91 resultados para natural resource management


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Carbon taxation governance is becoming increasingly popular, further evolving the polluter pays concept already well established in the built environment as a mechanism to controlling and licensing waste generation. This paper presents an explanation of property asset ‘regeneration reuse’ principles following deconstruction, which reduce waste generation associated with the process of demolition, construction and operation. An analysis is made of strategies in Australia and the United Kingdom, comparing jurisdiction targets pertaining to construction and demolition waste that encourage ‘regeneration reuse’. From examination of applicable Australian and United Kingdom legislation, strategic, fiscal and policy that influence on the 'regeneration reuse' of property assets, an evaluation to the variety of issues relevant to waste and resource management practices is reached. The paper concludes that a systematic evaluation framework to selecting building components and structures suitable for reuse after deconstruction must be considered in legislation.


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Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which IT resources are provided over the Internet as a service to users. One such service offered through the Cloud is Software as a Service or SaaS. SaaS can be delivered in a composite form, consisting of a set of application and data components that work together to deliver higher-level functional software. SaaS is receiving substantial attention today from both software providers and users. It is also predicted to has positive future markets by analyst firms. This raises new challenges for SaaS providers managing SaaS, especially in large-scale data centres like Cloud. One of the challenges is providing management of Cloud resources for SaaS which guarantees maintaining SaaS performance while optimising resources use. Extensive research on the resource optimisation of Cloud service has not yet addressed the challenges of managing resources for composite SaaS. This research addresses this gap by focusing on three new problems of composite SaaS: placement, clustering and scalability. The overall aim is to develop efficient and scalable mechanisms that facilitate the delivery of high performance composite SaaS for users while optimising the resources used. All three problems are characterised as highly constrained, large-scaled and complex combinatorial optimisation problems. Therefore, evolutionary algorithms are adopted as the main technique in solving these problems. The first research problem refers to how a composite SaaS is placed onto Cloud servers to optimise its performance while satisfying the SaaS resource and response time constraints. Existing research on this problem often ignores the dependencies between components and considers placement of a homogenous type of component only. A precise problem formulation of composite SaaS placement problem is presented. A classical genetic algorithm and two versions of cooperative co-evolutionary algorithms are designed to now manage the placement of heterogeneous types of SaaS components together with their dependencies, requirements and constraints. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of these new algorithms. In the second problem, SaaS components are assumed to be already running on Cloud virtual machines (VMs). However, due to the environment of a Cloud, the current placement may need to be modified. Existing techniques focused mostly at the infrastructure level instead of the application level. This research addressed the problem at the application level by clustering suitable components to VMs to optimise the resource used and to maintain the SaaS performance. Two versions of grouping genetic algorithms (GGAs) are designed to cater for the structural group of a composite SaaS. The first GGA used a repair-based method while the second used a penalty-based method to handle the problem constraints. The experimental results confirmed that the GGAs always produced a better reconfiguration placement plan compared with a common heuristic for clustering problems. The third research problem deals with the replication or deletion of SaaS instances in coping with the SaaS workload. To determine a scaling plan that can minimise the resource used and maintain the SaaS performance is a critical task. Additionally, the problem consists of constraints and interdependency between components, making solutions even more difficult to find. A hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) was developed to solve this problem by exploring the problem search space through its genetic operators and fitness function to determine the SaaS scaling plan. The HGA also uses the problem's domain knowledge to ensure that the solutions meet the problem's constraints and achieve its objectives. The experimental results demonstrated that the HGA constantly outperform a heuristic algorithm by achieving a low-cost scaling and placement plan. This research has identified three significant new problems for composite SaaS in Cloud. Various types of evolutionary algorithms have also been developed in addressing the problems where these contribute to the evolutionary computation field. The algorithms provide solutions for efficient resource management of composite SaaS in Cloud that resulted to a low total cost of ownership for users while guaranteeing the SaaS performance.


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Carrying capacity assessments model a population’s potential self-sufficiency. A crucial first step in the development of such modelling is to examine the basic resource-based parameters defining the population’s production and consumption habits. These parameters include basic human needs such as food, water, shelter and energy together with climatic, environmental and behavioural characteristics. Each of these parameters imparts land-usage requirements in different ways and varied degrees so their incorporation into carrying capacity modelling also differs. Given that the availability and values of production parameters may differ between locations, no two carrying capacity models are likely to be exactly alike. However, the essential parameters themselves can remain consistent so one example, the Carrying Capacity Dashboard, is offered as a case study to highlight one way in which these parameters are utilised. While examples exist of findings made from carrying capacity assessment modelling, to date, guidelines for replication of such studies in other regions and scales have largely been overlooked. This paper addresses such shortcomings by describing a process for the inclusion and calibration of the most important resource-based parameters in a way that could be repeated elsewhere.


