567 resultados para dynamic film morphology


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Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) processes endow epithelial cells with enhanced migratory/invasive properties and are therefore likely to contribute to tumor invasion and metastatic spread. Because of the difficulty in following EMT processes in human tumors, we have developed and characterized an animal model with transplantable human breast tumor cells (MDA-MB-468) uniquely showing spontaneous EMT events to occur. Using vimentin as a marker of EMT, heterogeneity was revealed in the primary MDA-MB-468 xenografts with vimentin-negative and vimentin-positive areas, as also observed on clinical human invasive breast tumor specimens. Reverse transcriptase-PCR after microdissection of these populations from the xenografts revealed EMT traits in the vimentin-positive zones characterized by enhanced 'mesenchymal gene' expression (Snail, Slug and fibroblast-specific protein-1) and diminished expression of epithelial molecules (E-cadherin, ZO-3 and JAM-A). Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) were detected in the blood as soon as 8 days after s.c. injection, and lung metastases developed in all animals injected as examined by in vivo imaging analyses and histology. High levels of vimentin RNA were detected in CTCs by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR as well as, to a lesser extent, Snail and Slug RNA. Von Willebrand Factor/vimentin double immunostainings further showed that tumor cells in vascular tumoral emboli all expressed vimentin. Tumoral emboli in the lungs also expressed vimentin whereas macrometastases displayed heterogenous vimentin expression, as seen in the primary xenografts. In conclusion, our data uniquely demonstrate in an in vivo context that EMT occurs in the primary tumors, and associates with an enhanced ability to intravasate and generate CTCs. They further suggest that mesenchymal-to-epithelial phenomena occur in secondary organs, facilitating the metastatic growth.


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The particle size, morphology, crystallinity order and structural defects of four kaolinite samples are characterized by the techniques including particle size analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MAS NMR). The particle size of four kaolinite samples gradually increases. Four samples all belong to the ordered kaolinite and show a decrease in structural order with the increase of kaolinite particle size. The changes of structural defect are proved by the increase of the band splitting in Raman spectroscopy, the decrease of the intensity of absorption bands in infrared spectroscopy, and the decrease of equivalent silicon atom and the increase of nonequivalent aluminum atom in MAS NMR spectroscopy. The differences in morphology and structural defect are attributed to the broken bonds of Al–O–Si, Al–O–Al and Si–O–Si and the Al substitution for Si in tetrahedral sheets.


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When Dino De Laurentiis died in October 2010, most media outlets, including Australian based publications and services reported the news and most newspapers carried obituaries. Obituarists described Dino’s many failures in great detail; as film historian David Thomson wrote in The Guardian ‘there were enough bombs from Dino to level a large city’ (Thomson 2010). But Dino was also responsible in no small way for the building of new media cities in Rome, in North Carolina, and in Queensland. In this article, we draw on some of our research for that book to outline in more detail the importance of Dino De Laurentiis’s involvement to the Gold Coast studios and to film and television production in Queensland.


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This paper describes and analyzes research on the dynamics of long-term care and the policy relevance of identifying the sources of persistence in caregiving arrangements (including the effect of dynamics on parameter estimates, implications for family welfare, parent welfare, child welfare, and cost of government programs). We discuss sources and causes of observed persistence in caregiving arrangements including inertia/state dependence (confounded by unobserved heterogeneity) and costs of changing caregivers. We comment on causes of dynamics including learning/human capital accumulation; burnout; and game-playing. We suggest how to deal with endogenous geography; dynamics in discrete and continuous choices; and equilibrium issues (multiple equilibria, dynamic equilibria). We also present an overview of commonly used longitudinal data sets and evaluate their relative advantages/disadvantages. We also discuss other data issues related to noisy measures of wealth and family structure. Finally, we suggest some methods to handle econometric problems such as endogeneous geography. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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This paper considers two problems that frequently arise in dynamic discrete choice problems but have not received much attention with regard to simulation methods. The first problem is how to simulate unbiased simulators of probabilities conditional on past history. The second is simulating a discrete transition probability model when the underlying dependent variable is really continuous. Both methods work well relative to reasonable alternatives in the application discussed. However, in both cases, for this application, simpler methods also provide reasonably good results.


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This paper examines the properties of various approximation methods for solving stochastic dynamic programs in structural estimation problems. The problem addressed is evaluating the expected value of the maximum of available choices. The paper shows that approximating this by the maximum of expected values frequently has poor properties. It also shows that choosing a convenient distributional assumptions for the errors and then solving exactly conditional on the distributional assumption leads to small approximation errors even if the distribution is misspecified. © 1997 Cambridge University Press.


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To harness safe operation of Web-based systems in Web environments, we propose an SSPA (Server-based SHA-1 Page-digest Algorithm) to verify the integrity of Web contents before the server issues an HTTP response to a user request. In addition to standard security measures, our Java implementation of the SSPA, which is called the Dynamic Security Surveillance Agent (DSSA), provides further security in terms of content integrity to Web-based systems. Its function is to prevent the display of Web contents that have been altered through the malicious acts of attackers and intruders on client machines. This is to protect the reputation of organisations from cyber-attacks and to ensure the safe operation of Web systems by dynamically monitoring the integrity of a Web site's content on demand. We discuss our findings in terms of the applicability and practicality of the proposed system. We also discuss its time metrics, specifically in relation to its computational overhead at the Web server, as well as the overall latency from the clients' point of view, using different Internet access methods. The SSPA, our DSSA implementation, some experimental results and related work are all discussed


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A dynamic accumulator is an algorithm, which merges a large set of elements into a constant-size value such that for an element accumulated, there is a witness confirming that the element was included into the value, with a property that accumulated elements can be dynamically added and deleted into/from the original set. Recently Wang et al. presented a dynamic accumulator for batch updates at ICICS 2007. However, their construction suffers from two serious problems. We analyze them and propose a way to repair their scheme. We use the accumulator to construct a new scheme for common secure indices with conjunctive keyword-based retrieval.


