242 resultados para Gold Nanoparticles


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Voltammetric techniques have been introduced to monitor the formation of gold nanoparticles produced via the reaction of the amino acid glycyl-L-tyrosine with Au(III) (bromoaurate) in 0.05 M KOH conditions. The alkaline conditions facilitate amino acid binding to Au(III), inhibit the rate of reduction to Au(0), and provide an excellent supporting electrolyte for voltammetric studies. Data obtained revealed that a range of time-dependent gold solution species are involved in gold nanoparticle formation and that the order in which reagents are mixed is critical to the outcome. Concomitantly with voltammetric measurements, the properties of gold nanoparticles formed are probed by examination of electronic spectra in order to understand how the solution environment present during nanoparticle growth affects the final distribution of the nanoparticles. Images obtained by the ex situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique enable the physical properties of the nanoparticles isolated in the solid state to be assessed. Use of this combination of in situ and ex situ techniques provides a versatile framework for elucidating the details of nanoparticle formation.


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The charge transfer-mediated surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of crystal violet (CV) molecules that were chemically conjugated between partially polarized silver nanoparticles and optically smooth gold and silver substrates has been studied under off-resonant conditions. Tyrosine molecules were used as a reducing agent to convert silver ions into silver nanoparticles where oxidised tyrosine caps the silver nanoparticle surface with its semiquinone group. This binding through the quinone group facilitates charge transfer and results in partially oxidised silver. This establishes a chemical link between the silver nanoparticles and the CV molecules, where the positively charged central carbon of CV molecules can bind to the terminal carboxylate anion of the oxidised tyrosine molecules. After drop casting Ag nanoparticles bound with CV molecules it was found that the free terminal amine groups tend to bind with the underlying substrates. Significantly, only those CV molecules that were chemically conjugated between the partially polarised silver nanoparticles and the underlying gold or silver substrates were found to show SERS under off-resonant conditions. The importance of partial charge transfer at the nanoparticle/capping agent interface and the resultant conjugation of CV molecules to off resonant SERS effects was confirmed by using gold nanoparticles prepared in a similar manner. In this case the capping agent binds to the nanoparticle through the amine group which does not facilitate charge transfer from the gold nanoparticle and under these conditions SERS enhancement in the sandwich configuration was not observed.


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Gold particle interaction with few-layer graphenes is of interest for the development of numerous optical nanodevices. The results of numerical studies of the coupling of gold nanoparticles with few-layer vertical graphene sheets are presented. The field strengths are computed and the optimum nanoparticle configurations for the formation of SERS hotpots are obtained. The nanoparticles are modeled as 8 nm diameter spheres atop 1.5 nm (5 layers) graphene sheet. The vertical orientation is of particular interest as it is possible to use both sides of the graphene structure and potentially double the number of particles in the system. Our results show that with the addition of an opposing particle a much stronger signal can be obtained as well as the particle separation can be controlled by the number of atomic carbon layers. These results provide further insights and contribute to the development of next-generation plasmonic devices based on nanostructures with hybrid dimensionality.


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In this study, the electrochemical behaviour of commercially available gold spheres and rods stabilised by carboxylic acid and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) moieties, respectively, are investigated. The cyclic voltammetric behaviour in acidic electrolyte is distinctly different with the nanorods exhibiting unusual oxidative behaviour due to an electrodissolution process. The nanospheres exhibited responses typical of a highly defective surface which significantly impacted on electrocatalytic activity. A repetitive potential cycling cleaning procedure was also investigated which did not improve the activity of the nanorods and resulted in deactivating the gold spheres due to decreasing the level of surface defects.


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This project was a preliminary step towards the development of novel methods for early stage cancer diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic imaging agents with high Raman signal enhancement were developed based on tailored assemblies of gold nanoparticles, which demonstrated potential for non-invasive detection from deep under the skin surface. Specifically designed polymers were employed to assemble gold nanoparticles into controlled morphologies including dimers, nanochains, nanoplates, globular and core-satellite nanostructures. Our findings suggest that the Raman enhancement is strongly dependent on assembly morphology and can be tuned to adapt to the requirements of the diagnostic agent.


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Vertical graphene nanosheets have advantages over their horizontal counterparts, primarily due to the larger surface area available in the vertical systems. Vertical sheets can accommodate more functional particles, and due to the conduction and optical properties of thin graphene, these structures can find niche applications in the development of sensing and energy storage devices. This work is a combined experimental and theoretical study that reports on the synthesis and optical responses of vertical sheets decorated with gold nanoparticles. The findings help in interpreting optical responses of these hybrid graphene structures and are relevant to the development of future sensing platforms.


