84 resultados para polarization-insensitive


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Features derived from the trispectra of DFT magnitude slices are used for multi-font digit recognition. These features are insensitive to translation, rotation, or scaling of the input. They are also robust to noise. Classification accuracy tests were conducted on a common data base of 256× 256 pixel bilevel images of digits in 9 fonts. Randomly rotated and translated noisy versions were used for training and testing. The results indicate that the trispectral features are better than moment invariants and affine moment invariants. They achieve a classification accuracy of 95% compared to about 81% for Hu's (1962) moment invariants and 39% for the Flusser and Suk (1994) affine moment invariants on the same data in the presence of 1% impulse noise using a 1-NN classifier. For comparison, a multilayer perceptron with no normalization for rotations and translations yields 34% accuracy on 16× 16 pixel low-pass filtered and decimated versions of the same data.


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A system to segment and recognize Australian 4-digit postcodes from address labels on parcels is described. Images of address labels are preprocessed and adaptively thresholded to reduce noise. Projections are used to segment the line and then the characters comprising the postcode. Individual digits are recognized using bispectral features extracted from their parallel beam projections. These features are insensitive to translation, scaling and rotation, and robust to noise. Results on scanned images are presented. The system is currently being improved and implemented to work on-line.


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) and molecular dynamics (MD) method, the mono-crystalline copper with different defects is investigated through tension and nanoindentation simulation. The single-crystal copper nanowire with surface defects is firstly studied through tension. For validation, the tension simulations for nanowire without defect are carried out under different temperatures and strain rates. The defects on nanowires are then systematically studied in considering different defects orientation distribution. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive of surface defects and centro-plane defects. However, the yield strength and yield point show a significant decrease due to the different defects. Specially, the 〖45〗^° defect in surface and in (200) plane exerts the biggest influence to the yield strength, about 34.20% and 51.45% decrease are observed, respectively. Different defects are observed to serve as a dislocation source and different necking positions of the nanowires during tension are found. During nanoindentation simulation, dislocation is found nucleating below the contact area, but no obvious dislocation is generated around the nano-cavity. Comparing with the perfect substrate during nanoindentation, the substrate with nano-cavities emerged less dislocations, it is supposed that the nano-cavity absorbed part of the indent energy, and less plastic deformation happened in the defected substrate.


