440 resultados para ACCURATE


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Advanced substation applications, such as synchrophasors and IEC 61850-9-2 sampled value process buses, depend upon highly accurate synchronizing signals for correct operation. The IEEE 1588 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) is the recommended means of providing precise timing for future substations. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of PTP reliability using Fault Tree Analysis. Two network topologies are proposed that use grandmaster clocks with dual network connections and take advantage of the Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) from IEEE 1588. The cross-connected grandmaster topology doubles reliability, and the addition of a shared third grandmaster gives a nine-fold improvement over duplicated grandmasters. The performance of BMCA mediated handover of the grandmaster role during contingencies in the timing system was evaluated experimentally. The 1 µs performance requirement of sampled values and synchrophasors are met, even during network or GPS antenna outages. Slave clocks are shown to synchronize to the backup grandmaster in response to degraded performance or loss of the main grandmaster. Slave disturbances are less than 350 ns provided the grandmaster reference clocks are not offset from one another. A clear understanding of PTP reliability and the factors that affect availability will encourage the adoption of PTP for substation time synchronization.


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The majority of distribution utilities do not have accurate information on the constituents of their loads. This information is very useful in managing and planning the network, adequately and economically. Customer loads are normally categorized in three main sectors: 1) residential; 2) industrial; and 3) commercial. In this paper, penalized least-squares regression and Euclidean distance methods are developed for this application to identify and quantify the makeup of a feeder load with unknown sectors/subsectors. This process is done on a monthly basis to account for seasonal and other load changes. The error between the actual and estimated load profiles are used as a benchmark of accuracy. This approach has shown to be accurate in identifying customer types in unknown load profiles, and is used in cross-validation of the results and initial assumptions.


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The Implementation Guide for the Hospital Surveillance of SAB has been produced by the Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Technical Working Group of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), and endorsed by the HAI Advisory Group. The Technical Working Group is made up of representatives invited from surveillance units and the ACSQHC, who have had input into the preparation of this Guide. The Guide has been developed to ensure consistency in reporting of SAB across public and private hospitals to enable accurate national reporting and benchmarking. It is intended to be used by Australian hospitals and organisations to support the implementation of healthcare associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia(SAB) surveillance using the endorsed case definition1 in the box below and further detail in the Data Set Specification.


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Research relating to mentoring has burgeoned in the last two decades and as might be expected there is immense variation in the nature and rigour of this research. For some, mentoring seems to be a panacea for many societal problems as the studies have focussed on juvenile crime, teenage pregnancy, academic performance, drug usage, school dropout rates, teacher attributes, parental relationship, heightened self-confidence, general “at risk” children and issues of gender, ethnicity, socio economic status and equity. Rather than a panacea, it would be more accurate to suggest that in specific circumstances mentoring has the potential to be associated with beneficial outcomes.


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This study examines the underlying determinants of nurses' behaviour regarding the conduct of pain assessments. One hundred nurses in a variety of health care facilities were invited to complete an Attitude Intention Questionnaire based upon the theory of planned action which is an extension of the theory of reasoned action. Results provide some support for the theory of planned action, as nurses' intention to conduct pain assessment was shown to be predicted by attitude, subjective norms and perceived control, although the latter was the only variable to make an independent contribution to intention. Additional support for the importance of perceived control was provided by the analysis of 'intenders' and 'non-intenders' (to conduct pain assessments), as perceived control was the only variable which differed significantly between the groups. The findings are consistent with earlier studies which showed that the variables in the theory of planned behaviour provided reasonably accurate predictions of behavioural intention.


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Laboratory-based studies of human dietary behaviour benefit from highly controlled conditions; however, this approach can lack ecological validity. Identifying a reliable method to capture and quantify natural dietary behaviours represents an important challenge for researchers. In this study, we scrutinised cafeteria-style meals in the ‘Restaurant of the Future.’ Self-selected meals were weighed and photographed, both before and after consumption. Using standard portions of the same foods, these images were independently coded to produce accurate and reliable estimates of (i) initial self-served portions, and (ii) food remaining at the end of the meal. Plate cleaning was extremely common; in 86% of meals at least 90% of self-selected calories were consumed. Males ate a greater proportion of their self-selected meals than did females. Finally, when participants visited the restaurant more than once, the correspondence between selected portions was better predicted by the weight of the meal than by its energy content. These findings illustrate the potential benefits of meal photography in this context. However, they also highlight significant limitations, in particular, the need to exclude large amounts of data when one food obscures another.


