207 resultados para multiplex polymerase chain reaction


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Dental pulp cells (DPCs) have shown promising potential in dental tissue repair and regeneration. However, during in vitro culture, these cells undergo replicative senescence and result in significant alteration in cell proliferation and differentiation. Recently, the transcription factors of Oct-4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4 have been reported to play a regulatory role in the stem cell self-renewal process, namely cell reprogramming. Therefore, it is interesting to know whether the replicative senescence during the culture of dental pulp cells is related to the diminishing of the expression of these transcription factors. In this study, we investigated the expression of the reprogramming markers Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc in the in vitro explant cultured dental pulp tissues and explant cultured dental pulp cells (DPCs) at various passages by immunofluorescence staining and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Our results demonstrated that Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc translocated from nucleus in the first 2 passages to cytoplasm after the third passage in explant cultured DPCs. The mRNA expression of Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc elevated significantly over the first 2 passages, peaked at second passage (P < .05), and then decreased along the number of passages afterwards (P < .05). For the first time we demonstrated that the expression of reprogramming markers Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc was detectable in the early passaged DPCs, and the sequential loss of these markers in the nucleus during DPC cultures might be related to the cell fate of dental pulp derived cells during the long-term in vitro cultivation under current culture conditions.


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Most salad vegetables are eaten fresh by consumers. However, raw vegetables may pose a risk of transmitting opportunistic bacteria to immunocompromised people, including cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. In particular, CF patients are vulnerable to chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infections and this organism is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in this group. Clonal variants of P. aeruginosa have been identified as emerging threats to people afflicted with CF; however it has not yet been proven from where these clones originate or how they are transmitted. Due to the organisms‟ aquatic environmental niche, it was hypothesised that vegetables may be a source of these clones. To test this hypothesis, lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and bean sprout packages (n = 150) were analysed from a green grocer, supermarket and farmers‟ market within the Brisbane region, availability permitting. The internal and external surfaces of the vegetables were separately analysed for the presence of clonal strains of P. aeruginosa using washings and homogenisation techniques, respectively. This separation was in an attempt to establish which surface was contaminated, so that recommendations could be made to decrease or eliminate P. aeruginosa from these foods prior to consumption. Soil and water samples (n = 17) from local farms were also analysed for the presence of P. aeruginosa. Presumptive identification of isolates recovered from these environmental samples was made based on growth on Cetrimide agar at 42°C, presence of the cytochrome-oxidase enzyme and inability to ferment lactose. P. aeruginosa duplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay (PAduplex) was performed on all bacterial isolates presumptively identified as P. aeruginosa. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus strain typing PCR (ERIC-PCR) was subsequently performed on confirmed bacterial isolates. Although 72 P. aeruginosa were isolated, none of these proved to be clonal strains. The significance of these findings is that vegetables may pose a risk of transmitting sporadic strains of P. aeruginosa to people afflicted with CF and possibly, other immunocompromised people.


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This study demonstrates the feasibility of additive manufactured poly(3-caprolactone)/silanized tricalcium phosphate (PCL/TCP(Si)) scaffolds coated with carbonated hydroxyapatite (CHA)-gelatin composite for bone tissue engineering. In order to reinforce PCL/TCP scaffolds to match the mechanical properties of cancellous bone, TCP has been modified with 3-glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) and incorporated into PCL to synthesize a PCL/TCP(Si) composite. The successful modification is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. Additive manufactured PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds have been fabricated using a screw extrusion system (SES). Compression testing demonstrates that both the compressive modulus and compressive yield strength of the developed PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds fall within the lower ranges of mechanical properties for cancellous bone, with a compressive modulus and compressive yield strength of 6.0 times and 2.3 times of those of PCL/TCP scaffolds, respectively. To enhance the osteoconductive property of the developed PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds, a CHA-gelatin composite has been coated onto the scaffolds via a biomimetic co-precipitation process, which is verified by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and XPS. Confocal laser microscopy and SEM images reveal a most uniform distribution of porcine bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and cellsheet accumulation on the CHA-gelatin composite coated PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds. The proliferation rate of BMSCs on the CHA-gelatin composite coated PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds is 2.0 and 1.4 times higher compared to PCL/TCP(Si) and CHA coated PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds, respectively, by day 10. Furthermore, the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western blot analyses reveal that CHA-gelatin composite coated PCL/TCP(Si) scaffolds stimulate osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs the most compared to the other scaffolds. In vitro results of SEM, confocal microscopy and proliferation rate also show that there is no detrimental effect of GPTMS modification on biocompatibility of the scaffolds.


