57 resultados para astigmatism


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Purpose: To examine the symmetry of corneal changes following near work in the fellow eyes of non-amblyopic myopic anisometropes. Methods: Thirty-four non-amblyopic, myopic anisometropes (minimum 1 D spherical equivalent anisometropia) had corneal topography measured before and after a controlled near work task. Subjects were positioned in a headrest to minimise head movements and read continuous text on a computer monitor for 10 minutes at an angle of 25 degrees downward gaze and an accommodation demand of 2.5 D. Measures of the morphology of the palpebral aperture during primary and downward gaze were also obtained. Results: The more and less myopic eyes exhibited a high degree of interocular symmetry for measures of palpebral aperture morphology during both primary and downward gaze. Following the near work task, fellow eyes also displayed a symmetrical change in superior corneal topography (hyperopic defocus) which correlated with the position of the upper eyelid during downward gaze. Greater changes in the spherical corneal power vector (M) following reading were associated with narrower palpebral aperture during downward gaze (p = 0.07 for more myopic and p = 0.03 for less myopic eyes). A significantly greater change in J0 (an increase in against the rule astigmatism) was observed in the more myopic eyes (-0.04 ± 0.04 D) compared to the less myopic eyes (-0.02 ± 0.06 D) over a 6 mm corneal diameter (p = 0.01). Conclusions: Changes in corneal topography following near work are highly symmetrical between the fellow eyes of myopic anisometropes due to the interocular symmetry of the palpebral aperture. However, the more myopic eye exhibits changes in corneal astigmatism of greater magnitude compared to the less myopic eye.


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Purpose: To investigate the effect of age on the contributions of the anterior cornea and internal components to ocular aberrations in the peripheral visual field. Methods: Ocular aberrations were measured in 10 young emmetropes and 7 older emmetropes using a modified commercial Hartmann-Shack aberrometer across 42° x 32° of central visual field. Anterior corneal aberrations were estimated from anterior corneal topography using theoretical ray-tracing. Internal aberrations were calculated by subtracting anterior corneal aberrations from ocular aberrations. Results: Anterior corneal aberrations of young subjects were reasonably compensated by the internal aberrations, except for astigmatism for which the internal contribution was small out to the 21° field limit. The internal coma and spherical aberration of the older subjects were considerably smaller in magnitude than those of the young subjects such that the compensation for anterior corneal aberrations was poorer. This can be explained by age-related changes in the lens shape and refractive index distribution. Conclusion: oss of balance between anterior cornea and internal components of higher order aberrations with increasing age, found previously for on-axis vision, applies also to the peripheral visual field.


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Purpose: To use a large wavefront database of a clinical population to investigate relationships between refractions and higher order aberrations and between aberrations of right and left eyes. Methods: Third and fourth-order aberration coefficients and higher-order root-mean-squared aberrations (HO RMS), scaled to a pupil size of 4.5 mm diameter, were analysed in a population of about 24,000 patients from Carl Zeiss Vision's European wavefront database. Correlations were determined between the aberrations and the variables of refraction, near addition and cylinder. Results: Most aberration coefficients were significantly dependent upon these variables, but the proportions of aberrations that could be explained by these factors were less than 2% except for spherical aberration (12%), horizontal coma (9%) and HO RMS (7%). Near addition was the major contributor for horizontal coma (8.5% out of 9.5%) and spherical equivalent was the major contributor for spherical aberration (7.7% out of 11.6%). Interocular correlations were highly significant for all aberration coefficients, varying between 0.16 and 0.81. Anisometropia was a variable of significance for three aberrations (vertical coma, secondary astigmatism and tetrafoil), but little importance can be placed on this because of the small proportions of aberrations that can be explained by refraction (all less than 1.0 %). Conclusions: Most third- and fourth-order aberration coefficients were significantly dependent upon spherical equivalent, near addition and cylinder, but only horizontal coma (9%) and spherical aberration (12%) showed dependencies of greater than 2%. Interocular correlations were highly significant for all aberration coefficients, but anisometropia had little influence on aberration coefficients.


