482 resultados para NUCLEAR SCIENCE


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Is there a crisis in Australian science and mathematics education? Declining enrolments in upper secondary Science and Mathematics courses have gained much attention from the media, politicians and high-profile scientists over the last few years, yet there is no consensus amongst stakeholders about either the nature or the magnitude of the changes. We have collected raw enrolment data from the education departments of each of the Australian states and territories from 1992 to 2012 and analysed the trends for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, two composite subject groups (Earth Sciences and Multidisciplinary Sciences), as well as entry, intermediate and advanced Mathematics. The results of these analyses are discussed in terms of participation rates, raw enrolments and gender balance. We have found that the total number of students in Year 12 increased by around 16% from 1992 to 2012 while the participation rates for most Science and Mathematics subjects, as a proportion of the total Year 12 cohort, fell (Biology (-10%), Chemistry (-5%), Physics (-7%), Multidisciplinary Science (-5%), intermediate Mathematics (-11%), advanced Mathematics (-7%) in the same period. There were increased participation rates in Earth Sciences (+0.3%) and entry Mathematics (+11%). In each case the greatest rates of change occurred prior to 2001 and have been slower and steadier since. We propose that the broadening of curriculum offerings, further driven by students' self-perception of ability and perceptions of subject difficulty and usefulness, are the most likely cause of the changes in participation. While these continuing declines may not amount to a crisis, there is undoubtedly serious cause for concern.


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The Ar/O2plasma needle in the induction of A549 cancer cells apoptosis process is studied by means of real-time observation. The entire process of programmed cell death is observed. The typical morphological changes of A549 apoptosis are detected by 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining, for example, chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation. Cell viability is determined and quantified by neutral red uptake assay, and the survival rate of A549 from Ar/O2plasmas is presented. Further spectral analysis indicates the reactive species, including O and OH play crucial roles in the cell inactivation.


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This article introduces a deterministic approach to using low-temperature, thermally non-equilibrium plasmas to synthesize delicate low-dimensional nanostructures of a small number of atoms on plasma exposed surfaces. This approach is based on a set of plasma-related strategies to control elementary surface processes, an area traditionally covered by surface science. Major issues related to balanced delivery and consumption of building units, appropriate choice of process conditions, and account of plasma-related electric fields, electric charges and polarization effects are identified and discussed in the quantum dot nanoarray context. Examples of a suitable plasma-aided nanofabrication facility and specific effects of a plasma-based environment on self-organized growth of size- and position-uniform nanodot arrays are shown. These results suggest a very positive outlook for using low-temperature plasma-based nanotools in high-precision nanofabrication of self-assembled nanostructures and elements of nanodevices, one of the areas of continuously rising demand from academia and industry.


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Albumin binds lowmolecular-weight molecules, including proteins and peptides, which then acquire its longer half-life, thereby protecting the bound species from kidney clearance. We developed an experimental method to isolate albumin in its native state and to then identify [mass spectrometry (MS) sequencing] the corresponding bound lowmolecular-weight molecules. We used this method to analyze pooled sera from a human disease study set (high-risk persons without cancer, n= 40; stage I ovarian cancer, n = 30; stage III ovarian cancer, n = 40) to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach as a discovery method. Methods Albumin was isolated by solid-phase affinity capture under native binding and washing conditions. Captured albumin-associated proteins and peptides were separated by gel electrophoresis and subjected to iterative MS sequencing by microcapillary reversed-phase tandem MS. Selected albumin-bound protein fragments were confirmed in human sera by Western blotting and immunocompetition. Results In total, 1208 individual protein sequences were predicted from all 3 pools. The predicted sequences were largely fragments derived from proteins with diverse biological functions. More than one third of these fragments were identified by multiple peptide sequences, and more than one half of the identified species were in vivo cleavage products of parent proteins. An estimated 700 serum peptides or proteins were predicted that had not been reported in previous serum databases. Several proteolytic fragments of larger molecules that may be cancer-related were confirmed immunologically in blood by Western blotting and peptide immunocompetition. BRCA2, a 390-kDa low-abundance nuclear protein linked to cancer susceptibility, was represented in sera as a series of specific fragments bound to albumin. Conclusion Carrier-protein harvesting provides a rich source of candidate peptides and proteins with potential diverse tissue and cellular origins that may reflect important disease-related information.


