415 resultados para Progenitor cells


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The T-box family transcription factor gene TBX20 acts in a conserved regulatory network, guiding heart formation and patterning in diverse species. Mouse Tbx20 is expressed in cardiac progenitor cells, differentiating cardiomyocytes, and developing valvular tissue, and its deletion or RNA interference-mediated knockdown is catastrophic for heart development. TBX20 interacts physically, functionally, and genetically with other cardiac transcription factors, including NKX2-5, GATA4, and TBX5, mutations of which cause congenital heart disease (CHD). Here, we report nonsense (Q195X) and missense (I152M) germline mutations within the T-box DNA-binding domain of human TBX20 that were associated with a family history of CHD and a complex spectrum of developmental anomalies, including defects in septation, chamber growth, and valvulogenesis. Biophysical characterization of wild-type and mutant proteins indicated how the missense mutation disrupts the structure and function of the TBX20 T-box. Dilated cardiomyopathy was a feature of the TBX20 mutant phenotype in humans and mice, suggesting that mutations in developmental transcription factors can provide a sensitized template for adult-onset heart disease. Our findings are the first to link TBX20 mutations to human pathology. They provide insights into how mutation of different genes in an interactive regulatory circuit lead to diverse clinical phenotypes, with implications for diagnosis, genetic screening, and patient follow-up.


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The development of effective therapeutic strategies against prostate cancer bone metastases has been impeded by the lack of adequate animal models that are able to recapitulate the biology of the disease in humans. Bioengineered approaches allow researchers to create sophisticated experimentally and physiologically relevant in vivo models to study interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment under reproducible conditions. The aim of this study was to engineer a morphologically and functionally intact humanized organ bone which can serve as a homing site for human prostate cancer cells. Transplantation of biodegradable tubular composite scaffolds seeded with human mesenchymal progenitor cells and loaded with rhBMP-7 resulted in the development of a chimeric bone construct including a large number of human mesenchymal cells which were shown to be metabolically active and capable of producing extracellular matrix components. Micro-CT analysis demonstrated that the newly formed ossicle recapitulated the morphological features of a physiological organ bone with a trabecular network surrounded by a cortex-like outer structure. This microenvironment was supportive of the lodgement and maintenance of murine haematopoietic cell clusters, thus mimicking a functional organ bone. Bioluminescence imaging demonstrated that luciferase-transduced human PC3 cells reproducibly homed to the humanized tissue engineered bone constructs, proliferated, and developed macro-metastases. This model allows the analysis of interactions between human prostate cancer cells and a functional humanized bone organ within an immuno-incompetent murine host. The system can serve as a reproducible platform to study effects of therapeutics against prostate cancer bone metastases within a humanized microenvironment.


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We report a novel technology for the rapid healing of large osseous and chondral defects, based upon the genetic modification of autologous skeletal muscle and fat grafts. These tissues were selected because they not only possess mesenchymal progenitor cells and scaffolding properties, but also can be biopsied, genetically modified and returned to the patient in a single operative session. First generation adenovirus vector carrying cDNA encoding human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (Ad.BMP-2) was used for gene transfer to biopsies of muscle and fat. To assess bone healing, the genetically modified (“gene activated”) tissues were implanted into 5mm-long critical size, mid-diaphyseal, stabilized defects in the femora of Fischer rats. Unlike control defects, those receiving gene-activated muscle underwent rapid healing, with evidence of radiologic bridging as early as 10 days after implantation and restoration of full mechanical strength by 8 weeks. Histologic analysis suggests that the grafts rapidly differentiated into cartilage, followed by efficient endochondral ossification. Fluorescence in situ hybridization detection of Y-chromosomes following the transfer of male donor muscle into female rats demonstrated that at least some of the osteoblasts of the healed bone were derived from donor muscle. Gene activated fat also healed critical sized defects, but less quickly than muscle and with more variability. Anti-adenovirus antibodies were not detected. Pilot studies in a rabbit osteochondral defect model demonstrated the promise of this technology for healing cartilage defects. Further development of these methods should provide ways to heal bone and cartilage more expeditiously, and at lower cost, than is presently possible.


