102 resultados para polymeric nanocapsule


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This paper examines the fouling characteristics of four tubular ceramic membranes with pore sizes 300 kDa, 0.1 μm and 0.45 μm installed in a pilot plant at a sugar factory for processing clarified cane sugar juices. All the membranes, except the one with a pore size of 0.45 μm, generally gave reproducible results through the trials, were easy to clean and could handle operation at high volumetric concentration factors. Analysis of fouled and cleaned ceramic membranes revealed that polysaccharides, lipids and to a lesser extent, polyphenols, as well as other colloidal particles cause fouling of the membranes. Electrostatic and hydrophobic forces cause strong aggregation of the polymeric components with one another and with colloidal particles. To combat irreversible fouling of the membranes, treatment options that result in the removal of particles having a size range of 0.2–0.5 μm and in addition remove polymeric impurities, need to be identified. Chemical and microscopic evaluations of the juices and the structural characterisation of individual particles and aggregates identified options to mitigate the fouling of membranes. These include conditioning the feed prior to membrane filtration to break up the network structure formed between the polymers and particles in the feed and the use of surfactants to prevent the aggregation of polymers and particles.


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In the structure of polymeric title compound, {[Co2(C7H2N2O7)2(H2O)6] . 2H2O}n from the reaction of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid with cobalt(II) acetate, both slightly distorted octahedral Co(II) centres have crystallographic inversion symmetry. The coordination sphere about one Co centre comprises four O donors from two bidentate chelate O(phenolate), O(carboxyl) and bridging dianionic ligands and two water molecules [Co-O range, 2.0249(11)-2.1386(14)A] while that about the second Co centre has four water molecules and two bridging carboxyl O donor atoms [Co-O range, 2.0690(14)-2.1364(11)A]. The coordinated water molecules as well as the water molecules of solvation give water-water and water-carboxyl hydrogen-bonding interactions in the three-dimensional framework structure.


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Hypertrophic scars are formed by collagen overproduction in wounded areas and often occur in victims of severe burns. There are several methods for hypertrophic scar remediation and silicone gel therapy is one of the more successful methods. Research by others has shown that the activity of these gels may be due to migration of amphiphilic silicone oligomers from the gel and into the dermis, down-regulating production of collagen by fibroblasts. Normal silicone oil (PDMS) does not produce the same effect on fibroblasts. The main purpose of this project is the introduction of a particular amphiphilic silicone rake copolymer into an appropriate network which can absorb and release the silicone copolymer on the scarred area. Hydrogels are polymeric crosslinked networks which can swell in water or a drug solution, and gradually release the drug when applied to the skin. The application of gel enhances the effectiveness of the therapy, reduces the period of treatment and can be comfortable for patients to use. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) based networks have been applied in this research, because the amphiphilic silicone rake copolymer to be used as a therapy has polyethylene oxide (PEO) as a side chain. These PEO side chains have very similar chemical structure to a PEG gel chain so enhancing both the compatibility and the diffusion of the amphiphilic silicone rake copolymer into and out of the gel. Synthesis of PEG-based networks has been performed by two methods: in situ silsesquioxane formation as crosslink with a sol-gel reaction under different conditions and UV curing. PEG networks have low mechanical properties which is a fundamental limitation of the polymer backbone. For mechanical properties enhancement, composite networks were synthesized using nano-silica with different surface modification. The chemical structure of in situ silsesquioxane in the dry network has been examined by Solid State NMR, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and swelling measurements in water. Mechanical properties of dry networks were tested by Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) to determine modulus and interfacial interaction between silica and the network. In this way a family of self-reinforced networks has been produced that have been shown to absorb and deliver the active amphiphilic silicone- PEO rake copolymer.


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Cell-based therapy is one of the major potential therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular, neuronal and degenerative diseases in recent years. Synthetic biodegradable polymers have been utilized increasingly in pharmaceutical, medical and biomedical engineering. Control of the interaction of living cells and biomaterials surfaces is one of the major goals in the design and development of new polymeric biomaterials in tissue engineering. The aims of this study is to develop a novel bio-mimic polymeric materials which will facilitate the delivery cells, control cell bioactivities and enhance the focal integration of graft cells with host tissues.