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The role of emotion during learning encounters in science teacher education is under-researched and under-theorized. In this case study we explore the emotional climates, that is, the collective states of emotional arousal, of a preservice secondary science education class to illuminate practice for producing and reproducing high quality learning experiences for preservice science teachers. Theories related to the sociology of emotions informed our analyses from data sources such as preservice teachers perceptions of the emotional climate of their class, emotional facial expressions, classroom conversations, and cogenerative dialogue. The major outcome from our analyses was that even though preservice teachers reported high positive emotional climate during the professors science demonstrations, they also valued the professors in the moment reflections on her teaching that were associated with low emotional climate ratings. We co-relate emotional climate data and preservice teachers comments during cogenerative dialogue to expand our understanding of high quality experiences and emotional climate in science teacher education. Our study also contributes refinements to research perspectives on emotional climate.


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Multiscale hybrid simulations that bridge the nine-order-of-magnitude spatial gap between the macroscopic plasma nanotools and microscopic surface processes on nanostructured solids are described. Two specific examples of carbon nanotip-like and semiconductor quantum dot nanopatterns are considered. These simulations are instrumental in developing physical principles of nanoscale assembly processes on solid surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas.


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For Design Science Research (DSR) to gain wide credence as a research paradigm in Information Systems (IS), it must contribute to theory. Theory cannot be improved until we improve the theorizing process, and we cannot improve the theorizing process until we describe it more explicitly, operate it more self-consciously, and decouple it from validation more deliberately (Weick 1989, p. 516). With the aim of improved design science theorizing, we propose a DSR abstraction-layers framework that integrates, interlates, and harmonizes key methodological notions, primary of which are: 1) the Design Science (DS), Design Research (DR), and Routine Design (RD) distinction (Winter 2008); 2) Multi Grounding in IS Design Theory (ISDT) (Goldkuhl & Lind 2010); 3) the Idealized Model for Theory Development (IM4TD) (Fischer & Gregor 2011); and 4) the DSR Theorizing Framework (Lee et al. 2011). Though theorizing, or the abstraction process, has been the subject of healthy discussion in DSR, important questions remain. With most attention to date having focused on theorizing for Design Research (DR), a key stimulus of the layered view was the realization that Design Science (DS) produces abstract knowledge at a higher level of generality. The resultant framework includes four abstraction layers: (i) Design Research (DR) 1st Abstract Layer, (ii) Design Science (DS) 2nd Abstract Layer, (iii) DSR Incubation 3rd Layer, and (iv) Routine Design 4th Layer. Differentiating and inter-relating these layers will aid DSR researchers to discover, position, and amplify their DSR contributions. Additionally, consideration of the four layers can trigger creative perspectives that suggest unplanned outputs. The first abstraction layer, including its alternative patterns of activity, is well recognized in the literature. The other layers, however, are less well recognized; and the integrated representation of layers is novel.


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Fault identification in industrial machine is a topic of major importance under engineering point of view. In fact, the possibility to identify not only the type, but also the severity and the position of a fault occurred along a shaft-line allows quick maintenance and shorten the downtime. This is really important in the power generation industry where the units are often of several tenths of meters long and where the rotors are enclosed by heavy and pressure-sealed casings. In this paper, an industrial experimental case is presented related to the identification of the unbalance on a large size steam turbine of about 1.3 GW, belonging to a nuclear power plant. The case history is analyzed by considering the vibrations measured by the condition monitoring system of the unit. A model-based method in the frequency domain, developed by the authors, is introduced in detail and it is then used to identify the position of the fault and its severity along the shaft-line. The complete model of the unit (rotor modeled by means of finite elements, bearings modeled by linearized damping and stiffness coefficients and foundation modeled by means of pedestals) is analyzed and discussed before being used for the fault identification. The assessment of the actual fault was done by inspection during a scheduled maintenance and excellent correspondence was found with the identified one by means of authors proposed method. Finally a complete discussion is presented about the effectiveness of the method, even in presence of a not fine tuned machine model and considering only few measuring planes for the machine vibration.


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This paper presents Australian results from the Interests and Recruitment in Science (IRIS) study with respect to the influence of STEM-related mass media, including science fiction, on students decisions to enrol in university STEM courses. The study found that across the full cohort (N=2999), students tended to attribute far greater influence to science-related documentaries/channels such as Life on Earth and the Discovery Channel, etc. than to science-fiction movies or STEM-related TV dramas. Males were more inclined than females to consider science fiction/fantasy books and films and popular science books/magazines as having been important in their decisions. Students taking physics/astronomy tended to rate the importance of science fiction/fantasy books and films higher than students in other courses. The implications of these results for our understanding of influences on STEM enrolments are discussed.


