702 resultados para 671299 Computer hardware and electronic equipment not elsewhere classified


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A modified microstrip-fed planar monopole antenna with open circuited coupled line is presented in this paper. The operational bandwidth of the proposed antenna covers the 2.4 GHz ISM band (2.42-2.48 GHz) and the 5 GHz WLAN band (5 GHz to 6 GHz). The radiating elements occupy a small area of 23×8 mm2. The Finite Difference Time Domain method is used to predict the input impedance of the antenna. The calculated return loss shows very good agreement with measured data. Reasonable antenna gain is observed across the operating band. The measured radiation patterns are similar to those of a simple monopole antenna.


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A novel reduced-size microstrip rectangular patch antenna for Bluetooth operation is presented in this paper. The proposed antenna operates in the 2400 to 2484 MHz ISM Band. Although an air substrate is introduced, antenna occupies a small volume of 33.3×6.6×0.8 mm3. The gain and the impedance bandwidth of the antenna are predicted using a commercial Finite Element Method software package. The predicted results show good agreement with measured data.


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A double-layer rectangular patch microstrip antenna suitable for Bluetooth applications is investigated. The patch is etched on a separate substrate which is suspended above the ground plane and supported by an MCX connector. The air gap between the patch and the ground plane increases the impedance bandwidth and can be used to tune the resonant frequency. This paper presents experimental results on the effects of various parameters on the antenna characteristics and provides guidelines for the design of such an antenna.


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An array of monopole elements with reduced element spacing of λ/6 to λ/20 is considered for application in digital beam-forming and direction-finding. The small element spacing introduces strong mutual coupling between the array elements. This paper discusses that decoupling can be achieved analytically for arrays with three elements and describes Kuroda’s identities to realize the lumped elements of the derived decoupling network. Design procedures and equations are proposed. Experimental results are presented. The decoupled array has a bandwidth of 1% and a superdirective radiation pattern.


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A small array composed of three monopole elements with very small element spacing on the order of λ/6 to λ/20 is considered for application in adaptive beamforming. The properties of this 3-port array are governed by strong mutual coupling. It is shown that for signal-to-noise maximization, it is not sufficient to adjust the weights to compensate for the effects of mutual coupling. The necessity for a RF-decoupling network (RF-DN) and its simple realization are shown. The array with closely spaced elements together with the RF-DN represents a superdirective antenna with a directivity of more than 10 dBi. It is shown that the required fractional frequency bandwidth and the available unloaded Q of the antenna and RF-DN structure determine the lower limit for the element spacing.


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This paper addresses the problem of degradations in adaptive digital beam-forming (DBF) systems caused by mutual coupling between array elements. The focus is on compact arrays with reduced element spacing and, hence, strongly coupled elements. Deviations in the radiation patterns of coupled and (theoretically) uncoupled elements can be compensated for by weight-adjustments in DBF, but SNR degradation due to impedance mismatches cannot be compensated for via signal processing techniques. It is shown that this problem can be overcome via the implementation of a RF-decoupling-network. SNR enhancement is achieved at the cost of a reduced frequency bandwidth and an increased sensitivity to dissipative losses in the antenna and matching network structure.


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Many substation applications require accurate time-stamping. The performance of systems such as Network Time Protocol (NTP), IRIG-B and one pulse per second (1-PPS) have been sufficient to date. However, new applications, including IEC 61850-9-2 process bus and phasor measurement, require accuracy of one microsecond or better. Furthermore, process bus applications are taking time synchronisation out into high voltage switchyards where cable lengths may have an impact on timing accuracy. IEEE Std 1588, Precision Time Protocol (PTP), is the means preferred by the smart grid standardisation roadmaps (from both the IEC and US National Institute of Standards and Technology) of achieving this higher level of performance, and integrates well into Ethernet based substation automation systems. Significant benefits of PTP include automatic path length compensation, support for redundant time sources and the cabling efficiency of a shared network. This paper benchmarks the performance of established IRIG-B and 1-PPS synchronisation methods over a range of path lengths representative of a transmission substation. The performance of PTP using the same distribution system is then evaluated and compared to the existing methods to determine if the performance justifies the additional complexity. Experimental results show that a PTP timing system maintains the synchronising performance of 1-PPS and IRIG-B timing systems, when using the same fibre optic cables, and further meets the needs of process buses in large substations.