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Finely control of product selectivity is an essential issue in organic chemical production. In the synthesis of functionalized anilines via reduction of the corresponding nitroarenes, the challenge is to selectively reduce only the nitro group in the presence of other reducible functional groups in nitroarene molecules at a high reaction rate. Normally, the nitroarene is reduced stepwise through a series of intermediates that remain as byproducts, increasing the aniline synthesis cost. Here we report that alloying small amounts of copper into gold nanoparticles can alter the reaction pathway of the catalytic reduction under visible-light irradiation at ambient temperature, allowing nitroaromatics to be transformed directly to anilines in a highly selective manner. The reasons for the high efficiency of the photocatalytic reduction under these comparatively benign conditions as well as the light-excited reaction mechanisms are discussed. This photocatalytic process avoids byproducts, exhibits a high reaction rate and excellent substituent tolerance, and can be used for the synthesis of many useful functionalized anilines under environmentally benign conditions. Switching of the reaction pathway simply by tailoring the bimetallic alloy NPs of the photocatalysts is effective for engineering of product chemoselectivity.


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Transition metal oxides are functional materials that have advanced applications in many areas, because of their diverse properties (optical, electrical, magnetic, etc.), hardness, thermal stability and chemical resistance. Novel applications of the nanostructures of these oxides are attracting significant interest as new synthesis methods are developed and new structures are reported. Hydrothermal synthesis is an effective process to prepare various delicate structures of metal oxides on the scales from a few to tens of nanometres, specifically, the highly dispersed intermediate structures which are hardly obtained through pyro-synthesis. In this thesis, a range of new metal oxide (stable and metastable titanate, niobate) nanostructures, namely nanotubes and nanofibres, were synthesised via a hydrothermal process. Further structure modifications were conducted and potential applications in catalysis, photocatalysis, adsorption and construction of ceramic membrane were studied. The morphology evolution during the hydrothermal reaction between Nb2O5 particles and concentrated NaOH was monitored. The study demonstrates that by optimising the reaction parameters (temperature, amount of reactants), one can obtain a variety of nanostructured solids, from intermediate phases niobate bars and fibres to the stable phase cubes. Trititanate (Na2Ti3O7) nanofibres and nanotubes were obtained by the hydrothermal reaction between TiO2 powders or a titanium compound (e.g. TiOSO4·xH2O) and concentrated NaOH solution by controlling the reaction temperature and NaOH concentration. The trititanate possesses a layered structure, and the Na ions that exist between the negative charged titanate layers are exchangeable with other metal ions or H+ ions. The ion-exchange has crucial influence on the phase transition of the exchanged products. The exchange of the sodium ions in the titanate with H+ ions yields protonated titanate (H-titanate) and subsequent phase transformation of the H-titanate enable various TiO2 structures with retained morphology. H-titanate, either nanofibres or tubes, can be converted to pure TiO2(B), pure anatase, mixed TiO2(B) and anatase phases by controlled calcination and by a two-step process of acid-treatment and subsequent calcination. While the controlled calcination of the sodium titanate yield new titanate structures (metastable titanate with formula Na1.5H0.5Ti3O7, with retained fibril morphology) that can be used for removal of radioactive ions and heavy metal ions from water. The structures and morphologies of the metal oxides were characterised by advanced techniques. Titania nanofibres of mixed anatase and TiO2(B) phases, pure anatase and pure TiO2(B) were obtained by calcining H-titanate nanofibres at different temperatures between 300 and 700 °C. The fibril morphology was retained after calcination, which is suitable for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. It has been found by TEM analysis that in mixed-phase structure the interfaces between anatase and TiO2(B) phases are not random contacts between the engaged crystals of the two phases, but form from the well matched lattice planes of the two phases. For instance, (101) planes in anatase and (101) planes of TiO2(B) are similar in d spaces (~0.18 nm), and they join together to form a stable interface. The interfaces between the two phases act as an one-way valve that permit the transfer of photogenerated charge from anatase to TiO2(B). This reduces the recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes in anatase, enhancing the activity for photocatalytic oxidation. Therefore, the mixed-phase nanofibres exhibited higher photocatalytic activity for degradation of sulforhodamine B (SRB) dye under ultraviolet (UV) light than the nanofibres of either pure phase alone, or the mechanical mixtures (which have no interfaces) of the two pure phase nanofibres with a similar phase composition. This verifies the theory that the difference between the conduction