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This paper presents a study into the behaviour of extruded polystyrene foam at low strain rates. The foam is being studied in order assess its potential for use as part of a new innovative design of portable road safety barrier the aim to consume less water and reduce rates of serious injury. The foam was tested at a range of low strain rates, with the stress and strain behaviour of the foam specimens being recorded. The energy absorption capabilities of the foam were assessed as well as the response of the foam to multiple loadings. The experimental data was then used to create a material model of the foam for use in the explicit finite element solver LS-DYNA. Simulations were carried out using the material model which showed excellent correlation between the numerical material model and the experimental data.


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In the structure of title compound [Cs2(C7H5N2O4)2(H2O)2]n the asymmetric unit comprises two independent and different Cs centres, one nine-coordinate, the other seven coordinate, with both having irregular stereochemistry. The CsO9 coordination comprises oxygen donors from three bridging water molecules, one of which is doubly bridging, three from carboxylate groups, and three from nitro groups, of which two are bidentate chelate bridging. The CsO6N coordination comprises the two bridging water molecules, one amine N donor, one carboxyl O donor and four O donors from nitro groups (two from the chelate bridges). The extension of the dimeric unit gives a two-dimensional polymeric structure which is stabilized by both intra- and intermolecular amine N-H...O and water O-H...O hydrogen bonds to carboxyl O acceptors, as well as inter-ring pi-pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.4172(15)A].


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In the structure of title compound [Rb2(C7H4NO2)2(H2O)2]n the centrosymmetric cyclic dimeric repeating unit comprises two irregular RbO4 complex centres bridged by the carboxylate groups of the 5-nitrosalicylate ligands. The coordination about each Rb is completed by a monodentate water molecule and a phenolic O donor which gives a bridging extension [Rb-O range 3.116(7)-3.135(5)A]. The two-dimensional polymeric structure is stabilized by intermolecular water O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds and weak inter-ring pi--pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.620(4)A].


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In the structure of the title compound [Rb4(C9H6NO4)4(H~2~O)6]n, the asymmetric unit comprises four rubidium complex cations, two of which have an RbO7 coordination polyhedron with a monocapped distorted octahedral stereochemistry and two of which have a distorted RbO6 octahedral coordination. The bonding about both the seven-coordinate centres is similar, comprising one monodentate water molecule together with three bridging water molecules and three carboxylate O-atom donors, two of which are bridging. The environments about the six-coordinate cations are also similar, comprising a monodentate nitro O-atom donor, a bridging water molecule and four bridging carboxylate O-atom donors [overall Rb-O range, 2.849(2)-3.190(2)A]. The coordination leads to a two-dimensional polymeric structure extending parallel to (001), which is stabilized by interlayer water O-H...O hydrogen-bonding associations to water, carboxyl and nitro O-atom acceptors, together with weak inter-ring pi--pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.5319(19)A].


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This study reports the factors controlling aerosolization of salbutamol sulfate (SS) from mixtures with polycaprolactone (PCL) microspheres fabricated using an emulsion technique with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as stabilizer. The fine particle fraction (FPF) of SS from PCL measured by a twin-stage impinger was unexpectedly found to be zero, although scanning electron microscopy showed that the drug coated the entire microsphere. Precoating the microspheres with magnesium stearate (MgSt) excipient solutions (1%–2%) significantly increased (p < 0.05, n = 5) the FPF of SS (11.4%–15.4%), whereas precoating with leucine had a similar effect (FPF = 11.3 ± 1.1%), but was independent of the solution concentration. The force of adhesion (by atomic force microscopy) between the PCL microspheres and SS was reduced from 301.4 ± 21.7 nN to 110.9 ± 30.5 nN and 121.8 ± 24.6 nN, (p < 0.05, n = 5) for 1% and 2% MgSt solutions, respectively, and to 148.1 ± 21.0 nN when coated with leucine. The presence of PVA on the PCL microspheres (detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) affected the detachment of SS due to strong adhesion between the two, presumably due to capillary forces acting between them. Precoating the microspheres with excipients increased the FPF significantly by reducing the drug–carrier adhesion. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 101:733–745, 2012