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We report on the comparative study of magnetotransport properties of large-area vertical few-layer graphene networks with different morphologies, measured in a strong (up to 10 T) magnetic field over a wide temperature range. The petal-like and tree-like graphene networks grown by a plasma enhanced CVD process on a thin (500 nm) silicon oxide layer supported by a silicon wafer demonstrate a significant difference in the resistance-magnetic field dependencies at temperatures ranging from 2 to 200 K. This behaviour is explained in terms of the effect of electron scattering at ultra-long reactive edges and ultra-dense boundaries of the graphene nanowalls. Our results pave a way towards three-dimensional vertical graphene-based magnetoelectronic nanodevices with morphology-tuneable anisotropic magnetic properties. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.


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The effect of plasmonoscillations, induced by pulsed laserirradiation, on the DC tunnel current between islands in a discontinuous thin goldfilm is studied. The tunnel current is found to be strongly enhanced by partial rectification of the plasmon-induced AC tunnel currents flowing between adjacent gold islands. The DC tunnel current enhancement is found to increase approximately linearly with the laser intensity and the applied DC bias voltage. The experimental data can be well described by an electron tunnelling model which takes the plasmon-induced AC voltage into account. Thermal heating seems not to contribute to the tunnel current enhancement.


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We have demonstrated the nonlinear absorption at 532 nm wavelength in an Au semi-continuous film (SF) resulting from smearing of the Fermi distribution and diffusion of conduction electrons into the substrate. The Au SF was irradiated by a pulsed laser with 8 ns pulse width at 532 nm in near resonance with the interband transition of the Au. We determined the temperature increase in the SF for different intensities by electrical measurement. We calculated the temperature increase by using a 1D heat transport equation; comparing the results of the calculation with measured values for the temperature increase, revealed the nonlinear absorption in the Au SF. We employed this deviation from linear behaviour to determine the nonlinear absorption coefficient.


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The possibility of effective control of morphology and electrical properties of self-organized graphene structures on plasma-exposed Si surfaces is demonstrated. The structures are vertically standing nanosheets and can be grown without any catalyst and any external heating upon direct contact with high-density inductively coupled plasmas at surface temperatures not exceeding 673–723 K. Study of nucleation and growth dynamics revealed the possibility to switch-over between the two most common (turnstile- and maze-like) morphologies on the same substrates by a simple change of the plasma parameters. This change leads to the continuous or discontinuous native oxide layer that supports self-organized patterns of small carbon nanoparticles on which the structures nucleate. It is shown that by tailoring the nanoparticle arrangement one can create various three-dimensional architectures and networks of graphene nanosheet structures. We also demonstrate effective control of the degree of graphitization of the graphene nanosheet structures from the initial through the final growth stages. This makes it possible to tune the electrical resistivity properties of the produced three-dimensional patterns/networks from strongly dielectric to semiconducting. Our results contribute to enabling direct integration of graphene structures into presently dominant Si-based nanofabrication platform for next-generation nanoelectronic, sensor, biomedical, and optoelectronic components and nanodevices.


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The possibility to control the morphology and nucleation density of quasi-one-dimensional, single-crystalline α -Fe2 O3 nanostructures by varying the electric potential of iron surfaces exposed to reactive oxygen plasmas is demonstrated experimentally. A systematic increase in the oxygen ion flux through rf biasing of otherwise floating substrates and then an additional increase of the ion/neutral density resulted in remarkable structural transformations of straight nanoneedles into nanowires with controlled tapering/aspect ratio and also in larger nucleation densities. Multiscale numerical simulations relate the microscopic ion flux topographies to the nanostructure nucleation and morphological evolution. This approach is applicable to other metal-oxide nanostructures.


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Carbon nanotips have been synthesized from a thin carbon film deposited on silicon by bias-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different process parameters. The results of scanning electron microscopy indicate that high-quality carbon nanotips can only be obtained under conditions when the ion flux is effectively drawn from the plasma sustained in a CH4 + NH3 + H2 gas mixture. It is shown that the morphology of the carbon nanotips can be controlled by varying the process parameters such as the applied bias, gas pressure, and the NH3 / H2 mass flow ratios. The nanotip formation process is examined through a model that accounts for surface diffusion, in addition to sputtering and deposition processes included in the existing models. This model makes it possible to explain the major difference in the morphologies of the carbon nanotips formed without and with the aid of the plasma as well as to interpret the changes of their aspect ratio caused by the variation in the ion/gas fluxes. Viable ways to optimize the plasma-based process parameters to synthesize high-quality carbon nanotips are suggested. The results are relevant to the development of advanced plasma-/ion-assisted methods of nanoscale synthesis and processing.


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The effect of the film thickness and postannealing temperature on visible photoluminescence (PL) from Si Nx films synthesized by plasma-assisted radio frequency magnetron sputtering on Si O2 buffer layers is investigated. It is shown that strong visible PL is achieved at annealing temperatures above 650 °C. The optimum annealing temperature for the maximum PL yield strongly depends on the film thickness and varies from 800 to 1200°C. A comparative composition-structure-property analysis reveals that the PL intensity is directly related to the content of the Si-O and Si-N bonds in the Si Nx films. Therefore, sufficient oxidation and moderate nitridation of Si Nx Si O2 films during the plasma-based growth process are crucial for a strong PL yield. Excessively high annealing temperatures lead to weakened Si-N bonds in thinner Si Nx films, which eventually results in a lower PL intensity.