454 resultados para opportunistic networks


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This article contributes to the theorization of the role of informal regulation (undertaken by leading firms) in the ongoing organization of global production networks. It does so through a qualitative case study of BHP Billiton's Ravensthorpe Nickel Operation (RNO) in the rural Shire of Ravensthorpe in Western Australia. This less tangible, and to date under-researched, dimension of global production networks is foregrounded through a focus on the corporate social responsibility strategy implemented by RNO in the service of achieving and/or demonstrating a broader ‘social licence to operate’. This ‘licence’ functions – beyond the corporation – as a legitimated and legitimating multi-scalar mechanism through which to gain and maintain access to mineral resources and thus to establish viable and ongoing global production networks. Further, this informal regulation is shown to shape social relations and qualities of place conducive to competitive global mineral extraction and to facilitate the positioning of local communities and places in mineral global production networks.


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This paper offers one explanation for the institutional basis of food insecurity in Australia, and argues that while alternative food networks and the food sovereignty movement perform a valuable function in building forms of social solidarity between urban consumers and rural producers, they currently make only a minor contribution to Australia’s food and nutrition security. The paper begins by identifying two key drivers of food security: household incomes (on the demand side) and nutrition-sensitive, ‘fair food’ agriculture (on the supply side). We focus on this second driver and argue that healthy populations require an agricultural sector that delivers dietary diversity via a fair and sustainable food system. In order to understand why nutrition-sensitive, fair food agriculture is not flourishing in Australia we introduce the development economics theory of urban bias. According to this theory, governments support capital intensive rather than labour intensive agriculture in order to deliver cheap food alongside the transfer of public revenues gained from rural agriculture to urban infrastructure, where the majority of the voting public resides. We chart the unfolding of the Urban Bias across the twentieth century and its consolidation through neo-liberal orthodoxy, and argue that agricultural policies do little to sustain, let alone revitalize, rural and regional Australia. We conclude that by observing food system dynamics through a re-spatialized lens, Urban Bias Theory is valuable in highlighting rural–urban socio-economic and political economy tensions, particularly regarding food system sustainability. It also sheds light on the cultural economy tensions for alternative food networks as they move beyond niche markets to simultaneously support urban food security and sustainable rural livelihoods.


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This article uses topological approaches to suggest that education is becoming-topological. Analyses presented in a recent double-issue of Theory, Culture & Society are used to demonstrate the utility of topology for education. In particular, the article explains education's topological character through examining the global convergence of education policy, testing and the discursive ranking of systems, schools and individuals in the promise of reforming education through the proliferation of regimes of testing at local and global levels that constitute a new form of governance through data. In this conceptualisation of global education policy changes in the form and nature of testing combine with it the emergence of global policy network to change the nature of the local (national, regional, school and classroom) forces that operate through the ‘system’. While these forces change, they work through a discursivity that produces disciplinary effects, but in a different way. This new–old disciplinarity, or ‘database effect’, is here represented through a topological approach because of its utility for conceiving education in an increasingly networked world.


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Although a substantial amount of cross-cultural psychology research has investigated acculturative stress in general, little attention has been devoted specifically to communication-related acculturative stress (CRAS). In line with the view that cross-cultural adaptation and second language (L2) learning are social and interpersonal phenomena, the present study examines the hypothesis that migrants’ L2 social network size and interconnectedness predict CRAS. The main idea underlying this hypothesis is that L2 social networks play an important role in fostering social and cultural aspects of communicative competence. Specifically, higher interconnectedness may reflect greater access to unmodified natural cultural representations and L2 communication practices, thus fostering communicative competence through observational learning. As such, structural aspects of migrants’ L2 social networks may be protective against acculturative stress arising from chronic communication difficulties. Results from a study of first generation migrant students (N = 100) support this idea by showing that both inclusiveness and density of the participants’ L2 network account for unique variance in CRAS but not in general acculturative stress. These results support the idea that research on cross-cultural adaptation would benefit from disentangling the various facets of acculturative stress and that the structure of migrants’ L2 network matters for language related outcomes. Finally, this study contributes to an emerging body of work that attempts to integrate cultural/cross-cultural research on acculturation and research on intercultural communication and second language learning.