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New substation automation applications, such as sampled value process buses and synchrophasors, require sampling accuracy of 1 µs or better. The Precision Time Protocol (PTP), IEEE Std 1588, achieves this level of performance and integrates well into Ethernet based substation networks. This paper takes a systematic approach to the performance evaluation of commercially available PTP devices (grandmaster, slave, transparent and boundary clocks) from a variety of manufacturers. The ``error budget'' is set by the performance requirements of each application. The ``expenditure'' of this error budget by each component is valuable information for a system designer. The component information is used to design a synchronization system that meets the overall functional requirements. The quantitative performance data presented shows that this testing is effective and informative. Results from testing PTP performance in the presence of sampled value process bus traffic demonstrate the benefit of a ``bottom up'' component testing approach combined with ``top down'' system verification tests. A test method that uses a precision Ethernet capture card, rather than dedicated PTP test sets, to determine the Correction Field Error of transparent clocks is presented. This test is particularly relevant for highly loaded Ethernet networks with stringent timing requirements. The methods presented can be used for development purposes by manufacturers, or by system integrators for acceptance testing. A sampled value process bus was used as the test application for the systematic approach described in this paper. The test approach was applied, components were selected, and the system performance verified to meet the application's requirements. Systematic testing, as presented in this paper, is applicable to a range of industries that use, rather than develop, PTP for time transfer.


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Constant development of new wireless standards increases the demand for more radiating elements in compact end-user platforms. A decrease in antenna separation gives rise to increased antenna coupling, resulting in a reduction of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) between transmitter and receiver. This paper proposes a decoupling network which provides dual band port isolation for a pair of distinct antennas. A prototype has been fabricated to verify the theory.


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A sub optimal resource allocation algorithm for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based cooperative scheme is proposed. The system consists of multiple relays. Subcarrier space is divided into blocks and relays participating in cooperation are allocated specific blocks to be used with a user. To ensure unique subcarrier assignment system is constrained such that same block cannot be used by more than one user. Users are given fair block assignments while no restriction for maximum number of blocks a relay can employ is given. Forced cost based decisions [1] are used for block allocation. Simulation results show that this scheme outperforms a non cooperating scheme with sequential allocation with respect to power usage.


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Utilization of multiport-antennas represents an appropriate way for the mitigation of multi-path fading in wireless communication systems. However, to obtain low correlation between the signals from different antenna ports and to prevent gain reduction by cross-talk, large antenna elements spacing is expected. Polarization diversity allows signal separation even with small antenna spacing. Although it is effective, polarization diversity alone does not suffice once the number of antennas exceeds the number of orthogonal polarizations. This paper presents an approach which combines a novel array concept with the use of dual polarization. The theory is verified by a compact dual polarized patch antenna array, which consists of four elements and a decoupling network.


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Advanced substation applications, such as synchrophasors and IEC 61850-9-2 sampled value process buses, depend upon highly accurate synchronizing signals for correct operation. The IEEE 1588 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) is the recommended means of providing precise timing for future substations. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of PTP reliability using Fault Tree Analysis. Two network topologies are proposed that use grandmaster clocks with dual network connections and take advantage of the Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) from IEEE 1588. The cross-connected grandmaster topology doubles reliability, and the addition of a shared third grandmaster gives a nine-fold improvement over duplicated grandmasters. The performance of BMCA mediated handover of the grandmaster role during contingencies in the timing system was evaluated experimentally. The 1 µs performance requirement of sampled values and synchrophasors are met, even during network or GPS antenna outages. Slave clocks are shown to synchronize to the backup grandmaster in response to degraded performance or loss of the main grandmaster. Slave disturbances are less than 350 ns provided the grandmaster reference clocks are not offset from one another. A clear understanding of PTP reliability and the factors that affect availability will encourage the adoption of PTP for substation time synchronization.


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The IEEE Subcommittee on the Application of Probability Methods (APM) published the IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS) [1] in 1979. This system provides a consistent and generally acceptable set of data that can be used both in generation capacity and in composite system reliability evaluation [2,3]. The test system provides a basis for the comparison of results obtained by different people using different methods. Prior to its publication, there was no general agreement on either the system or the data that should be used to demonstrate or test various techniques developed to conduct reliability studies. Development of reliability assessment techniques and programs are very dependent on the intent behind the development as the experience of one power utility with their system may be quite different from that of another utility. The development and the utilization of a reliability program are, therefore, greatly influenced by the experience of a utlity and the intent of the system manager, planner and designer conducting the reliability studies. The IEEE-RTS has proved to be extremely valuable in highlighting and comparing the capabilities (or incapabilities) of programs used in reliability studies, the differences in the perception of various power utilities and the differences in the solution techniques. The IEEE-RTS contains a reasonably large power network which can be difficult to use for initial studies in an educational environment.


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The IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS) developed by the Application of Probability Method Subcommittee has been used to compare and test a wide range of generating capacity and composite system evaluation techniques and subsequent digital computer programs. A basic reliability test system is presented which has evolved from the reliability education and research programs conducted by the Power System Research Group at the University of Saskatchewan. The basic system data necessary for adequacy evaluation at the generation and composite generation and transmission system levels are presented together with the fundamental data required to conduct reliability-cost/reliability-worth evaluation


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A set of basic reliability indices at the generation and composite generation and transmission levels for a small reliability test system are presented. The test system and the results presented have evolved from reliability research and teaching programs. The indices presented are for fundamental reliability applications which should be covered in a power system reliability teaching program. The RBTS test system and the basic indices provide a valuable reference for faculty and students engaged in reliability teaching and research