105 resultados para major histocompatibility antigen class 2


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common, highly heritable, inflammatory arthropathy. In addition to being strongly associated with HLA-B27, a further 13 genes have been robustly associated with the disease. These genes highlight the involvement of the IL-23 pathway in disease pathogenesis, and indicate overlaps between the pathogenesis of AS, and of inflammatory bowel disease. Genetic associations in B27-positive and -negative disease are similar, with the main exception of association with ERAP1, which is restricted in association to B27-positive cases. This restriction, and the known function of ERAP1 in peptide trimming prior to HLA Class I presentation, indicates that HLA-B27 is likely to operate in AS by a mechanism involving aberrant peptide handling. These advances point to several potential novel therapeutic approaches in AS.


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Ankylosing spondylitis is a common inflammatory rheumatic disease. Both susceptibility to and clinical manifestations of the disease are highly heritable. Although some genes, notably HLA-B27, have been implicated in susceptibility to the disease, the genetics of the condition are complex and many more genes involved in the condition await discovery.


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Both ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are common, highly heritable conditions, the pathogenesis of which are incompletely understood. Gene-mapping studies in both conditions have over the last couple of years made major breakthroughs in identifying the mechanisms by which these diseases occur. Considering RA, there is an over-representation of genes involved in TNF signalling and the NFκB pathway that have been shown to influence the disease risk. There is also considerable sharing of susceptibility genes between RA and other autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease and celiac disease, with thus far little overlap with AS. In AS, genes involved in response to IL12/IL23, and in endoplasmic reticulum peptide presentation, have been identified, but a full genomewide association study has not yet been reported.


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Predisposition to ankylosing spondylitis is largely genetic, and epidemiologic studies suggest that the environmental trigger is ubiquitous. HLA-B27 and -B60 predispose to ankylosing spondylitis, but in neither case is the mechanism of effect known. Other major histocompatibility complex and non-major histocompatibility complex genes are likely to influence susceptibility to spondyloarthritis as well as the disease pattern. Spondyloarthritis occurs in genetically predisposed inviduals exposed to certain as yet undefined environmental triggers. Although genes within the major histocompatibility complex are clearly major determinants of susceptibility to spondyloarthritis, epidemiologic evidence suggests that their contribution accounts for less than 50% of the total. The mechanism of association of B27 with these diseases is unknown; we are currently unable to predict which E27 carriers will develop arthritis or which form of BP27-associated spondyloarthritis they will develop. Lessons from transgenic animal experiments and technical and statistical advances in the field of genetics have greatly increased our ability to investigate these questions.


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Purpose of Review Over the past 3 years, several new genes and gene deserts have been identified that are associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The purpose of this review is to discuss the major findings of these studies, and the answers they provide and questions they raise about the pathogenesis of this common condition. Recent Findings: Five genes/genetic regions have now definitively been associated with AS [the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), IL23R, ERAP1, 2p15 and 21q22]. Strong evidence to support association with the disease has been demonstrated for the genes IL1R2, ANTXR2, TNFSF15, TNFR1 and a region on chromosome 16q including the gene TRADD. There is an overrepresentation of genes involved in Th17 lymphocyte differentiation/activation among genes associated with AS and the related diseases inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis, pointing strongly to this pathway as playing a major causative role in the disease. Increasing information about differential association of HLA-B27 subtypes with disease suggests a hierarchy of strength of association of those alleles with AS, providing a useful test as to the validity of different potential mechanisms of association of HLA-B27 with AS. The mechanism underlying the association of the gene deserts, 2p15 and 21q22, suggests the involvement of noncoding RNA in AS etiopathogenesis. Summary: The increasing list of genes identified as being definitely involved in AS provides a useful platform for hypothesis-driven research in the field, providing a potential alternative route to determining the underlying mechanisms involved in the disease to research focusing on HLA-B27 alone.


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Endoplasmatic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) is a multifunctional enzyme involved in trimming of peptides to an optimal length for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Polymorphisms in ERAP1 have been associated with chronic inflammatory diseases, including ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriasis, and subsequent in vitro enzyme studies suggest distinct catalytic properties of ERAP1 variants. To understand structure-activity relationships of this enzyme we determined crystal structures in open and closed states of human ERAP1, which provide the first snapshots along a catalytic path. ERAP1 is a zinc-metallopeptidase with typical H-E-X-X-H-(X)18-E zinc binding and G-A-M-E-N motifs characteristic for members of the gluzincin protease family. The structures reveal extensive domain movements, including an active site closure as well as three different open conformations, thus providing insights into the catalytic cycle. A K 528R mutant strongly associated with AS in GWAS studies shows significantly altered peptide processing characteristics, which are possibly related to impaired interdomain interactions.


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Ankylosing spondylitis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis predominantly affecting the spine and pelvis that occurs in approximately 5 out of 1,000 adults of European descent. Here we report the identification of three variants in the RUNX3, LTBR-TNFRSF1A and IL12B regions convincingly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (P < 5 × 10-8 in the combined discovery and replication datasets) and a further four loci at PTGER4, TBKBP1, ANTXR2 and CARD9 that show strong association across all our datasets (P < 5 × 10-6 overall, with support in each of the three datasets studied). We also show that polymorphisms of ERAP1, which encodes an endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase involved in peptide trimming before HLA class I presentation, only affect ankylosing spondylitis risk in HLA-B27-positive individuals. These findings provide strong evidence that HLA-B27 operates in ankylosing spondylitis through a mechanism involving aberrant processing of antigenic peptides.