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With the identification of common single locus point mutations as risk factors for thrombophilia, many DNA testing methodologies have been described for detecting these variations. Traditionally, functional or immunological testing methods have been used to investigate quantitative anticoagulant deficiencies. However, with the emergence of the genetic variations, factor V Leiden, prothrombin 20210 and, to a lesser extent, the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR677) and factor V HR2 haplotype, traditional testing methodologies have proved to be less useful and instead DNA technology is more commonly employed in diagnostics. This review considers many of the DNA techniques that have proved to be useful in the detection of common genetic variants that predispose to thrombophilia. Techniques involving gel analysis are used to detect the presence or absence of restriction sites, electrophoretic mobility shifts, as in single strand conformation polymorphism or denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and product formation in allele-specific amplification. Such techniques may be sensitive, but are unwielding and often need to be validated objectively. In order to overcome some of the limitations of gel analysis, especially when dealing with larger sample numbers, many alternative detection formats, such as closed tube systems, microplates and microarrays (minisequencing, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and oligonucleotide ligation assays) have been developed. In addition, many of the emerging technologies take advantage of colourimetric or fluorescence detection (including energy transfer) that allows qualitative and quantitative interpretation of results. With the large variety of DNA technologies available, the choice of methodology will depend on several factors including cost and the need for speed, simplicity and robustness. © 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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We have previously reported the use of a novel mini-sequencing protocol for detection of the factor V Leiden variant, the first nucleotide change (FNC) technology. This technology is based on a single nucleotide extension of a primer, which is hybridized immediately adjacent to the site of mutation. The extended nucleotide that carries a reporter molecule (fluorescein) has the power to discriminate the genotype at the site of mutation. More recently, the prothrombin 20210 and thermolabile methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677 variants have been identified as possible risk factors associated with thrombophilia. This study describes the use of the FNC technology in a combined assay to detect factor V, prothrombin and MTHFR variants in a population of Australian blood donors, and describes the objective numerical methodology used to determine genotype cut-off values for each genetic variation. Using FNC to test 500 normal blood donors, the incidence of Factor V Leiden was 3.6% (all heterozygous), that of prothrombin 20210 was 2.8% (all heterozygous) and that of MTHFR was 10% (homozygous). The combined FNC technology offers a simple, rapid, automatable DNA-based test for the detection of these three important mutations that are associated with familial thrombophilia. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


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PCR-based cancer diagnosis requires detection of rare mutations in k- ras, p53 or other genes. The assumption has been that mutant and wild-type sequences amplify with near equal efficiency, so that they are eventually present in proportions representative of the starting material. Work on factor IX suggests that this assumption is invalid for one case of near- sequence identity. To test the generality of this phenomenon and its relevance to cancer diagnosis, primers distant from point mutations in p53 and k-ras were used to amplify wild-type and mutant sequences from these genes. A substantial bias against PCR amplification of mutants was observed for two regions of the p53 gene and one region of k-ras. For k-ras and p53, bias was observed when the wild-type and mutant sequences were amplified separately or when mixed in equal proportions before PCR. Bias was present with proofreading and non-proofreading polymerase. Mutant and wild-type segments of the factor V, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and prothrombin genes were amplified and did not exhibit PCR bias. Therefore, the assumption of equal PCR efficiency for point mutant and wild-type sequences is invalid in several systems. Quantitative or diagnostic PCR will require validation for each locus, and enrichment strategies may be needed to optimize detection of mutants.


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Activated protein C resistance (APCR), the most common risk factor for venous thrombosis, is the result of a G to A base substitution at nucleotide 1691 (R506Q) in the factor V gene. Current techniques to detect the factor V Leiden mutation, such as determination of restriction length polymorphisms, do not have the capacity to screen large numbers of samples in a rapid, cost- effective test. The aim of this study was to apply the first nucleotide change (FNC) technology, to the detection of the factor V Leiden mutation. After preliminary amplification of genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), an allele-specific primer was hybridised to the PCR product and extended using fluorescent terminating dideoxynucleotides which were detected by colorimetric assay. Using this ELISA-based assay, the prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation was determined in an Australian blood donor population (n = 500). A total of 18 heterozygotes were identified (3.6%) and all of these were confirmed with conventional MnlI restriction digest. No homozygotes for the variant allele were detected. We conclude from this study that the frequency of 3.6% is compatible with others published for Caucasian populations. In addition, the FNC technology shows promise as the basis for a rapid, automated DNA based test for factor V Leiden.