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There has been a low level of interest in peripheral aberrations and corresponding image quality for over 200 years. Most work has been concerned with the second-order aberrations of defocus and astigmatism that can be corrected with conventional lenses. Studies have found high levels of aberration, often amounting to several dioptres, even in eyes with only small central defocus and astigmatism. My investigations have contributed to understanding shape changes in the eye with increases in myopia, changes in eye optics with ageing, and how surgical interventions intended to correct central refractive errors have unintended effects on peripheral optics. My research group has measured peripheral second- and higher-order aberrations over a 42° horizontal × 32° vertical diameter visual field. There is substantial variation in individual aberrations with age and pathology. While the higher-order aberrations in the periphery are usually small compared with second-order aberrations, they can be substantial and change considerably after refractive surgery. The thrust of my research in the next few years is to understand more about the peripheral aberrations of the human eye, to measure visual performance in the periphery and determine whether this can be improved by adaptive optics correction, to use measurements of peripheral aberrations to learn more about the optics of the eye and in particular the gradient index structure of the lens, and to investigate ways of increasing the size of the field of good retinal image quality.


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BACKGROUND: We aimed to determine the prevalence and associations of refractive error on Norfolk Island. DESIGN: Population-based study on Norfolk Island, South Pacific. PARTICIPANTS: All permanent residents on Norfolk Island aged ≥ 15 years were invited to participate. METHODS: Patients underwent non-cycloplegic autorefraction, slit-lamp biomicroscope examination and biometry assessment. Only phakic eyes were analysed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence and multivariate associations of refractive error and myopia. RESULTS: There were 677 people (645 right phakic eyes, 648 left phakic eyes) aged ≥ 15 years were included in this study. Mean age of participants was 51.1 (standard deviation 15.7; range 15-81). Three hundred and seventy-six people (55.5%) were female. Adjusted to the 2006 Norfolk Island population, prevalence estimates of refractive error were as follows: myopia (mean spherical equivalent ≥ -1.0 D) 10.1%, hypermetropia (mean spherical equivalent ≥ 1.0 D) 36.6%, and astigmatism 17.7%. Significant independent predictors of myopia in the multivariate model were lower age (P < 0.001), longer axial length (P < 0.001), shallower anterior chamber depth (P = 0.031) and increased corneal curvature (P < 0.001). Significant independent predictors of refractive error were increasing age (P < 0.001), male gender (P = 0.009), Pitcairn ancestry (P = 0.041), cataract (P < 0.001), longer axial length (P < 0.001) and decreased corneal curvature (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of myopia on Norfolk Island is lower than on mainland Australia, and the Norfolk Island population demonstrates ethnic differences in the prevalence estimates. Given the significant associations between refractive error and several ocular biometry characteristics, Norfolk Island may be a useful population in which to find the genetic basis of refractive error.


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Purpose To investigate hyperopic shifts and the oblique (or 45-degree/135-degree) component of astigmatism at large angles in the horizontal visual field using the Hartmann-Shack technique. Methods The adult participants consisted of 6 hypermetropes, 13 emmetropes and 11 myopes. Measurements were made with a modified COAS-HD Hartmann-Shack aberrometer across T60 degrees along the horizontal visual field in 5-degree steps. Eyes were dilated with 1% cyclopentolate. Peripheral refraction was estimated as mean spherical (or spherical equivalent) refraction, with/against the rule of astigmatism and oblique astigmatism components, and as horizontal and vertical refraction components based on 3-mm major diameter elliptical pupils. Results Thirty percent of eyes showed a pattern that was a combination of type IV and type I patterns of Rempt et al. (Rempt F, Hoogerheide J, Hoogenboom WP. Peripheral retinoscopy and the skiagram. Ophthalmologica 1971;162:1Y10), which shows the characteristics of type IV (relative hypermetropia along the vertical meridian and relative myopia along the horizontal meridian) out to an angle of between 40 and 50 degrees before behaving like type I (both meridians show relative hypermetropia). We classified this pattern as type IV/I. Seven of 13 emmetropes had this pattern. As a group, there was no significant variation of the oblique component of astigmatism with angle, but about one-half of the eyes showed significant positive slopes (more positive or less negative values in the nasal field than in the temporal field) and one-fourth showed significant negative slopes. Conclusions It is often considered that a pattern of relative peripheral hypermetropia predisposes to the development of myopia. In this context, the finding of a considerable portion of emmetropes with the IV/I pattern suggests that it is unlikely that refraction at visual field angles beyond 40 degrees from fixation contributes to myopia development.


