110 resultados para Fox hunting.


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The Government of the Hong Kong SAR sponsored a report investigating the Hong Kong construction inudstry and published the investigating committee's findings in 2001 (HK CIRC 2001). Since then the Provisional Construction Industry Coordination Board (PCICB), and its successor, the Construction Industry Council (CIC), also set up by the Government, has made progress with the necessary reforms. Now that seven years have passed, it is time for an independent evaluation of the impact of the CIRC initiative in order to assist the CIC and the Government decision-makers in refining the efforts to improve the industry's performance. This paper reports on the interim results of a study that seeks to provide such an evaluation.


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The process of becoming numerate begins in the early years. According to Vygotskian theory (1978), teachers are More Knowledgeable Others who provide and support learning experiences that influence children’s mathematical learning. This paper reports on research that investigates three early childhood teachers mathematics content knowledge. An exploratory, single case study utilised data collected from interviews, and email correspondence to investigate the teachers’ mathematics content knowledge. The data was reviewed according to three analytical strategies: content analysis, pattern matching, and comparative analysis. Findings indicated there was variation in teachers’ content knowledge across the five mathematical strands and that teachers might not demonstrate the depth of content knowledge that is expected of four year specially trained early years’ teachers. A significant factor that appeared to influence these teachers’ content knowledge was their teaching experience. Therefore, an avenue for future research is the investigation of factors that influence teachers’ content numeracy knowledge.


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The pervasiveness of technology in the 21st Century has meant that adults and children live in a society where digital devices are integral to their everyday lives and participation in society. How we communicate, learn, work, entertain ourselves, and even shop is influenced by technology. Therefore, before children begin school they are potentially exposed to a range of learning opportunities mediated by digital devices. These devices include microwaves, mobile phones, computers, and console games such as Playstations® and iPods®. In Queensland preparatory classrooms and in the homes of these children, teachers and parents support and scaffold young children’s experiences, providing them with access to a range of tools that promote learning and provide entertainment. This paper examines teachers’ and parents’ perspectives and considers whether they are techno-optimists who advocate for and promote the inclusion of digital technology, or whether they are they techno-pessimists, who prefer to exclude digital devices from young children’s everyday experiences. An exploratory, single case study design was utilised to gather data from three teachers and ten parents of children in the preparatory year. Teacher data was collected through interviews and email correspondence. Parent data was collected from questionnaires and focus groups. All parents who responded to the research invitation were mothers. The results of data analysis identified a misalignment among adults’ perspectives. Teachers were identified as techno-optimists and parents were identified as techno-pessimists with further emergent themes particular to each category being established. This is concerning because both teachers and mothers influence young children’s experiences and numeracy knowledge, thus, a shared understanding and a common commitment to supporting young children’s use of technology would be beneficial. Further research must investigate fathers’ perspectives of digital devices and the beneficial and detrimental roles that a range of digital devices, tools, and entertainment gadgets play in 21st Century children’s lives.


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The pervasiveness of technology in the 21st Century has meant that adults and children live in a society where digital devices are integral to their everyday lives and participation in society. How we communicate, learn, work, entertain ourselves, and even shop is influenced by technology. Therefore, before children begin school they are potentially exposed to a range of learning opportunities mediated by digital devices. These devices include microwaves, mobile phones, computers, and console games such as Playstations® and iPods®. In Queensland preparatory classrooms and in the homes of these children, teachers and parents support and scaffold young children’s experiences, providing them with access to a range of tools that promote learning and provide entertainment. This paper examines teachers’ and parents’ perspectives and considers whether they are techno-optimists who advocate for and promote the inclusion of digital technology, or whether they are they techno-pessimists, who prefer to exclude digital devices from young children’s everyday experiences. An exploratory, single case study design was utilised to gather data from three teachers and ten parents of children in the preparatory year. Teacher data was collected through interviews and email correspondence. Parent data was collected from questionnaires and focus groups. All parents who responded to the research invitation were mothers. The results of data analysis identified a misalignment among adults’ perspectives. Teachers were identified as techno-optimists and parents were identified as techno-pessimists with further emergent themes particular to each category being established. This is concerning because both teachers and mothers influence young children’s experiences and numeracy knowledge, thus, a shared understanding and a common commitment to supporting young children’s use of technology would be beneficial. Further research must investigate fathers’ perspectives of digital devices and the beneficial and detrimental roles that a range of digital devices, tools, and entertainment gadgets play in 21st Century children’s lives.