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Reliable approaches for predicting pollutant build-up are essential for accurate urban stormwater quality modelling. Based on the in-depth investigation of metal build-up on residential road surfaces, this paper presents empirical models for predicting metal loads on these surfaces. The study investigated metals commonly present in the urban environment. Analysis undertaken found that the build-up process for metals primarily originating from anthropogenic (copper and zinc) and geogenic (aluminium, calcium, iron and manganese) sources were different. Chromium and nickel were below detection limits. Lead was primarily associated with geogenic sources, but also exhibited a significant relationship with anthropogenic sources. The empirical prediction models developed were validated using an independent data set and found to have relative prediction errors of 12-50%, which is generally acceptable for complex systems such as urban road surfaces. Also, the predicted values were very close to the observed values and well within 95% prediction interval.


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Moving fronts of cells are essential features of embryonic development, wound repair and cancer metastasis. This paper describes a set of experiments to investigate the roles of random motility and proliferation in driving the spread of an initially confined cell population. The experiments include an analysis of cell spreading when proliferation was inhibited. Our data have been analysed using two mathematical models: a lattice-based discrete model and a related continuum partial differential equation model. We obtain independent estimates of the random motility parameter, D, and the intrinsic proliferation rate, λ, and we confirm that these estimates lead to accurate modelling predictions of the position of the leading edge of the moving front as well as the evolution of the cell density profiles. Previous work suggests that systems with a high λ/D ratio will be characterized by steep fronts, whereas systems with a low λ/D ratio will lead to shallow diffuse fronts and this is confirmed in the present study. Our results provide evidence that continuum models, based on the Fisher–Kolmogorov equation, are a reliable platform upon which we can interpret and predict such experimental observations.


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Chatrooms, for example Internet Relay Chat, are generally multi-user, multi-channel and multiserver chat-systems which run over the Internet and provide a protocol for real-time text-based conferencing between users all over the world. While a well-trained human observer is able to understand who is chatting with whom, there are no efficient and accurate automated tools to determine the groups of users conversing with each other. A precursor to analysing evolving cyber-social phenomena is to first determine what the conversations are and which groups of chatters are involved in each conversation. We consider this problem in this paper. We propose an algorithm to discover all groups of users that are engaged in conversation. Our algorithms are based on a statistical model of a chatroom that is founded on our experience with real chatrooms. Our approach does not require any semantic analysis of the conversations, rather it is based purely on the statistical information contained in the sequence of posts. We improve the accuracy by applying some graph algorithms to clean the statistical information. We present some experimental results which indicate that one can automatically determine the conversing groups in a chatroom, purely on the basis of statistical analysis.


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Recent advances in the planning and delivery of radiotherapy treatments have resulted in improvements in the accuracy and precision with which therapeutic radiation can be administered. As the complexity of the treatments increases it becomes more difficult to predict the dose distribution in the patient accurately. Monte Carlo methods have the potential to improve the accuracy of the dose calculations and are increasingly being recognised as the “gold standard” for predicting dose deposition in the patient. In this study, software has been developed that enables the transfer of treatment plan information from the treatment planning system to a Monte Carlo dose calculation engine. A database of commissioned linear accelerator models (Elekta Precise and Varian 2100CD at various energies) has been developed using the EGSnrc/BEAMnrc Monte Carlo suite. Planned beam descriptions and CT images can be exported from the treatment planning system using the DICOM framework. The information in these files is combined with an appropriate linear accelerator model to allow the accurate calculation of the radiation field incident on a modelled patient geometry. The Monte Carlo dose calculation results are combined according to the monitor units specified in the exported plan. The result is a 3D dose distribution that could be used to verify treatment planning system calculations. The software, MCDTK (Monte Carlo Dicom ToolKit), has been developed in the Java programming language and produces BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc input files, ready for submission on a high-performance computing cluster. The code has been tested with the Eclipse (Varian Medical Systems), Oncentra MasterPlan (Nucletron B.V.) and Pinnacle3 (Philips Medical Systems) planning systems. In this study the software was validated against measurements in homogenous and heterogeneous phantoms. Monte Carlo models are commissioned through comparison with quality assurance measurements made using a large square field incident on a homogenous volume of water. This study aims to provide a valuable confirmation that Monte Carlo calculations match experimental measurements for complex fields and heterogeneous media.


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Accurate thin-film energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) analyses of clays with low-atomic-number (low Z) elements (e.g. Na, Al, Si), presents a challenge to the microscopist not only because of the spatial resolution required, but also because of their susceptibility to electron beam-induced radiation damange and very low X-ray count rates. Most common clays, such as kaolinite, smectite and illite occur as submicrometer crystallites with varying degrees of structural disorder in at least two directions and may have dimensions as small as one or two unit cells along the basal direction. Thus, even clays with relatively large a-b dimenstions (e.g., 100 x 100 nm) may be <5nm in the c-axis direction. For typical conditions in an analytical electron microscope (AEM), this sample thickness gives rise to very poor count rates (<200cps) and necessitates long counting times (>300s) in order to obtain satisfactory statistical precision. Unfortunately, beam damage rates for the common clays are very rapid (<10s in imaging mode) between 100kV and 200kV. With a focussed probe for elemental analyses, the damage rate is exacerbated by a high current density and may result in loss of low-Z elements during data collection and consequent loss of analytical accuracy.