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), experimentally observed for the first time twenty years ago, have triggered an unprecedented research effort, on the account of their astonishing structural, mechanical and electronic properties. Unfortunately, the current inability in predicting the CNTs’ properties and the difficulty in controlling their position on a substrate are often limiting factors for the application of this material in actual devices. This research aims at the creation of specific methodologies for controlled synthesis of CNTs, leading to effectively employ them in various fields of electronics, e.g. photovoltaics. Focused Ion Beam (FIB) patterning of Si surfaces is here proposed as a means for ordering the assembly of vertical-aligned CNTs. With this technique, substrates with specific nano-structured morphologies have been prepared, enabling a high degree of control over CNTs’ position and size. On these nano-structured substrates, the growth of CNTs has been realized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), i.e. thermal decomposition of hydrocarbon gases over a heated catalyst. The most common materials used as catalysts in CVD are transition metals like Fe and Ni; however, their presence in the CNT products often results in shortcomings for electronic applications, especially for those based on silicon, being the metallic impurities incompatible with very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology. In the present work the role of Ge dots as an alternative catalysts for CNTs synthesis on Si substrates has been thoroughly assessed, finding a close connection between the catalytic activity of such material and the CVD conditions, which can affect both size and morphology of the dots. Successful CNT growths from Ge dots have been obtained by CVD at temperatures ranging from 750 to 1000°C, with mixtures of acetylene and hydrogen in an argon carrier gas. The morphology of the Si surface is observed to play a crucial role for the outcome of the CNT synthesis: natural (i.e. chemical etching) and artificial (i.e. FIB patterning, nanoindentation) means of altering this morphology in a controlled way have been then explored to optimize the CNTs yield. All the knowledge acquired in this study has been finally applied to synthesize CNTs on transparent conductive electrodes (indium-tin oxide, ITO, coated glasses), for the creation of a new class of anodes for organic photovoltaics. An accurate procedure has been established which guarantees a controlled inclusion of CNTs on ITO films, preserving their optical and electrical properties. By using this set of conditions, a CNTenhanced electrode has been built, contributing to improve the power conversion efficiency of polymeric solar cells.


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Over the last decade, Ionic Liquids (ILs) have been used for the dissolution and derivatization of isolated cellulose. This ability of ILs is now sought for their application in the selective dissolution of cellulose from lignocellulosic biomass, for the manufacture of cellulosic ethanol. However, there are significant knowledge gaps in the understanding of the chemistry of the interaction of biomass and ILs. While imidazolium ILs have been used successfully to dissolve both isolated crystalline cellulose and components of lignocellulosic biomass, phosphonium ILs have not been sufficiently explored for the use in dissolution of lignocellulosic biomass. This thesis reports on the study of the chemistry of sugarcane bagasse with phosphonium ILs. Qualitative and quantitative measurements of biomass components dissolved in the phosphonium ionic liquids (ILs), trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride ([P66614]Cl) and tributylmethylphosphonium methylsulphate ([P4441]MeSO4) are obtained using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). Absorption bands related to cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin dissolution monitored in situ in biomass-IL mixtures indicate lignin dissolution in both ILs and some holocellulose dissolution in the hydrophilic [P4441]MeSO4. The kinetics of lignin dissolution reported here indicate that while dissolution in the hydrophobic IL [P66614]Cl appears to follow an accepted mechanism of acid catalysed β-aryl ether cleavage, dissolution in the hydrophilic IL [P4441]MeSO4 does not appear to follow this mechanism and may not be followed by condensation reactions (initiated by reactive ketones). The quantitative measurement of lignin dissolution in phosphonium ILs based on absorbance at 1510 cm-1 has demonstrated utility and greater precision than the conventional Klason lignin method. The cleavage of lignin β-aryl ether bonds in sugarcane bagasse by the ionic liquid [P66614]Cl, in the presence of catalytic amounts of mineral acid. (ca. 0.4 %). The delignification process of bagasse is studied over a range of temperatures (120 °C to 150 °C) by monitoring the production of β-ketones (indicative of cleavage of β-aryl ethers) using FTIR spectroscopy and by compositional analysis of the undissolved fractions. Maximum delignification is obtained at 150 °C, with 52 % of lignin removed from the original lignin content of bagasse. No delignification is observed in the absence of acid which suggests that the reaction is acid catalysed with the IL solubilising the lignin fragments. The rate of delignification was significantly higher at 150 °C, suggesting that crossing the glass transition temperature of lignin effects greater freedom of rotation about the propanoid carbon-carbon bonds and leads to increased cleavage of β-aryl ethers. An attempt has been made to propose a probable mechanism of delignifcation of bagasse with the phosphonuim IL. All polymeric components of bagasse, a lignocellulosic biomass, dissolve in the hydrophilic ionic liquid (IL) tributylmethylphosphonium methylsulfate ([P4441]MeSO4) with and without a catalytic amount of acid (H2SO4, ca. 0.4 %). The presence of acid significantly increases the extent of dissolution of bagasse in [P4441]MeSO4 (by ca. 2.5 times under conditions used here). The dissolved fractions can be partially recovered by the addition of an antisolvent (water) and are significantly enriched in lignin. Unlike acid catalysed dissolution in the hydrophobic IL tetradecyltrihexylphosphonium chloride there is little evidence of cleavage of β-aryl ether bonds of lignin dissolving in [P4441]MeSO4 (with and without acid), but this mechanism may play some role in the acid catalysed dissolution. The XRD of the undissolved fractions suggests that the IL may selectively dissolve the amorphous cellulose component, leaving behind crystalline material.


