76 resultados para Sugarcane breeding


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Pretretament is an essential and expensive processing step for the manufacturing of ethanol from lignocellulosic raw materials. Ionic liquids are a new class of solvents that have the potential to be used as pretreatment agents. The attractive characteristics of ionic liquid pretreatment of lignocellulosics such as thermal stability, dissolution properties, fractionation potential, cellulose decrystallisation capacity and saccharification impact are investigated in this thesis. Dissolution of bagasse with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C4mim]Cl) at high temperatures (110 �‹C to 160 �‹C) is investigated as a pretreatment process. Material balances are reported and used along with enzymatic saccharification data to identify optimum pretreatment conditions (150 �‹C for 90 min). At these conditions, the dissolved and reprecipitated material is enriched in cellulose, has a low crystallinity and the cellulose component is efficiently hydrolysed (93 %, 3 h, 15 FPU). At pretreatment temperatures < 150 �‹C, the undissolved material has only slightly lower crystallinity than the starting. At pretreatment temperatures . 150 �‹C, the undissolved material has low crystallinity and when combined with the dissolved material has a saccharification rate and extent similar to completely dissolved material (100 %, 3h, 15 FPU). Complete dissolution is not necessary to maximize saccharification efficiency at temperatures . 150 �‹C. Fermentation of [C4mim]Cl-pretreated, enzyme-saccharified bagasse to ethanol is successfully conducted (85 % molar glucose-to-ethanol conversion efficiency). As compared to standard dilute acid pretreatment, the optimised [C4mim]Cl pretreatment achieves substantially higher ethanol yields (79 % cf. 52 %) in less than half the processing time (pretreatment, saccharification, fermentation). Fractionation of bagasse partially dissolved in [C4mim]Cl to a polysaccharide rich and a lignin rich fraction is attempted using aqueous biphasic systems (ABSs) and single phase systems with preferential precipitation. ABSs of ILs and concentrated aqueous inorganic salt solutions are achievable (e.g. [C4mim]Cl with 200 g L-1 NaOH), albeit they exhibit a number of technical problems including phase convergence (which increases with increasing biomass loading) and deprotonation of imidazolium ILs (5 % - 8 % mol). Single phase fractionation systems comprising lignin solvents / cellulose antisolvents, viz. NaOH (2M) and acetone in water (1:1, volume basis), afford solids with, respectively, 40 % mass and 29 % mass less lignin than water precipitated solids. However, this delignification imparts little increase in saccharification rates and extents of these solids. An alternative single phase fractionation system is achieved simply by using water as an antisolvent. Regulating the water : IL ratio results in a solution that precipitates cellulose and maintains lignin in solution (0.5 water : IL mass ratio) in both [C4mim]Cl and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([C2mim]OAc)). This water based fractionation is applied in three IL pretreatments on bagasse ([C4mim]Cl, 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium chloride ([C2mim]Cl) and [C2mim]OAc). Lignin removal of 10 %, 50 % and 60 % mass respectively is achieved although only 0.3 %, 1.5 % and 11.7 % is recoverable even after ample water addition (3.5 water : IL mass ratio) and acidification (pH . 1). In addition the recovered lignin fraction contains 70 % mass hemicelluloses. The delignified, cellulose-rich bagasse recovered from these three ILs is exposed to enzyme saccharification. The saccharification (24 h, 15 FPU) of the cellulose mass in starting bagasse, achieved by these pretreatments rank as: [C2mim]OAc (83 %)>>[C2mim]Cl (53 %)=[C4mim]Cl(53%). Mass balance determinations accounted for 97 % of starting bagasse mass for the [C4mim]Cl pretreatment , 81 % for [C2mim]Cl and 79 %for [C2mim]OAc. For all three IL treatments, the remaining bagasse mass (not accounted for by mass balance determinations) is mainly (more than half) lignin that is not recoverable from the liquid fraction. After pretreatment, 100 % mass of both ions of all three ILs were recovered in the liquid fraction. Compositional characteristics of [C2mim]OAc treated solids such as low lignin, low acetyl group content and preservation of arabinosyl groups are opposite to those of chloride IL treated solids. The former biomass characteristics resemble those imparted by aqueous alkali pretreatment while the latter resemble those of aqueous acid pretreatments. The 100 % mass recovery of cellulose in [C2mim]OAc as opposed to 53 % mass recovery in [C2mim]Cl further demonstrates this since the cellulose glycosidic bonds are protected under alkali conditions. The alkyl chain length decrease in the imidazolium cation of these ILs imparts higher rates of dissolution and losses, and increases the severity of the treatment without changing the chemistry involved.


