214 resultados para Hydrophobic viruses


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Statistical methodology was applied to a survey of time-course incidence of four viruses (alfalfa mosaic virus, clover yellow vein virus, subterranean clover mottle virus and subterranean clover red leaf virus) in improved pastures in southern regions of Australia. -from Authors


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A nationwide survey was made of the time-course incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), clover yellow vein virus (CYVV), subterranean clover mottle virus (SCMoV) and subterranean clover red leaf virus (SCRLV) in improved pastures in southern regions of Australia. Averaged over all states, the highest mean incidence recorded for samples infected with individual viruses in either winter or spring was 9.4% for AMV, 5.7% for CYVV, 10.9% for SCMoV and 7.5% for SCRLV. For AMV and SCRLV, there was an increasing trend from spring 1984 to spring 1986. A similar increasing trend for SCMoV was more evident in winter than in spring. For CYVV, no time-course pattern was evident. Results support the proposition that viruses contribute significantly to "clover-decline', a well-known problem in pastures of Trifolium subterraneum. -from Authors


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Particles of carrot red leaf virus (CRLV; luteovirus group) purified from chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) contain a single ssRNA species of mol. wt. about 1.8 x 106 and a major protein of mol. wt. about 25000. CRLV acts as a helper for aphid transmission of carrot mottle virus (CMotV; ungrouped) from mixedly infected plants. Virus preparations purified from such plants possess the infectivity of both viruses but contain particles indistinguishable from those of CRLV; some of the particles are therefore thought to consist of CMotV RNA packaged in CRLV coat protein. When RNA from such preparations was electrophoresed in agarose/polyacrylamide gels, CMotV infectivity was associated with an RNA band that migrated ahead of the CRLV RNA band and had an estimated mol. wt. of about 1.5 x 106, similar to that previously found for the infective ssRNA extracted directly from Nicotiana clevelandii leaves infected with CMotV alone. Preparations of dsRNA from CMotV-infected N. clevelandii leaves contained two species: one of mol. wt. about 3.2 x 106, presumably the replicative form of the infective ssRNA, and the other, mol. wt. about 0.9 x 106, of unknown origin and function. The infective agent in buffer extracts of CMotV-infected N. clevelandii was resistant to RNase (although the enzyme acted as a reversible inhibitor of infection at high concentrations) and is therefore not unprotected RNA. It may be protected within the approximately 52 nm enveloped structures previously reported.


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Genetically diverse RNA viruses like dengue viruses (DENVs)segregate into multiple, genetically distinct, lineages that temporally arise and disappear on a regular basis. Lineage turnover may occur through multiple processes such as, stochastic or due to variations in fitness. To determine the variation of fitness, we measured the distribution of fitness within DENV populations and correlated it with lineage extinction and replacement. The fitness of most members within a population proved lower than the aggregate fitness of populations from which they were drawn, but lineage replacement events were not associated with changes in the distribution of fitness. These data provide insights into variations in fitness of DENV populations, extending our understanding of the complexity between members of individual populations.


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There has been a growing interest in alignment-free methods for phylogenetic analysis using complete genome data. Among them, CVTree method, feature frequency profiles method and dynamical language approach were used to investigate the whole-proteome phylogeny of large dsDNA viruses. Using the data set of large dsDNA viruses from Gao and Qi (BMC Evol. Biol. 2007), the phylogenetic results based on the CVTree method and the dynamical language approach were compared in Yu et al. (BMC Evol. Biol. 2010). In this paper, we first apply dynamical language approach to the data set of large dsDNA viruses from Wu et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2009) and compare our phylogenetic results with those based on the feature frequency profiles method. Then we construct the whole-proteome phylogeny of the larger dataset combining the above two data sets. According to the report of The International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the trees from our analyses are in good agreement to the latest classification of large dsDNA viruses.


