598 resultados para plasma simulation


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A wave propagation in a complex dusty plasma with negative ions was considered. The relevant processes such as ionization, electron attachment, diffusion, positive-negative ion recombination, plasma particle collisions, as well as elastic Coulomb and inelastic dust-charging collisions were taken self-consistently. It was found that the equilibrium of the plasma as well as the propagation of ion waves were modified to various degrees by these effects.


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Controlled interaction of high-power pulsed electromagnetic radiation with plasma-exposed solid surfaces is a major challenge in applications spanning from electron beam accelerators in microwave electronics to pulsed laser ablation-assisted synthesis of nanomaterials. It is shown that the efficiency of such interaction can be potentially improved via an additional channel of wave power dissipation due to nonlinear excitation of two counterpropagating surface waves, resonant excitations of the plasma-solid system.Physics.


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The results of a hybrid numerical simulation of the growth kinetics of carbon nanowall-like nanostructures in the plasma and neutral gas synthesis processes are presented. The low-temperature plasma-based process was found to have a significant advantage over the purely neutral flux deposition in providing the uniform size distribution of the nanostructures. It is shown that the nanowall width uniformity is the best (square deviations not exceeding 1.05) in high-density plasmas of 3.0× 1018 m-3, worsens in lower-density plasmas (up to 1.5 in 1.0× 1017 m-3 plasmas), and is the worst (up to 1.9) in the neutral gas-based process. This effect has been attributed to the focusing of ion fluxes by irregular electric field in the vicinity of plasma-grown nanostructures on substrate biased with -20 V potential, and differences in the two-dimensional adatom diffusion fluxes in the plasma and neutral gas-based processes. The results of our numerical simulations are consistent with the available experimental reports on the effect of the plasma process parameters on the sizes and shapes of relevant nanostructures.


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The plasma-assisted RF sputtering deposition of a biocompatible, functionally graded calcium phosphate bioceramic on a Ti6A14 V orthopedic alloy is reported. The chemical composition and presence of hydroxyapatite (HA), CaTiO3, and CaO mineral phases can be effectively controlled by the process parameters. At higher DC biases, the ratio [Ca]/[P] and the amount of CaO increase, whereas the HA content decreases. Optical emission spectroscopy suggests that CaO+ is the dominant species that responds to negative DC bias and controls calcium content. Biocompatibility tests in simulated body fluid confirm a positive biomimetic response evidenced by in-growth of an apatite layer after 24 h of immersion.


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Multiscale hybrid simulations that bridge the nine-order-of-magnitude spatial gap between the macroscopic plasma nanotools and microscopic surface processes on nanostructured solids are described. Two specific examples of carbon nanotip-like and semiconductor quantum dot nanopatterns are considered. These simulations are instrumental in developing physical principles of nanoscale assembly processes on solid surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas.


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In this single work to cover the use of plasma as nanofabrication tool in sufficient depth internationally renowned authors with much experience in this important method of nanofabrication look at reactive plasma as a nanofabrication tool, plasma production and development of plasma sources, as well as such applications as carbon-based nanostructures, low-dimensional quantum confinement structures and hydroxyapatite bioceramics. Written principally for solid state physicists and chemists, materials scientists, and plasma physicists, the book concludes with the outlook for such applications. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.


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Uniformity of postprocessing of large-area, dense nanostructure arrays is currently one of the greatest challenges in nanoscience and nanofabrication. One of the major issues is to achieve a high level of control in specie fluxes to specific surface areas of the nanostructures. As suggested by the numerical experiments in this work, this goal can be achieved by manipulating microscopic ion fluxes by varying the plasma sheath and nanorod array parameters. The dynamics of ion-assisted deposition of functional monolayer coatings onto two-dimensional carbon nanorod arrays in a hydrogen plasma is simulated by using a multiscale hybrid numerical simulation. The numerical results show evidence of a strong correlation between the aspect ratios and nanopattern positioning of the nanorods, plasma sheath width, and densities and distributions of microscopic ion fluxes. When the spacing between the nanorods and/or their aspect ratios are larger, and/or the plasma sheath is wider, the density of microscopic ion current flowing to each of the individual nanorods increases, thus reducing the time required to apply a functional monolayer coating down to 11 s for a 7-μm-wide sheath, and to 5 s for a 50-μm-wide sheath. The computed monolayer coating development time is consistent with previous experimental reports on plasma-assisted functionalization of related carbon nanostructures [B. N. Khare et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 5237 (2002)]. The results are generic in that they can be applied to a broader range of plasma-based processes and nanostructures, and contribute to the development of deterministic strategies of postprocessing and functionalization of various nanoarrays for nanoelectronic, biomedical, and other emerging applications.


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The results of numerical simulation of plasma-based, porous, template-assisted nanofabrication of Au nanodot arrays on highly-doped silicon taking into account typical electron density of low-temperature plasma of 1017-1018 m-3 and electron temperature of 2-5 eV are reported here. Three-dimensional microscopic topography of ion flux distribution over the outer and inner surfaces of the nanoporous template is obtained via numerical simulation of Au ion trajectories in the plasma sheath, in the close proximity of, and inside the nanopores. It is shown that, by manipulating the electron temperature, the cross-sheath potential drop, and by additionally altering the structure of the nanoporous template, one can control the ion fluxes within the nanopores, and eventually maximize the ion deposition onto the top surface of the developing crystalline Au nanodots (see top panel in the figure). In the same time, this procedure allows one to minimize amorphous deposits on the sidewalls that clutter and may eventually close the nanopores, thus disrupting the nanodot growth process, as it is shown in the bottom panel in the figure on the right.