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This concept paper examines the positioning of Change Management (CM) in relation to IHRM, and suggests that the emerging field of CM should be seen as collaborative with HRM in providing for the dynamic needs of organisations in contemporary international conditions of uncertainty and environmental turbulence.


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This overview article for the special series “Bayesian Networks in Environmental and Resource Management” reviews 7 case study articles with the aim to compare Bayesian network (BN) applications to different environmental and resource management problems from around the world. The article discusses advances in the last decade in the use of BNs as applied to environmental and resource management. We highlight progress in computational methods, best-practices for model design and model communication. We review several research challenges to the use of BNs in environmental and resource management that we think may find a solution in the near future with further research attention.


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Public engagement is a defining feature of collaborative approaches to environmental management (Petts 2006, Whelan and Oliver 2005). Public engagement in this context is focused on incorporating residents and communities of interest in activities like ecological restoration, catchment management, and environmental conservation in a wide range of situations (Nelson and Pettit 2004, Petts 2007). Some authors consider public engagement to be a sign of healthy democratic functioning in society (Skocpol and Fiorina 1999). Others draw attention to overcoming widely noted practical limitations of top-down mechanisms, emphasising that public engagement results in programs being implemented more effectively (Broderick 2005, Leach et al. 1999).


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Given the increased importance of adaptation debates in global climate negotiations, pressure to achieve biodiversity, food and water security through managed landscape-scale adaptation will likely increase across the globe over the coming decade. In parallel, emerging market-based, terrestrial greenhouse gas abatement programs present a real opportunity to secure such adaptation to climate change through enhanced landscape resilience. Australia has an opportunity to take advantage of such programs through regional planning aspects of its governance arrangements for NRM. This paper explores necessary reforms to Australia's regional NRM planning systems to ensure that they will be better able to direct the nation's emerging GGA programs to secure enhanced landscape adaptation. © 2013 Planning Institute Australia.


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In this paper we discuss the social, economic and institutional aspects of the development of carbon management systems within Australia's tropical savannas. Land-use values in savanna landscapes are changing as a result of changing economic markets, greater recognition of native title, and growing social demands and expectations for tourism, recreation and conservation. In addition, there is increasing interest in developing markets and policy arrangements for greenhouse gas abatement, carbon sequestration and carbon trade in savannas. We argue that for carbon management to lead to national greenhouse outcomes, attention must be paid to social, economic and institutional issues in environmental planning and policy arrangements. From an economic perspective, the financial impact of carbon management on savanna enterprises will depend on appropriate and available policy mechanisms, unit price for carbon, landscape condition, existing management strategies and abatement measurements used. Local social and cultural features of communities and regions may enhance or constrain the implementation of carbon abatement strategies, depending on how they are perceived. In terms of institutional arrangements, policies and plans must support and enable carbon management. We identify three areas that require priority investigation and adjustment: regional planning arrangements, property rights, and rules for accounting at enterprise and regional scales. We conclude that the best potential for managing for carbon will be achieved while managing for range of other natural resource management outcomes, especially where managing for carbon delivers collateral benefits to enterprises.


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In this paper we investigate factors likely to correlate with human resource management (HRM) being perceived as a problem in smaller firms. The owner-manager and firm characteristics identified recognise that managerial ‘problems’ can result from a firm’s phase of growth, as well as the way in which an owner-manager’s capacity and characteristics affect their interpretation of such. From a survey of 1200 smaller firms in south east Melbourne (Australia), we use logistic regression on data from 428 respondents to assess organisational and individual factors correlating with perceiving HRM, broadly defined, to be a problem. The highest odds of this occurring were associated with being a larger manufacturing firm which was in a phase of growth other than diversification and which had a long-tenured manager who based the firm’s competitive success on factors other than the quality of staff. Knowing these correlates means assistance to help solve the perceived ‘problem’ with HRM can be more effectively targeted.