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Dengue virus (DENV) populations are characteristically highly diverse. Regular lineage extinction and replacement is an important dynamic DENV feature, and most DENV lineage turnover events are associated with increased incidence of disease. The role of genetic diversity in DENV lineage extinctions is not understood. We investigated the nature and extent of genetic diversity in the envelope (E) gene of DENV serotype 1 representing different lineages histories. A region of the DENV genome spanning the E gene was amplified and sequenced by Roche/454 pyrosequencing. The pyrosequencing results identified distinct sub-populations (haplotypes) for each DENV-1 E gene. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with the consensus DENV-1 E gene nucleotide sequences, and the sequences of each constructed haplotype showed that the haplotypes segregated with the Sanger consensus sequence of the population from which they were drawn. Haplotypes determined through pyrosequencing identified a recombinant DENV genome that could not be identified through Sanger sequencing. Nucleotide level sequence diversities of DENV-1 populations determined from SNP analysis were very low, estimated from 0.009-0.01. There were also no stop codon, frameshift or non-frameshift mutations observed in the E genes of any lineage. No significant correlations between the accumulation of deleterious mutations or increasing genetic diversity and lineage extinction were observed (p>0.5). Although our hypothesis that accumulation of deleterious mutations over time led to the extinction and replacement of DENV lineages was ultimately not supported by the data, our data does highlight the significant technical issues that must be resolved in the way in which population diversity is measured for DENV and other viruses. The results provide an insight into the within-population genetic structure and diversity of DENV-1 populations.


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BACKGROUND Chikungunya and dengue infections are spatio-temporally related. The current review aims to determine the geographic limits of chikungunya, dengue and the principal mosquito vectors for both viruses and to synthesise current epidemiological understanding of their co-distribution. METHODS Three biomedical databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) were searched from their inception until May 2015 for studies that reported concurrent detection of chikungunya and dengue viruses in the same patient. Additionally, data from WHO, CDC and Healthmap alerts were extracted to create up-to-date global distribution maps for both dengue and chikungunya. RESULTS Evidence for chikungunya-dengue co-infection has been found in Angola, Gabon, India, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Saint Martin, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand and Yemen; these constitute only 13 out of the 98 countries/territories where both chikungunya and dengue epidemic/endemic transmission have been reported. CONCLUSIONS Understanding the true extent of chikungunya-dengue co-infection is hampered by current diagnosis largely based on their similar symptoms. Heightened awareness of chikungunya among the public and public health practitioners in the advent of the ongoing outbreak in the Americas can be expected to improve diagnostic rigour. Maps generated from the newly compiled lists of the geographic distribution of both pathogens and vectors represent the current geographical limits of chikungunya and dengue, as well as the countries/territories at risk of future incursion by both viruses. These describe regions of co-endemicity in which lab-based diagnosis of suspected cases is of higher priority.


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Most studies exploring the role of upper airway viruses and bacteria in paediatric acute respiratory infections (ARI) focus on specific clinicaldiagnoses and/or do not account for virus–bacteria interactions. We aimed to describe the frequency and predictors of virus and bacteria codetection in children with ARI and cough, irrespective of clinical diagnosis. Bilateral nasal swabs, demographic, clinical and risk factor data were collected at enrollment in children aged <15 years presenting to an emergency department with an ARI and where cough was a symptom. Swabs were tested by polymerase chain reaction for 17 respiratory viruses and seven respiratory bacteria. Logistic regression was used to investigate associations between child characteristics and codetection of the organisms of interest. Between December 2011 and August 2014, swabs were collected from 817 (93.3%) of 876 enrolled children, median age 27.7 months (interquartile range13.9–60.3 months). Overall, 740 (90.6%) of 817 specimens were positive for any organism. Both viruses and bacteria were detected in 423 specimens (51.8%). Factors associated with codetection were age (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for age <12 months = 4.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.0, 7.9; age 12 to <24 months = 6.0, 95% CI 3.7, 9.8; age 24 to <60 months = 2.4, 95% CI 1.5, 3.9), male gender (aOR 1.46; 95% CI 1.1, 2.0), child care attendance (aOR 2.0; 95% CI 1.4, 2.8) and winter enrollment (aOR 2.0; 95% CI 1.3, 3.0). Haemophilus influenzae dominated the virus–bacteria pairs. Virus–H. influenzae interactions in ARI should be investigated further, especially as the contribution of nontypeable H. influenzae to acute and chronic respiratory diseases is being increasingly recognized.