band edges of the two phases may result in charge transfer from one phase to the other, which results in effectively the photogenerated charge separation and thus facilitates the redox reaction involving these charges. Such an interface structure facilitates charge transfer crossing the interfaces. The knowledge acquired in this study is important not only for design of efficient TiO2 photocatalysts but also for understanding the photocatalysis process. Moreover, the fibril titania photocatalysts are of great advantage when they are separated from a liquid for reuse by filtration, sedimentation, or centrifugation, compared to nanoparticles of the same scale. The surface structure of TiO2 also plays a significant role in catalysis and photocatalysis. Four types of large surface area TiO2 nanotubes with different phase compositions (labelled as NTA, NTBA, NTMA and NTM) were synthesised from calcination and acid treatment of the H-titanate nanotubes. Using the in situ FTIR emission spectrescopy (IES), desorption and re-adsorption process of surface OH-groups on oxide surface can be trailed. In this work, the surface OH-group regeneration ability of the TiO2 nanotubes was investigated. The ability of the four samples distinctively different, having the order: NTA > NTBA > NTMA > NTM. The same order was observed for the catalytic when the samples served as photocatalysts for the decomposition of synthetic dye SRB under UV light, as the supports of gold (Au) catalysts (where gold particles were loaded by a colloid-based method) for photodecomposition of formaldehyde under visible light and for catalytic oxidation of CO at low temperatures. Therefore, the ability of TiO2 nanotubes to generate surface OH-groups is an indicator of the catalytic activity. The reason behind the correlation is that the oxygen vacancies at bridging O2- sites of TiO2 surface can generate surface OH-groups and these groups facilitate adsorption and activation of O2 molecules, which is the key step of the oxidation reactions. The structure of the oxygen vacancies at bridging O2- sites is proposed. Also a new mechanism for the photocatalytic formaldehyde decomposition with the Au-TiO2 catalysts is proposed: The visible light absorbed by the gold nanoparticles, due to surface plasmon resonance effect, induces transition of the 6sp electrons of gold to high energy levels. These energetic electrons can migrate to the conduction band of TiO2 and are seized by oxygen molecules. Meanwhile, the gold nanoparticles capture electrons from the formaldehyde molecules adsorbed on them because of gold’s high electronegativity. O2 adsorbed on the TiO2 supports surface are the major electron acceptor. The more O2 adsorbed, the higher the oxidation activity of the photocatalyst will exhibit. The last part of this thesis demonstrates two innovative applications of the titanate nanostructures. Firstly, trititanate and metastable titanate (Na1.5H0.5Ti3O7) nanofibres are used as intelligent absorbents for removal of radioactive cations and heavy metal ions, utilizing the properties of the ion exchange ability, deformable layered structure, and fibril morphology. Environmental contamination with radioactive ions and heavy metal ions can cause a serious threat to the health of a large part of the population. Treatment of the wastes is needed to produce a waste product suitable for long-term storage and disposal. The ion-exchange ability of layered titanate structure permitted adsorption of bivalence toxic cations (Sr2+, Ra2+, Pb2+) from aqueous solution. More importantly, the adsorption is irreversible, due to the deformation of the structure induced by the strong interaction between the adsorbed bivalent cations and negatively charged TiO6 octahedra, and results in permanent entrapment of the toxic bivalent cations in the fibres so that the toxic ions can be safely deposited. Compared to conventional clay and zeolite sorbents, the fibril absorbents are of great advantage as they can be readily dispersed into and separated from a liquid. Secondly, new generation membranes were constructed by using large titanate and small ã-alumina nanofibres as intermediate and top layers, respectively, on a porous alumina substrate via a spin-coating process. Compared to conventional ceramic membranes constructed by spherical particles, the ceramic membrane constructed by the fibres permits high flux because of the large porosity of their separation layers. The voids in the separation layer determine the selectivity and flux of a separation membrane. When the sizes of the voids are similar (which means a similar selectivity of the separation layer), the flux passing through the membrane increases with the volume of the voids which are filtration passages. For the ideal and simplest texture, a mesh constructed with the nanofibres 10 nm thick and having a uniform pore size of 60 nm, the porosity is greater than 73.5 %. In contrast, the porosity of the separation layer that possesses the same pore size but is constructed with metal oxide spherical particles, as in conventional ceramic membranes, is 36% or less. The membrane constructed by titanate nanofibres and a layer of randomly oriented alumina nanofibres was able to filter out 96.8% of latex spheres of 60 nm size, while maintaining a high flux rate between 600 and 900 Lm–2 h–1, more than 15 times higher than the conventional membrane reported in the most recent study.


