exposed humans appear consistent with the concept of cancer initiation by DNT isomers and the subsequent promotion of renal carcinogenesis by selective damage to the proximal tubule. The differential pathways of metabolic activation of DNT appear to apply to the proximal tubule of the kidney and to the urothelium of the renal pelvis and lower urinary tract as target tissues of carcinogenicity.


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In general, the biological activation of nephrocarcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons proceeds via conjugatiton with glutathione. It has mostly been assamed that the main site of initial conjugation is the liver, followed by a mandatory transfer of intermediates to the kidney. It was therefore of interest to study the enzyme activities of subgroups of glutathione transferases (GSTs) in renal cancers and the surrounding normal renal tissues of the same individuals (n = 21). For genotyping the individuals with respect to known polymorphic GST isozymes the following substrates with differential specificity were used: 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene for overall GST activity (except GST θ); 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole for GST α; 1,2-dichloro-4-nitro-benzene for GST μ; ethacrynic acid and 4-vinylpyridine for GST π; and methyl chloride for GST θ. In general, the normal tissues were able to metabolize the test substrates. A general decrease in individual GST enzyme activities was apparent in the course of cancerization, and in some (exceptional) cases individual activities, expressed in the normal renal tissue, were lost in the tumour tissue. The GST enzyme activities in tumours were independent of tumour stage, or the age and gender of the patients. There was little influence of known polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTM3 and GSTP1 upon the activities towards the test substrates, whereas the influence of GSTT1 polymorphism on the activity towads methyl chloride was straightforward. In general, the present findings support the concept that the initial GST-dependent bioactivation step of nephrocarcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons may take place in the kidney itself. This should be a consideration in toxicokinetic modelling.


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Tobacco use is causally associated with head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). Here, we present the results of a case-control study that investigated the effects that the genetic variants of the cytochrome (CYP)1A1, CYP1B1, glutathione-S-transferase (GST)M1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 genes have on modifying the risk of smoking-related HNSCC. Allelisms of the CYP1A1, GSTT1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 genes alone were not associated with an increased risk. CYP1B1 codon 432 polymorphism was found to be a putative susceptibility factor in smoking-related HNSCC. The frequency of CYP1B1 polymorphism was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the group of smoking cases when compared with smoking controls. Additionally, an odds ratio (OR) of 4.53 (2.62-7.98) was discovered when investigating smoking and nonsmoking cases for the susceptible genotype CYP1B1*2/*2, when compared with the presence of the genotype wild type. In combination with polymorphic variants of the GST genes, a synergistic-effect OR was observed. The calculated OR for the combined genotype CYP1B1*2/*2 and GSTM1*2/*2 was 12.8 (4.09-49.7). The calculated OR for the combined genotype was 13.4 (2.92-97.7) for CYP1B1*2/*2 and GSTT1*2/*2, and 24.1 (9.36-70.5) for the combination of CYP1B1*2/*2 and GSTT1-expressors. The impact of the polymorphic variants of the CYP1B1 gene on HNSCC risk is reflected by the strong association with the frequency of somatic mutations of the p53 gene. Smokers with susceptible genotype CYP1B1*2/*2 were 20 times more likely to show evidence of p53 mutations than were those with CYP1B1 wild type. Combined genotype analysis of CYP1B1 and GSTM1 or GSTT1 revealed interactive effects on the occurrence of p53 gene mutations. The results of the present study indicate that polymorphic variants of CYP1B1 relate significantly to the individual susceptibility of smokers to HNSCC.


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The presence of theta-class glutathione S-transferase (GST) in marmoset monkey liver cytosol was investigated. An anti-peptide antibody targeted against the C-terminus of rGSTT1 reacted with a single band in marmoset liver cytosol that corresponded to a molecular weight of 28 kDa. The intensity of the immunoreactive band was not affected by treatment of marmoset monkeys with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, phenobarbitone, rifampicin or clofibric acid. Similarly, activity towards methyl chloride (MC) was unaffected by these treatments. However, GST activity towards 1,2-epoxy3-(p- nitrophenoxy)-propane (EPNP) was increased in marmosets treated with phenobarbitone (2.6-fold) and rifampicin (2.6-fold), activity towards dichloromethane (DCM) was increased by 50% after treatment of marmosets with clofibric acid, and activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) was raised slightly (30-42% increases) after treatment with phenobarbitone, rifampicin or clofibric acid. Compared with humans, marmoset liver cytosol GST activity towards DCM was 18-fold higher, activity towards MC was 7 times higher and activity towards CDNB was 4 times higher. Further, EPNP activity was clearly detectable in marmoset liver cytosol samples, but was undetectable in human samples. Immunoreactive marmoset GST was partially purified by affinity chromatography using hexylglutathione-Sepharose and Orange A resin. The interaction of immunoreactive marmoset GST was similar to that found previously for rat and human GSTT1, suggesting that this protein is also a theta class GST. However, unlike rat GSTT1, the marmoset enzyme was not the major catalyst of EPNP conjugation. Instead, immunoreactivity was closely associated with activity towards MC. In conclusion, these results provide evidence for the presence of theta-class GST in the marmoset monkey orthologous to rGSTT1 and hGSTT1.


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Glutathione transferase (GST) GSTT1-1 is involved in the biotransformation of several chemicals widely used in industry, such as butadiene and dichloro methane DCM. The polymorphic hGSTT1-1 may well play a role in the development of kidney tumours after high and long-term occupational exposure against trichloroethylene. Although several studies have investigated the association of this polymorphism with malignant diseases little is known about its enzyme activity in potential extrahepatic target tissues. The known theta-specific substrates methyl chloride (MC) dichloromethane and 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propane (EPNP) were used to assay GSTT1-1 activity in liver and kidney of rats, mice, hamsters and humans differentiating the three phenotypes (non-conjugators, low conjugators, high conjugators) seen in humans. In addition GSTT1-1 activity towards MC and DCM was determined in human erythrocytes. No GSTT1-1 activity was found in any tissue of non-conjugators (NC). In all organs high conjugators (HC) showed twofold higher activity towards MC and DCM than low conjugators (LC). The activity in human samples towards EPNP was too close to the detection limit to differentiate between the three conjugator phenotypes. GSTT1-1 activity towards MC was two to seven-times higher in liver cytosol than in kidney cytosol. The relation for MC between species was identical in both organs: mouse > HC > rat > LC > hamster > NC. In rats, mice and hamsters GSTT1-1 activity in liver cytosol towards DCM was also two to seven-times higher than in the kidney cytosol. In humans this activity was twice as high in kidney cytosol than in liver cytosol. The relation between species was mouse > rat > HC > LC > hamster > NC for liver, but mouse > HC > LC/rat > hamster/NC for kidney cytosol. The importance to heed the specific environment at potential target sites in risk assessment is emphasized by these results.


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Glutathione transferases (GSTs) catalyzing the conjugation of glutathione with electrophilic substrates are important enzymes in the metabolism of xenobiotics. Several isozymes exhibit polymorphisms in humans. The two deletion polymorphisms of hGSTM1 and hGSTT1 result in total loss of enzyme activity in homozygous null genotype (GSTM1*0 and GSTT1*0 respectively) individuals (Seidegård et al. 1988; Pemble et al. 1994). Individuals that are heterozygous for hGSTT1 show distinctly lower enzyme activities than individuals carrying two functional alleles of hGSTT1 (Wiebel et al. 1996). A similar effect is conceivable for the hGSTM1 polymorphism but has not been verified so far.