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There is substantial attention worldwide to the quality of secondary school teaching in STEM in Education. This paper reports on the use of Outcome Mapping (OM) as an approach to guide and monitor change in teacher practice and a visual tool, shaped as a Star, to benchmark and monitor this behaviour. OM and the visual tool were employed to guide and document three secondary teachers behaviour as they planned, implemented and assessed a science unit in the new Australian standards-referenced curriculum. Five key outcome markers in the teachers behaviour were identified together with progress markers cumulative qualitative indicators leading to these outcomes. The use of a Star to benchmark and track teachers behaviours was particularly useful because it showed teacher behaviour on multiple dimensions simultaneously at various points in time. It also highlighted priorities in need of further attention and provided a pathway to achievement. Hence, OM and the Star representation provide both theoretical and pragmatic approaches to enhancing quality in STEM teaching.


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We investigate the photoexcited state dynamics in a donor-acceptor copolymer, poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]- pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-naphthalene} (pDPP-TNT), by picosecond fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopies. Timeresolved fluorescence lifetime measurements of pDPP-TNT thin films reveal that the lifetime of the singlet excited state is 185 5 ps and that singlet-singlet annihilation occurs at excitation photon densities above 6 1017 photons/cm3. From the results of singlet-singlet annihilation analysis, we estimate that the single-singlet annihilation rate constant is (6.0 0.2) 109cm3 s-1 and the singlet diffusion length is -7 nm. From the comparison of femtosecond transient absorption measurements and picosecond fluorescence measurements, it is found that the time profile of the photobleaching signal in the charge-transfer (CT) absorption band coincides with that of the fluorescence intensity and there is no indication of long-lived species, which clearly suggests that charged species, such as polaron pairs and triplet excitons, are not effectively photogenerated in the neat pDPP-TNT polymer.


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The synthesis of thiophene-containing second (G2) and third generation (G3) dendronized macromonomers with methacrylate polymerizable units as well as their corresponding dendronized polymers is reported. The dendrons are prepared from branched thiophene oligomers and are decorated with straight alkyl chains for solubility reasons. The polymerization reactions were done with AIBN as initiator and the polymers were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and GPC. Molar masses are in the range of 2.2-5.4 105 g mol-1 (G2) and 1.3-3.0 104 g mol-1 (G3) for different runs. These polymers are investigated by cyclic voltammetry and optical spectroscopy.


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This Special Issue of New Technology, Work and Employment has been prompted by the increasing awareness in many countries of the need to maintain and grow their science and innovation base. The development of science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) skills and capacity is seen as vital for economic development and prosperity through its impact on national and regional research and development (R&D), technological advancement, and innovation potential.


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Aim A recent Monte Carlo based study has shown that it is possible to design a diode that measures small field output factors equivalent to that in water. This is accomplished by placing an appropriate sized air gap above the silicon chip (1) with experimental results subsequently confirming that a particular Monte Carlo design was accurate (2). The aim of this work was to test if a new correction-less diode could be designed using an entirely experimental methodology. Method: All measurements were performed on a Varian iX at a depth of 5 cm, SSD of 95 cm and field sizes of 5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 30 mm. Firstly, the experimental transfer of kq,clin,kq,msr from a commonly used diode detector (IBA, stereotactic field diode (SFD)) to another diode detector (Sun Nuclear, unshielded diode, (EDGEe)) was tested. These results were compared to Monte Carlo calculated values of the EDGEe. Secondly, the air gap above the EDGEe silicon chip was optimised empirically. Nine different air gap tops were placed above the EDGEe (air depth = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 mm; air width = 3.06, 4.59, 6.13 mm). The sensitivity of the EDGEe was plotted as a function of air gap thickness for the field sizes measured. Results: The transfer of kq,clin,kq,msr from the SFD to the EDGEe was correct to within the simulation and measurement uncertainties. The EDGEe detector can be made correction-less for field sizes of 5 and 6 mm, but was 2% from being correction-less at field sizes of 8 and 10 mm. Conclusion Different materials will perturb small fields in different ways. A detector is only correction-less if all these perturbations happen to cancel out. Designing a correction-less diode is a complicated process, thus it is reasonable to expect that Monte Carlo simulations should play an important role.


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This study reports the construction and reconstruction of identities of new and existing employees during a significant transition phase of a nuclear engineering organization. We followed a group of new and existing employees over the period of three years, during which the organization constructed a greenfield nuclear facility with new generational technologies whilst in parallel, decommissioned the older reactor. This change led to the transfer and integration of existing trade-based employees with the newly recruited, primarily university educated graduates in the new site. Three waves of interview data were collected, in conjunction with the cognitive mapping of social grouping and photo elicitation portrayed the stories of different group of employees who either succeeded or failed at embracing their new professional identity. In contrast with the new recruits who constructed new identities as they join this organization, we identify and report on the number of enabling and disabling factors that influence the process of professional identity construction and reconstruction during gamma change.