420 resultados para Shrimps - Classification - Molecular aspects


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Changes in the molecular structure of polymer antioxidants such as hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) is central to their efficacy in retarding polymer degradation and therefore requires careful monitoring during their in-service lifetime. The HALS, bis-(1-octyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl) sebacate (TIN123) and bis-(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) sebacate (TIN292), were formulated in different polymer systems and then exposed to various curing and ageing treatments to simulate in-service use. Samples of these coatings were then analysed directly using liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA) coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Analysis of TIN123 formulated in a cross-linked polyester revealed that the polymer matrix protected TIN123 from undergoing extensive thermal degradation that would normally occur at 292 degrees C, specifically, changes at the 1- and 4-positions of the piperidine groups. The effect of thermal versus photo-oxidative degradation was also compared for TIN292 formulated in polyacrylate films by monitoring the in situ conversion of N-CH3 substituted piperidines to N-H. The analysis confirmed that UV light was required for the conversion of N-CH3 moieties to N-H - a major pathway in the antioxidant protection of polymers - whereas this conversion was not observed with thermal degradation. The use of tandem mass spectrometric techniques, including precursor-ion scanning, is shown to be highly sensitive and specific for detecting molecular-level changes in HALS compounds and, when coupled with LESA, able to monitor these changes in situ with speed and reproducibility. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Sugar cane is a major source of food and fuel worldwide. Biotechnology has the potential to improve economically-important traits in sugar cane as well as diversify sugar cane beyond traditional applications such as sucrose production. High levels of transgene expression are key to the success of improving crops through biotechnology. Here we describe new molecular tools that both expand and improve gene expression capabilities in sugar cane. We have identified promoters that can be used to drive high levels of gene expression in the leaf and stem of transgenic sugar cane. One of these promoters, derived from the Cestrum yellow leaf curling virus, drives levels of constitutive transgene expression that are significantly higher than those achieved by the historical benchmark maize polyubiquitin-1 (Zm-Ubi1) promoter. A second promoter, the maize phosphonenolpyruvate carboxylate promoter, was found to be a strong, leaf-preferred promoter that enables levels of expression comparable to Zm-Ubi1 in this organ. Transgene expression was increased approximately 50-fold by gene modification, which included optimising the codon usage of the coding sequence to better suit sugar cane. We also describe a novel dual transcriptional enhancer that increased gene expression from different promoters, boosting expression from Zm-Ubi1 over eightfold. These molecular tools will be extremely valuable for the improvement of sugar cane through biotechnology.


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Objective To evaluate the effects of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on the automatic cancer classification of pathology reports. Method Scanned images of pathology reports were converted to electronic free-text using a commercial OCR system. A state-of-the-art cancer classification system, the Medical Text Extraction (MEDTEX) system, was used to automatically classify the OCR reports. Classifications produced by MEDTEX on the OCR versions of the reports were compared with the classification from a human amended version of the OCR reports. Results The employed OCR system was found to recognise scanned pathology reports with up to 99.12% character accuracy and up to 98.95% word accuracy. Errors in the OCR processing were found to minimally impact on the automatic classification of scanned pathology reports into notifiable groups. However, the impact of OCR errors is not negligible when considering the extraction of cancer notification items, such as primary site, histological type, etc. Conclusions The automatic cancer classification system used in this work, MEDTEX, has proven to be robust to errors produced by the acquisition of freetext pathology reports from scanned images through OCR software. However, issues emerge when considering the extraction of cancer notification items.


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Objective: To develop a system for the automatic classification of pathology reports for Cancer Registry notifications. Method: A two pass approach is proposed to classify whether pathology reports are cancer notifiable or not. The first pass queries pathology HL7 messages for known report types that are received by the Queensland Cancer Registry (QCR), while the second pass aims to analyse the free text reports and identify those that are cancer notifiable. Cancer Registry business rules, natural language processing and symbolic reasoning using the SNOMED CT ontology were adopted in the system. Results: The system was developed on a corpus of 500 histology and cytology reports (with 47% notifiable reports) and evaluated on an independent set of 479 reports (with 52% notifiable reports). Results show that the system can reliably classify cancer notifiable reports with a sensitivity, specificity, and positive predicted value (PPV) of 0.99, 0.95, and 0.95, respectively for the development set, and 0.98, 0.96, and 0.96 for the evaluation set. High sensitivity can be achieved at a slight expense in specificity and PPV. Conclusion: The system demonstrates how medical free-text processing enables the classification of cancer notifiable pathology reports with high reliability for potential use by Cancer Registries and pathology laboratories.