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In recent years there has been a growing literature on human resource management (HRM) and smaller firms which has also encompassed firms that are growing and entrepreneurial. For example we have seen a special edition of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Katz et al., 2000), two of Human Resource Management Review (Baron, 2003; Barrett and Mayson, 2006) and one of Human Resource Management (Huselid, 2003; Tansky and Heneman, 2003), with another of Human Resource Management (to be edited by Ribeiro, Roig and Tansky) scheduled for publication in 2010. In addition, symposia on the topic have been undertaken at the Academy of Management in 2005 (organized by Mayson) and in 2004 (organized by Hayton). Papers dealing with issues of HRM for new, small, growing and/or entrepreneurial firms have been presented at a range of different conferences, whether they are management oriented such as the Academy of Management (AoM) and its regional variants (for example, the British Academy of Management (BAM) or the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM)), entrepreneurially focused ones like the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research conference or ones focused specifically on smaller firms such as the conferences of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) in the UK or the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and its regional affiliates. With all these papers and all this discussion is there anything left to say? Well yes, we think there is and we are...


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In 2008 we brought together much work at the intersection of entrepreneurship and human resource management (HRM) (Barrett & Mayson, 2008), after calls for more research (Baron, 2003; Katz, Aldrich, Welbourne & Williams, 2000; Tansky & Heneman, 2003). More has been collated since (Soriano, Dobon & Tansky, 2010; Tansky, Soriano & Dobon, 2010). We think it is now time again to regroup, pull conversational threads together and have a critical look at recent research at the intersection of HRM and Entrepreneurship. As editors of International Handbook of Entrepreneurship and HRM (Barrett & Mayson, 2008) we were privileged to collect 23 wonderfully diverse chapters from scholars around the globe addressing a range of issues at the intersection of the two pertinent disciplines or fields: HRM and entrepreneurship. This edition represented a coalescing of ideas that had been swirling about for some time. In three sections, the first dealt with theory and research methods, the second with the nature of HRM in small and entrepreneurial firms and the third with the functional aspects of HRM. At the time we were aware that the handbook did not cover the entire field and many topics were left unexplored. For example, the topic of regulation was generally absent while issues such as career advancement, performance management, organisational change and gender, diversity and ethnicity were also missing. In essence, the majority of those contributions sought to develop an understanding of the context in which particular aspects of HRM can be played out.


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It has been argued that different bundles or configurations of human resource practices can improve innovation performance, but there is little empirically-based research that provides details of the practices utilised by different types of innovative firms. This study aimed to identify how different types of firms vary their HR practices to build organisation-specific innovation capabilities. The paper presents findings from a qualitative study of 26 innovative Danish firms categorised as technology-based, knowledge-intensive, or hybrid in their industry orientation. The findings highlight that knowledge-intensive firms have notably different profiles of HRM practices to technology-based firms, suggesting that firms utilise different practices to build innovation capacity depending on the core capabilities required for success in their respective industries. This paper contributes by demonstrating how HR practices differ across types of firms rather than relying on a universal perspective or one best way to design and implement HR practices.


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Gender-focused human resource policies and practices signal an organization’s perspective on gender diversity. The signal produces perceptions that the organization values gender diversity leading to a gender-diverse workforce. In turn, a gender-diverse workforce provides a firm with a competitive advantage which should result in higher performance. This paper tests the mediating effects of gender diversity (at non-management and management levels) in the relationship between gender-focused policies and practices and performance. The findings indicate that non-management gender diversity partially mediates the relationship between gender-focused policies and practices and productivity, and management gender diversity partially mediates the relationship between gender-focused policies and practices and perceived market performance. The results have several theoretical, research and practical implications.


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This study examines how call centres adopt different types of human resource practices (involvement and control oriented) to manage frontline employees in Indian call centres. Data were collected from 250 call centre representatives to test the research hypotheses. The research model was analyzed using Mplus software. Findings showed that involvement and control oriented human resource practices resulted in more employee exhaustion and disengagement. Involvement oriented HRM had a positive impact on job satisfaction as well as, a positive relationship between employee exhaustion and disengagement. The findings suggest that, while involvement oriented HRM enhances job satisfaction, its implementation comes with a cost, that is, an increase in employee exhaustion and disengagement at work.


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Demography theory suggests that high gender diversity leads to high turnover. As turnover is costly, we tested the following: a main effect prediction derived from demography theory, and a moderating effect prediction derived from the relational framework. Data on 198 publicly listed organizations were collected through a human resources decision maker survey and archival databases. The results indicate that higher gender diversity leads to lower turnover in organizations with many gender-focused policies and practices. Findings suggest that organizations can lower their turnover rates by increasing their gender diversity and by implementing gender-focused policies and practices.