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The latest generation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) have dramatically advanced challenging computer vision tasks, especially in object detection and object classification, achieving state-of-the-art performance in several computer vision tasks including text recognition, sign recognition, face recognition and scene understanding. The depth of these supervised networks has enabled learning deeper and hierarchical representation of features. In parallel, unsupervised deep learning such as Convolutional Deep Belief Network (CDBN) has also achieved state-of-the-art in many computer vision tasks. However, there is very limited research on jointly exploiting the strength of these two approaches. In this paper, we investigate the learning capability of both methods. We compare the output of individual layers and show that many learnt filters and outputs of the corresponding level layer are almost similar for both approaches. Stacking the DCNN on top of unsupervised layers or replacing layers in the DCNN with the corresponding learnt layers in the CDBN can improve the recognition/classification accuracy and training computational expense. We demonstrate the validity of the proposal on ImageNet dataset.


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INTRODUCTION. The intervertebral disc is the largest avascular structure in the human body, withstanding transient loads of up to nine times body weight during rigorous physical activity. The key structural elements of the disc are a gel-like nucleus pulposus surrounded by concentric lamellar rings containing criss-crossed collagen fibres. The disc also contains an elastic fiber network which has been suggested to play a structural role, but to date the relationship between the collagen and elastic fiber networks is unclear. CONCLUSION. The multimodal transmitted and reflected polarized light microscopy technique developed here allows clear differentiation between the collagen and elastic fiber networks of the intervertebral disc. The ability to image unstained specimens avoids concerns with uneven stain penetration or specificity of staining. In bovine tail discs, the elastic fiber network is intimately associated with the collagen network.


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Enterprise social networks (ESNs) often fail if there are few or no contributors of content. Promotional messages are among the common interventions used to improve participation. While most users only read others’ content (i.e. lurk), contributors who create content (i.e. post) account for only 1% of the users. Research on interventions to improve participation across dissimilar groups is scarce especially in work settings. We develop a model that examines four key motivations of posting and lurking. We employ the elaboration likelihood model to understand how promotional messages influence lurkers’ and posters’ beliefs and participation. We test our model with data collected from 366 members in two corporate Google⁺ communities in a large Australian retail organization. We find that posters and lurkers are motivated and hindered by different factors. Promotional messages do not – always – yield the hoped-for results among lurkers; however, they do make posters more enthusiastic to participate.


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This project was a step forward in introducing suitable cooperative diversity transmission techniques for vehicle to vehicle communications. The contributions are intended to aid in the successful implementation of future vehicular safety and autonomous controlling systems. Several protocols were introduced for vehicles to communicate effectively without losing connectivity. This study investigated novel protocols in terms of diversity-multiplexing trade-off and outage for a range of potential vehicular safety and infotainment applications.


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The effect of tunnel junction resistances on the electronic property and the magneto-resistance of few-layer graphene sheet networks is investigated. By decreasing the tunnel junction resistances, transition from strong localization to weak localization occurs and magneto-resistance changes from positive to negative. It is shown that the positive magneto-resistance is due to Zeeman splitting of the electronic states at the Fermi level as it changes with the bias voltage. As the tunnel junction resistances decrease, the network resistance is well described by 2D weak localization model. Sensitivity of the magneto-resistance to the bias voltage becomes negligible and diminishes with increasing temperature. It is shown 2D weak localization effect mainly occurs inside of the few-layer graphene sheets and the minimum temperature of 5 K in our experiments is not sufficiently low to allow us to observe 2D weak localization effect of the networks as it occurs in 2D disordered metal films. Furthermore, defects inside the few-layer graphene sheets have negligible effect on the resistance of the networks which have small tunnel junction resistances between few-layer graphene sheets


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In this work, we study the fractal and multifractal properties of a family of fractal networks introduced by Gallos et al (2007 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 104 7746). In this fractal network model, there is a parameter e which is between 0 and 1, and allows for tuning the level of fractality in the network. Here we examine the multifractal behavior of these networks, the dependence relationship of the fractal dimension and the multifractal parameters on parameter e. First, we find that the empirical fractal dimensions of these networks obtained by our program coincide with the theoretical formula given by Song et al (2006 Nature Phys. 2 275). Then from the shape of the τ(q) and D(q) curves, we find the existence of multifractality in these networks. Last, we find that there exists a linear relationship between the average information dimension 〈D(1)〉 and the parameter e.