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Background The vegetative phenotype of the pea mutant unifoliata (uni) is a simplification of the wild-type compound leaf to a single leaflet. Mutant uni plants are also self-sterile and the flowers resemble known floral meristem and organ identity mutants. In Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis, mutations in the floral meristem identity gene FLORICAULA/LEAFY (FLO/LFY) affect flower development alone, whereas the tobacco FLO/LFY homologue, NFL, is expressed in vegetative tissues, suggesting that NFL specifies determinacy in the progenitor cells for both flowers and leaves. In this paper, we characterised the pea homologue of FLO/LFY. Results The pea cDNA homologue of FLO/LFY, PEAFLO, mapped to the uni locus in recombinant-inbred mapping populations and markers based on PEAFLO cosegregated with uni in segregating sibling populations. The characterisation of two spontaneous uni mutant alleles, one containing a deletion and the other a point mutation in the PEAFLO coding sequences, predicted that PEAFLO corresponds to UNI and that the mutant vegetative phenotype was conferred by the defective PEAFLO gene. Conclusions The uni mutant demonstrates that there are shared regulatory processes in the morphogenesis of leaves and flowers and that floral meristem identity genes have an extended role in plant development. Pleiotropic regulatory genes such as UNI support the hypothesis that leaves and flowers derive from a common ancestral sporophyll-like structure. The regulation of indeterminacy during leaf and flower morphogenesis by UNI may reflect a primitive function for the gene in the pre-angiosperm era.


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Breast cancer metastasis to the bone occurs frequently, causing numerous complications including severe pain, fracture, hypercalcemia, and paralysis. Despite its prevalence and severity, few effective therapies exist. To address this, we examined whether the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), would be efficacious in inhibiting breast cancer metastasis to bone. Utilizing the human breast cancer subline, MDA-MB-231SA, previously in vivo selected for its enhanced ability to generate osteolytic bone lesions, we determined that 17-AAG potently inhibited its in vitro proliferation and migration. Moreover, 17-AAG significantly reduced MDA-MB-231SA tumor growth in the mammary-fat pad of nude mice. Despite these findings, 17-AAG enhanced the incidence of bone metastasis and osteolytic lesions following intracardiac inoculation in the nude mouse. Consistent with these findings, 17-AAG enhanced osteoclast formation 2- to 4-fold in mouse bone marrow/osteoblast cocultures, receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (BANKL)-stimulated bone marrow, and RAW264.7 cell models of in vitro osteoclastogenesis. Moreover, the drug enhanced osteoclastogenesis in human cord blood progenitor cells, demonstrating that its effects were not limited to mouse models. In addition to 17-AAG, other Hsp90 inhibitors, such as radicicol and herbimycin A, also enhanced osteoclastogenesis. A pro-osteolytic action of 17-AAG independent of tumor presence was also determined in vivo, in which 17-AAG-treated tumor-naive mice had reduced trabecular bone volume with an associated increase in osteoclast number. Thus, HSP90 inhibitors can stimulate osteoclast formation, which may underlie the increased incidence of osteolysis and skeletal tumor incidence causedby 17-AAG in vivo. These data suggest an important contraindication to the Hsp90 targeted cancer therapy currently undergoing clinical trial.


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Recreating an environment that supports and promotes fundamental homeostatic mechanisms is a significant challenge in tissue engineering. Optimizing cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis, and providing suitable stromal support and signalling cues are keys to successfully generating clinically useful tissues. Interestingly, those components are often subverted in the cancer setting, where aberrant angiogenesis, cellular proliferation, cell signalling and resistance to apoptosis drive malignant growth. In contrast to tissue engineering, identifying and inhibiting those pathways is a major challenge in cancer research. The recent discovery of adult tissue-specific stem cells has had a major impact on both tissue engineering and cancer research. The unique properties of these cells and their role in tissue and organ repair and regeneration hold great potential for engineering tissue-specific constructs. The emerging body of evidence implicating stem cells and progenitor cells as the source of oncogenic transformation prompts caution when using these cells for tissue-engineering purposes. While tissue engineering and cancer research may be considered as opposed fields of research with regard to their proclaimed goals, the compelling overlap in fundamental pathways underlying these processes suggests that cross-disciplinary research will benefit both fields. In this review article, tissue engineering and cancer research are brought together and explored with regard to discoveries that may be of mutual benefit.