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Problems associated with processing whole sugarcane crop can be minimised by removing impurities during the clarification stage. As a first step, it is important to understand the colloidal chemistry of juice particles on a molecular level to assist development of strategies for effective clarification performance. This paper presents the composition and surface characteristics of colloidal particles originating from various juice types by using scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and zeta potential measurements. The composition and surface characteristics of colloidal juice particles are reported. The results indicate that there are three types of colloidal particles present, viz. an aluminosilicatecompound, silica and iron oxide, with the latter two being abundant. Proteins, polysaccharides and organic acids were identified on the surface of particles in juice. The overall particle charge varies from -2 mV to -6 mV. In comparison to juice expressed from burnt cane, the zeta potential values were more negative with juice particles originating from whole crop. This in part explains why these juices are difficult to clarify.


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The Australian sugar industry processes approximately 35 million tonnes of sugarcane per year from 400 000 hectares of land. Sugar remains the principal revenue stream from sugarcane in Australia with less than 60 ML/y of fuel ethanol produced from final molasses at present. Modelling has been undertaken to estimate the potential ethanol production from the Australian sugar industry for integrated facilities producing both sugar and ethanol from the entire sugarcane resource. Although research aimed at developing commercial processes is ongoing, the use of a proportion of the bagasse and trash for ethanol production, in addition to juice and molasses fermentation, would allow significant increases in the scale of ethanol production from sugarcane in Australia, increasing total industry revenues while maintaining energy self sufficiency.


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Starting from the study at the beginning of the East German "Heterosisfeldversuch", where PANICKE et al. (1975) considered the possibilities of a targeted use of inbreeding and heterotic effects, we show and discuss results of inbreeding studies in the USA dairy cattle breeding. Several research groups worldwide presented effective tools for managing inbreeding in dairy cattle. Their efforts underline the need of inbreeding studies. Contemplating inbreeding is necessary for any breeding decision to avoid inbreeding depression and for improved genetic analyses, e.g. in QTL- estimation. A novel methodology (HERNANDEZ-SANCHEZ et al., 2004a and b) is suggested for estimating inbreeding at the three levels of population, individual and locus.


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Pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with acidified aqueous glycerol solution was evaluated at both laboratory and pilot scales. Laboratory scale pretreatment (4.00 g dry mass in 40.00 g liquid) with glycerol solutions containing ≤ 20 wt% water and 1.2 wt% HCl at 130 °C for 60 min resulted in biomass having glucan digestibilities of ≥ 88%. Comparable glucan enzymatic digestibility of 90% was achieved with bagasse pretreated at pilot scale (10 kg dry mass in 60 kg liquid) using a glycerol solution containing 0.4 wt% HCl and 17 wt% water at 130 °C for 15 min. We attribute more efficient pretreatment at pilot scale (despite shorter reaction time and reduced acid content) to improved mixing and heat transfer in a horizontal reactor. Pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with acid-catalysed glycerol solutions likely produces glycerol-glycosides, which together with hydrolysed lignin are potential substrates for the production of biopolymers.


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Pretreatments of sugarcane bagasse for saccharification using different acid-catalysed imidazolium IL solutions (containing 20% water) at 130 °C for 30 min were investigated. At the same solution pH, pretreatment effectiveness in terms of glucan digestibility, delignification and xylan removal were similar for aqueous 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methane sulfonate (BMIMCH3SO3), 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methyl sulfate (BMIMCH3SO4), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (EMIMCl) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl). Decreasing solution pH of aqueous IL systems from 6.0 to 0.4 increased bagasse delignification and xylan removal, and as a result, improved glucan digestibility. The glucan digestibilities for bagasse samples pretreated by IL solutions with pH ≤ 0.9 were > 90% after 72 h of enzymatic hydrolysis. Without pH adjustment, the effectiveness of these aqueous IL solutions (except BMIMCH3SO3 because of its low natural pH of 0.9) to deconstruct the biomass was poor and the glucan digestibilities of pretreated bagasse samples were < 20%. These results show that pretreatment effectiveness of aqueous imidazolium ILs can simply be estimated from solution pH rather than hydrogen bond basicity (β) of the IL solution.


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Numerous crops grow in sugar regions that have the potential to increase the amount of biomass available to a small bagasse-based pulp factory. Arundo donax and Sorghum offer unique advantages to farmers compared to other agricultural crops. Sorghum bicolour requires only 1/3 of the water of sugarcane. Arundo donax is a very high yield crop, it can also grow with little water but it has the further advantage in that it is also highly stress tolerant, making it suitable for land which is unsuited to other crops. Pulps produced from these crops were benchmarked against sugarcane bagasse pulp. Arundo, sorghum and bagasse were pulped using KOH and anthraquinone to 20 Kappa number so as to produce a bleachable pulp. The unbleached sorghum pulp has better tensile strength properties than the unbleached Arundo pulp (43.8 Nm/g compared to 21.4 Nm/g) and the bleached sorghum pulp tensile strength was similar to bagasse (28.4 Nm/g). At 20 Kappa number, sorghum pulp had acceptable yield for a non-wood fibre (45% c.f. 55% for bagasse), Arundo donax pulp had low tensile strength, and relatively low yield (38.7%), even for an agricultural fibre and required severe cooking conditions to achieve similar delignification to sugarcane bagasse or sorghum. Sorghum and Arundo donax produced thicker handsheets than bagasse (>160 μm c.f. 122 μm for bagasse). In preliminary experiments sorghum and bagasse responded slightly better to Totally Chlorine Free bleaching (QPP), although none achieved a satisfactory brightness level and more optimisation is needed.