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One of the greatest challenges for the study of photocatalysts is to devise new catalysts that possess high activity under visible light illumination. This would allow the use of an abundant and green energy source, sunlight, to drive chemical reactions. Gold nanoparticles strongly absorb both visible light and UV light. It is therefore possible to drive chemical reactions utilising a significant fraction of full sunlight spectrum. Here we prepared gold nanoparticles supported on various oxide powders, and reported a new finding that gold nanoparticles on oxide supports exhibit significant activity for the oxidation of formaldehyde and methanol in the air at ambient temperature, when illuminated with visible light. We suggested that visible light can greatly enhance local electromagnetic fields and heat gold nanoparticles due to surface plasmon resonance effect which provides activation energy for the oxidation of organic molecules. Moreover, the nature of the oxide support has an important influence on the activity of the gold nanoparticles. The finding reveals the possibility to drive chemical reactions with sunlight on gold nanoparticles at ambient temperature, highlighting a new direction for research on visible light photocatalysts. Gold nanoparticles supported on oxides also exhibit significant dye oxidation activity under visible light irradiation in aqueous solution at ambient temperature. Turnover frequencies of the supported gold nanoparticles for the dye degradation are much higher than titania based photocatalysts under both visible and UV light. These gold photocatalysts can also catalyse phenol degradation as well as selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol under UV light. The reaction mechanism for these photocatalytic oxidations was studied. Gold nanoparticles exhibit photocatalytic activity due to visible light heating gold electrons in 6sp band, while the UV absorption results in electron holes in gold 5d band to oxidise organic molecules. Silver nanoparticles also exhibit considerable visible light and UV light absorption due to surface plasmon resonance effect and the interband transition of 4d electrons to the 5sp band, respectively. Therefore, silver nanoparticles are potentially photocatalysts that utilise the solar spectrum effectively. Here we reported that silver nanoparticles at room temperature can be used to drive chemical reactions when illuminated with light throughout the solar spectrum. The significant activities for dye degradation by silver nanoparticles on oxide supports are even better than those by semiconductor photocatalysts. Moreover, silver photocatalysts also can degrade phenol and drive the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under UV light. We suggested that surface plasmon resonance effect and interband transition of silver nanoparticles can activate organic molecule oxidations under light illumination.


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Here we report an ultrasensitive method for detecting bio-active compounds in biological samples by means of functionalised nanoparticles interrogated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). This method is applicable to the recovery and detection of many diagnostically important peptidyl analytes such as insulin, human growth hormone, growth factors (IGFs) and erythropoietin (EPO), as well as many small molecule analytes and metabolites. Our method, developed to detect EPO, demonstrates its utility in a complex yet well defined biological system. Recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) and EPO analogues have successfully been used to treat anaemia in end-stage renal failure, chronic disorders and infections, cancer and AIDS. Current methods for EPO testing are lengthy, laborious and relatively insensitive to low concentrations. In our rapid screening methodology, gold nanoparticles were functionalised with anti-EPO antibodies to provide very high selectivity towards the EPO protein in urine. These “smart sensor” nanoparticles interact with and trap EPO. Subsequent SERS screening allows for the detection and quantisation of ultra trace amounts (<<10-15 M) of EPO in urine samples with minimal sample preparation. We present data showing that the SERS spectrum differentiates between human endogenous EPO and rhEPO in unpurified urine, and potentially distinguishes between purified EPO isoforms. The elimination of sample preparation and direct screening in biological fluids significantly reduces the time required by current methods. Antibody recognition against a variety of biological targets and the availability of portable commercial SERS analysers for rapid onsite testing suggest broad diagnostic applicability in a flexible analytical platform.