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Purpose: To examine between eye differences in corneal higher order aberrations and topographical characteristics in a range of refractive error groups. Methods: One hundred and seventy subjects were recruited including; 50 emmetropic isometropes, 48 myopic isometropes (spherical equivalent anisometropia ≤ 0.75 D), 50 myopic anisometropes (spherical equivalent anisometropia ≥ 1.00 D) and 22 keratoconics. The corneal topography of each eye was captured using the E300 videokeratoscope (Medmont, Victoria, Australia) and analyzed using custom written software. All left eye data were rotated about the vertical midline to account for enantiomorphism. Corneal height data were used to calculate the corneal wavefront error using a ray tracing procedure and fit with Zernike polynomials (up to and including the eighth radial order). The wavefront was centred on the line of sight by using the pupil offset value from the pupil detection function in the videokeratoscope. Refractive power maps were analysed to assess corneal sphero-cylindrical power vectors. Differences between the more myopic (or more advanced eye for keratoconics) and the less myopic (advanced) eye were examined. Results: Over a 6 mm diameter, the cornea of the more myopic eye was significantly steeper (refractive power vector M) compared to the fellow eye in both anisometropes (0.10 ± 0.27 D steeper, p = 0.01) and keratoconics (2.54 ± 2.32 D steeper, p < 0.001) while no significant interocular difference was observed for isometropic emmetropes (-0.03 ± 0.32 D) or isometropic myopes (0.02 ± 0.30 D) (both p > 0.05). In keratoconic eyes, the between eye difference in corneal refractive power was greatest inferiorly (associated with cone location). Similarly, in myopic anisometropes, the more myopic eye displayed a central region of significant inferior corneal steepening (0.15 ± 0.42 D steeper) relative to the fellow eye (p = 0.01). Significant interocular differences in higher order aberrations were only observed in the keratoconic group for; vertical trefoil C(3,-3), horizontal coma C(3,1) secondary astigmatism along 45 C(4, -2) (p < 0.05) and vertical coma C(3,-1) (p < 0.001). The interocular difference in vertical pupil decentration (relative to the corneal vertex normal) increased with between eye asymmetry in refraction (isometropia 0.00 ± 0.09, anisometropia 0.03 ± 0.15 and keratoconus 0.08 ± 0.16 mm) as did the interocular difference in corneal vertical coma C (3,-1) (isometropia -0.006 ± 0.142, anisometropia -0.037 ± 0.195 and keratoconus -1.243 ± 0.936 μm) but only reached statistical significance for pair-wise comparisons between the isometropic and keratoconic groups. Conclusions: There is a high degree of corneal symmetry between the fellow eyes of myopic and emmetropic isometropes. Interocular differences in corneal topography and higher order aberrations are more apparent in myopic anisometropes and keratoconics due to regional (primarily inferior) differences in topography and between eye differences in vertical pupil decentration relative to the corneal vertex normal. Interocular asymmetries in corneal optics appear to be associated with anisometropic refractive development.


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Purpose/aim Myopia incidence is increasing around the world. Myopisation is considered to be caused by a variety of factors. One consideration is whether higher-order aberrations (HOA) influence myopisation. More knowledge of optics in anisometropic eyes might give further insight into the development of refractive error. Materials and methods To analyse the possible influence of HOA on refractive error development, we compared HOA between anisometropes and isometropes. We analysed HOA up to the 4th order for both eyes of 20 anisometropes (mean age: 43 ± 17 years) and 20 isometropes (mean age: 33 ±17 years). HOA were measured with the Shack-Hartman i.Profiler (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and were recalculated for a 4 mm pupil. Mean spherical equivalent (MSE) was based on the subjective refraction. Anisometropia was defined as ≥1D interocular difference in MSE. The mean absolute differences between right and left eyes in spherical equivalent were 0.28 ± 0.21 D in the isometropic group and 2.81 ± 2.04 D in the anisometropic group. Interocular differences in HOA were compared with the interocular difference in MSE using correlations. Results For isometropes oblique trefoil, vertical coma, horizontal coma and spherical aberration showed significant correlations between the two eyes. In anisometropes all analysed higher-order aberrations correlated significantly between the two eyes except oblique secondary astigmatism and secondary astigmatism. When analysing anisometropes and isometropes separately, no significant correlations were found between interocular differences of higher-order aberrations and MSE. For isometropes and anisometropes combined, tetrafoil correlated significantly with MSE in left eyes. Conclusions The present study could not show that interocular differences of higher-order aberrations increase with increasing interocular difference in MSE.


