64 resultados para Ceramic Membranes


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Self-segregation and compartimentalisation are observed experimentally to occur spontaneously on live membranes as well as reconstructed model membranes. It is believed that many of these processes are caused or supported by anomalous diffusive behaviours of biomolecules on membranes due to the complex and heterogeneous nature of these environments. These phenomena are on the one hand of great interest in biology, since they may be an important way for biological systems to selectively localize receptors, regulate signaling or modulate kinetics; and on the other, they provide an inspiration for engineering designs that mimick natural systems. We present an interactive software package we are developing for the purpose of simulating such processes numerically using a fundamental Monte Carlo approach. This program includes the ability to simulate kinetics and mass transport in the presence of either mobile or immobile obstacles and other relevant structures such as liquid-ordered lipid microdomains. We also present preliminary simulation results regarding the selective spatial localization and chemical kinetics modulating power of immobile obstacles on the membrane, obtained using the program.


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Sericin and fibroin are the two major proteins in the silk fibre produced by the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. Fibroin has been extensively investigated as a biomaterial. We have previously shown that fibroin can function successfully as a substratum for growing cells of the eye. Sericin has been so far neglected as a biomaterial because of suspected allergenic activity. However, this misconception has now been dispelled, and sericin’s biocompatibility is currently indisputable. Aiming at promoting sericin as a possible substratum for the growth of corneal cells in order to make tissue-engineered constructs for the restoration of the ocular surface, in this study we investigated the attachment and growth in vitro of human corneal limbal epithelial cells (HLECs) on sericin-based membranes. Sericin was isolated and regenerated from the silkworm cocoons by an aqueous procedure, manufactured into membranes, and characterized (mechanical properties, structural analysis, contact angles). Primary cell cultures from two donors were established in serum-supplemented media in the presence of murine feeder cells. Membranes made of sericin and fibroin-sericin blends were assessed in vitro as substrata for HLECs in a serum-free medium, in a cell attachment assay and in a 3-day cell growth experiment. While the mechanical characteristics of sericin were found to be inferior to those of fibroin, its ability to enhance the attachment of HLECs was significantly superior to fibroin, as revealed by the PicoGreen® assay. Evidence was also obtained that cells can grow and differentiate on these substrata.


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Membranes prepared from a protein, fibroin, isolated from domesticated silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk, support the cultivation of human limbal epithelial (HLE) cells and thus display significant potential as biomaterials for ocular surface reconstruction. We presently extend this promising avenue of research by directly comparing the attachment, morphology and phenotype of primary HLE cell cultures grown on fibroin to that observed on donor amniotic membrane (AM), the current clinical standard substrate for HLE transplantation. Fibroin membranes measuring 6.3 ± 0.5 μm (mean ± sd) in thickness and permeable to FITC dextran of a molecular weight up to 70 kDa, were used. Attachment of HLE cells to fibroin was similar to that supported by tissue culture plastic but approximately 6-fold less than that observed on AM. Nevertheless, epithelia constructed from HLE on fibroin maintained evidence of corneal phenotype (K3/K12 expression) and displayed a comparable number and distribution of ΔNp63+ progenitor cells to that seen in cultures grown on AM. These results support the suitability of membranes constructed from Bombyx mori silk fibroin as substrata for HLE cultivation and encourage progression to studies of efficacy in preclinical models.


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Calcium silicate (CaSiO3, CS) ceramics have received significant attention for application in bone regeneration due to their excellent in vitro apatite-mineralization ability; however, how to prepare porous CS scaffolds with a controllable pore structure for bone tissue engineering still remains a challenge. Conventional methods could not efficiently control the pore structure and mechanical strength of CS scaffolds, resulting in unstable in vivo osteogenesis. The aim of this study is to set out to solve these problems by applying a modified 3D-printing method to prepare highly uniform CS scaffolds with controllable pore structure and improved mechanical strength. The in vivo osteogenesis of the prepared 3D-printed CS scaffolds was further investigated by implanting them in the femur defects of rats. The results show that the CS scaffolds prepared by the modified 3D-printing method have uniform scaffold morphology. The pore size and pore structure of CS scaffolds can be efficiently adjusted. The compressive strength of 3D-printed CS scaffolds is around 120 times that of conventional polyurethane templated CS scaffolds. 3D-Printed CS scaffolds possess excellent apatite-mineralization ability in simulated body fluids. Micro-CT analysis has shown that 3D-printed CS scaffolds play an important role in assisting the regeneration of bone defects in vivo. The healing level of bone defects implanted by 3D-printed CS scaffolds is obviously higher than that of 3D-printed b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) scaffolds at both 4 and 8 weeks. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining shows that 3D-printed CS scaffolds induce higher quality of the newly formed bone than 3D-printed b-TCP scaffolds. Immunohistochemical analyses have further shown that stronger expression of human type I collagen (COL1) and alkaline phosphate (ALP) in the bone matrix occurs in the 3D-printed CS scaffolds than in the 3D-printed b-TCP scaffolds. Considering these important advantages, such as controllable structure architecture, significant improvement in mechanical strength, excellent in vivo osteogenesis and since there is no need for second-time sintering, it is indicated that the prepared 3D-printed CS scaffolds are a promising material for application in bone regeneration.