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Maternal and infant mortality is a global health issue with a significant social and economic impact. Each year, over half a million women worldwide die due to complications related to pregnancy or childbirth, four million infants die in the first 28 days of life, and eight million infants die in the first year. Ninety-nine percent of maternal and infant deaths are in developing countries. Reducing maternal and infant mortality is among the key international development goals. In China, the national maternal mortality ratio and infant mortality rate were reduced greatly in the past two decades, yet a large discrepancy remains between urban and rural areas. To address this problem, a large-scale Safe Motherhood Programme was initiated in 2000. The programme was implemented in Guangxi in 2003. Interventions in the programme included both demand-side and supply side-interventions focusing on increasing health service use and improving birth outcomes. Little is known about the effects and economic outcomes of the Safe Motherhood Programme in Guangxi, although it has been implemented for seven years. The aim of this research is to estimate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the interventions in the Safe Motherhood Programme in Guangxi, China. The objectives of this research include: 1. To evaluate whether the changes of health service use and birth outcomes are associated with the interventions in the Safe Motherhood Programme. 2. To estimate the cost-effectiveness of the interventions in the Safe Motherhood Programme and quantify the uncertainty surrounding the decision. 3. To assess the expected value of perfect information associated with both the whole decision and individual parameters, and interpret the findings to inform priority setting in further research and policy making in this area. A quasi-experimental study design was used in this research to assess the effectiveness of the programme in increasing health service use and improving birth outcomes. The study subjects were 51 intervention counties and 30 control counties. Data on the health service use, birth outcomes and socio-economic factors from 2001 to 2007 were collected from the programme database and statistical yearbooks. Based on the profile plots of the data, general linear mixed models were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme while controlling for the effects of baseline levels of the response variables, change of socio-economic factors over time and correlations among repeated measurements from the same county. Redundant multicollinear variables were deleted from the mixed model using the results of the multicollinearity diagnoses. For each response variable, the best covariance structure was selected from 15 alternatives according to the fit statistics including Akaike information criterion, Finite-population corrected Akaike information criterion, and Schwarz.s Bayesian information criterion. Residual diagnostics were used to validate the model assumptions. Statistical inferences were made to show the effect of the programme on health service use and birth outcomes. A decision analytic model was developed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the programme, quantify the decision uncertainty, and estimate the expected value of perfect information associated with the decision. The model was used to describe the transitions between health states for women and infants and reflect the change of both costs and health benefits associated with implementing the programme. Result gained from the mixed models and other relevant evidence identified were synthesised appropriately to inform the input parameters of the model. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of the programme were calculated for the two groups of intervention counties over time. Uncertainty surrounding the parameters was dealt with using probabilistic sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty relating to model assumptions was handled using scenario analysis. Finally the expected value of perfect information for both the whole model and individual parameters in the model were estimated to inform priority setting in further research in this area.The annual change rates of the antenatal care rate and the institutionalised delivery rate were improved significantly in the intervention counties after the programme was implemented. Significant improvements were also found in the annual change rates of the maternal mortality ratio, the infant mortality rate, the incidence rate of neonatal tetanus and the mortality rate of neonatal tetanus in the intervention counties after the implementation of the programme. The annual change rate of the neonatal mortality rate was also improved, although the improvement was only close to statistical significance. The influences of the socio-economic factors on the health service use indicators and birth outcomes were identified. The rural income per capita had a significant positive impact on the health service use indicators, and a significant negative impact on the birth outcomes. The number of beds in healthcare institutions per 1,000 population and the number of rural telephone subscribers per 1,000 were found to be positively significantly related to the institutionalised delivery rate. The length of highway per square kilometre negatively influenced the maternal mortality ratio. The percentage of employed persons in the primary industry had a significant negative impact on the institutionalised delivery rate, and a significant positive impact on the infant mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate. The incremental costs of implementing the programme over the existing practice were US $11.1 million from the societal perspective, and US $13.8 million from the perspective of the Ministry of Health. Overall, 28,711 life years were generated by the programme, producing an overall incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of US $386 from the societal perspective, and US $480 from the perspective of the Ministry of Health, both of which were below the threshold willingness-to-pay ratio of US $675. The expected net monetary benefit generated by the programme was US $8.3 million from the societal perspective, and US $5.5 million from the perspective of the Ministry of Health. The overall probability that the programme was cost-effective was 0.93 and 0.89 from the two perspectives, respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of the programme was insensitive to the different estimates of the three parameters relating to the model assumptions. Further research could be conducted to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the decision, in which the upper limit of investment was US $0.6 million from the societal perspective, and US $1.3 million from the perspective of the Ministry of Health. It is also worthwhile to get a more precise estimate of the improvement of infant mortality rate. The population expected value of perfect information for individual parameters associated with this parameter was US $0.99 million from the societal perspective, and US $1.14 million from the perspective of the Ministry of Health. The findings from this study have shown that the interventions in the Safe Motherhood Programme were both effective and cost-effective in increasing health service use and improving birth outcomes in rural areas of Guangxi, China. Therefore, the programme represents a good public health investment and should be adopted and further expanded to an even broader area if possible. This research provides economic evidence to inform efficient decision making in improving maternal and infant health in developing countries.


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The hexagonal resonator characteristics of an individual ZnO-nanonail’s head were investigated via spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) at room temperature. The positions of most of distinct CL peaks in visible range were well matched to those of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of a hexagonal dielectric cavity when we took birefringence and dispersion of refractive indices into account. The broad and weak peaks for TE polarization in long wavelength range were consistent with refractive-index values below the threshold for total internal inflection. CL peaks that were not matched to WGMs were identified as either triangular quasi-WGM or Fabry–Pérot resonance modes.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out to investigate the defect’s effect on the mechanical properties of single-crystal copper nanowire with different surface defects, under torsion deformation. The torsional rigidity is found insensitive to the surface defects and the critical angle appears an obvious decrease due to the surface defects, the largest decrease is found for the nanowire with surface horizon defect. The deformation mechanism appears different degrees of influence due to surface defects. The surface defects play a role of dislocation sources. Comparing with single intrinsic stacking faults formation for the perfect nanowire, much affluent deformation processes have been activated because of surface defects, for instance, we find the twins formation for the nanowire with a surface 45o defect.


