33 resultados para Cooperation between Libraries


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This is the first research focusing on Gold Coast school libraries and teacher- librarians. It presents a detailed picture of library provision and staffing at a representative group of 27 government and non-government schools at the Gold Coast. It shows links between employment of a teacher-librarian and higher NAPLAN reading and writing scores. And it presents the principals’ generally positive views about teacher-librarians’ contribution to reading and literacy at their schools. The findings respond in part to the recent government inquiry’s call (House of Representatives, 2011) for research about the current staffing of school libraries in Australia, and the influence of school libraries and teacher-librarians on students’ literacy and learning outcomes. While the study has focused on a relatively small group of school libraries, it has produced a range of significant outcomes: • An extensive review of international and Australian research showing impacts of school libraries and teacher-librarians on students’ literacy and learning outcomes • Findings consistent with international research showing: - An inverse relationship between lower student to EFT library staff ratio and higher school NAPLAN scores for reading and writing - Schools that employ a teacher-librarian tend to achieve school NAPLAN scores for respective year levels that are higher than the national mean It is anticipated that the study’s findings will be of interest to education authorities, school leadership teams, teacher-librarians, teachers and researchers. The findings provide evidence to: • inform policy development and strategic planning for school libraries that respond to the literacy development needs of 21st century learners • inform school-based management of school libraries • inform curriculum development and teacher-librarian practice • support further collaborative research on a State or national level • enhance conceptual understandings about relationship(s) between school libraries, teacher-librarians and literacy/information literacy development • support advocacy about school libraries, teacher-librarians and their contribution to literacy development and student learning in Australian schools SLAQ President Toni Leigh comments: “It is heartening to see findings which validate the critical role teacher-librarians play in student literacy development and the positive correlation of higher NAPLAN scores and schools with a qualified teacher-librarian. Also encouraging is the high percentage of school principals who recognise the necessity of a well resourced school library and the positive influence of these libraries on student literacy”. This research arises from a research partnership between School Library Association of Queensland (SLAQ) and Children and Youth Research Centre, QUT. Lead researcher: Dr Hilary Hughes, Children and Youth Research Centre, QUT Research assistants: Dr Hossein Bozorgian, Dr Cherie Allan, Dr Michelle Dicinoski, QUT SLAQ Research Reference Group: Toni Leigh, Marj Osborne, Sally Fraser, Chris Kahl and Helen Reynolds Reference: House of Representatives. (2011). School libraries and teacher librarians in 21st century Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House_of_Representatives_Committees?url=ee/schoollibraries/report.htm


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This research study represents a key part of the program of Statewide Public Library Development Projects delivered by the State Library of Victoria between 2011 and 2014 in partnership with Public Libraries Victoria Network (PLVN), the peak body for Victoria’s 47 public library services. The overarching objectives of this project were: - to develop a framework to articulate the core competencies required by the public library workforce for the 21st century - to conduct a skills audit of Victorian public library staff in order to collect evidence of the current skills and to anticipate future skills requirements - to deliver a report that analyses the audit findings and makes recommendations on training needs and strategies to prepare for the future delivery of public library services in Victoria. The study built on the 2008 report Workforce sustainability and leadership: Survey, analysis and planning, developed for the State Library of Victoria and PLVN, in which three types of workplace skills were delineated: cognitive (or Foundation), technical (or Professional) and Behavioural skills. Following industry discussion and review, a framework comprising 59 skill-sets within the three distinct skills areas was finalised in October 2013. The skills audit, which comprised an Individual survey and a Management survey with questionnaires directly based on the skills framework, was undertaken between late November and December 2013. This report presents the analysis and interpretation of the data collected through the two surveys.


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Antibody screening of phage-displayed random peptide libraries to identify mimotopes of conformational epitopes is promising. However, because interpretations can be difficult, an exemplary system has been used in the present study to investigate whether variation in the peptide sequences of selected phagotopes corresponded with variation in immunoreactivity. The phagotopes, derived using a well-characterized monoclonal antibody, CII-C1, to a known conformational epitope on type II collagen, C1, were tested by direct and inhibition ELISA for reactivity with CII-C1. A multiple sequence alignment algorithm, PILEUP, was used to sort the peptides expressed by the phagotopes into clusters. A model was prepared of the C1 epitope on type II collagen. The 12 selected phagotopes reacted with CII-C1 by both direct ELISA (titres from < 100-11 200) and inhibition ELISA (20-100% inhibition); the reactivity varied according to the peptide sequence and assay format. The differences in reactivity between the phagotopes were mostly in accord with the alignment, by PILEUP, of the peptide sequences. The finding that the phagotopes functionally mimicked the C1 epitope on collagen was validated in that amino acids RRL at the amino terminal of many of the peptides were topographically demonstrable on the model of the C1 epitope. Notably, one phagotope that expressed the widely divergent peptide C-IAPKRHNSA-C also mimicked the C1 epitope, as judged by reactivity in each of the assays used: these included cross-inhibition of CII-C1 reactivity with each of the other phagotopes and inhibition by a synthetic peptide corresponding to that expressed by the most frequently selected phagotope, RRLPFGSQM. Thus, it has been demonstrated that multiple phage-displayed peptides can mimic the same epitope and that observed immunoreactivity of selected phagotopes with the selecting mAb can depend on the primary sequence of the expressed peptide and also on the assay format used.