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In order to rigorously test emerging applications using prototypes and pilot designs, high temperature superconductor (HTS) materials must be fabricated into a variety of shapes in an economical manner. We have developed a simple, economical, ceramic slip-casting approach to form complex shaped monolithic HTS articles for which high bulk density has been achieved. The sintered articles exhibit good Meissner signal and consist of phase-pure HTSC phase. A low transport critical current density is observed and is explained on the basis of densification and grain growth. © 1995 The Metallurgical of Society of AIME.


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Molecular modelling has become a useful and widely applied tool to investigate separation and diffusion behavior of gas molecules through nano-porous low dimensional carbon materials, including quasi-1D carbon nanotubes and 2D graphene-like carbon allotropes. These simulations provide detailed, molecular level information about the carbon framework structure as well as dynamics and mechanistic insights, i.e. size sieving, quantum sieving, and chemical affinity sieving. In this perspective, we revisit recent advances in this field and summarize separation mechanisms for multicomponent systems from kinetic and equilibrium molecular simulations, elucidating also anomalous diffusion effects induced by the confining pore structure and outlining perspectives for future directions in this field.


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Vertically-aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) membranes show very high permeation fluxes due to the inherent smooth and frictionless nature of the interior of the nanotubes. However, the hydrogen selectivities are all in the Knudsen range and are quite low. In this study we grew molecular sieve zeolite imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) via secondary seeded growth on the VACNT membranes as a gas selective layer. The ZIF layer has a thickness of 5–6 μm and shows good contact with the VACNT membrane surface. The VACNT supported ZIF membrane shows much higher H2 selectivity than Ar (7.0); O2 (13.6); N2 (15.1) and CH4 (9.8). We conclude that tailoring metal–organic frameworks on the membrane surface can be an effective route to improve the gas separation performance of the VACNT membrane.


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ZIF-8 thin layer has been synthesized on the asymmetric porous polyethersulfone (PES) substrate via secondary seeded growth. Continuous and dense ZIF-8 layer, containing microcavities, has good affinity with the PES support. Single gas permeance was measured for H2, N2, CH4, O2, and Ar at different pressure gradients and temperatures. Molecular sieving separation has been achieved for selectively separating hydrogen from larger gases. At 333 K, the H2 permeance can reach ∼4 × 10−7 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1, and the ideal separation factors of H2 from Ar, O2, N2, and CH4 are 9.7, 10.8, 9.9, and 10.7, respectively. Long-term hydrogen permeance and H2/N2 separation performance show the stable permeability of the derived membranes.


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Vertically-aligned carbon nanotube membranes have been fabricated and characterized and the corresponding gas permeability and hydrogen separation were measured. The carbon nanotube diameter and areal density were adjusted by varying the catalyst vapour concentration (Fe/C ratio) in the mixed precursor. The permeances are one to two magnitudes higher than the Knudsen prediction, while the gas selectivities are still in the Knudsen range. The diameter and areal density effects were studied and compared, the temperature dependence of permeation is also discussed. The results confirm the existence of non-Knudsen transport and that surface adsorption diffusion may affect the total permeance at relative low temperature. The permeance of aligned carbon nanotube membranes can be improved by increasing areal density and operating at an optimum temperature.