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Objectives To characterize toric contact lens prescribing worldwide. Methods Up to 1,000 survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters in up to 39 countries between January and March every year for 5 consecutive years (2007–2011). Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey form. Only data for toric and spherical soft lens fits were analyzed. Survey data collected since 1996 were also analyzed for 7 nations to assess toric lens fitting trends since that time. Results Data were collected in relation to 21,150 toric fits (25%) and 62,150 spherical fits (75%). Toric prescribing ranged from 6% of lenses in Russia to 48% in Portugal. Compared with spherical fittings, toric fittings can be characterized as follows: older age (29.8 ± 11.4 years vs. 27.6 ± 10.8 years for spherical lenses); men are overrepresented (38% vs. 34%); greater proportion of new fits (39% vs. 32%); use of silicone hydrogel lenses (49% vs. 39%); and lower proportion of daily disposable lenses (14% vs. 28%). There has been a continuous increase in toric lens prescribing between 1996 and 2011. The proportion of toric lens fits was positively related to the gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita for year 2011 (r2 = 0.21; P=0.004). Conclusions At the present time, in the majority of countries surveyed, toric soft contact lens prescribing falls short of that required to correct clinically significant astigmatism (≥0.75 diopters) in all lens wearers.


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Purpose To investigate the differences between and variations across time in corneal topography and ocular wavefront aberrations in young Singaporean myopes and emmetropes. Methods We used a videokeratoscope and wavefront sensor to measure the ocular surface topography and wavefront aberrations of the total eye optics in the morning, mid-day and late afternoon on two separate days. Topography data were used to derive the corneal surface wavefront aberrations. Both the corneal and total wavefronts were analysed up to the 4th radial order of the Zernike polynomial expansion, and were centred on the entrance pupil (5 mm). The participants included 12 young progressing myopes, 13 young stable myopes and 15 young age-matched emmetropes. Results For all subjects considered together there were significant changes in some of the aberrations terms across the day, such as spherical aberration ( ) and vertical coma ( ) (repeated measures ANOVA, p<0.05). The magnitude of positive spherical aberration ( ) was significantly lower in the progressing myope group than that of the stable myopes (p=0.04) and emmetrope group (p=0.02). There were also significant interactions between refractive group and time of day for with/against-the-rule astigmatism ( ). Significantly lower 4th order RMS of ocular wavefront aberrations were found in the progressing myope group compared with the stable myopes and emmetropes (p<0.01). Conclusions These differences and variations in the corneal and total aberrations may have significance for our understanding of refractive error development and for clinical applications requiring accurate wavefront measurements.


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Purpose: To investigate the diurnal variations in ocular wavefront aberrations over two consecutive days in young adult subjects. Materials and methods: Measurements of both lower-order (sphero-cylindrical refractive powers) and higher-order (3rd and 4th order aberration terms) ocular aberrations were collected for 30 young adult subjects at ten different times over two consecutive days using a Hartmann-Shack aberrometer. Fifteen subjects were myopic and 15 were emmetropic. Five sets of measurements were collected each day at approximately 3 hourly intervals, with the first measurement taken at ~9 am and the final measurement at ~9 pm. Results: Spherical equivalent refraction (p = 0.029) and spherical aberration (p = 0.043) were both found to undergo significant diurnal variation over the two measurement days. The spherical equivalent was typically found to be at a maximum (i.e. most hyperopic) at the morning measurement, with a small myopic shift of 0.37 ± 0.15 D observed over the course of the day. The mean spherical aberration of all subjects (0.038 ± 0.048 μm) was found to be positive during the day and gradually became more negative into the evening, with a mean amplitude of change of 0.036 ± 0.02 μm. None of the other considered sphero-cylindrical refractive power components or higher-order aberrations exhibited significant diurnal variation over the two days of the experiment (p>0.05). Except for the lower-order astigmatism at 90/180 deg (p = 0.040), there were no significant differences between myopes and emmetropes in the magnitude and timing of the observed diurnal variations (p>0.05). Conclusions: Significant diurnal variations in spherical equivalent and spherical aberration were consistently observed over two consecutive days of measurement. Research and clinical applications requiring precise refractive error and wavefront measurements should take these diurnal changes into account when interpreting wavefront data.


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Has the 1998 prediction of a well-known contact lens researcher – that rigid contact lenses will be obsolete by the year 2010 – come to fruition? This Eulogy to RGPs will demonstrate why it has. A recent survey of international contact lens prescribing trends shows that rigid lenses constituted less than 5% of all contact lenses prescribed in 16 out of 27 nations surveyed. This compares with rigid lenses representing 100% of all lenses prescribed 1965 and about 40% in 1990). With the wide range of sophisticated soft lens materials available today, including super-permeable silicone hydrogels, and designs capable of correcting astigmatism and presbyopia, there is now no need to fit cosmetic patients with rigid lenses, with the associated intractable problems of rigid lens-induced ptosis, 3 and 9 o’clock, staining, lens binding, corneal warpage and adaptation discomfort. Orthokeratology is largely a fringe application of marginal efficacy, and the notion that rigid lenses arrest myopia progression is flawed. That last bastion of rigid lens practice – fitting patients with severely distorted corneas as in keratoconus – is about to crumble in view of a number of demonstrations by independent research groups of the efficacy of custom-designed wavefront-corrected soft contact lenses for the correction of keratoconus. It is concluded that rigid contact lenses now have no place in modern contact lens practice.