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In this study, the reaction of semiconductor microrods of phase I copper 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (CuTCNQ) with KAuBr4 in acetonitrile is reported. It was found that the reaction is redox in nature and proceeds via a galvanic replacement mechanism in which the surface of CuTCNQ is replaced with metallic gold nanoparticles. Given the slight solubility of CuTCNQ in acetonitrile, two competing reactions, namely CuTCNQ dissolution and the redox reaction with KAuBr4, were found to operate in parallel. An increase in the surface coverage of CuTCNQ microrods with gold nanoparticles occurred with an increased KAuBr4 concentration in acetonitrile, which also inhibited CuTCNQ dissolution. The reaction progress with time was monitored using UV−visible, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopy as well as XRD and EDX analysis, and SEM imaging. The CuTCNQ/Au nanocomposites were investigated for their photocatalytic properties, wherein the destruction of Congo red, an organic dye, by simulated solar light was found dependent on the surface coverage of gold nanoparticles on the CuTCNQ microrods. This method of decorating CuTCNQ may open the possibility of modifying this and other metal-TCNQ charge transfer complexes with a host of other metals which may have significant applications.


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The spontaneous reaction between microrods of an organic semiconductor molecule, copper 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (CuTCNQ) with [AuBr4]− ions in an aqueous environment is reported. The reaction is found to be redox in nature which proceeds via a complex galvanic replacement mechanism, wherein the surface of the CuTCNQ microrods is replaced with metallic gold nanoparticles. Unlike previous reactions reported in acetonitrile, the galvanic replacement reaction in aqueous solution proceeds via an entirely different reaction mechanism, wherein a cyclical reaction mechanism involving continuous regeneration of CuTCNQ consumed during the galvanic replacement reaction occurs in parallel with the galvanic replacement reaction. This results in the driving force of the galvanic replacement reaction in aqueous medium being largely dependent on the availability of [AuBr4]− ions during the reaction. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of the choice of an appropriate solvent during galvanic replacement reactions, which can significantly impact upon the reaction mechanism. The reaction progress with respect to different gold salt concentration was monitored using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), as well as XRD and EDX analysis, and SEM imaging. The CuTCNQ/Au nanocomposites were also investigated for their potential photocatalytic properties, wherein the destruction of the organic dye, Congo red, in a simulated solar light environment was found to be largely dependent on the degree of gold nanoparticle surface coverage. The approach reported here opens up new possibilities of decorating metal–organic charge transfer complexes with a host of metals, leading to potentially novel applications in catalysis and sensing.


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The interaction of Au particles with few layer graphene is of interest for the formation of the next generation of sensing devices(1). In this paper we investigate the coupling of single gold nanoparticles to a graphene sheet, and multiple gold nanoparticles with a graphene sheet using COMSOL Multiphysics. By using these simulations we are able to determine the electric field strength and associated hot-spots for various gold nanoparticle-graphene systems. The Au nanoparticles were modelled as 8 nm diameter spheres on 1.5 nm thick (5 layers) graphene, with properties of graphene obtained from the refractive index data of Weber(2) and the Au refractive index data from Palik(3). The field was incident along the plane of the sheet with polarisation tested for both s and p. The study showed strong localised interaction between the Au and graphene with limited spread; however the double particle case where the graphene sheet separated two Au nanoparticles showed distinct interaction between the particles and graphene. An offset was introduced (up to 4 nm) resulting in much reduced coupling between the opposed particles as the distance apart increased. Findings currently suggest that the graphene layer has limited interaction with incident fields with a single particle present whilst reducing the coupling region to a very fine area when opposing particles are involved. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide insight into graphene-plasmon interactions and spur the development of the next generation of sensing devices.


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Light absorption efficiency of heterogeneous catalysts has restricted their photocatalytic capability for commercially important organic synthesis. Here, we report a way of harvesting visible light efficiently to boost zeolite catalysis by means of plasmonic gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) supported on zeolites. Zeolites possess strong Brønsted acids and polarized electric fields created by extra-framework cations. The polarized electric fields can be further intensified by the electric near-field enhancement of Au-NPs, which results from the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) upon visible light irradiation. The acetalization reaction was selected as a showcase performed on MZSM-5 and Au/MZSM-5 (M = H+, Na+, Ca2+, or La3+). The density functional theory (DFT) calculations confirmed that the intensified polarized electric fields played a critical role in stretching the C = O bond of the reactants of benzaldehyde to enlarge their molecular polarities, thus allowing reactants to be activated more efficiently by catalytic centers so as to boost the reaction rates. This discovery should evoke intensive research interest on plasmonic metals and diverse zeolites with an aim to take advantage of sunlight for plasmonic devices, molecular electronics, energy storage, and catalysis.