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Silicon substrates coated with a bromide-terminated silane are transformed into highly reactive, cyclopentadiene covered analogues. These surfaces undergo rapid cycloaddition reactions with various dienophile-capped polymers. Mild heating of the substrates causes the retro-Diels-Alder reaction to occur, thus reforming the reactive cyclopentadiene surface, generating an efficiently switchable surface.


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The nitrile imine-mediated tetrazole-ene cycloaddition reaction (NITEC) is introduced as a powerful and versatile conjugation tool to covalently ligate macromolecules onto variable (bio)surfaces. The NITEC approach is initiated by UV irradiation and proceeds rapidly at ambient temperature yielding a highly fluorescent linkage. Initially, the formation of block copolymers by the NITEC methodology is studied to evidence its efficacy as a macromolecular conjugation tool. The grafting of polymers onto inorganic (silicon) and bioorganic (cellulose) surfaces is subsequently carried out employing the optimized reaction conditions obtained from the macromolecular ligation experiments and evidenced by surface characterization techniques, including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and FT-IR microscopy. In addition, the patterned immobilization of variable polymer chains onto profluorescent cellulose is achieved through a simple masking process during the irradiation. Photoinduced nitrile imine-alkene 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (NITEC) is employed to covalently bind well-defined polymers onto silicon oxide or cellulose. A diaryl tetrazole-functionalized molecule is grafted via silanization or amidification, respectively. Under UV light, a reactive nitrile imine rapidly forms and reacts with maleimide-functionalized polymers yielding a fluorescent linkage. Via a masking method, polymeric fluorescent patterns are achieved.


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The crystal structures of the rubidium and caesium complexes with 2-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (orthanilic acid), [Rb4(C6H6NO3S)4(H2O)]n (1) and [Cs(C6H6NO3S)]n (2) and have been determined at 200 K. Complex 1 has a repeating unit comprising four independent and different Rb coordination centres, (RbO8), (RbO7), (RbN2O4) and (RbO10), each having irregular stereochemistry and involving a number of bidentate chelate sulfonate-O,O’-metal and bridging interactions, giving a two-dimensional polymeric layered structure. Anhydrous complex 2 is also polymeric with the irregular (CsO7) coordination polyhedron comprising six sulfonate oxygen donors from three separate bidentate chelate sulfonate ligands and one monodentate bridging sulfonate oxygen, giving a two-dimensional layered structure.