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A simple experimental apparatus is described in which a wide variety of vapor phase nucleation studies of refractory materials could be performed aboard NASA's KC-135 Research Aircraft. The chief advantage of a microgravity environment for these studies is the expected absence of thermally driven convective motions in the gas. The absence of convection leads to much more accurate knowledge of both the temperature distribution in the system and the time evolution of the refractory vapor concentration as a function of distance from the crucible.The evolution of the apparatus will be described as more experience is gained with the microgravity environment. Such experiments will be used to prepare for similar ones carried out aboard either the shuttle or Space Station where considerably longer duration experiments are possible.


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Since March 2010 in Queensland, legislation has specified the type of restraint and seating row for child passengers under 7 years according to age. The following study explored regional parents’ child restraint practices and the influence of their health beliefs over these. A brief intercept interview was verbally administered to a convenience sample of parent-drivers (n = 123) in Toowoomba in February 2010, after the announcement of changes to legislation but prior to enforcement. Parents who agreed to be followed-up were then reinterviewed after the enforcement (May-June 2010). The Health Beliefs Model was used to gauge beliefs about susceptibility to crashing, children being injured in a crash, and likely severity of injuries. Self-efficacy and perceptions about barriers to, and benefits of, using age-appropriate restraints with children, were also assessed. Results: There were very high levels of rear seating reported for children (initial interview 91%; follow-up 100%). Dedicated child restraint use was 96.9% at initial interview, though 11% were deemed inappropriate for the child’s age. Self-reported restraint practices for children under 7 were used to categorise parental practices into ‘Appropriate’ (all children in age-appropriate restraint and rear seat) or ‘Inappropriate’ (≥1 child inappropriately restrained). 94% of parents were aware of the legislation, but only around one third gave accurate descriptions of the requirements. However, 89% of parents were deemed to have ‘Appropriate’ restraint practices. Parents with ‘Inappropriate’ practices were significantly more likely than those with ‘Appropriate’ practices to disagree that child restraints provide better protection for children in a crash than adult seatbelts. For self-efficacy, parents with ‘Appropriate’ practices were more likely than those with ‘Inappropriate’ practices to report being ‘completely confident’ about installing child restraints. The results suggest that efforts to increase the level of appropriate restraint should attempt to better inform them about the superior protection offered by child restraints compared with seat belts for children.


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Changing environments present a number of challenges to mobile robots, one of the most significant being mapping and localisation. This problem is particularly significant in vision-based systems where illumination and weather changes can cause feature-based techniques to fail. In many applications only sections of an environment undergo extreme perceptual change. Some range-based sensor mapping approaches exploit this property by combining occasional place recognition with the assumption that odometry is accurate over short periods of time. In this paper, we develop this idea in the visual domain, by using occasional vision-driven loop closures to infer loop closures in nearby locations where visual recognition is difficult due to extreme change. We demonstrate successful map creation in an environment in which change is significant but constrained to one area, where both the vanilla CAT-Graph and a Sum of Absolute Differences matcher fails, use the described techniques to link dissimilar images from matching locations, and test the robustness of the system against false inferences.


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Carrion-breeding Sarcophagidae (Diptera) can be used to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI) in forensic cases. Difficulties with accurate morphological identifications at any life stage and a lack of documented thermobiological profiles have limited their current usefulness of these flies. The molecular-based approach of DNA barcoding, which utilises a 648-bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene, was previously evaluated in a pilot study for the discrimination between 16 Australian sarcophagids. The current study comprehensively evaluated DNA barcoding on a larger taxon set of 588 adult Australian sarcophagids. A total of 39 of the 84 known Australian species were represented by 580 specimens, which includes 92% of potentially forensically important species. A further eight specimens could not be reliably identified, but included as six unidentifable taxa. A neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree was generated and nucleotide sequence divergences were calculated using the Kimura-two-parameter distance model. All species except Sarcophaga (Fergusonimyia) bancroftorum, known for high morphological variability, were resolved as reciprocally monophyletic (99.2% of cases), with most having bootstrap support of 100. Excluding S. bancroftorum, the mean intraspecific and interspecific variation ranged from 0.00-1.12% and 2.81-11.23%, respectively, allowing for species discrimination. DNA barcoding was therefore validated as a suitable method for the molecular identification of the Australian Sarcophagidae, which will aid in the implementation of this fauna in forensic entomology.