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The CDKN2 gene, encoding the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p16, is a tumour suppressor gene involved in melanoma and maps to chromosome band 9p22. Mutations or interstitial deletions of this gene have been found both in the germline of familial melanoma cases and somatically in melanoma cell lines. Previous mutation analyses of melanoma cell lines have indicated a high frequency of C:G to T:A transitions, with all of these mutations occurring at dipyrimidine sites. Including three melanoma cell lines carrying tandem CC to TT mutations, the spectrum of mutations so far reported indicates a possible role for u.v. radiation in the mutagenesis of this gene in some tumours. To further examine this hypothesis we have characterised mutations of the CDKN2 gene in 30 melanoma cell lines. Nineteen lines carried complete or partial homozygous deletions of the gene. Of the remaining cell lines, eight were shown by direct sequencing of PCR products from exon 1 and exon 2 to carry a total of nine different mutations of CDKN2. Two cell lines carried tandem CC to TT mutations and a high rate of C:G to T:A transitions was observed. This study provides further evidence for the role of u.v. light in the genesis of melanoma, with one target being the CDKN2 tumour suppressor gene.


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Approximately 50% of all melanoma families worldwide show linkage to 9p21-22, but only about half of these have been shown to contain germ line CDKN2A mutations. It has been hypothesized that a proportion of these families carry mutations in the noncoding regions of CDKN2A. Several Canadian families have been reported to carry a mutation in the 5' UTR, at position -34 relative to the start site, which gives rise to a novel AUG translation initiation codon that markedly decreases translation from the wild-type AUG (Liu et al., 1999). Haplotype sharing in these Canadian families suggested that this mutation is of British origin. We sequenced 1,327 base pairs (bp) of CDKN2A, making up 1,116 bp of the 5' UTR and promoter, all of exon 1, and 61 bp of intron 1, in at least one melanoma case from 110 Australian families with three or more affected members known not to carry mutations within the p16 coding region. In addition, 431 bp upstream of the start codon was sequenced in an additional 253 affected probands from two-case melanoma families for which the CDKN2A mutation status was unknown. Several known polymorphisms at positions -33, -191, -493, and -735 were detected, in addition to four novel variants at positions 120, -252, -347, and -981 relative to the start codon. One of the probands from a two-case family was found to have the previously reported Q50R mutation. No family member was found to carry the mutation at position -34 or any other disease-associated mutation. For further investigation of noncoding CDKN2A mutations that may affect transcription, allele-specific expression analysis was carried out in 31 of the families with at least three affected members who showed either complete or "indeterminate" 9p haplotype sharing without CDKN2A exonic mutations. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and automated sequencing showed expression of both CDKN2A alleles in all family members tested. The lack of CDKN2A promoter mutations and the absence of transcriptional silencing in the germ line of this cohort of families suggest that mutations in the promoter and 5' UTR play a very limited role in melanoma predisposition.


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Mutations in exon 3 of the CTNNB1 gene encoding beta-catenin have been reported in colorectal cancer cell lines and tumours. Although one study reported mutations or deletions affecting beta-catenin in 20% of melanoma cell lines, subsequent reports detected a much lower frequency of aberrations in uncultured melanomas. To determine whether this difference in mutation frequency reflected an in vitro culturing artefact, exon 3 of CTNNB1 was screened in a panel of 62 melanoma cell lines. In addition, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to detect intragenic deletions affecting exon 3. One out of 62 (1.6%) cell lines was found to carry a mutation, indicating that aberration of the Wnt-1/wingless pathway through activation of beta-catenin is a rare event, even in melanoma cell lines.


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Deletions detected in cytogenetic and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies indicate that at least one tumour suppressor gene maps to the long arm of chromosome 10. Previous deletion mapping studies have observed LOH on 10q in about 30% of melanomas analysed. The PTEN gene, mapping to chromosome band 10q23.3, encodes a protein with both lipid and protein phosphatase activity. Somatic mutations and deletions in have been detected in a variety of cell lines and tumours, including melanoma samples. We performed mutation analyses and extensive allelic loss studies to investigate the role this gene plays in melanoma pathogenesis. We found that a total of 34 out of 57 (60%) melanoma cell lines carried hemizygous deletions of chromosome 10q encompassing the PTEN locus. A further three cell lines carried smaller deletions excluding PTEN. Inactivation of both PTEN alleles by exon-specific homozygous deletion or mutation was observed in 13 out of 57 (23%) melanoma cell lines. The mutation spectrum observed does not indicate an important role for ultraviolet radiation in the genesis of these mutations, and evidence from three cell lines supports the acquisition of PTEN aberrations in culture. Ten out of 49 (20%) matched melanoma tumour/normal samples harboured hemizygous deletions of either the whole chromosome or most of the long arm. Mutations within were detected in only one of the 10 tumours demonstrating LOH at 10q23 that were analysed. These results suggest that PTEN inactivation may be important for the propagation of melanoma cells in culture, and that another chromosome 10 tumour suppressor gene may be important for melanoma pathogenesis.