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Travel time is an important network performance measure and it quantifies congestion in a manner easily understood by all transport users. In urban networks, travel time estimation is challenging due to number of reasons such as, fluctuations in traffic flow due to traffic signals, significant flow to/from mid link sinks/sources, etc. The classical analytical procedure utilizes cumulative plots at upstream and downstream locations for estimating travel time between the two locations. In this paper, we discuss about the issues and challenges with classical analytical procedure such as its vulnerability to non conservation of flow between the two locations. The complexity with respect to exit movement specific travel time is discussed. Recently, we have developed a methodology utilising classical procedure to estimate average travel time and its statistic on urban links (Bhaskar, Chung et al. 2010). Where, detector, signal and probe vehicle data is fused. In this paper we extend the methodology for route travel time estimation and test its performance using simulation. The originality is defining cumulative plots for each exit turning movement utilising historical database which is self updated after each estimation. The performance is also compared with a method solely based on probe (Probe-only). The performance of the proposed methodology has been found insensitive to different route flow, with average accuracy of more than 94% given a probe per estimation interval which is more than 5% increment in accuracy with respect to Probe-only method.


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) and molecular dynamics (MD) method, in this paper, the tensile deformation properties of Cu nanowires (NWs) with different pre-existing defects, including single surface defects, surface bi-defects and single internal defects, are systematically studied. In-depth deformation mechanisms of NWs with pre-existing defects are also explored. It is found that Young's modulus is insensitive to different pre-existing defects, but yield strength shows an obvious decrease. Defects are observed influencing greatly on NWs' tensile deformation mechanisms, and playing a role of dislocation sources. Besides of the traditional deformation process dominated by the nucleation and propagation of partial dislocations, the generations of twins, grain boundaries, fivefold deformation twins, hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure and phase transformation from face-centred cubic (FCC) structure to HCP structure have been triggered by pre-existing defects. It is found that surface defect intends to induce larger influence to yield strength than internal defect. Most importantly, the defect that lies on slip planes exerts larger influence than other defects. As expected, it is also found that the more or longer of the defect, the bigger influence will be induced.


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Prostate cancer is a significant health problem faced by aging men. Currently, diagnostic strategies for the detection of prostate cancer are either unreliable, yielding high numbers of false positive results, or too invasive to be used widely as screening tests. Furthermore, the current therapeutic strategies for the treatment of the disease carry considerable side effects. Although organ confined prostate cancer can be curable, most detectable clinical symptoms occur in advanced disease when primary tumour cells have metastasised to distant sites - usually lymph nodes and bone. Many growth factors and steroids assist the continued growth and maintenance of prostatic tumour cells. Of these mitogens, androgens are important in the development of the normal prostate but are also required to sustain the growth of prostate cancer cells in the early stage of the disease. Not only are androgens required in the early stage of disease, but also many other growth factors and hormones interact to cause uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells. The early, androgen sensitive phase of disease is followed by an androgen insensitive phase, whereby androgens are no longer required to stimulate the growth of the tumour cells. Growth factors such as transforming growth factor  and  (TGF/), epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), Vitamin D and thyroid hormone have been suggested to be important at this stage of disease. Interestingly, some of the kallikrein family of genes, including prostate specific antigen (PSA), the current serum diagnostic marker for prostate cancer, are regulated by androgens and many of the aforementioned growth factors. The kallikrein gene family is a group of serine proteases that are involved in a diverse range of physiological processes: regulation of local blood flow, angiogenesis, tissue invasion and mitogenesis. The earliest members of the kallikrein gene family (KLK1-KLK3) have been strongly associated with general disease states, such as hypertension, inflammation, pancreatitis and renal disease, but are also linked to various cancers. Recently, this family was extended to include 15 genes (KLK1-15). Several newer members of the kallikrein family have been implicated in the carcinogenesis and tumour metastasis of hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate, breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer. The aims of this project were to investigate the expression of the newly identified kallikrein, KLK4, in benign and malignant prostate tissues, and prostate cancer cell lines. This thesis has demonstrated the elevated expression of KLK4 mRNA transcripts in malignant prostate tissue compared to benign prostates. Additionally, expression of the full length KLK4 transcript was detected in the androgen dependent prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP. Based on the above finding, the LNCaP cell line was chosen to assess the potential regulation of full length KLK4 by androgen, thyroid hormone and epidermal growth factor. KLK4 mRNA and protein was found to be up-regulated by androgen and a combination of androgen and thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone alone produced no significant change in KLK4 mRNA or protein over the control. Epidermal growth factor treatment also resulted in elevated expression levels of KLK4 mRNA and protein. To assess the potential functional role(s) of KLK4/hK4 in processes associated with tumour progression, full length KLK4 was transfected into PC-3 cells - a prostate cancer cell line originally derived from a secondary bone lesion. The KLK4/hK4 over-expressing cells were assessed for their proliferation, migration, invasion and attachment properties. The KLK4 over-expressing clones exhibited a marked change in morphology, indicative of a more aggressive phenotype. The KLK4 clones were irregularly shaped with compromised adhesion to the growth surface. In contrast, the control cell lines (parent PC-3 and empty vector clones) retained a rounded morphology with obvious cell to cell adhesion, as well as significant adhesion to their growth surface. The KLK4 clones exhibited significantly greater attachment to Collagen I and IV than native PC-3s and empty vector controls. Over a 12 hour period, in comparison to the control cells, the KLK4 clones displayed an increase in migration towards PC-3 native conditioned media, a 3 fold increase towards conditioned media from an osteoblastic cell line (Saos-2) and no change in migration towards conditioned media from neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells or 20% foetal bovine serum. Furthermore, the increase in migration exhibited by the KLK4 clones was partially blocked by the serine protease inhibitor, aprotinin. The data presented in this thesis suggests that KLK4/hK4 is important in prostate carcinogenesis due to its over-expression in malignant prostate tissues, its regulation by hormones and growth factors associated with prostate disease and the functional consequences of over-expression of KLK4/hK4 in the PC-3 cell line. These results indicate that KLK4/hK4 may play an important role in tumour invasion and bone metastasis via increased attachment to the bone matrix protein, Collagen I, and enhanced migration due to soluble factors produced by osteoblast cells. This suggestion is further supported by the morphological changes displayed by the KLK4 over-expressing cells. Overall, this data suggests that KLK4/hK4 should be further studied to more fully investigate the potential value of KLK4/hK4 as a diagnostic/prognostic biomarker or in therapeutic applications.