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Banana bunchy top is regarded as the most important viral disease of banana, causing significant yield losses worldwide. The disease is caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), which is a circular ssDNA virus belonging to the genus Babuvirus in the family Nanoviridae. There are currently few effective control strategies for this and other ssDNA viruses. “In Plant Activation” (InPAct) is a novel technology being developed at QUT for ssDNA virus-activated suicide gene expression. The technology exploits the rolling circle replication mechanism of ssDNA viruses and is based on a unique “split” gene design such that suicide gene expression is only activated in the presence of the viral Rep. This PhD project aimed to develop a BBTV-based InPAct system as a suicide gene strategy to control BBTV. The BBTV-based InPAct vector design requires a BBTV intergenic region (IR) to be embedded within an intron in the gene expression cassette. To ensure that the BBTV IR would not interfere with intron splicing, a TEST vector was initially generated that contained the entire BBTV IR embedded within an intron in a β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression vector. Transient GUS assays in banana embryogenic cell suspensions indicated that cryptic intron splice sites were present within the IR. Transcript analysis revealed two cryptic intron splice sites in the Domain III sequence of the CR-M within the IR. Removal of the CR-M from the TEST vector resulted in an enhancement of GUS expression suggesting that the cryptic intron splice sites had been removed. An InPAct GUS vector was subsequently generated that contained the modified BBTV IR, with the CR-M (minus Domain III) repositioned within the InPAct cassette. Using transient histochemical and fluorometric GUS assays in banana embryogenic cells, the InPAct GUS vector was shown to be activated in the presence of the BBTV Rep. However, the presence of both BBTV Rep and Clink was shown to have a deleterious effect on GUS expression suggesting that these proteins were cytotoxic at the levels expressed. Analysis of replication of the InPAct vectors by Southern hybridisation revealed low levels of InPAct cassette-based episomal DNA released from the vector through the nicking/ligation activity of BBTV Rep. However, Rep-mediated episomal replicons, indicative of rolling circle replication of the released circularised cassettes, were not observed. The inability of the InPAct cassette to be replicated was further investigated. To examine whether the absence of Domain III of the CR-M was responsible, a suite of modified BBTV-based InPAct GUS vectors was constructed that contained the CR-M with the inclusion of Domain III, the CR-M with the inclusion of Domain III and additional upstream IR sequence, or no CR-M. Analysis of replication by Southern hybridisation revealed that neither the presence of Domain III, nor the entire CR-M, had an effect on replication levels. Since the InPAct cassette was significantly larger than the native BBTV genomic components (approximately 1 kb), the effect of InPAct cassette size on replication was also investigated. A suite of size variant BBTV-based vectors was constructed that increased the size of a replication competent cassette to 1.1 kbp through to 2.1 kbp.. Analysis of replication by Southern hybridisation revealed that an increase in vector size above approximately 1.5 - 1.7 kbp resulted in a decrease in replication. Following the demonstration of Rep-mediated release, circularisation and expression from the InPAct GUS vector, an InPAct vector was generated in which the uidA reporter gene was replaced with the ribonuclease-encoding suicide gene, barnase. Initially, a TEST vector was generated to assess the cytotoxicity of Barnase on banana cells. Although transient assays revealed a Barnase-induced cytotoxic effect in banana cells, the expression levels were sub-optimal. An InPAct BARNASE vector was generated and tested for BBTV Rep-activated Barnase expression using transient assays in banana embryogenic cells. High levels of background expression from the InPAct BARNASE vector made it difficult to accurately assess Rep-activated Barnase expression. Analysis of replication by Southern hybridisation revealed low levels of InPAct cassette-based episomal DNA released from the vector but no Rep-mediated episomal replicons indicative of rolling circle replication of the released circularised cassettes were again observed. Despite the inability of the InPAct vectors to replicate to enable high level gene expression, the InPAct BARNASE vector was assessed in planta for BBTV Rep-mediated activation of Barnase expression. Eleven lines of transgenic InPAct BARNASE banana plants were generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and were challenged with viruliferous Pentalonia nigronervosa. At least one clonal plant in each line developed bunchy top symptoms and infection was confirmed by PCR. No localised lesions were observed on any plants, nor was there any localised GUS expression in the one InPAct GUS line challenged with viruliferous aphids. The results presented in this thesis are the first study towards the development of a BBTV-based InPAct system as a Rep-activatable suicide gene expression system to control BBTV. Although further optimisation of the vectors is necessary, the preliminary results suggest that this approach has the potential to be an effective control strategy for BBTV. The use of iterons within the InPAct vectors that are recognised by Reps from different ssDNA plant viruses may provide a broad-spectrum resistance strategy against multiple ssDNA plant viruses. Further, this technology holds great promise as a platform technology for the molecular farming of high-value proteins in vitro or in vivo through expression of the ssDNA virus Rep protein.