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Roller mills are typically used to crush sugarcane to express the juice from which sugar is manufactured. The mill rolls need to provide sufficient grip to ensure minimal sliding of the sugarcane along the roll surface. The rolls are subject to pressures up to 55 MPa from the sugarcane bagasse (as the sugarcane is called after first being crushed between a pair of rolls). The insoluble component of sugarcane includes typically 10% ash that largely originates from soil that is harvested with the cane. The sugarcane juice is acidic with pH typically between 5.0 and 5.5. As a result of ash and juice, the mill rolls are subjected to a range of abrasive and corrosive wear mechanisms. Solutions to provide grip and resist wear involve the selection of an appropriate roll shell material and compatible hard facing to provide the desired grip and wear characteristics. This paper reviews the various solutions that have been adopted for grip and durability for mill rolls and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each method.


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Saccharification of sugarcane bagasse pretreated at the pilot-scale with different processes (in combination with steam-explosion) was evaluated. Maximum glucan conversion with Celluclast 1.5 L (15–25 FPU/g glucan) was in the following order: glycerol/HCl > HCl > H2SO4 > NaOH, with the glycerol system achieving ∼100% conversion. Surprisingly, the NaOH substrate achieved optimum saccharification with only 8 FPU/g glucan. Glucan conversions (3.6–6%) obtained with mixtures of endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EG) and β-glucosidase (βG) for the NaOH substrate were 2–6 times that of acid substrates. However, glucan conversions (15–60%) obtained with mixtures of cellobiohydrolase (CBH I) and βG on acidified glycerol substrate were 10–30% higher than those obtained for NaOH and acid substrates. The susceptibility of the substrates to enzymatic saccharification was explained by their physical and chemical attributes. Acidified glycerol pretreatment offers the opportunity to simplify the complexity of enzyme mixtures required for saccharification of lignocellulosics.


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A low temperature lignocellulose pretreatment process was developed using acid-catalysed mixtures of alkylene carbonate and alkylene glycol. Pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC) and ethylene glycol (EG) was more effective than that with mixtures of propylene carbonate (PC) and propylene glycol (PG). These mixtures were more effective than the individual components in making bagasse cellulose more amenable to cellulase digestion. Glucan digestibilities of ≥87% could be achieved with a wide range of EC to EG ratios from 9:1 to 1:1 (w/w). Pretreatment of bagasse by the EC/EG mixture with a ratio of 4:1 in the presence of 1.2% H2SO4 at 90 °C for 30 min led to the highest glucan enzymatic digestibility of 93%. The high glucan digestibilities obtained under these acidic conditions were due to (a) the ability of alkylene carbonate to cause significant biomass size reduction, (b) the ability of alkylene glycol to cause biomass defibrillation, (c) the ability of alkylene carbonate and alkylene glycol to remove xylan and lignin, and (d) the magnified above attributes in the mixtures of alkylene carbonate and alkylene glycol.


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Sugarcane bagasse is an abundant and sustainable resource, generated as a by-product of sugarcane milling. The cellulosic material within bagasse can be broken down into glucose molecules and fermented to produce ethanol, making it a promising feedstock for biofuel production. Mild acid pretreatment hydrolyses the hemicellulosic component of biomass, thus allowing enzymes greater access to the cellulosic substrate during saccharification. A particle-scale mathematical model describing the mild acid pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse has been developed, using a volume averaged framework. Discrete population-balance equations are used to characterise the polymer degradation kinetics, and diffusive effects account for mass transport within the cell wall of the bagasse. As the fibrous material hydrolyses over time, variations in the porosity of the cell wall and the downstream effects on the reaction kinetics are accounted for using conservation of volume arguments. Non-dimensionalization of the model equations reduces the number of parameters in the system to a set of four dimensionless ratios that compare the timescales of different reaction and diffusion events. Theoretical yield curves are compared to macroscopic experimental observations from the literature and inferences are made as to constraints on these “unknown” parameters. These results enable connections to be made between experimental data and the underlying thermodynamics of acid pretreatment. Consequently, the results suggest that data-fitting techniques used to obtain kinetic parameters should be carefully applied, with prudent consideration given to the chemical and physiological processes being modeled.