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The REMNANT/EMERGENCY Artlab was funded by the Australia Council InterArts ArtLab Program in 2010 and involves 22 months of rigorous research and experimentation in several countries. The process will be developed between a core transdisciplinary team of practicing media artists, designers and engineers where possible working in consultation and collaboration with local creatives at each venue. Our team asserts that today’s environmental crisis is underpinned by a deep cultural crisis - and so to get our ‘house in order’ we urgently need to create better and more powerful ‘images’ of what a ‘citizen-led’, sustainable world might be. This ArtLab’s core aim is therefore to begin to understand how to develop and create such ‘powerful images’.


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Two representations have dominated public perceptions of the largest living marsupial carnivore, the Tasmanian devil. One is the voracious, hurricane-like innocent savage Taz of Looney Tunes cartoon fame. The other, familiar in nineteenth- and twentieth-century rural Tasmania, is the ferocious predator and scavenger that wantonly kills livestock — and perhaps even people, should they become immobilized in the wilderness at night. Devils can take prey nearly three times their size and eat more than a third of their body weight in a sitting. Even so, it is hard to imagine how this species, being only slightly larger than a fox terrier, could be so maligned in name and image...


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Providing an appropriate education for exceptional students in mathematics is mandated in educational policy in Australasia (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Agency (ACARA), 2010; Ministry of Education, 2009, 2011) but a challenge for teachers and schools. ‘Exceptional students’ refer to two distinct populations, namely those who are gifted in mathematics and have the capability to perform very highly compared to age peers and those who experience learning difficulties in mathematics and may underperform (Diezmann, Lowrie, Bicknell, Faragher, & Putt, 2004).


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The development of the capacity for self-regulation represents an important achievement of childhood and is associated with social, behavioral, and academic competence (Bronson, 2001; Cleary & Zimmerman, 2004). Self-regulation evolves as individuals mature, with its final form integrating emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements working together to achieve self-selected goals. This evolution is closely intertwined with the innate press to master the environment, labeled mastery motivation (Morgan, Harmon, & Maslin-Cole, 1990), as competence is the aim that underpins mastery motivation.


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A preceptor project at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in Queensland, Australia, explored existing levels of preceptorship support during the transition processes of newly employed or transferred nurses and midwives. Initiatives adopted have enhanced the implementation and maintenance of preceptorship principles and communication processes and defined accountability and responsibilities. Outcomes have contributed to enhanced role clarity, improved communication, increased support for teaching and learning, and infrastructure processes to facilitate the preceptor-preceptee relationship and increased retention.


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In the 21st century mathematics proficiency is synonymous with a numerate citizenry. In the past few decades young children’s ability to reason mathematically and develop mathematical proficiencies has been recognised. This paper explores the history of early childhood mathematics (ECME) that may explicate differences in Chinese and Australian contexts. Results of this review established that China and Australia are diametrically positioned in ECME. Influencing each countries philosophies and practices are their cultural beliefs. ECME in China and Australia must be culturally sustainable to achieve excellent outcomes for young children. Ongoing critique and review is necessary to ensure that ECME is meeting the needs of all teachers and children in their particular context. China and Australia with their rich contrasting philosophies can assist each other in their journeys to create exemplary ECME for the 21st century.


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Managing large cohorts of undergraduate student nurses during off-campus clinical placement is complex and challenging. Clinical facilitators are required to support and assess nursing students during clinical placement. Therefore clear communication between university academic coordinators and clinical facilitators is essential for consistency and prompt management of emerging issues. Increasing work demands require both coordinators and facilitators to have an efficient and effective mode of communication. The aim of this study was to explore the use of Short Message Service (SMS) texts, sent between mobile phones, for communication between university Unit Coordinators and off-campus Clinical Facilitators. This study used an after-only design. During a two week clinical placement 46 clinical facilitators working with first and second year Bachelor of Nursing students from a large metropolitan Australian university were regularly sent SMS texts of relevant updates and reminders from the university coordinator. A 15 item questionnaire comprising x of 5 point likert scale and 3 open-ended questions was then used to survey the clinical facilitators. The response rate was 47.8% (n=22). Correlations were found between the approachability of the coordinator and facilitator perception of a) that the coordinator understood issues on clinical placement (r=0.785, p<0.001,), and b) being part of the teaching team (r=0.768, p<0.001). Analysis of responses to qualitative questions revealed three themes: connection, approachability and collaboration. Results indicate that SMS communication is convenient and appropriate in this setting. This quasi-experimental after-test study found regular SMS communication improves a sense of connection, approachability and collaboration.