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This thesis focuses on the volatile and hygroscopic properties of mixed aerosol species. In particular, the influence organic species of varying solubility have upon seed aerosols. Aerosol studies were conducted at the Paul Scherrer Institut Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry (PSI-LAC, Villigen, Switzerland) and at the Queensland University of Technology International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (QUT-ILAQH, Brisbane, Australia). The primary measurement tool employed in this program was the Volatilisation and Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VHTDMA - Johnson et al. 2004). This system was initially developed at QUT within the ILAQH and was completely re-developed as part of this project (see Section 1.4 for a description of this process). The new VHTDMA was deployed to the PSI-LAC where an analysis of the volatile and hygroscopic properties of ammonium sulphate seeds coated with organic species formed from the photo-oxidation of á-pinene was conducted. This investigation was driven by a desire to understand the influence of atmospherically prevalent organics upon water uptake by material with cloud forming capabilities. Of particular note from this campaign were observed influences of partially soluble organic coatings upon inorganic ammonium sulphate seeds above and below their deliquescence relative humidity (DRH). Above the DRH of the seed increasing the volume fraction of the organic component was shown to reduce the water uptake of the mixed particle. Below the DRH the organic was shown to activate the water uptake of the seed. This was the first time this effect had been observed for á-pinene derived SOA. In contrast with the simulated aerosols generated at the PSI-LAC a case study of the volatile and hygroscopic properties of diesel emissions was undertaken. During this stage of the project ternary nucleation was shown, for the first time, to be one of the processes involved in formation of diesel particulate matter. Furthermore, these particles were shown to be coated with a volatile hydrophobic material which prevented the water uptake of the highly hygroscopic material below. This result was a first and indicated that previous studies into the hygroscopicity of diesel emission had erroneously reported the particles to be hydrophobic. Both of these results contradict the previously upheld Zdanovksii-Stokes-Robinson (ZSR) additive rule for water uptake by mixed species. This is an important contribution as it adds to the weight of evidence that limits the validity of this rule.


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The common brown leafhopper, Orosius orientalis (Matsumura) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), previously described as Orosius argentatus (Evans), is an important vector of several viruses and phytoplasmas worldwide. In Australia, phytoplasmas vectored by O. orientalis cause a range of economically important diseases, including legume little leaf (Hutton & Grylls, 1956), tomato big bud (Osmelak, 1986), lucerne witches broom (Helson, 1951), potato purple top wilt (Harding & Teakle, 1985), and Australian lucerne yellows (Pilkington et al., 2004). Orosius orientalis also transmits Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TYDV; genus Mastrevirus, family Geminiviridae) to beans, causing bean summer death disease (Ballantyne, 1968), and to tobacco, causing tobacco yellow dwarf disease (Hill, 1937, 1941). TYDV has only been recorded in Australia to date. Both diseases result in significant production and quality losses (Ballantyne, 1968; Thomas, 1979; Moran & Rodoni, 1999). Although direct damage caused by leafhopper feeding has been observed, it is relatively minor compared to the losses resulting from disease (P Tr E bicki, unpubl.).


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Synthetic polymers have attracted much attention in tissue engineering due to their ability to modulate biomechanical properties. This study investigated the feasibility of processing poly(varepsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) homopolymer, PCL-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) diblock, and PCL-PEG-PCL triblock copolymers into three-dimensional porous scaffolds. Properties of the various polymers were investigated by dynamic thermal analysis. The scaffolds were manufactured using the desktop robot-based rapid prototyping technique. Gross morphology and internal three-dimensional structure of scaffolds were identified by scanning electron microscopy and micro-computed tomography, which showed excellent fusion at the filament junctions, high uniformity, and complete interconnectivity of pore networks. The influences of process parameters on scaffolds' morphological and mechanical characteristics were studied. Data confirmed that the process parameters directly influenced the pore size, porosity, and, consequently, the mechanical properties of the scaffolds. The in vitro cell culture study was performed to investigate the influence of polymer nature and scaffold architecture on the adhesion of the cells onto the scaffolds using rabbit smooth muscle cells. Light, scanning electron, and confocal laser microscopy showed cell adhesion, proliferation, and extracellular matrix formation on the surface as well as inside the structure of both scaffold groups. The completely interconnected and highly regular honeycomb-like pore morphology supported bridging of the pores via cell-to-cell contact as well as production of extracellular matrix at later time points. The results indicated that the incorporation of hydrophilic PEG into hydrophobic PCL enhanced the overall hydrophilicity and cell culture performance of PCL-PEG copolymer. However, the scaffold architecture did not significantly influence the cell culture performance in this study.