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The aim of this research is to report initial experimental results and evaluation of a clinician-driven automated method that can address the issue of misdiagnosis from unstructured radiology reports. Timely diagnosis and reporting of patient symptoms in hospital emergency departments (ED) is a critical component of health services delivery. However, due to disperse information resources and vast amounts of manual processing of unstructured information, a point-of-care accurate diagnosis is often difficult. A rule-based method that considers the occurrence of clinician specified keywords related to radiological findings was developed to identify limb abnormalities, such as fractures. A dataset containing 99 narrative reports of radiological findings was sourced from a tertiary hospital. The rule-based method achieved an F-measure of 0.80 and an accuracy of 0.80. While our method achieves promising performance, a number of avenues for improvement were identified using advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques.


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Objective To develop and evaluate machine learning techniques that identify limb fractures and other abnormalities (e.g. dislocations) from radiology reports. Materials and Methods 99 free-text reports of limb radiology examinations were acquired from an Australian public hospital. Two clinicians were employed to identify fractures and abnormalities from the reports; a third senior clinician resolved disagreements. These assessors found that, of the 99 reports, 48 referred to fractures or abnormalities of limb structures. Automated methods were then used to extract features from these reports that could be useful for their automatic classification. The Naive Bayes classification algorithm and two implementations of the support vector machine algorithm were formally evaluated using cross-fold validation over the 99 reports. Result Results show that the Naive Bayes classifier accurately identifies fractures and other abnormalities from the radiology reports. These results were achieved when extracting stemmed token bigram and negation features, as well as using these features in combination with SNOMED CT concepts related to abnormalities and disorders. The latter feature has not been used in previous works that attempted classifying free-text radiology reports. Discussion Automated classification methods have proven effective at identifying fractures and other abnormalities from radiology reports (F-Measure up to 92.31%). Key to the success of these techniques are features such as stemmed token bigrams, negations, and SNOMED CT concepts associated with morphologic abnormalities and disorders. Conclusion This investigation shows early promising results and future work will further validate and strengthen the proposed approaches.


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Here, we investigate the genetic basis of human memory in healthy individuals and the potential role of two polymorphisms, previously implicated in memory function. We have explored aspects of retrospective and prospective memory including semantic, short term, working and long-term memory in conjunction with brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). The memory scores for healthy individuals in the population were obtained for each memory type and the population was genotyped via restriction fragment length polymorphism for the BDNF rs6265 (Val66Met) SNP and via pyrosequencing for the TNF-alpha rs113325588 SNP. Using univariate ANOVA, a significant association of the BDNF polymorphism with visual and spatial memory retention and a significant association of the TNF-alpha polymorphism was observed with spatial memory retention. In addition, a significant interactive effect between BDNF and TNF-alpha polymorphisms was observed in spatial memory retention. In practice visual memory involves spatial information and the two memory systems work together, however our data demonstrate that individuals with the Val/Val BDNF genotype have poorer visual memory but higher spatial memory retention, indicating a level of interaction between TNF-alpha and BDNF in spatial memory retention. This is the first study to use genetic analysis to determine the interaction between BDNF and TNF-alpha in relation to memory in normal adults and provides important information regarding the effect of genetic determinants and gene interactions on human memory.


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The visual and multidimensional representations like images and graphical structures related to biology provide great insights into understanding the complexities of different organisms. Especially, life scientists use different representations of molecular structures to answer biological questions and to better understand cellular processes. Combining results from two field studies, we explore the role of molecular structures in life scientists’ current work from a humanfactors perspective. Our main conclusion is that different representations of molecular structures, due to their visual nature, are important for supporting collaboration, constructing new knowledge and supporting scientists’ professional activities in general.


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Dynamic light scattering (DLS) has become a primary nanoparticle characterization technique with applications from materials characterization to biological and environmental detection. With the expansion in DLS use from homogeneous spheres to more complicated nanostructures, comes a decrease in accuracy. Much research has been performed to develop different diffusion models that account for the vastly different structures but little attention has been given to the effect on the light scattering properties in relation to DLS. In this work, small (core size < 5 nm) core-shell nanoparticles were used as a case study to measure the capping thickness of a layer of dodecanethiol (DDT) on Au and ZnO nanoparticles by DLS. We find that the DDT shell has very little effect on the scattering properties of the inorganic core and hence can be ignored to a first approximation. However, this results in conventional DLS analysis overestimating the hydrodynamic size in the volume and number weighted distributions. By introducing a simple correction formula that more accurately yields hydrodynamic size distributions a more precise determination of the molecular shell thickness is obtained. With this correction, the measured thickness of the DDT shell was found to be 7.3 ± 0.3 Å, much less than the extended chain length of 16 Å. This organic layer thickness suggests that on small nanoparticles, the DDT monolayer adopts a compact disordered structure rather than an open ordered structure on both ZnO and Au nanoparticle surfaces. These observations are in agreement with published molecular dynamics results.