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A wireless sensor network system must have the ability to tolerate harsh environmental conditions and reduce communication failures. In a typical outdoor situation, the presence of wind can introduce movement in the foliage. This motion of vegetation structures causes large and rapid signal fading in the communication link and must be accounted for when deploying a wireless sensor network system in such conditions. This thesis examines the fading characteristics experienced by wireless sensor nodes due to the effect of varying wind speed in a foliage obstructed transmission path. It presents extensive measurement campaigns at two locations with the approach of a typical wireless sensor networks configuration. The significance of this research lies in the varied approaches of its different experiments, involving a variety of vegetation types, scenarios and the use of different polarisations (vertical and horizontal). Non–line of sight (NLoS) scenario conditions investigate the wind effect based on different vegetation densities including that of the Acacia tree, Dogbane tree and tall grass. Whereas the line of sight (LoS) scenario investigates the effect of wind when the grass is swaying and affecting the ground-reflected component of the signal. Vegetation type and scenarios are envisaged to simulate real life working conditions of wireless sensor network systems in outdoor foliated environments. The results from the measurements are presented in statistical models involving first and second order statistics. We found that in most of the cases, the fading amplitude could be approximated by both Lognormal and Nakagami distribution, whose m parameter was found to depend on received power fluctuations. Lognormal distribution is known as the result of slow fading characteristics due to shadowing. This study concludes that fading caused by variations in received power due to wind in wireless sensor networks systems are found to be insignificant. There is no notable difference in Nakagami m values for low, calm, and windy wind speed categories. It is also shown in the second order analysis, the duration of the deep fades are very short, 0.1 second for 10 dB attenuation below RMS level for vertical polarization and 0.01 second for 10 dB attenuation below RMS level for horizontal polarization. Another key finding is that the received signal strength for horizontal polarisation demonstrates more than 3 dB better performances than the vertical polarisation for LoS and near LoS (thin vegetation) conditions and up to 10 dB better for denser vegetation conditions.


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Based on the molecular dynamics (MD) method, the single-crystalline copper nanowire with different surface defects is investigated through tension simulation. For comparison, the MD tension simulations of perfect nanowire are firstly carried out under different temperatures, strain rates, and sizes. It has concluded that the surface-volume ratio significantly affects the mechanical properties of nanowire. The surface defects on nanowires are then systematically studied in considering different defect orientation and distribution. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive of surface defects. However, the yield strength and yield point show a significant decrease due to the different defects. Different defects are observed to serve as a dislocation source.