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Sewage and its microbiology, treatment and disposal are important to the topic of Antarctic wildlife health because disposal of untreated sewage effluent into the Antarctic marine environment is both allowed and commonplace. Human sewage contains enteric bacteria as normal flora, and has the potential to contain parasites, bacteria and viruses which may prove pathogenic to Antarctic wildlife. Treatment can reduce levels of micro-organisms in sewage effluent, but is not a requirement of the Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol). In contrast, the deliberate release of non-native organisms for any other reason is prohibited. Hence, disposal of sewage effluent to the marine environment is the only activity routinely undertaken in Antarctica knowing that it will likely result in the release of large numbers of potentially non-native species. When the Madrid Protocol was negotiated, the decision to allow release of untreated sewage effluent was considered the only pragmatic option, as a prohibition would have been costly, and may not have been achievable by many Antarctic operators. In addition, at that time the potential for transmission of pathogens to wildlife from sewage was not emphasised as a significant potential risk. Since then, the transmission of disease-causing agents between species is more widely recognised and it is now timely to consider the risks of continued discharge of sewage effluent in Antarctica and whether there are practical alternatives.


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The binding interaction of the pesticide Isoprocarb and its degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by spectrofluorimetry under simulated physiological conditions. Both Isoprocarb and sodium 2-isopropylphenate quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA. This quenching proceeded via a static mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH°, ΔS° and ΔG°) obtained from the fluorescence data measured at two different temperatures showed that the binding of Isoprocarb to BSA involved hydrogen bonds and that of sodium 2-isopropylphenate to BSA involved hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy of the interaction of BSA with either Isoprocarb or sodium 2-isopropylphenate showed that the molecular structure of the BSA was changed significantly, which is consistent with the known toxicity of the pesticide, i.e., the protein is denatured. The sodium 2-isopropylphenate, was estimated to be about 4–5 times more toxic than its parent, Isoprocarb. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and the resolution of the three-way excitation–emission fluorescence spectra by the PARAFAC method extracted the relative concentration profiles of BSA, Isoprocab and sodium 2-isopropylphenate as a function of the added sodium 2-isopropylphenate. These profiles showed that the degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, displaced the pesticide in a competitive reaction with the BSA protein.


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Human-specific Bacteroides HF183 (HS-HF183), human-specific Enterococci faecium esp (HS-esp), human-specific adenoviruses (HS-AVs) and human-specific polyomaviruses (HS-PVs) assays were evaluated in freshwater, seawater and distilled water to detect fresh sewage. The sewage spiked water samples were also tested for the concentrations of traditional fecal indicators (i.e., Escherichia coli, enterococci and Clostridium perfringens) and enteric viruses such as enteroviruses (EVs), sapoviruses (SVs), and torquetenoviruses (TVs). The overall host-specificity of the HS-HF183 marker to differentiate between humans and other animals was 98%. However, the HS-esp, HS-AVs and HS-PVs showed 100% hostspecificity. All the human-specific markers showed >97% sensitivity to detect human fecal pollution. E. coli, enterococci and, C. perfringens were detected up to dilutions of sewage 10_5, 10_4 and 10_3 respectively.HS-esp, HS-AVs, HS-PVs, SVs and TVs were detected up to dilution of sewage 10_4 whilst EVs were detected up to dilution 10_5. The ability of the HS-HF183 marker to detect freshsewagewas3–4 orders ofmagnitude higher than that of the HS-esp and viral markers. The ability to detect fresh sewage in freshwater, seawater and distilled water matrices was similar for human-specific bacterial and viral marker. Based on our data, it appears that human-specific molecular markers are sensitive measures of fresh sewage pollution, and the HS-HF183 marker appears to be the most sensitive among these markers in terms of detecting fresh sewage. However, the presence of the HS-HF183 marker in environmental waters may not necessarily indicate the presence of enteric viruses due to their high abundance in sewage compared to enteric viruses. More research is required on the persistency of these markers in environmental water samples in relation to traditional fecal indicators and enteric pathogens.