36 resultados para flame soot


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Human half-lives of PentaBDE congeners have been estimated from the decline in serum concentrations measured over a 6-12 month period for a population of exchange students moving from North America to Australia. Australian serum PBDE concentrations are typically between 5 -10 times lower than in North America and we can therefore hypothesize that if the biological half-life is sufficiently short we would observe a decline in serum concentration with length of residence in Australia. Thirty students were recruited over a period of 3 years from whom serum were archived every 2 months during their stay in Australia. Australian residents (n=22) were also sampled longitudinally to estimate general population background levels. All serum samples were analyzed by gas chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry. Key findings confirmed that BDE-47 concentrations in the Australians (median 2.3;


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are considered to be a cost effective and efficient way to reduce flammability therefore reducing harm caused by fires. PBDEs are incorporated into a variety of manufactured products and are found worldwide in biological and environmental samples (e.g. Hites et al. 2004). Unlike other persistent organic pollutants there is limited data on PBDE concentrations by age and/or other population specific factors. Some studies have shown no variation in adult serum PBDE concentrations with age (e.g. Mazdai et al., 2003, Meironyte Guvenius et al., 2003) while Petreas et al. (2003) and Schecter et al. (2005) found results to be suggestive of an age trend in adult data but no statistically significant correlation was found. In addition to the data on adult concentrations there is limited data which investigates the levels of PBDEs in infants and young children. Fangström et al. (2005) showed that in seven year olds there was no difference in PBDE concentration when compared to adult concentrations. While Thomsen et al. (2002, 2005) found the concentration of PBDEs in pooled samples of blood serum from a 0-4 years age group to be higher than other age groups (4 to > 60 years). In addition, a family of four was studied in the U.S. and the concentrations were found to be greatest in the 18-month-old infant followed by the 5 year old child, then the mother and father (Fischer et al., 2006). The objectives of this study were to assess age, gender and regional trends of PBDE concentrations in a representative sample of the Australian population.


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Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) are widely used as flame retardants in polymer materials, textiles, electronic boards and various other materials. Technical PBDE preparations are produced as mixtures of mainly penta-, octa- or decabrombiphenyl ethers1,2. PBDEs are structurally similar to other environmental pollutants like dioxins and PCBs, they are lipophilic and persistent compounds and are widespread in the environment. To date, no information is available on the levels of PBDEs in human serum in Australia. In 2003, more than 9000 blood samples were collected in Australia as part of the National Dioxins Program. The aim of this study was to evaluate PBDE concentrations in these samples, focusing on one age group.


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Copyright estates have been unduly empowered by the extension of the term of copyright protection in Europe, the United States, Australia and elsewhere. The Estate of the Irish novelist, James Joyce, has been particularly aggressive in policing his revived copyrights. The "keepers of the flame" have relied upon threats of legal action to discourage the production of derivative works based upon the canonical texts of the novelist. The Estate has also jealously guarded the reputation of the author by vetoing the use of his work in various scholarly productions. Most radically of all, the grandson Stephen Joyce threatened to take legal action to prevent the staging of "Rejoyce Dublin 2004", a festival celebrating the centenary of Bloomsday. In response, the Irish Parliament rushed through emergency legislation, entitled the Copyright and Related Rights (Amendment) Act 2004 (Ireland) to safeguard the celebrations. The legislation clarified that a person could place literary and artistic works on public exhibition, without breaching the copyright vested in such cultural texts. Arguably, though, the ad hoc legislation passed by the Irish Parliament is inadequate. The Estate of James Joyce remains free to exercise its suite of economic and moral rights to control the use and adaptation of works of the Irish novelist. It is contended that copyright law needs to be revised to promote the interests of libraries and other cultural institutions. Most notably, the defence of fair dealing should be expanded to allow for the transformative use of copyright works, particularly in respect of adaptations and derived works. There should be greater scope for compulsory licensing and crown acquisition of revived copyrights.


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House loss during unplanned bushfires is a complex phenomenon where design, configuration, material and siting, can significantly influence the loss. In collaboration with the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre the CSIRO has developed a tool to assess the vulnerability of a specific house at the urban interface. The tool is based on a spatial profiling of urban assets including their design, material, surrounding objects and their relationship amongst one another. The analysis incorporates both probabilistic and deterministic parameters, and is based on the impact of radiant heat, flame and embers on the surrounding elements and the structure itself. It provides a breakdown of the attributes and design parameters that contribute to the vulnerability level. This paper describes the tool which allows the user to explore the vulnerability of a house to varying levels of bushfire attacks. The tool is aimed at government agencies interested in building design, town planning and community education for bushfire risk mitigation.


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This study investigates the morphology, microstructure and surface composition of Diesel engine exhaust particles. The state of agglomeration, the primary particle size and the fractal dimension of exhaust particles from petroleum Diesel (petrodiesel) and biodiesel blends from microalgae, cotton seed and waste cooking oil were investigated by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy. With primary particle diameters between 12-19 nm, biodiesel blend primary particles are found to be smaller than petrodiesel ones (21±2 nm). Also it was found that soot agglomerates from biodiesels are more compact and spherical, as their fractal dimensions are higher, e.g. 2.2±0.1 for 50% algae biodiesel compared to 1.7±0.1 for petrodiesel. In addition, analysis of the chemical composition by means of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed an up to a factor of two increased oxygen content on the primary particle surface for biodiesel. The length, curvature and distance of graphene layers were measured showing a greater structural disorder for biodiesel with shorter fringes of higher tortuosity. This change in carbon chemistry may reflect the higher oxygen content of biofuels. Overall, it seems that the oxygen content in the fuels is the underlying reason for the observed morphological change in the resulting soot particles.