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To evaluate the timing of mutations in BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) during melanocytic neoplasia, we carried out mutation analysis on microdissected melanoma and nevi samples. We observed mutations resulting in the V599E amino-acid substitution in 41 of 60 (68%) melanoma metastases, 4 of 5 (80%) primary melanomas and, unexpectedly, in 63 of 77 (82%) nevi. These data suggest that mutational activation of the RAS/RAF/MAPK pathway in nevi is a critical step in the initiation of melanocytic neoplasia but alone is insufficient for melanoma tumorigenesis.


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Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of screening, isolation and decolonisation strategies in the control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in intensive care units (ICUs). Design: Economic evaluation. Setting: England and Wales. Population: ICU patients. Main outcome measures: Infections, deaths, costs, quality adjusted life years (QALYs), incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for alternative strategies, net monetary benefits (NMBs). Results: All strategies using isolation but not decolonisation improved health outcomes but increased costs. When MRSA prevalence on admission to the ICU was 5% and the willingness to pay per QALY gained was between £20,000 and £30,000, the best such strategy was to isolate only those patients at high risk of carrying MRSA (either pre-emptively or following identification by admission and weekly MRSA screening using chromogenic agar). Universal admission and weekly screening using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based MRSA detection coupled with isolation was unlikely to be cost-effective unless prevalence was high (10% colonised with MRSA on admission to the ICU). All decolonisation strategies improved health outcomes and reduced costs. While universal decolonisation (regardless of MRSA status) was the most cost-effective in the short-term, strategies using screening to target MRSA carriers may be preferred due to reduced risk of selecting for resistance. Amongst such targeted strategies, universal admission and weekly PCR screening coupled with decolonisation with nasal mupirocin was the most cost-effective. This finding was robust to ICU size, MRSA admission prevalence, the proportion of patients classified as high-risk, and the precise value of willingness to pay for health benefits. Conclusions: MRSA control strategies that use decolonisation are likely to be cost-saving in an ICU setting provided resistance is lacking, and combining universal PCR-based screening with decolonisation is likely to represent good value for money if untargeted decolonisation is considered unacceptable. In ICUs where decolonisation is not implemented there is insufficient evidence to support universal MRSA screening outside high prevalence settings.


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Background and Objective: A number of bone filling materials containing calcium (Ca++) and phosphate (P) ions have been used in the repair of periodontal bone defects; however, the effect that local release of Ca++ and P ions have on biological reactions is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of various levels of Ca++ and P ions on the proliferation, osteogenic differentiation, and mineralization of human periodontal ligament cells (hPDLCs). Materials and Methods: hPDLCs were obtained using an explant culture method. Defined concentrations and ratios of ionic Ca++ to inorganic P were added to standard culture and osteogenic induction media. The ability of hPDLCs to proliferate in these growth media was assayed using the Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8). Cell apoptosis was evaluated by FITC-Annexin V/PI double staining method. Osteogenic differentiation and mineralization were investigated by morphological observations, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and Alizarin red S/von Kossa staining. The mRNA expression of osteogenic related markers was analyzed using a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results: Within the ranges of Ca++ and P ions concentrations tested, we observed that increased concentrations of Ca++ and P ions enhanced cell proliferation and formation of mineralized matrix nodules; whereas ALP activity was reduced. The RT-PCR results showed that elevated concentrations of Ca++ and P ions led to a general increase of Runx2 mRNA expression and decreased ALP mRNA expression, but gave no clear trend on OCN mRNA levels. Conclusion: The concentrations and ratios of Ca++ and P ions could significantly influence proliferation, differentiation, and mineralization of hPDLCs. Within the range of concentrations tested, we found that the combination of 9.0 mM Ca++ ions and 4.5 mM P ions were the optimum concentrations for proliferation, differentiation, and mineralization in hPDLCs.