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Spatially-explicit modelling of grassland classes is important to site-specific planning for improving grassland and environmental management over large areas. In this study, a climate-based grassland classification model, the Comprehensive and Sequential Classification System (CSCS) was integrated with spatially interpolated climate data to classify grassland in Gansu province, China. The study area is characterized by complex topographic features imposed by plateaus, high mountains, basins and deserts. To improve the quality of the interpolated climate data and the quality of the spatial classification over this complex topography, three linear regression methods, namely an analytic method based on multiple regression and residues (AMMRR), a modification of the AMMRR method through adding the effect of slope and aspect to the interpolation analysis (M-AMMRR) and a method which replaces the IDW approach for residue interpolation in M-AMMRR with an ordinary kriging approach (I-AMMRR), for interpolating climate variables were evaluated. The interpolation outcomes from the best interpolation method were then used in the CSCS model to classify the grassland in the study area. Climate variables interpolated included the annual cumulative temperature and annual total precipitation. The results indicated that the AMMRR and M-AMMRR methods generated acceptable climate surfaces but the best model fit and cross validation result were achieved by the I-AMMRR method. Twenty-six grassland classes were classified for the study area. The four grassland vegetation classes that covered more than half of the total study area were "cool temperate-arid temperate zonal semi-desert", "cool temperate-humid forest steppe and deciduous broad-leaved forest", "temperate-extra-arid temperate zonal desert", and "frigid per-humid rain tundra and alpine meadow". The vegetation classification map generated in this study provides spatial information on the locations and extents of the different grassland classes. This information can be used to facilitate government agencies' decision-making in land-use planning and environmental management, and for vegetation and biodiversity conservation. The information can also be used to assist land managers in the estimation of safe carrying capacities which will help to prevent overgrazing and land degradation.


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We have studied a mineral sample of mottramite PbCu(VO4)(OH) from Tsumeb, Namibia using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with EDX, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows principally the elements V, Pb and Cu. Ca occurs as partial substitution of Pb as well as P and As in substitution to V. Minor amounts of Si and Cr were also observed. The Raman band of mottramite at 829 cm-1, is assigned to the ν1 symmetric (VO-4) ) stretching mode. The complexity of the spectra is attributed to the chemical composition of the Tsumeb mottramite. The ν3 antisymmetric vibrational mode of mottramite is observed as very low intensity bands at 716 and 747 cm-1. The series of Raman bands at 411, 439, 451 cm-1 and probably also the band at 500 cm-1 are assigned to the (VO-4) ν2 bending mode. The series of Raman bands at 293, 333 and 366 cm-1 are attributed to the (VO-4) ) ν4 bending modes. The ν3, ν3 and ν4 regions are complex for both minerals and this is attributed to symmetry reduction of the vanadate unit from Td to Cs.


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We have studied the molecular structure of the mineral glaucocerinite (Zn,Cu)5Al3(SO4)1.5(OH)16�9(H2O) using a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The mineral is one of the hydrotalcite supergroup of natural layered double hydroxides. The Raman spectrum is characterised by an intense Raman band at 982 cm�1 with a low intensity band at 1083 cm�1. These bands are attributed to the sulphate symmetric and antisymmetric stretching mode. The infrared spectrum is quite broad with a peak at 1020 cm�1. A series of Raman bands at 546, 584, 602, 625 and 651 cm�1 are assigned to the m4 (SO4)2� bending modes. The observation of multiple bands provides evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from Td to C2v or even lower symmetry. The Raman band at 762 cm�1 is attributed to a hydroxyl deformation mode associated with AlOH units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of glaucocerinite to be determined.


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Vibrational spectroscopy has been used to study the rare earth mineral churchite of formula (REE)(PO4)-⋅2H2O. The mineral contains a range of rare earth metals including yttrium depending on the locality. The Raman spectra of churchite-(REE) are characterized by an intense sharp band at 984 cm-1 assigned to the v1 (PO¾-) symmetric stretching mode. A lower intensity band observed at around 1067 cm-1 is attributed to the v3 (PO¾-) antisymmetric stretching mode. The (PO¾-) bending modes are observed at 497 cm-1 (v2) and 565 cm-1(v4). Raman bands at 649 and 681 cm-1 are assigned to water librational modes. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the structure of churchite to be ascertained.