51 resultados para Narcotic Antagonists


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Purpose: GABA antagonists inhibit experimental myopia in chick and GABA receptors have been localized to chick sclera and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE and the choroid alter scleral DNA and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content in vitro; opposite effects have been observed for tissues from myopic and hyperopic eyes. The aim was to determine the effect of GABAergic agents on the DNA and GAG content of chick scleral fibroblasts directly and in co-culture with ocular tissues from myopic and hyperopic chick eyes. Materials and Methods: Primary cultures of fibroblastic cells expressing vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin were established. GABAergic agents were added separately (i) to the culture medium of the scleral cells and (ii) to the culture medium of the scleral cells with the addition of posterior eye cup tissue (retina, RPE, retina + RPE, choroid + RPE) to cell culture inserts. Ocular tissues were obtained from chick eyes wearing + 15D (lens-induced hyperopia, LIH) or −15D lenses (lens-induced myopia, LIM) for three days (post-hatch day 5–8) (n = 12). GAG and DNA content of scleral fibroblasts were measured. Results: GABA agents had a small direct effect on scleral cell GAG and DNA content but a larger effect was measured when GABA agents were added to the culture medium with myopic and hyperopic RPE and choroid + RPE tissues. GABA agonists increased (p = 0.002) whereas antagonists decreased (p = 0.0004) DNA content of scleral cells; effects were opposite for scleral GAG content. GABA agents significantly altered the effect of both LIM and LIH tissues (p = 0.0005) compared to control; the effects were greater for LIM tissue versus LIH tissue co-culture (p = 0.0004). Conclusion: GABAergic agents affect the DNA and GAG content of scleral fibroblasts both directly and when co-cultured with ocular tissues. GABA antagonists that prevent myopia development in chick model could act via a scleral mechanism utilizing the RPE/choroid.


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Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive thoracic malignancy associated with exposure to asbestos, and its incidence is anticipated to increase during the first half of this century. Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment, yet sufficiently robust evidence to substantiate the current standard of care has emerged only in the past 5 years. This Review summarizes the evidence supporting the clinical activity of chemotherapy, discusses the use of end points for its assessment and examines the influence of clinical and biochemical prognostic factors on the natural history of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Early-phase clinical trials of second-line and novel agents are emerging from an increased understanding of mesothelioma cell biology. Coupled with high-quality translational research, such developments have real potential to improve the outlook of patients at a time of increasing incidence.


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Somatostatin analogue scintigraphy represents a new technique employing radiolabelled peptides to detect specific receptor-bearing lesions. 111Indium diethylenetriaminopentaacetic acid-linked octreotide (111In-DTPA-D-Phe1 octreotide), also known as [111In]pentetreotide or OctreoScan, is now established in the management of patients with neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic tumours, and has proved effective in localizing disease sites in lung, breast and medullary thyroid carcinomas, lymphomas, meningiomas and others. In these conditions (a) the imaging of all disease sites at a single sitting (in a proportion of patients) thereby making further investigations unnecessary, (b) the localization of otherwise unexpected metastatic deposits and (c) the detection of residual disease not found by other means suggest that [111In]pentetreotide may be a useful adjunct in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with somatostatin receptor-bearing tumours.


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Epigenetic regulation of gene expression is an important event for normal cellular homeostasis. Gene expression may be "switched" on or "turned" off via epigenetic means through adjustments in DNA architecture. These structural alterations result from changes to the DNA methylation status in addition to histone posttranslational modifications such as acetylation and methylation. Drugs which can alter the status of these epigenetic markers are currently undergoing clinical trials in a wide variety of diseases, including cancer.We illustrate the treatment of cell lines with histone deacetylase (HDi) and DNA methyltransferase inhibitors and the subsequent RNA isolation and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for several members of the CXC (ELR(+)) chemokine family. In addition we describe a chromatin immunoprecipitation assay to determine the association between chromatin transcription markers and DNA following pretreatment of cell cultures with an HDi, Trichostatin A (TSA). This assay allows us to determine whether treatment with TSA dynamically remodels the promoter region of our selected genes, as judged by the differences in the PCR product between our treated and untreated samples.