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Anisometropia represents a unique example of ocular development, where the two eyes of an individual, with an identical genetic background and seemingly subject to identical environmental influences, can grow asymmetrically to produce significantly different refractive errors. This review provides an overview of the research examining myopic anisometropia, the ocular characteristics underlying the condition and the potential aetiological factors involved. Various mechanical factors are discussed, including corneal structure, intraocular pressure and forces generated during near work that may contribute to development of anisomyopia. Potential visually guided mechanisms of unequal ocular growth are also explored, including the influence of astigmatism, accommodation, higher-order aberrations and the choroidal response to altered visual experience. The association between binocular vision, ocular dominance and asymmetric refraction is also considered, along with a review of the genetic contribution to the aetiology of myopic anisometropia. Despite a significant amount of research into the biomechanical, structural and optical characteristics of anisometropic eyes, there is still no unifying theory, which adequately explains how two eyes within the same visual system grow to different endpoints.


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Purpose To examine the influence of short-term miniscleral contact lens wear on corneal shape, thickness and anterior surface aberrations. Methods Scheimpflug imaging was captured before, immediately following and 3 hours after a short period (3 hours) of miniscleral contact lens wear for 10 young (mean 27 ± 5 years), healthy participants. Natural diurnal variations were considered by measuring baseline diurnal changes obtained on a separate control day without contact lens wear. Results Small but significant anterior corneal flattening was observed immediately following lens removal (overall mean 0.02 ± 0.03 mm, p < 0.001) which returned to baseline levels three hours after lens removal. During the three hour recovery period significant corneal thinning (-13.4 ± 10.5 μm) and posterior surface flattening (0.03 ± 0.02 mm) were also observed (both p < 0.01). The magnitude of posterior corneal flattening during recovery correlated with the amount of corneal thinning (r = 0.69, p = 0.03). Central corneal clearance (maximum tear reservoir depth) was not associated with corneal swelling following lens removal (r = -0.24, p > 0.05). An increase in lower-order corneal astigmatism Z(2,2) was also observed following lens wear (mean -0.144 ± 0.075 μm, p = 0.02). Conclusions Flattening of the anterior corneal surface was observed immediately following lens wear, while ‘rebound’ thinning and flattening of the posterior surface was evident following the recovery period. Modern miniscleral contact lenses that vault the cornea may slightly influence corneal shape and power but do not induce clinically significant corneal oedema during short-term wear.


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AIM: To present the results of same-day topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy (TG-PRK) and corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) after previous intrastromal corneal ring segment (ISCR) implantation for keratoconus. METHODS: An experimental clinical study on twenty-one eyes of 19 patients aged, 27.1±6.6 years (range: 19 – 43 years), with low to moderate keratoconus who were selected to undergo customized TG-PRK immediately followed by same-day CXL, 9 months after ISCR implantation in a university ophthalmology clinic. Refraction, uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected distance visual acuities (CDVA), keratometry (K) values, central corneal thickness (CCT) and coma were assessed 3 months after TG/PRK and CXL. RESULTS: After TG-PRK/CXL: the mean UDVA (logMAR) improved significantly from 0.66±0.41 to 0.20±0.25 (P<0.05); K flat value decreased from: 48.44±3.66 D to 43.71±1.95 D; K steep value decreased from 45.61±2.40 D to 41.56±2.05D; K average also decreased from 42.42±2.07 D to 47.00±2.66 D (P<0.05 for all). The mean sphere and cylinder decreased significantly post-surgery from, -3.10±2.99 D to -0.11±0.93 D and from, -3.68±1.53 to -1.11±0.75D respectively, while the CDVA, CCT and coma showed no significant changes. Compared to post-ISCR, significant reductions (P ˂ 0.05 or all) in all K-values, sphere and cylinder were observed after TG-PRK/CXL. CONCLUSION: Same-day combined topography-guided PRK and corneal crosslinking following placement of ICRS is a safe and potentially effective option in treating low-moderate keratoconus. It significantly improved all visual acuity, reduced keratometry, sphere and astigmatism, but caused no change in central corneal thickness and coma.