686 resultados para Non-leaf organs


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A library containing approximately 40,000 small RNA sequences was constructed for Brassica napus. Analysis of 3025 sequences obtained from this library resulted in the identification of 11 conserved miRNA families, which were validated by secondary structure prediction using surrounding sequences in the Brassica genome. Two 21 nt small RNA sequences reside within the arm of a pre-miRNA like stem-loop structure, making them likely candidates for novel non-conserved miRNAs in B. napus. Most of the conserved miRNAs were expressed at similar levels in a F1 hybrid B. napus line and its four double haploid progeny that showed marked variations in phenotypes, but many were differentially expressed between B. napus and Arabidopsis. The miR169 family was expressed at high levels in young leaves and stems, but was undetectable in roots and mature leaves, suggesting that miR169 expression is developmentally regulated in B. napus. © 2007 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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We have tested a methodology for the elimination of the selectable marker gene after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of barley. This involves segregation of the selectable marker gene away from the gene of interest following co-transformation using a plasmid carrying two T-DNAs, which were located adjacent to each other with no intervening region. A standard binary transformation vector was modified by insertion of a small section composed of an additional left and right T-DNA border, so that the selectable marker gene and the site for insertion of the gene of interest (GOI) were each flanked by a left and right border. Using this vector three different GOIs were transformed into barley. Analysis of transgene inheritance was facilitated by a novel and rapid assay utilizing PCR amplification from macerated leaf tissue. Co-insertion was observed in two thirds of transformants, and among these approximately one quarter had transgene inserts which segregated in the next generation to yield selectable marker-free transgenic plants. Insertion of non-T-DNA plasmid sequences was observed in only one of fourteen SMF lines tested. This technique thus provides a workable system for generating transgenic barley free from selectable marker genes, thereby obviating public concerns regarding proliferation of these genes.


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A very simple leaf assay is described that rapidly and reliably identifies transgenic plants expressing the hygromycin resistance gene, hph or the phosphinothricin resistance gene, bar. Leaf tips were cut from plants propagated either in the glasshouse or in tissue culture and the cut surface embedded in solid medium containing the appropriate selective agent. Non-transgenic barley or rice leaf tips had noticeable symptoms of either bleaching or necrosis after three days on the medium and were completely bleached or necrotic after one week. Transgenic leaf tips remained green and healthy over this period. This gave unambiguous discrimination between transgenic and non-transgenic plants. The leaf assay was also effective for dicot plants tested (tobacco and peas).


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The nucleotide sequences of genome segments S7 and S10 of a Thai-isolate of rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) were determined. The 1938 bp S7 sequence contains a single large open reading frame (ORF) spanning nucleotides 20 to 1 843 that is predicted to encode a protein of M(r) 68 025. The 1 162 bp S10 sequence has a major ORF spanning nucleotides 142 to 1 032 that is predicted to encode a protein of M(r) 32364. This S10 ORF is preceded by a small ORF (nt 20-55) which is probably a minicistron. Coupled in vitro transcription-translation from the two major ORFs gave protein products of the expected sizes. However, no protein was visualised from S10 when the small ORF sequence was included. Proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli from the full length ORF of S7 (P7) and from a segment of the S10 ORF (P10) fused to the ORF of glutathione S-transferase (GST). Neither fusion protein was recognised by polyclonal antibodies raised against RRSV particles. Furthermore, polyclonal antibodies raised against GST-P7 fusion protein did not recognise any virion structural polypeptides. These data strongly suggest that the proteins P7 and P10 do not form part of RRSV particle. This is further supported by observed sequence homology (though very weak) of predicted.


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Understanding people's organ donation decisions may narrow the gap between organ supply and demand. In two studies, participants who had not recorded their posthumous organ donation decision (Study 1, N = 210; Study 2, N = 307) completed items assessing prototype/willingness model (PWM; attitude, subjective norm, donor prototype favorability and similarity, willingness) constructs. Attitude, subjective norm, and prototype similarity predicted willingness to donate. Prototype favorability and a Prototype Favorability × Similarity interaction predicted willingness (Study 2). These findings provide support for the PWM in altruistic health contexts, highlighting the importance of people's perceptions about organ donors in their donation decisions.


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Particles of carrot red leaf virus (CRLV; luteovirus group) purified from chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) contain a single ssRNA species of mol. wt. about 1.8 x 106 and a major protein of mol. wt. about 25000. CRLV acts as a helper for aphid transmission of carrot mottle virus (CMotV; ungrouped) from mixedly infected plants. Virus preparations purified from such plants possess the infectivity of both viruses but contain particles indistinguishable from those of CRLV; some of the particles are therefore thought to consist of CMotV RNA packaged in CRLV coat protein. When RNA from such preparations was electrophoresed in agarose/polyacrylamide gels, CMotV infectivity was associated with an RNA band that migrated ahead of the CRLV RNA band and had an estimated mol. wt. of about 1.5 x 106, similar to that previously found for the infective ssRNA extracted directly from Nicotiana clevelandii leaves infected with CMotV alone. Preparations of dsRNA from CMotV-infected N. clevelandii leaves contained two species: one of mol. wt. about 3.2 x 106, presumably the replicative form of the infective ssRNA, and the other, mol. wt. about 0.9 x 106, of unknown origin and function. The infective agent in buffer extracts of CMotV-infected N. clevelandii was resistant to RNase (although the enzyme acted as a reversible inhibitor of infection at high concentrations) and is therefore not unprotected RNA. It may be protected within the approximately 52 nm enveloped structures previously reported.