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Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) is a powerful promoter of bone growth. We demonstrate here that brief exposure to FGF2 enhances mineralized nodule formation in cultured rat osteoprogenitor cells due to an expansion of cells that subsequently mineralize. This mitogenic effect is mediated via sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), FGFR1, and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. The GAGs involved in this stimulation are chondroitin sulfates (CS) rather than heparan sulfates (HS). However, continuous FGF2 treatment reduces alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, downregulates collagen Ialpha1 (ColIalpha1) and FGFR3 expression, upregulates the expression and secretion of osteopontin (OPN) and inhibits mineralization. The inhibitory effects of FGF2 on FGFR3 expression and ALP activity are also mediated by the ERK pathway, although the effects of FGF2 on ColIalpha1 and OPN expression are mediated by GAGs and PKC activity. Thus short-term activation of FGF2/FGFR1 promotes osteoprogenitor proliferation and subsequent differentiation, while long-term activation of FGF2 signaling disrupts mineralization by modulating osteogenic marker expression. This study thus establishes the central role of sulfated GAGs in the osteogenic progression of osteoprogenitors.


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Frondosins A−E, 1−5 (Figure 1), are a family of related marine sesquiterpenoids first isolated in their dextro-rotatory form from the sponge Dysidea frondosa.(1a) Additionally, levo-rotatory frondosins A and D were isolated from an unidentified Eurospongia species.(1b) Frondosins A−E are compounds of interest due to their promising interleukin-8 (IL-8) affinity and protein kinase C inhibition.(1a) IL-8 antagonists are of particular interest in view of their antiinflammatory,(2a) anti-HIV,(1b, 2b) and antitumor(2c-2f) properties. To date, frondosins A, B, and C have been synthesized.(3) Notwithstanding these successes, the frondosins have proved quite a formidable synthetic challenge, and as of yet, there has been no synthesis of frondosin D or E. In this report, we describe our approaches to the molecular scaffold of frondosins D. This work has culminated in a very effective means of producing the trimethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undecane ring system common to all frondosins (shown in bold, Figure 1).


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Appetite regulation is highly complex and involves a large number of orexigenic and anorexigenic peptide hormones. These are small, processed, secreted peptides derived from larger prepropeptide precursors. These peptides are important targets for the development of therapeutics for obesity, a global health epidemic. As a case study, we consider the ghrelin axis. The ghrelin axis is likely to be a particularly useful drug target, as it also plays a role in energy homeostasis, adipogenesis, insulin regulation and reward associated with food intake. Ghrelin is the only known circulating gut orexigenic peptide hormone. As it appears to play a role in diet-induced obesity, blocking the action of ghrelin is likely to be effective for treating and preventing obesity. The ghrelin peptide has been targeted using a number of approaches, with ghrelin mirror-image oligonucleotides (Spiegelmers) and immunotherapy showing some promise. The ghrelin receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, may also provide a useful target and a number of antagonists and inverse agonists have been developed. A particularly promising new target is the enzyme which octanoylates ghrelin, ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT), and drugs that inhibit GOAT are likely to circumvent pharmacological issues associated with approaches that directly target ghrelin or its receptor.


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The mechanisms involved in alcohol use disorders are complex. It has been shown that ghrelin is an important signal for the control of body weight homeostasis, preferably by interacting with hypothalamic circuits, as well as for drug reward by activating the mesolimbic dopamine system. The ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1A) has been shown to be required for alcohol-induced reward. Additionally, ghrelin increases and GHR-R1A antagonists reduce moderate alcohol consumption in mice, and a single nucleotide polymorphism in the GHS-R1A gene has been associated with high alcohol consumption in humans. However, the role of central ghrelin signaling in high alcohol consumption is not known. Therefore, the role of GHS-R1A in operant self-administration of alcohol in rats as well as for high alcohol consumption in Long-Evans rats and in alcohol preferring [Alko alcohol (AA)] rats was studied here. In the present study, the GHS-R1A antagonist, JMV2959, was found to reduce the operant self-administration of alcohol in rats and to decrease high alcohol intake in Long-Evans rats as well as in AA rats. These results suggest that the ghrelin receptor signaling system, specifically GHS-R1A, is required for operant self-administration of alcohol and for high alcohol intake in rats. Therefore, the GHS-R1A may be a therapeutic target for treatment of addictive behaviors, such as alcohol dependence.


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Background Although PPARγ antagonists have shown considerable pre-clinical efficacy, recent studies suggest PPARγ ligands induce PPARγ-independent effects. There is a need to better define such effects to permit rational utilization of these agents. Methods We have studied the effects of a range of endogenous and synthetic PPARγ ligands on proliferation, growth arrest (FACS analysis) and apoptosis (caspase-3/7 activation and DNA fragmentation) in multiple prostate carcinoma cell lines (DU145, PC-3 and LNCaP) and in a series of cell lines modelling metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (TSU-Pr1, TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2). Results 15-deoxy-prostaglandin J2 (15dPGJ2), troglitazone (TGZ) and to a lesser extent ciglitazone exhibited inhibitory effects on cell number; the selective PPARγ antagonist GW9662 did not reverse these effects. Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone had no effect on proliferation. In addition, TGZ induced G0/G1 growth arrest whilst 15dPGJ2 induced apoptosis. Conclusion Troglitazone and 15dPGJ2 inhibit growth of prostate and bladder carcinoma cell lines through different mechanisms and the effects of both agents are PPARγ-independent.