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Light plays a unique role for plants as it is both a source of energy for growth and a signal for development. Light captured by the pigments in the light harvesting complexes is used to drive the synthesis of the chemical energy required for carbon assimilation. The light perceived by photoreceptors activates effectors, such as transcription factors (TFs), which modulate the expression of light-responsive genes. Recently, it has been speculated that increasing the photosynthetic rate could further improve the yield potential of three carbon (C3) crops such as wheat. However, little is currently known about the transcriptional regulation of photosynthesis genes, particularly in crop species. Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) TF is a functionally diverse regulator of growth and development in the model plant species, with demonstrated roles in embryo development, stress response, flowering time and chloroplast biogenesis. Furthermore, a light-responsive NF-Y binding site (CCAAT-box) is present in the promoter of a spinach photosynthesis gene. As photosynthesis genes are co-regulated by light and co-regulated genes typically have similar regulatory elements in their promoters, it seems likely that other photosynthesis genes would also have light-responsive CCAAT-boxes. This provided the impetus to investigate the NF-Y TF in bread wheat. This thesis is focussed on wheat NF-Y members that have roles in light-mediated gene regulation with an emphasis on their involvement in the regulation of photosynthesis genes. NF-Y is a heterotrimeric complex, comprised of the three subunits NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC. Unlike the mammalian and yeast counterparts, each of the three subunits is encoded by multiple genes in Arabidopsis. The initial step taken in this study was the identification of the wheat NF-Y family (Chapter 3). A search of the current wheat nucleotide sequence databases identified 37 NF-Y genes (10 NF-YA, 11 NF-YB, 14 NF-YC & 2 Dr1). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each of the three wheat NF-Y (TaNF-Y) subunit families could be divided into 4-5 clades based on their conserved core regions. Outside of the core regions, eleven motifs were identified to be conserved between Arabidopsis, rice and wheat NF-Y subunit members. The expression profiles of TaNF-Y genes were constructed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Some TaNF-Y subunit members had little variation in their transcript levels among the organs, while others displayed organ-predominant expression profiles, including those expressed mainly in the photosynthetic organs. To investigate their potential role in light-mediated gene regulation, the light responsiveness of the TaNF-Y genes were examined (Chapters 4 and 5). Two TaNF-YB and five TaNF-YC members were markedly upregulated by light in both the wheat leaves and seedling shoots. To identify the potential target genes of the light-upregulated NF-Y subunit members, a gene expression correlation analysis was conducted using publically available Affymetrix Wheat Genome Array datasets. This analysis revealed that the transcript expression levels of TaNF-YB3 and TaNF-YC11 were significantly correlated with those of photosynthesis genes. These correlated express profiles were also observed in the quantitative RT-PCR dataset from wheat plants grown under light and dark conditions. Sequence analysis of the promoters of these wheat photosynthesis genes revealed that they were enriched with potential NF-Y binding sites (CCAAT-box). The potential role of TaNF-YB3 in the regulation of photosynthetic genes was further investigated using a transgenic approach (Chapter 5). Transgenic wheat lines constitutively expressing TaNF-YB3 were found to have significantly increased expression levels of photosynthesis genes, including those encoding light harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins, photosystem I reaction centre subunits, a chloroplast ATP synthase subunit and glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR). GluTR is a rate-limiting enzyme in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway. In association with the increased expression of the photosynthesis genes, the transgenic lines had a higher leaf chlorophyll content, increased photosynthetic rate and had a more rapid early growth rate compared to the wild-type wheat. In addition to its role in the regulation of photosynthesis genes, TaNF-YB3 overexpression lines flower on average 2-days earlier than the wild-type (Chapter 6). Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that there was a 13-fold increase in the expression level of the floral integrator, TaFT. The transcript levels of other downstream genes (TaFT2 and TaVRN1) were also increased in the transgenic lines. Furthermore, the transcript levels of TaNF-YB3 were significantly correlated with those of constans (CO), constans-like (COL) and timing of chlorophyll a/b-binding (CAB) expression 1 [TOC1; (CCT)] domain-containing proteins known to be involved in the regulation of flowering time. To summarise the key findings of this study, 37 NF-Y genes were identified in the crop species wheat. An in depth analysis of TaNF-Y gene expression profiles revealed that the potential role of some light-upregulated members was in the regulation of photosynthetic genes. The involvement of TaNF-YB3 in the regulation of photosynthesis genes was supported by data obtained from transgenic wheat lines with increased constitutive expression of TaNF-YB3. The overexpression of TaNF-YB3 in the transgenic lines revealed this NF-YB member is also involved in the fine-tuning of flowering time. These data suggest that the NF-Y TF plays an important role in light-mediated gene regulation in wheat.