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While fibroin isolated from the cocoons of domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori supports growth of human corneal limbal epithelial (HLE) cells, the mechanism of cell attachment remains unclear. In the present study we sought to enhance the attachment of HLE cells to membranes of Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) through surface functionalization with an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD)-containing peptide. Moreover, we have examined the response of HLE cells to BMSF when blended with the fibroin produced by a wild silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, which is known to contain RGD sequences within its primary structure. A procedure to isolate A. pernyi silk fibroin (APSF) from the cocoons was established, and blends of the two fibroins were prepared at five different BMSF/APSF ratios. In another experiment, BMSF surface was modified by binding chemically the GRGDSPC peptide using a water-soluble carbodiimide. Primary HLE were grown in the absence of serum on membranes made of BMSF, APSF, and their blends, as well as on RGD-modified BMSF. There was no statistically significant enhancing effect on the cell attachment due to the RGD presence. This suggests that the adhesion through RGD ligands may have a complex mechanism, and the investigated strategies are of limited value unless the factors contributing to this mechanism become better known.


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Nowadays, synthetic biodegradable polymers, such as aliphatic polyesters, are largely used in tissue engineering. They provide several advantages compared to natural materials which use is limited by immunocompatibility, graft availability, etc. In this work, poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA), poly(DL-lactic) acid (PDLA), poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL), poly(L-lactic)-co-caprolactone (molar ratio 70/30) (PLCL) were selected because of their common use in tissue engineering. The membranes were elaborated by solvent casting. Membrane morphology was investigated by atomic force microscopy. The membranes were seeded with human fibroblasts from cell line CRL 2703 in order to evaluate the biocompatibility by the Alamar blue test. The roughness of the membranes ranged from 4 nm for PDLA to 120 nm and they presented very smooth surface except for PCL which beside a macroscopic structure due to its hydrophobicity. Human fibroblasts proliferated over 28 days on the membranes proving the non-in vitro toxicity of the materials and of the processing method. A further step will be the fabrication of three-dimensional scaffold for tissue engineering and the treatment of the scaffolds to augment cell adhesion.


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Freestanding membranes created from Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) offer a potential vehicle for corneal cell transplantation since they are transparent and support the growth of human corneal epithelial cells (HCE). Fibroin derived from the wild silkworm Antheraea pernyi (APSF) might provide a superior material by virtue of containing putative cell- attachment sites that are absent from BMSF. Thus we have investigated the feasibility of producing transparent, freestanding membranes from APSF and have analysed the behaviour of HCE cells on this material. No significant differences in cell numbers or phenotype were observed in short term HCE cell cultures established on either fibroin. Production of transparent freestanding APSF membranes, however, proved to be problematic as cast solutions of APSF were more prone to becoming opaque, displayed significantly lower permeability and were more brittle than BMSF-membranes. Cultures of HCE cells established on either membrane developed a normal stratified morphology with cytokeratin pair 3/12 being immuno-localized to the superficial layers. We conclude that while it is feasible to produce transparent freestanding membranes from APSF, the technical difficulties associated with this biomaterial, along with an absence of enhanced cell growth, currently favours the continued development of BMSF as a preferred vehicle for corneal cell transplantation. Nevertheless, it remains possible that refinement of techniques for processing APSF might yet lead to improvements in the handling properties and performance of this material.


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Glucocorticoids, released in high concentrations from the adrenal cortex during stressful experiences, bind to glucocorticoid receptors in nuclear and peri-nuclear sites in neuronal somata. Their classically known mode of action is to induce gene promoter receptors to alter gene transcription. Nuclear glucocorticoid receptors are particularly dense in brain regions crucial for memory, including memory of stressful experiences, such as the hippocampus and amygdala. While it has been proposed that glucocorticoids may also act via membrane bound receptors, the existence of the latter remains controversial. Using electron microscopy, we found glucocorticoid receptors localized to non-genomic sites in rat lateral amygdala, glia processes, presynaptic terminals, neuronal dendrites, and dendritic spines including spine organelles and postsynaptic membrane densities. The lateral nucleus of the amygdala is a region specifically implicated in the formation of memories for stressful experiences. These newly observed glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactive sites were in addition to glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactive signals observed using electron and confocal microscopy in lateral amygdala principal neuron and GABA neuron soma and nuclei, cellular domains traditionally associated with glucocorticoid immunoreactivity. In lateral amygdala, glucocorticoid receptors are thus also localized to non-nuclear-membrane translocation sites, particularly dendritic spines, where they show an affinity for postsynaptic membrane densities, and may have a specialized role in modulating synaptic transmission plasticity related to fear and emotional memory.