68 resultados para peritoneal sheath


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A series of copolymers of trimethylene carbonate (TMC) and l-lactide (LLA) were synthesized and evaluated as scaffolds for the production of artificial blood vessels. The polymers were end-functionalized with acrylate, cast into films, and cross-linked using UV light. The mechanical, degradation, and biocompatibility properties were evaluated. High TMC polymers showed mechanical properties comparable to human arteries (Young’s moduli of 1.2–1.8 MPa and high elasticity with repeated cycling at 10% strain). Over 84 days degradation in PBS, the modulus and material strength decreased gradually. The polymers were nontoxic and showed good cell adhesion and proliferation over 7 days using human mesenchymal stem cells. When implanted into the rat peritoneal cavity, the polymers elicited formation of tissue capsules composed of myofibroblasts, resembling immature vascular smooth muscle cells. Thus, these polymers showed properties which were tunable and favorable for vascular tissue engineering, specifically, the growth of artificial blood vessels in vivo.


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The expression patterns of GUS fusion constructs driven by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes RolC and the maize Sh (Shrunken: sucrose synthase-1) promoters were examined in transgenic potatoes (cv. Atlantic). RolC drove high-level gene expression in phloem tissue, bundle sheath cells and vascular parenchyma, but not in xylem or non-vascular tissues. Sh expression was exclusively confined to phloem tissue. Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) replicates only in phloem tissues, and we show that when RolC is used to drive expression of the PLRV coat protein gene, virus-resistant lines can be obtained. In contrast, no significant resistance was observed when the Sh promoter was used.


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Cancer-associated proteases promote peritoneal dissemination and chemoresistance in malignant progression. In this study, kallikrein-related peptidases 4, 5, 6, and 7 (KLK4-7)-cotransfected OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cells were embedded in a bioengineered three-dimensional (3D) microenvironment that contains RGD motifs for integrin engagement to analyze their spheroid growth and survival after chemotreatment. KLK4-7-cotransfected cells formed larger spheroids and proliferated more than controls in 3D, particularly within RGD-functionalized matrices, which was reduced upon integrin inhibition. In contrast, KLK4-7-expressing cell monolayers proliferated less than controls, emphasizing the relevance of the 3D microenvironment and integrin engagement. In a spheroid-based animal model, KLK4-7-overexpression induced tumor growth after 4 weeks and intraperitoneal spread after 8 weeks. Upon paclitaxel administration, KLK4-7-expressing tumors declined in size by 91% (controls: 87%) and showed 90% less metastatic outgrowth (controls: 33%, P<0.001). KLK4-7-expressing spheroids showed 53% survival upon paclitaxel treatment (controls: 51%), accompanied by enhanced chemoresistance-related factors, and their survival was further reduced by combination treatment of paclitaxel with KLK4/5/7 (22%, P=0.007) or MAPK (6%, P=0.006) inhibition. The concomitant presence of KLK4-7 in ovarian cancer cells together with integrin activation drives spheroid formation and proliferation. Combinatorial approaches of paclitaxel and KLK/MAPK inhibition may be more efficient for late-stage disease than chemotherapeutics alone as these inhibitory regimens reduced cancer spheroid growth to a greater extent than paclitaxel alone.


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In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), management of diet is important in prevention of disease progression and symptom management, however evidence on nutrition prescription is limited. Recent international CKD guidelines and literature was reviewed to address the following question “What is the appropriate nutrition prescription to achieve positive outcomes in adult patients with chronic kidney disease?” Databases included in the search were Medline and CINAHL using EBSCOhost search engine, Embase and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews published from 2000 to 2009. International guidelines pertaining to nutrition prescription in CKD were also reviewed from 2000 to 2013. Three hundred and eleven papers and eight guidelines were reviewed by three reviewers. Evidence was graded as per the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia criteria. The evidence from thirty six papers was tabulated under the following headings: protein, weight loss, enteral support, vitamin D, sodium, fat, fibre, oral nutrition supplements, nutrition counselling, including protein and phosphate, nutrients in peritoneal dialysis solution and intradialytic parenteral nutrition, and was compared to international guidelines. While more evidence based studies are warranted, the customary nutrition prescription remains satisfactory with the exception of Vitamin D and phosphate. In these two areas, additional research is urgently needed given the potential of adverse outcomes for the CKD patient.