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Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) levels predict a poor outcome in human breast cancer and are most commonly associated with proliferative effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF), with little emphasis placed on motogenic responses to EGF. We found that MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells elicited a potent chemotactic response despite their complete lack of a proliferative response to EGF. Antagonists of EGFR ligation, the EGFR kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase, and phospholipase C, but not the mitogen- activated protein kinases (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1 and 2), blocked MDA-MB-231 chemotaxis. These findings suggest that EGF may influence human breast cancer progression via migratory pathways, the signaling for which appears to be dissociated, at least in part, from the proliferative pathways.


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Membrane type 1 metalloprotease (MT1-MMP) is a transmembrane metalloprotease that plays a major role in the extracellular matrix remodeling, directly by degrading several of its components and indirectly by activating pro-MMP2. We investigated the effects of MT1-MMP overexpression on in vitro and in vivo properties of human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cells, which do not express MT1-MMP or MMP-2. MT1-MMP and MMP-2 cDNAs were either transfected alone or cotransfected. All clones overexpressing MT1-MMP 1) were able to activate endogenous or exogenous pro-MMP-2, 2) displayed an enhanced in vitro invasiveness through matrigel-coated filters independent of MMP-2 transfection, 3) induced the rapid development of highly vascularized tumors when injected subcutanously in nude mice, and 4) promoted blood vessels sprouting in the rat aortic ring assay. These effects were observed in all clones overexpressing MT1-MMP regardless of MMP-2 expression levels, suggesting that the production of MMP-2 by tumor cells themselves does not play a critical role in these events. The angiogenic phenotype of MT1-MMP-producing cells was associated with an up-regulation of VEGF expression. These results emphasize the importance of MT1-MMP during tumor angiogenesis and open new opportunities for the development of antiangiogenic strategies combining inhibitors of MT1-MMP and VEGF antagonists. - Sounni, N. E., Devy, L., Hajitou, A., Frankenne, F., Munaut, C., Gilles, C., Deroanne, C., Thompson, E. W., Foidart, J. M., Noel, A. MT1-MMP expression promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis through an up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor expression.


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Breast cancer is characterized by hormonal regulation. The current article reviews the role of estrogen and polypeptide growth factors in control of proliferation and basement membrane invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro. The role of antiestrogens to regulate proliferation, invasion, and growth factor secretion is further highlighted. Finally, the use of in vitro cultures of breast cancer cells to model steps in the malignant progression of the disease is emphasized. The availability of hormone dependent and independent breast cancer cell lines should allow screening for better antiestrogens, antimetastatic drugs, and antagonists of local action of growth factors.


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Our understanding of the mechanisms of the actions of oestrogens and progestins have evolved from the simple concept of nuclear receptor-mediated regulation of transcription to a highly sophisticated, finely tuned interplay between various coregulators, other signaling cascades and transcription factors. The net result of these complex regulatory mechanisms is a steroid-, cell-, or tissue-specific action of oestrogens and progestins. their antagonists or selective modulators of their receptors. In this review, we have attempted to shed some light on the regulation of the actions of oestrogens and progestins on the human endometrium. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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GABAB receptors regulate the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in a number of cells (e.g., retina, airway epithelium and smooth muscle), but whether they are expressed in vascular endothelial cells and similarly regulate the [Ca2+]i is not known. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of GABAB receptors, a subclass of receptors to the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in cultured human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs), and to explore if altering receptor activation modified [Ca2+]i and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) translocation. Real-time PCR, western blots and immunofluorescence were used to determine the expression of GABAB1 and GABAB2 in cultured HAECs. The effects of GABAB receptors on [Ca2+]i in cultured HAECs were demonstrated using fluo-3. The influence of GABAB receptors on eNOS translocation was assessed by immunocytochemistry. Both GABAB1 and GABAB2 mRNA and protein were expressed in cultured HAECs, and the GABAB1 and GABAB2 proteins were colocated in the cell membrane and cytoplasm. One hundred μM baclofen caused a transient increase of [Ca2+]i and eNOS translocation in cultured HAECs, and the effects were attenuated by pretreatment with the selective GABAB receptor antagonists CGP46381 and CGP55845. GABAB receptors are expressed in HAECs and regulate the [Ca2+]i and eNOS translocation. Cultures of HAECs may be a useful in vitro model for the study of GABAB receptors and vascular biology.