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This thesis investigates the use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic methods for rapid measurement of nutrient elements in mill mud and mill ash. Adoption of NIR-based analyses for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and silicon will allow Australian sugarcane farmers to comply with recent legislative changes, and act within recommended precision farming frameworks. For these analyses, NIR spectroscopic methods surpass several facets of traditional wet chemistry techniques, dramatically reducing costs, required expertise and chemical exposure, while increasing throughput and access to data. Further, this technology can be applied in various modes, including laboratory, at-line and on-line installations, allowing targeted measurement.


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Pretreatments of sugarcane bagasse by three high boiling-point polyol solutions were compared in acid-catalysed processes. Pretreatments by ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol solutions containing 1.2 % H2SO4 and 10 % water at 130 °C for 30 min removed 89 % lignin from bagasse resulting in a glucan digestibility of 95 % with a cellulase loading of ~20 FPU/g glucan. Pretreatment by glycerol solution under the same conditions removed 57 % lignin with a glucan digestibility of 77 %. Further investigations with EG solutions showed that increases in acid content, pretreatment temperature and time, and decrease in water content improved pretreatment effectiveness. A good linear correlation of glucan digestibility with delignification was observed with R2 = 0.984. Bagasse samples pretreated with EG solutions were characterised by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, which confirmed that improved glucan enzymatic digestibility is mainly due to delignification and defibrillation of bagasse. Pretreatment by acidified EG solutions likely led to the formation of EG-glycosides. Up to 36 % of the total lignin was recovered from pretreatment hydrolysate, which may improve the pretreatment efficiency of recycled EG solution.


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Background Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is a prerequisite for effective saccharification to produce fermentable sugars. We have previously reported an effective low temperature (90 °C) process at atmospheric pressure for pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with acidified mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC) and ethylene glycol (EG). In this study, “greener” solvent systems based on acidified mixtures of glycerol carbonate (GC) and glycerol were used to treat sugarcane bagasse and the roles of each solvent in deconstructing biomass were determined. Results Pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse at 90 °C for only 30 min with acidified GC produced a solid residue having a glucan digestibility of 90% and a glucose yield of 80%, which were significantly higher than a glucan digestibility of 16% and a glucose yield of 15% obtained for bagasse pretreated with acidified EC. Biomass compositional analyses showed that GC pretreatment removed more lignin than EC pretreatment (84% vs 54%). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that fluffy and size-reduced fibres were produced from GC pretreatment whereas EC pretreatment produced compact particles of reduced size. The maximal glucan digestibility and glucose yield of GC/glycerol systems were about 7% lower than those of EC/ethylene glycol (EG) systems. Replacing up to 50 wt% of GC with glycerol did not negatively affect glucan digestibility and glucose yield. The results from pretreatment of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) showed that (1) pretreatment with acidified alkylene glycol (AG) alone increased enzymatic digestibility compared to pretreatments with acidified alkylene carbonate (AC) alone and acidified mixtures of AC and AG, (2) pretreatment with acidified GC alone slightly increased, but with acidified EC alone significantly decreased, enzymatic digestibility compared to untreated MCC, and (3) there was a good positive linear correlation of enzymatic digestibility of treated and untreated MCC samples with congo red (CR) adsorption capacity. Conclusions Acidified GC alone was a more effective solvent for pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse than acidified EC alone. The higher glucose yield obtained with GC-pretreated bagasse is possibly due to the presence of one hydroxyl group in the GC molecular structure, resulting in more significant biomass delignification and defibrillation, though both solvent pretreatments reduced bagasse particles to a similar extent. The maximum glucan digestibility of GC/glycerol systems was less than that of EC/EG systems, which is likely attributed to glycerol being less effective than EG in biomass delignification and defibrillation. Acidified AC/AG solvent systems were more effective for pretreatment of lignin-containing biomass than MCC.


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Technoeconomic analysis of renewable aviatin fuels has not been widely considered, despite the increasing global attention that the field has received. We present three process models for production of aviation fuel from microalgae, Pongamia pinnata, and sugarcane molasses. The models and assumptions have been deposited on a wiki (http://qsafi.aibn.uq.edu.au) and are open and accessible to the community. Based on currently available long-term reputable technological data, this analysis indicates that the biorefinieries processing the microalgae, Pongamia seeds, and sugarcane feedstocks would be competitive with crude oil at $1343, $374, and $301/bbl, respectively. Sensitivity analyses of the major economic drivers suggest technological and market developments that would bring the corresponding figures down to $385, $255, and $168/bbl. The dynamic nature of the freely accessible models will allow the community to track progress toward economic competitiveness of aviation fuels from these renewable feedstocks.