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The intensity pulsations of a cw 1030 nm Yb:Phosphate monolithic waveguide laser with distributed feedback are described. We show that the pulsations could result from the coupling of the two orthogonal polarization modes through the two photon process of cooperative luminescence. The predictions of the presented theoretical model agree well with the observed behaviour.


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The rate of singlet-to-triplet intersystem crossing in 1,4-didehydrobenzene (the biradical produced as a reactive intermediate in the thermal cycloaromatization of enediynes), cannot be increased by the application of an external magnetic field. The rate of product formation and the distribution of stable products of 2,3-di-n-propyl-1,4-didehydrobenzene thermolysis is unchanged at magnetic flux densities in the range 0–2000 G and at 66 000 G. Similarly, the rate of thermolysis of an unsymmetrical enediyne is insensitive to magnetic field flux in the same range. This finding precludes the modulation of enediyne reaction rates in pharmaceutical and synthetic pursuits.


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In this thesis, the author proposed and developed gas sensors made of nanostructured WO3 thin film by a thermal evaporation technique. This technique gives control over film thickness, grain size and purity. The device fabrication, nanostructured material synthesis, characterization and gas sensing performance have been undertaken. Three different types of nanostructured thin films, namely, pure WO3 thin films, iron-doped WO3 thin films by co-evaporation and Fe-implanted WO3 thin films have been synthesized. All the thin films have a film thickness of 300 nm. The physical, chemical and electronic properties of these films have been optimized by annealing heat treatment at 300ºC and 400ºC for 2 hours in air. Various analytical techniques were employed to characterize these films. Atomic Force Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed a very small grain size of the order 5-10 nm in as-deposited WO3 films, and annealing at 300ºC or 400ºC did not result in any significant change in grain size. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed a highly amorphous structure of as-deposited films. Annealing at 300ºC for 2 hours in air did not improve crystallinity in these films. However, annealing at 400ºC for 2 hours in air significantly improved the crystallinity in pure and iron-doped WO3 thin films, whereas it only slightly improved the crystallinity of iron-implanted WO3 thin film as a result of implantation. Rutherford backscattered spectroscopy revealed an iron content of 0.5 at.% and 5.5 at.% in iron-doped and iron-implanted WO3 thin films, respectively. The RBS results have been confirmed using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) during analysis of the films using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed significant lowering of W 4f7/2 binding energy in all films annealed at 400ºC as compared with the as-deposited and 300ºC annealed films. Lowering of W 4f7/2 is due to increase in number of oxygen vacancies in the films and is considered highly beneficial for gas sensing. Raman analysis revealed that 400ºC annealed films except the iron-implanted film are highly crystalline with significant number of O-W-O bonds, which was consistent with the XRD results. Additionally, XRD, XPS and Raman analyses showed no evidence of secondary peaks corresponding to compounds of iron due to iron doping or implantation. This provided an understanding that iron was incorporated in the host WO3 matrix rather than as a separate dispersed compound or as catalyst on the surface. WO3 thin film based gas sensors are known to operate efficiently in the temperature range 200ºC-500 ºC. In the present study, by optimizing the physical, chemical and electronic properties through heat treatment and doping, an optimum response to H2, ethanol and CO has been achieved at a low operating temperature of 150ºC. Pure WO3 thin film annealed at 400ºC showed the highest sensitivity towards H2 at 150ºC due to its very small grain size and porosity, coupled with high number of oxygen vacancies, whereas Fe-doped WO3 film annealed at 400ºC showed the highest sensitivity to ethanol at an operating temperature of 150ºC due to its crystallinity, increased number of oxygen vacancies and higher degree of crystal distortions attributed to Fe addition. Pure WO3 films are known to be insensitive to CO, but iron-doped WO3 thin film annealed at 300ºC and 400ºC showed an optimum response to CO at an operating temperature of 150ºC. This result is attributed to lattice distortions produced in WO3 host matrix as a result of iron incorporation as substitutional impurity. However, iron-implanted WO3 thin films did not show any promising response towards the tested gases as the film structure has been damaged due to implantation, and annealing at 300ºC or 400ºC was not sufficient to induce crystallinity in these films. This study has demonstrated enhanced sensing properties of WO3 thin film sensors towards CO at lower operating temperature, which was achieved by optimizing the physical, chemical and electronic properties of the WO3 film through Fe doping and annealing. This study can be further extended to systematically investigate the effects of different Fe concentrations (0.5 at.% to 10 at.%) on the sensing performance of WO3 thin film gas sensors towards CO.