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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disease characterized by lung endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling. Recently, bone marrow progenitor cells have been localized to PAH lungs, raising the question of their role in disease progression. Independently, serotonin (5-HT) and its receptors have been identified as contributors to the PAH pathogenesis. We hypothesized that 1 of these receptors, 5-HT(2B), is involved in bone marrow stem cell mobilization that participates in the development of PAH and pulmonary vascular remodeling. A first study revealed expression of 5-HT(2B) receptors by circulating c-kit(+) precursor cells, whereas mice lacking 5-HT(2B) receptors showed alterations in platelets and monocyte-macrophage numbers, and in myeloid lineages of bone marrow. Strikingly, mice with restricted expression of 5-HT(2B) receptors in bone marrow cells developed hypoxia or monocrotaline-induced increase in pulmonary pressure and vascular remodeling, whereas restricted elimination of 5-HT(2B) receptors on bone marrow cells confers a complete resistance. Moreover, ex vivo culture of human CD34(+) or mice c-kit(+) progenitor cells in the presence of a 5-HT(2B) receptor antagonist resulted in altered myeloid differentiation potential. Thus, we demonstrate that activation of 5-HT(2B) receptors on bone marrow lineage progenitors is critical for the development of PAH.


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Advances in tissue-engineering have resulted in a versatile tool-box to specifically design a tailored microenvironment for hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in order to study diseases that develop within this setting. However, most current in vivo models fail to recapitulate the biological processes seen in humans. Here we describe a highly reproducible method to engineer humanized bone constructs that are able to recapitulate the morphological features and biological functions of the HSC niches. Ectopic implantation of biodegradable composite scaffolds cultured for 4 weeks with human mesenchymal progenitor cells and loaded with rhBMP-7 resulted in the development of a chimeric bone organ including a large number of human mesenchymal cells which were shown to be metabolically active and capable of establishing a humanized microenvironment supportive of the homing and maintenance of human HSCs. A syngeneic mouse-to-mouse transplantation assay was used to prove the functionality of the tissue-engineered ossicles. We predict that the ability to tissue engineer a morphologically intact and functional large-volume bone organ with a humanized bone marrow compartment will help to further elucidate physiological or pathological interactions between human HSCs and their native niches.


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To gain insight into the mechanisms by which the Myb transcription factor controls normal hematopoiesis and particularly, how it contributes to leukemogenesis, we mapped the genome-wide occupancy of Myb by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) in ERMYB myeloid progenitor cells. By integrating the genome occupancy data with whole genome expression profiling data, we identified a Myb-regulated transcriptional program. Gene signatures for leukemia stem cells, normal hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and myeloid development were overrepresented in 2368 Myb regulated genes. Of these, Myb bound directly near or within 793 genes. Myb directly activates some genes known critical in maintaining hematopoietic stem cells, such as Gfi1 and Cited2. Importantly, we also show that, despite being usually considered as a transactivator, Myb also functions to repress approximately half of its direct targets, including several key regulators of myeloid differentiation, such as Sfpi1 (also known as Pu.1), Runx1, Junb and Cebpb. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that interaction with p300, an established coactivator for Myb, is unexpectedly required for Myb-mediated transcriptional repression. We propose that the repression of the above mentioned key pro-differentiation factors may contribute essentially to Myb's ability to suppress differentiation and promote self-renewal, thus maintaining progenitor cells in an undifferentiated state and promoting leukemic transformation. © 2011 The Author(s).