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A theoretical basis is required for comparing key features and critical elements in wild fisheries and aquaculture supply chains under a changing climate. Here we develop a new quantitative metric that is analogous to indices used to analyse food-webs and identify key species. The Supply Chain Index (SCI) identifies critical elements as those elements with large throughput rates, as well as greater connectivity. The sum of the scores for a supply chain provides a single metric that roughly captures both the resilience and connectedness of a supply chain. Standardised scores can facilitate cross-comparisons both under current conditions as well as under a changing climate. Identification of key elements along the supply chain may assist in informing adaptation strategies to reduce anticipated future risks posed by climate change. The SCI also provides information on the relative stability of different supply chains based on whether there is a fairly even spread in the individual scores of the top few key elements, compared with a more critical dependence on a few key individual supply chain elements. We use as a case study the Australian southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii fishery, which is challenged by a number of climate change drivers such as impacts on recruitment and growth due to changes in large-scale and local oceanographic features. The SCI identifies airports, processors and Chinese consumers as the key elements in the lobster supply chain that merit attention to enhance stability and potentially enable growth. We also apply the index to an additional four real-world Australian commercial fishery and two aquaculture industry supply chains to highlight the utility of a systematic method for describing supply chains. Overall, our simple methodological approach to empirically-based supply chain research provides an objective method for comparing the resilience of supply chains and highlighting components that may be critical.


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Bayesian networks (BNs) are tools for representing expert knowledge or evidence. They are especially useful for synthesising evidence or belief concerning a complex intervention, assessing the sensitivity of outcomes to different situations or contextual frameworks and framing decision problems that involve alternative types of intervention. Bayesian networks are useful extensions to logic maps when initiating a review or to facilitate synthesis and bridge the gap between evidence acquisition and decision-making. Formal elicitation techniques allow development of BNs on the basis of expert opinion. Such applications are useful alternatives to ‘empty’ reviews, which identify knowledge gaps but fail to support decision-making. Where review evidence exists, it can inform the development of a BN. We illustrate the construction of a BN using a motivating example that demonstrates how BNs can ensure coherence, transparently structure the problem addressed by a complex intervention and assess sensitivity to context, all of which are critical components of robust reviews of complex interventions. We suggest that BNs should be utilised to routinely synthesise reviews of complex interventions or empty reviews where decisions must be made despite poor evidence.


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Major advances in power electronics during recent years have prompted considerable interest within the traction community. The capability of new technologies to reduce the AC railway networks' effect on power quality and improve their supply efficiency is expected to significantly decrease the cost of electric rail supply systems. Of particular interest are Static Frequency Converter (SFC), Rail Power Conditioner (RPC), High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) solutions. Substantial impacts on future feasibility of railway electrification are anticipated. Aurizon, Australia's largest heavy haul railway operator, has recently commissioned the world's first 50Hz/50Hz SFC installation and is currently investigating SFC, RPC, HVDC and ESS solutions. This paper presents a summary of current and emerging technologies with a particular focus on the potential techno-economic benefits.


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The prospect of synthesizing ordered, covalently bonded structures directly on a surface has recently attracted considerable attention due to its fundamental interest and for potential applications in electronics and photonics. This prospective article focuses on efforts to synthesize and characterize epitaxial one- and two-dimensional (1D and 2D, respectively) polymeric networks on single crystal surfaces. Recent studies, mostly performed using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), demonstrate the ability to induce polymerization based on Ullmann coupling, thermal dehalogenation and dehydration reactions. The 2D polymer networks synthesized to date have exhibited structural limitations and have been shown to form only small domains on the surface. We discuss different approaches to control 1D and 2D polymerization, with particular emphasis on the surface phenomena that are critical to the formation of larger ordered domains.


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This thesis presents a novel approach to building large-scale agent-based models of networked physical systems using a compositional approach to provide extensibility and flexibility in building the models and simulations. A software framework (MODAM - MODular Agent-based Model) was implemented for this purpose, and validated through simulations. These simulations allow assessment of the impact of technological change on the electricity distribution network looking at the trajectories of electricity consumption at key locations over many years.