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This contribution sheds light on the role of crystal size and phase composition in inducing biomimetic apatite growth on the surface of nanostructured titania films synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering of Ti targets in Ar+O2 plasmas. Unlike most existing techniques, this method enables one to deposit highly crystalline titania films with a wide range of phase composition and nanocrystal size, without any substrate heating or postannealing. Moreover, by using this dry plasma-based method one can avoid surface hydroxylation at the deposition stage, almost inevitable in wet chemical processes. Results of this work show that high phase purity and optimum crystal size appear to be the essential requirement for efficient apatite formation on magnetron plasma-fabricated bioactive titania coatings. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nanoparticle manipulation by various plasma forces in near-substrate areas of the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility (IPANF) is investigated. In the IPANF, high-density plasmas of low-temperature rf glow discharges are sustained. The model near-substrate area includes a variable-length pre-sheath, where a negatively charged nanoparticle is accelerated, and a self-consistent collisionless sheath with a repulsive electrostatic potential. Conditions enabling the nanoparticle to overcome the repulsive barrier and deposit onto the substrate are investigated numerically and experimentally. Under certain conditions the momentum gained by the nanoparticle in the pre-sheath area appears to be sufficient for the driving ion drag force to outbalance the repulsive electrostatic and thermophoretic forces. Numerical results are applied for the explanation of size-selective nanoparticle deposition in the Ar+H2+CH4 plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition of various carbon nanostructure patterns for electron field emitters and are cross-referenced by the field emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that the nanoparticles can be efficiently manipulated by the temperature gradient-controlled thermophoretic force. Experimentally, the temperature gradients in the near-substrate areas are measured in situ by means of the temperature gradient probe and related to the nanofilm fabrication conditions. The results are relevant to plasma-assisted synthesis of numerous nanofilms employing structural incorporation of the plasma-grown nanoparticles, including but not limited to nanofabrication of ordered single-crystalline carbon nanotip arrays for electron field emission applications.


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The effect of the nonuniformity of the electron density on the dispersion properties of surface waves propagating in a direction transverse to an external magnetic field is studied for the model of a two-layer plasma structure bounded by a metal. It is shown that the spectra of the waves can be effectively controlled by varying the degree of nonuniformity of the density and the dimensions of the layers.


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We investigate nonlinear self-interacting magnetoplasma surface waves (SW) propagating perpendicular to an external magnetic field at a plasma-metal boundary. We obtain the nonlinear dispersion equation and nonlinear Schroedinger equation for the envelope field of the SW. The solution to this equation is studied with regard to stability relative to longitudinal and transverse perturbations.


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The self-modulation process of a high-frequency surface wave (SW) in a wave-guiding structure - a semibounded magnetoactive plasma and perfectly conducting metal wall - is considered for the weak nonlinearity approximation. Estimates are given for the contributions to the nonlinear frequency shift of the SW from the two principal self-action channels: via the generation of a signal of the doubled frequency and of static surface perturbations, arising as the result of the action of a ponderomotive force. Solutions for the field envelope of the nonlinear wave are examined with regard to their stability with respect to longitudinal and transverse perturbations.


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The control of the generation and assembly of the electronegative plasma-grown particles is discussed. Due to the large number of elementary processes of particle creation and loss, electronegative complex plasmas should be treated as open systems where the stationary states are sustained by various particle creation and loss processes in the plasma bulk, on the walls, and on the dust grain surfaces. To be physically self-consistent, ionization, diffusion, electron attachment, recombination, dust charge variation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and fine particles, as well as charging collisions with the dust, must be accounted for.


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Hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings have numerous applications in orthopedics and dentistry, owing to their excellent ability to promote stronger implant fixation and faster bone tissue ingrowth and remodeling. Thermal plasma spray and other plasma-assisted techniques have recently been used to synthesize various calcium phosphate-based bioceramics. Despite notable recent achievements in the desired stoichiometry, phase composition, mechanical, structural, and bio-compatible properties, it is rather difficult to combine all of the above features in a single coating. For example, many existing plasma-sprayed HA coatings fall short in meeting the requirements of grain size and crystallinity, and as such are subject to enhanced resorption in body fluid. On the other hand, relatively poor interfacial bonding and stability is an obstacle to the application of the HA coatings in high load bearing Ti6Al4V knee joint implants. Here, we report on an alternative: a plasma-assisted, concurrent, sputtering deposition technique for high performance biocompatible HA coatings on Ti6Al4V implant alloy. The plasma-assisted RF magnetron co-sputtering deposition method allows one to simultaneously achieve most of the desired attributes of the biomimetic material and overcome the aforementioned problems. This article details the film synthesis process specifications, extensive analytical characterization of the material's properties, mechanical testing, simulated body fluid assessments, biocompatibility and cytocompatibility of the HA-coated Ti6Al4V orthopedic alloy. The means of optimization of the plasma and deposition process parameters to achieve the desired attributes and performance of the HA coating, as well as future challenges in clinical applications are also discussed.