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Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the most commonly used material in the manufacture of customized cell culture devices. While there is concern that uncured PDMS oligomers may leach into culture medium and/or hydrophobic molecules may be absorbed into PDMS structures, there is no consensus on how or if PDMS influences cell behaviour. We observed that human umbilical cord blood (CB)-derived CD34+ cells expanded in standard culture medium on PDMS exhibit reduced CD38 surface expression, relative to cells cultured on tissue culture polystyrene (TCP). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) induces CD38 expression, and we reasoned that this hydrophobic molecule might be absorbed by PDMS. Through a series of experiments we demonstrated that ATRA-mediated CD38 expression was attenuated when cultures were maintained on PDMS. Medium pre-incubated on PDMS for extended durations resulted in a time-dependant reduction of ATRA in the medium and increasingly attenuated CD38 expression. This indicated a time-dependent absorption of ATRA into the PDMS. To better understand how PDMS might generally influence cell behaviour, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) was used to identify potential upstream regulators. This analysis was performed for differentially expressed genes in primary cells including CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), and keratinocytes, and cell lines including prostate cancer epithelial cells (LNCaP), breast cancer epithelial cells (MCF-7), and myeloid leukaemia cells (KG1a). IPA predicted that the most likely common upstream regulator of perturbed pathways was ATRA. We demonstrate here that ATRA is absorbed by PDMS in a time-dependent manner and results in the concomitant reduced expression of CD38 on the cell surface of CB-derived CD34+ cells.


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Castration is the standard therapy for advanced prostate cancer (PC). Although this treatment is initially effective, tumors invariably relapse as incurable, castration-resistant PC (CRPC). Adaptation of androgen-dependent PC cells to an androgen-depleted environment or selection of pre-existing,CRPC cells have been proposed as mechanisms of CRPC development. Stem cell (SC)-like PC cells have been implicated not only as tumor initiating/maintaining in PC but also as tumor-reinitiating cells in CRPC. Recently, castration-resistant cells expressing the NK3 homeobox 1 (Nkx3-1) (CARNs), the other luminal markers cytokeratin 18 (CK18) and androgen receptor (AR), and possessing SC properties, have been found in castrated mouse prostate and proposed as the cell-of-origin of CRPC. However, the human counterpart of CARNs has not been identified yet. Here, we demonstrate that in the human PC xenograft BM18, preexisting SC-like and neuroendocrine (NE) PC cells are selected by castration and survive as totally quiescent. SClike BM18 cells, displaying the SC markers aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 or NANOG, coexpress the luminal markers NKX3-1, CK18, and a low level of AR (ARlow) but not basal or NE markers. These CR luminal SC-like cells, but not NE cells, reinitiate BM18 tumor growth after androgen replacement. The ARlow seems to mediate directly both castration survival and tumor reinitiation. This study identifies for the first time in human PC SC-/CARN-like cells that may represent the cell-of-origin of tumor reinitiation as CRPC. This finding will be fundamental for refining the hierarchy among human PC cancer cells and may have important clinical implications.