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Particles of two isolates of subterranean clover red leaf virus were purified by a method in which infected plant tissue was digested with an industrial-grade cellulase, Celluclast® 2.0 L type X. The yields of virus particles using this enzyme were comparable with those obtained using either of two laboratory-grade cellulases, Cellulase type 1 (Sigma) and Driselase®. However, the specific infectivity or aphid transmissibility of the particles purified using Celluclast® was 10-100 times greater than those of preparations obtained using laboratory-grade cellulases or no enzyme. The main advantage of using Celluclast® is that at present in Australia its cost is only ca. 1% of laboratory-grade cellulases.


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This paper presents a long-term experiment where a mobile robot uses adaptive spherical views to localize itself and navigate inside a non-stationary office environment. The office contains seven members of staff and experiences a continuous change in its appearance over time due to their daily activities. The experiment runs as an episodic navigation task in the office over a period of eight weeks. The spherical views are stored in the nodes of a pose graph and they are updated in response to the changes in the environment. The updating mechanism is inspired by the concepts of long- and short-term memories. The experimental evaluation is done using three performance metrics which evaluate the quality of both the adaptive spherical views and the navigation over time.


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PURPOSE To investigate the utility of using non-contact laser-scanning confocal microscopy (NC-LSCM), compared with the more conventional contact laser-scanning confocal microscopy (C-LSCM), for examining corneal substructures in vivo. METHODS An attempt was made to capture representative images from the tear film and all layers of the cornea of a healthy, 35 year old female, using both NC-LSCM and C-LSCM, on separate days. RESULTS Using NC-LSCM, good quality images were obtained of the tear film, stroma, and a section of endothelium, but the corneal depth of the images of these various substructures could not be ascertained. Using C-LSCM, good quality, full-field images were obtained of the epithelium, subbasal nerve plexus, stroma, and endothelium, and the corneal depth of each of the captured images could be ascertained. CONCLUSIONS NC-LSCM may find general use for clinical examination of the tear film, stroma and endothelium, with the caveat that the depth of stromal images cannot be determined when using this technique. This technique also facilitates image capture of oblique sections of multiple corneal layers. The inability to clearly and consistently image thin corneal substructures - such as the tear film, subbasal nerve plexus and endothelium - is a key limitation of NC-LSCM.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) that contains non-magnetic ionic dopants, such as nitrogen (N)-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:N), has been observed to exhibit ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism is proposed to arise from the Coulomb excitation in the localized states that is induced by the oxygen vacancy, V O. A model based on the Coulomb excitation that is associated with the electron–phonon interaction theoretically explains the ferromagnetic mechanism of ZnO:N. This study reveals that the ferromagnetism will be induced by either deep localized states with a small V O concentration or shallow localized states with a high V O concentration. Additionally, electron–phonon coupling either suppresses the ferromagnetism that is induced by the deep donor states of V O or enhances the ferromagnetism that is induced by the shallow donor states of V O.


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Cyclostationary models for the diagnostic signals measured on faulty rotating machineries have proved to be successful in many laboratory tests and industrial applications. The squared envelope spectrum has been pointed out as the most efficient indicator for the assessment of second order cyclostationary symptoms of damages, which are typical, for instance, of rolling element bearing faults. In an attempt to foster the spread of rotating machinery diagnostics, the current trend in the field is to reach higher levels of automation of the condition monitoring systems. For this purpose, statistical tests for the presence of cyclostationarity have been proposed during the last years. The statistical thresholds proposed in the past for the identification of cyclostationary components have been obtained under the hypothesis of having a white noise signal when the component is healthy. This need, coupled with the non-white nature of the real signals implies the necessity of pre-whitening or filtering the signal in optimal narrow-bands, increasing the complexity of the algorithm and the risk of losing diagnostic information or introducing biases on the result. In this paper, the authors introduce an original analytical derivation of the statistical tests for cyclostationarity in the squared envelope spectrum, dropping the hypothesis of white noise from the beginning. The effect of first order and second order cyclostationary components on the distribution of the squared envelope spectrum will be quantified and the effectiveness of the newly proposed threshold verified, providing a sound theoretical basis and a practical starting point for efficient automated diagnostics of machine components such as rolling element bearings. The analytical results will be verified by means of numerical simulations and by using experimental vibration data of rolling element bearings.


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Diagnostics is based on the characterization of mechanical system condition and allows early detection of a possible fault. Signal processing is an approach widely used in diagnostics, since it allows directly characterizing the state of the system. Several types of advanced signal processing techniques have been proposed in the last decades and added to more conventional ones. Seldom, these techniques are able to consider non-stationary operations. Diagnostics of roller bearings is not an exception of this framework. In this paper, a new vibration signal processing tool, able to perform roller bearing diagnostics in whatever working condition and noise level, is developed on the basis of two data-adaptive techniques as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED), coupled by means of the mathematics related to the Hilbert transform. The effectiveness of the new signal processing tool is proven by means of experimental data measured in a test-rig that employs high power industrial size components.


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In the field of rolling element bearing diagnostics, envelope analysis has gained in the last years a leading role among the different digital signal processing techniques. The original constraint of constant operating speed has been relaxed thanks to the combination of this technique with the computed order tracking, able to resample signals at constant angular increments. In this way, the field of application of this technique has been extended to cases in which small speed fluctuations occur, maintaining high effectiveness and efficiency. In order to make this algorithm suitable to all industrial applications, the constraint on speed has to be removed completely. In fact, in many applications, the coincidence of high bearing loads, and therefore high diagnostic capability, with acceleration-deceleration phases represents a further incentive in this direction. This chapter presents a procedure for the application of envelope analysis to speed transients. The effect of load variation on the proposed technique will be also qualitatively addressed.