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Modern cancer research requires physiological, three-dimensional (3-D) cell culture platforms, wherein the physical and chemical characteristics of the extracellular matrix (ECM) can be modified. In this study, gelatine methacrylamide (GelMA)-based hydrogels were characterized and established as in vitro and in vivo spheroid-based models for ovarian cancer, reflecting the advanced disease stage of patients, with accumulation of multicellular spheroids in the tumour fluid (ascites). Polymer concentration (2.5-7% w/v) strongly influenced hydrogel stiffness (0.5±0.2kPa to 9.0±1.8kPa) but had little effect on solute diffusion. The diffusion coefficient of 70kDa fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled dextran in 7% GelMA-based hydrogels was only 2.3 times slower compared to water. Hydrogels of medium concentration (5% w/v GelMA) and stiffness (3.4kPa) allowed spheroid formation and high proliferation and metabolic rates. The inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases and consequently ECM degradability reduced spheroid formation and proliferation rates. The incorporation of the ECM components laminin-411 and hyaluronic acid further stimulated spheroid growth within GelMA-based hydrogels. The feasibility of pre-cultured GelMA-based hydrogels as spheroid carriers within an ovarian cancer animal model was proven and led to tumour development and metastasis. These tumours were sensitive to treatment with the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel, but not the integrin antagonist ATN-161. While paclitaxel and its combination with ATN-161 resulted in a treatment response of 33-37.8%, ATN-161 alone had no effect on tumour growth and peritoneal spread. The semi-synthetic biomaterial GelMA combines relevant natural cues with tunable properties, providing an alternative, bioengineered 3-D cancer cell culture in in vitro and in vivo model systems.


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Platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs) which are produced during platelet activation contribute to coagulation1 and bind to traumatized endothelium in an animal model2. Such endothelial injury occurs during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), a procedure which restores the diameter of occluded coronary arteries using balloon inflations. However, re-occlusions subsequently develop in 20-25% of patients3, although this is limited by treatment with anti-platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor drugs such as abciximab4. However, abciximab only partially decreases the need for revascularisation5, and therefore other mechanisms appear to be involved. As platelet activation occurs during PTCA, it is likely that PMPs may be produced and contribute to restenosis. This study population consisted of 113 PTCA patients, of whom 38 received abciximab. Paired peripheral arterial blood samples were obtained from the PTCA sheath: 1) following heparinisation (baseline); and 2) subsequent to all vessel manipulation (post-PTCA). Blood was prepared with an anti-CD61 (glycoprotein IIIa) fluorescence conjugated antibody to identify PMPs using flow cytometry, and PMP results expressed as a percentage of all CD61 events. The level of PMPs increased significantly from baseline following PTCA in the without abciximab group (paired t test, P=0.019). However, there was no significant change in the level of PMPs following PTCA in patients who received abciximab. Baseline clinical characteristics between patient groups were similar, although patients administered abciximab had more complex PTCA procedures, such as increased balloon inflation pressures (ANOVA, P=0.0219). In this study, we have clearly demonstrated that the level of CD61-positive PMPs increased during PTCA. This trend has been demonstrated previously, although a low sample size prevented statistical significance being attained6. The results of our work also demonstrate that there was no increase in PMPs after PTCA with abiciximab treatment. The increased PMPs may adhere to traumatized endothelium, contributing to re-occlusion of the arteries, but this remains to be determined. References: (1) Holme PA, Brosstad F, Solum NO. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. 1995;6:302-310. (2) Merten M, Pakala R, Thiagarajan P, Benedict CR. Circulation. 1999;99:2577-2582. (3) Califf RM. American Heart Journal.1995;130:680-684. (4) Coller BS, Scudder LE. Blood. 1985;66:1456-1459. (5) Topol EJ, Califf RM, Weisman HF, Ellis SG, Tcheng JE, Worley S, Ivanhoe R, George BS, Fintel D, Weston M, Sigmon K, Anderson KM, Lee KL, Willerson JT on behalf of the EPIC investigators. Lancet. 1994;343:881-886. (6) Scharf RE, Tomer A, Marzec UM, Teirstein PS, Ruggeri ZM, Harker LA. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis. 1992;12:1475-87.