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To identify new susceptibility loci for psoriasis, we undertOk a genome-wide asociation study of 594,224 SNPs in 2,622 individuals with psoriasis and 5,667 controls. We identified asociations at eight previously unreported genomic loci. Seven loci harbored genes with recognized iMune functions (IL28RA, REL, IFIH1, ERAP1, TRAF3IP2, NFKBIA and TYK2). These asociations were replicated in 9,079 European samples (six loci with a combined P < 5-10 -8 and two loci with a combined P < 5-10-7). We also report compeLing evidence for an interaction betwEn the HLA-C and ERAP1 loci (combined P = 6.95-10-6). ERAP1 plays an important role in MHC claS I peptide proceSing. ERAP1 variants only influenced psoriasis susceptibility in individuals carrying the HLA-C risk aLele. Our findings implicate pathways that integrate epidermal barrier dysfunction with iNate and adaptive iMune dysregulation in psoriasis pathogenesis.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) has been associated with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 for over 30 years; however, the mechanism of action has remained elusive. Although many studies have reported associations between AS and other genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in AS, no conclusive results have emerged. To investigate the contribution of non-B27 MHC genes to AS, a large cohort of AS families and controls were B27 typed and genotyped across the region. Interrogation of the data identified a region of 270kb, lying from 31952649 to 32221738 base pairs from the p-telomere of chromosome 6 and containing 23 genes, which is likely to include genes involved with susceptibility to AS.


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Sir The association between HLA‐B27 (B27) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) has been known for 25 yr. Familial aggregation in AS is well established, and first‐degree relatives of AS patients have been shown to be at increased risk of developing the disease. The recurrence risk in siblings of AS patients is quite uncertain, previous studies have variously reported recurrence risks between 6.9 and 27% [1, 2]. Accurate knowledge of the sibling recurrence risk is important both to advise families of the likelihood of disease recurrence, and in genetic statistical analyses utilizing Risch's recurrence risk ratio [3]. This study was designed to determine the risk of developing AS in siblings and to determine the role of the major histocompatibility complex in familial recurrence of AS....


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Abnormal expansion or depletion of particular lymphocyte subsets is associated with clinical manifestations such as HIV progression to AIDS and autoimmune disease. We sought to identify genetic predictors of lymphocyte levels and reasoned that these may play a role in immune-related diseases. We tested 2.3 million variants for association with five lymphocyte subsets, measured in 2538 individuals from the general population, including CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD56+ natural killer (NK) cells, and the derived measure CD4:CD8 ratio. We identified two regions of strong association. The first was located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), with multiple SNPs strongly associated with CD4:CD8 ratio (rs2524054, p = 2.1 × 10−28). The second region was centered within a cluster of genes from the Schlafen family and was associated with NK cell levels (rs1838149, p = 6.1 × 10−14). The MHC association with CD4:CD8 replicated convincingly (p = 1.4 × 10−9) in an independent panel of 988 individuals. Conditional analyses indicate that there are two major independent quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the MHC region that regulate CD4:CD8 ratio: one is located in the class I cluster and influences CD8 levels, whereas the second is located in the class II cluster and regulates CD4 levels. Jointly, both QTL explained 8% of the variance in CD4:CD8 ratio. The class I variants are also strongly associated with durable host control of HIV, and class II variants are associated with type-1 diabetes, suggesting that genetic variation at the MHC may predispose one to immune-related diseases partly through disregulation of T cell homeostasis.


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There has been significant progress in our understanding of the pathogenesis of AS. The advent of genome-wide association studies has increased the known loci associated with AS to more than 40. The endoplasmic reticulum resident aminopeptidases (ERAP) 1 and 2 were identified in this manner and are of particular interest. There appears to be a genetic as well as a functional interaction of ERAP1 and 2 with HLA-B27 based on the known functions of these molecules. Recent studies on the structure, immunological effects and the peptide-trimming properties of ERAP 1 and 2 have helped to provide insight into their pathogenic potential in AS. In this review, we explore the role of ERAP 1 and 2 in the pathogenesis of AS. © The Author 2015.


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The link between chronic immune activation and tumorigenesis is well established. Compelling evidence has accumulated that histologic assessment of infiltration patterns of different host immune response components in non-small cell lung cancer specimens helps identify different prognostic patient subgroups. This review provides an overview of recent insights gained in the understanding of the role played by chronic inflammation in lung carcinogenesis. The usefulness of quantification of different populations of lymphocytes, natural killer cells, macrophages, and mast cells within the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer is also discussed. In particular, the importance of assessment of inflammatory cell microlocalization within both the tumor islet and surrounding stromal components is emphasized. Copyright © 2010 by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.


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Efforts to identify genes other than HLA-B27 in AS have been driven by the strength of the evidence from genetic epidemiology studies indicating that HLA-B27, although a major gene in AS, is clearly not the only significant gene operating. This is the case for both genetic determinants of disease-susceptibility and phenotypic characteristics such as disease severity and associated disease features. In this chapter the genetic epidemiology of AS and the gene-mapping studies performed to date will be reviewed and the future direction of research in this field discussed.


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In a recently published study1 involving 79 ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients and 132 unrelated healthy blood donors, Zhu et al report association of a tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs1799724, with AS.1 I have many concerns with this paper and its conclusions...