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Heart damage caused by acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a leading cause of death and disability in Australia. Novel therapies are still required for the treatment of this condition due to the poor reparative ability of the heart. As such, cellular therapies that assist in the recovery of heart muscle are of great current interest. Culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a stem and progenitor cell population that has been shown to promote tissue recovery in pre-clinical studies of AMI. For MSC-based therapies in the clinic, an intravenous route of administration would ideally be used due to the low cost, ease of delivery and relative safety. The study of MSC migration is therefore clinically relevant for a minimally invasive cell therapy to promote regeneration of damaged tissue. C57BL/6, UBI-GFP-BL/6 and CD44-/-/GFP+/+ mice were utilised to investigate mMSC migration. To assist in murine models of MSC migration, a novel method was used for the isolation of murine MSC (mMSC). These mMSC were then expanded in culture and putative mMSC were positive for Sca-1, CD90.2, and CD44 and were negative for CD45 and CD11b. Furthermore, mMSC from C57BL/6 and UBI-GFP-BL/6 mice were shown to differentiate into cells of the mesodermal lineage. Cells from CD44-/-/GFP+/+ mice were positive for Sca-1 and CD90.2, and negative for CD44, CD45 and CD11b however, these cells were unable to differentiate into adipocytes and chondrocytes and express lineage specific genes, PLIN and ACAN. Analysis of mMSC chemokine receptor (CR) expression showed that although mMSC do express chemokine receptors, (including those specific for chemokines released after AMI), these were low or undetectable by mRNA. However, protein expression could be detected, which was predominantly cytoplasmic. It was further shown that in both healthy (unperturbed) and inflamed tissues, mMSC had very little specific migration and engraftment after intravenous injection. To determine if poor mMSC migration was due to the inability of mMSC to respond to chemotactic stimuli, chemokine expression in bone marrow, skin injury and hearts (healthy and after AMI) was analysed at various time points by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT PCR). Many chemokines were up-regulated after skin biopsy and AMI, but the highest acute levels were found for CXCL12 and CCL7. Due to their high expression in infarcted hearts, the chemokines CXCL12 and CCL7 were tested for their effect on mMSC migration. Despite CR expression at both protein and mRNA levels, migration in response to CXCL12 and CCL7 was low in mMSC cultured on Nunclon plastic. A novel tissue culture plastic technology (UpCellTM) was then used that allowed gentle non-enzymatic dissociation of mMSC, thus preserving surface expression of the CRs. Despite this the in vitro data indicated that CXCL12 fails to induce significant migration ability of mMSC, while CCL7 induces significant, but low-level migration. We speculated this may be because of low levels of surface expression of chemokine receptors. In a strategy to increase cell surface expression of mMSC chemokine receptors and enhance their in vitro and in vivo migration capacity, mMSC were pre-treated with pro-inflammatory cytokines. Increased levels of both mRNA and surface protein expression were found for CRs by pre-treating mMSC with pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-á, IFN-ã, IL-1á and IL-6. Furthermore, the chemotactic response of mMSC to CXCL12 and CCL7 was significantly higher with these pretreated cells. Finally, the effectiveness of this type of cell manipulation was demonstrated in vivo, where mMSC pre-treated with TNF-á and IFN-ã showed significantly increased migration in skin injury and AMI models. Therefore this thesis has demonstrated, using in vitro and in vivo models, the potential for prior manipulation of MSC as a possible means for increasing the utility of intravenously delivery for MSC-based cellular therapies.


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Background: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) with similar properties to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSC) have recently been grown from the limbus of the human cornea. We presently contribute to this novel area of research by evaluating methods for culturing human limbal MSC (L-MSC). Methods: Four basic strategies are compared: serum-supplemented medium (10% foetal bovine serum; FBS), standard serum-free medium supplemented with B-27, epidermal growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor 2, or one of two commercial serum-free media including Defined Keratinocyte Serum Free Medium (Invitrogen), and MesenCult-XF (Stem Cell Technologies). The phenotype of resulting cultures was examined using photography, flow cytometry (for CD34, CD45, CD73, CD90, CD105, CD141, CD271), immunocytochemistry (α-sma), differentiation assays (osteogenesis, adipogenesis, chrondrogenesis), and co-culture experiments with human limbal epithelial (HLE) cells. Results: While all techniques supported to varying degrees establishment of cultures, sustained growth and serial propagation was only achieved in 10% FBS medium or MesenCult-XF medium. Cultures established in 10% FBS medium were 70-80% CD34-/CD45-/CD90+/CD73+/CD105+, approximately 25% α-sma+, and displayed multi-potency. Cultures established in MesenCult-XF were >95% CD34-/CD45-/CD90+/CD73+/CD105+, 40% CD141+, rarely expressed α-sma, and displayed multi-potency. L-MSC supported growth of HLE cells, with the largest epithelial islands being observed in the presence of MesenCult-XF-grown L-MSC. All HLE cultures supported by L-MSC widely expressed the progenitor cell marker ∆Np63, along with the corneal differentiation marker cytokeratin 3. Conclusions: We conclude that MesenCult-XF® is a superior culture system for L-MSC, but further studies are required to explore the significance of CD141 expression in these cells.