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Textured silicon surfaces are widely used in manufacturing of solar cells due to increasing the light absorption probability and also the antireflection properties. However, these Si surfaces have a high density of surface defects that need to be passivated. In this study, the effect of the microscopic surface texture on the plasma surface passivation of solar cells is investigated. The movement of 105 H+ ions in the texture-modified plasma sheath is studied by Monte Carlo numerical simulation. The hydrogen ions are driven by the combined electric field of the plasma sheath and the textured surface. The ion dynamics is simulated, and the relative ion distribution over the textured substrate is presented. This distribution can be used to interpret the quality of the Si dangling bonds saturation and consequently, the direct plasma surface passivation.


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The effect of an ordered array of nanocones on a conducting substrate immersed in the plasma on the transport of the plasma ions is investigated. The real conical shape of the cones is rigorously incorporated into the model. The movement of 10^5 CH3+ ions in the plasma sheath modified by the nanocone array is simulated. The ions are driven by the electric fields produced by the sheath and the nanostructures. The surface charge density and the total charge on the nanotips with different aspect ratios are computed. The ion transport simulation provides important characteristics of the displacement and velocity of the ions. The relative ion distribution along the lateral surfaces of the carbon nanotips is computed as well. It is shown that a rigorous account of the realistic nanostructure shape leads to very different distribution of the ion fluxes on the nanostructured surfaces compared to the previously reported works. The ion flux distribution is a critical factor in the nucleation process on the substrate and determines the nanostructure growth patterns.


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Multiscale, multiphase numerical modeling is used to explain the mechanisms of effective control of chirality distributions of single-walled carbon nanotubes in direct plasma growth and suggest effective approaches to further improvement. The model includes an unprecedented combination of the plasma sheath, ion/radical transport, species creation/loss, plasma–surface interaction, heat transfer, surface/bulk diffusion, graphene layer nucleation, and bending/lift-off modules. It is shown that the constructive interplay between the plasma and the Gibbs–Thomson effect can lead to the effective nucleation and lift-off of small graphene layers on small metal catalyst nanoparticles. As a result, much thinner nanotubes with narrower chirality distributions can nucleate at much lower process temperatures and pressures compared to thermal CVD. This approach is validated by a host of experimental results, substantially reduces the amounts of energy and atomic matter required for the nanotube growth, and can be extended to other nanoscale structures and materials systems, thereby nearing the ultimate goal of energy- and matter-efficient nanotechnology.


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It is shown that plasmas can minimize the adverse Gibbs-Thompson effect in thin quantum wire growth. The model of Si nanowirenucleation includes the unprecedented combination of the plasma sheath, ion- and radical-induced species creation and heating effects on the surface and within an Au catalyst nanoparticle. Compared to neutral gas thermal processes, much thinner, size-selective wires can nucleate at the same temperature and pressure while much lower energy and matter budget is needed to grow same-size wires. This explains the experimental observations and may lead to energy- and matter-efficient synthesis of a broader range of one-dimensional quantum structures.


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An advanced combination of numerical models, including plasma sheath, ion- and radical-induced species creation and plasma heating effects on the surface and within a Au catalyst nanoparticle, is used to describe the catalyzed growth of Si nanowires in the sheath of a low-temperature and low-pressure plasma. These models have been used to explain the higher nanowire growth rates, low-energy barriers, much thinner Si nanowire nucleation and the less effective Gibbs–Thomson effect in reactive plasma processes, compared with those of neutral gas thermal processes. The effects of variation in the plasma sheath parameters and substrate potential on Si nanowire nucleation and growth have also been investigated. It is shown that increasing the plasma-related effects leads to decreases in the nucleation energy barrier and the critical nanoparticle radius, with the Gibbs–Thomson effect diminished, even at low temperatures. The results obtained are consistent with available experimental results and open a path toward the energy- and matter-efficient nucleation and growth of a broad range of one-dimensional quantum structures.


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The advantages of using low-temperature plasma environments for postprocessing of dense nanotube arrays are shown by means of multiscale hybrid numerical simulations. By controlling plasma-extracted ion fluxes and varying the plasma and sheath parameters, one can selectively coat, dope, or functionalize different areas on nanotube surfaces. Conditions of uniform deposition of ion fluxes over the entire nanotube surfaces are obtained for different array densities. The plasma route enables a uniform processing of lateral nanotube surfaces in very dense (with a step-to-height ratio of 1:4) arrays, impossible via the neutral gas process wherein radical penetration into the internanotube gaps is poor. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Current-voltage characteristics of the planar magnetron are studied experimentally and by numerical simulation. Based on the measured current-voltage characteristics, a model of the planar magnetron discharge is developed with the background gas pressure and magnetic field used as parameters. The discharge pressure was varied in a range of 0.7-1.7 Pa, the magnetic field of the magnetron was of 0.033-0.12 T near the cathode surface, the discharge current was from 1 to 25 A, and the magnetic field lines were tangential to the substrate surface in the region of the magnetron discharge ignition. The discharge model describes the motion of energetic secondary electrons that gain energy by passing the cathode sheath across the magnetic field, and the power required to sustain the plasma generation in the bulk. The plasma electrons, in turn, are accelerated in the electric field and ionize effectively the background gas species. The model is based on the assumption about the prevailing Bohm mechanism of electron conductivity across the magnetic field. A criterion of the self-sustained discharge ignition is used to establish the dependence of the discharge voltage on the discharge current. The dependence of the background gas density on the current is also observed from the experiment. The model is consistent with the experimental results. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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A numerical growth model is used to describe the catalyzed growth of carbon nanofibers in the sheath of a low-temperature plasma. Using the model, the effects of variation in the plasma sheath parameters and substrate potential on the carbon nanofiber growth characteristics, such as the growth rate, the effective carbon flux to the catalyst surface, and surface coverages, have been investigated. It is shown that variations in the parameters, which change the sheath width, mainly affect the growth parameters at the low catalyst temperatures, whereas the other parameters such as the gas pressure, ion temperature, and percentages of the hydrocarbon and etching gases, strongly affect the carbon nanofiber growth at higher temperatures. The conditions under which the carbon nanofiber growth can still proceed under low nanodevice-friendly process temperatures have been formulated and summarized. These results are consistent with the available experimental results and can also be used for catalyzed growth of other high-aspect-ratio nanostructures in low-temperature plasmas.


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Plasma Nanoscience is a multidisciplinary research field which aims to elucidate the specific roles, purposes, and benefits of the ionized gas environment in assembling and processing nanoscale objects in natural, laboratory and technological situations. Compared to neutral gas-based routes, in low-temperature weakly-ionized plasmas there is another level of complexity related to the necessity of creating and sustaining a suitable degree of ionization and a much larger number of species generated in the gas phase. The thinner the nanotubes, the stronger is the quantum confinement of electrons and more unique size-dependent quantum effects can emerge. Furthermore, due to a very high mobility of electrons, the surfaces are at a negative potential compared to the plasma bulk. Therefore, there are non-uniform electric fields within the plasma sheath. The electric field lines start in the plasma bulk and converge to the sharp tips of the developing one-dimensional nanostructures.