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Australia has a significantly higher suicide rate than England. Rather than accepting that this ‘statistical fact’ is a direct reflection of some positivist truth, this paper begins with the premise that how suicide is counted depends upon what counts as suicide. This study involves semi-structured interviews with coroners both in Australia and England, as well as observations at inquests. Important differences between the two coronial systems include: first, quite different logics of operation; second, the burden of proof for reaching a finding of suicide is significantly higher in England; and third, the presence of family members at English inquests results in far greater pressure being brought to bear upon coroners. These combined factors result in a reduced likelihood of English coroners reaching a finding of suicide. The conclusions are twofold. First, this research supports existing criticisms of comparative suicide statistics. Second, this research adds theoretical weight to criticisms of positivist analyses of social phenomena.


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This paper evaluates the performance of different text recognition techniques for a mobile robot in an indoor (university campus) environment. We compared four different methods: our own approach using existing text detection methods (Minimally Stable Extremal Regions detector and Stroke Width Transform) combined with a convolutional neural network, two modes of the open source program Tesseract, and the experimental mobile app Google Goggles. The results show that a convolutional neural network combined with the Stroke Width Transform gives the best performance in correctly matched text on images with single characters whereas Google Goggles gives the best performance on images with multiple words. The dataset used for this work is released as well.


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This work describes recent extensions to the GPFlow scientific workflow system in development at MQUTeR (www.mquter.qut.edu.au), which facilitate interactive experimentation, automatic lifting of computations from single-case to collection-oriented computation and automatic correlation and synthesis of collections. A GPFlow workflow presents as an acyclic data flow graph, yet provides powerful iteration and collection formation capabilities.


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Problem addressed Wrist-worn accelerometers are associated with greater compliance. However, validated algorithms for predicting activity type from wrist-worn accelerometer data are lacking. This study compared the activity recognition rates of an activity classifier trained on acceleration signal collected on the wrist and hip. Methodology 52 children and adolescents (mean age 13.7 +/- 3.1 year) completed 12 activity trials that were categorized into 7 activity classes: lying down, sitting, standing, walking, running, basketball, and dancing. During each trial, participants wore an ActiGraph GT3X+ tri-axial accelerometer on the right hip and the non-dominant wrist. Features were extracted from 10-s windows and inputted into a regularized logistic regression model using R (Glmnet + L1). Results Classification accuracy for the hip and wrist was 91.0% +/- 3.1% and 88.4% +/- 3.0%, respectively. The hip model exhibited excellent classification accuracy for sitting (91.3%), standing (95.8%), walking (95.8%), and running (96.8%); acceptable classification accuracy for lying down (88.3%) and basketball (81.9%); and modest accuracy for dance (64.1%). The wrist model exhibited excellent classification accuracy for sitting (93.0%), standing (91.7%), and walking (95.8%); acceptable classification accuracy for basketball (86.0%); and modest accuracy for running (78.8%), lying down (74.6%) and dance (69.4%). Potential Impact Both the hip and wrist algorithms achieved acceptable classification accuracy, allowing researchers to use either placement for activity recognition.


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Vision-based place recognition involves recognising familiar places despite changes in environmental conditions or camera viewpoint (pose). Existing training-free methods exhibit excellent invariance to either of these challenges, but not both simultaneously. In this paper, we present a technique for condition-invariant place recognition across large lateral platform pose variance for vehicles or robots travelling along routes. Our approach combines sideways facing cameras with a new multi-scale image comparison technique that generates synthetic views for input into the condition-invariant Sequence Matching Across Route Traversals (SMART) algorithm. We evaluate the system’s performance on multi-lane roads in two different environments across day-night cycles. In the extreme case of day-night place recognition across the entire width of a four-lane-plus-median-strip highway, we demonstrate performance of up to 44% recall at 100% precision, where current state-of-the-art fails.


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As of now, there is little evidence on the questions of whether pro bono services are effective, whether lawyer charity is a cheaper way to provide them (because it does cost money to do pro bono), or whether it would in fact be more efficient and effective if firms and attorneys stopped giving their time and instead donated money to the organizations already specializing in these clients and causes. Pro bono may or may not be an efficient way of doing socially important work; at this point, we simply do not know


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This thesis demonstrates that robots can learn about how the world changes, and can use this information to recognise where they are, even when the appearance of the environment has changed a great deal. The ability to localise in highly dynamic environments using vision only is a key tool for achieving long-term, autonomous navigation in unstructured outdoor environments. The proposed learning algorithms are designed to be unsupervised, and can be generated by the robot online in response to its observations of the world, without requiring information from a human operator or other external source.


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This paper presents an online, unsupervised training algorithm enabling vision-based place recognition across a wide range of changing environmental conditions such as those caused by weather, seasons, and day-night cycles. The technique applies principal component analysis to distinguish between aspects of a location’s appearance that are condition-dependent and those that are condition-invariant. Removing the dimensions associated with environmental conditions produces condition-invariant images that can be used by appearance-based place recognition methods. This approach has a unique benefit – it requires training images from only one type of environmental condition, unlike existing data-driven methods that require training images with labelled frame correspondences from two or more environmental conditions. The method is applied to two benchmark variable condition datasets. Performance is equivalent or superior to the current state of the art despite the lesser training requirements, and is demonstrated to generalise to previously unseen locations.


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This paper undertakes the first comparative analysis of restrictive practices legislation in Australia. This legislation, which regulates practices used to manage ‘challenging behaviours’ of people with intellectual disability or cognitive impairment, currently exists in four Australian jurisdictions. The paper demonstrates the gaps in coverage of this legislation and the wide variation of law nationally. We argue that legislation governing restrictive practices is needed, it should regulate the provision of all restrictive practices (not just some) and that there should be a national consistent approach.


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This article reports on the organisation and main events of the 15th World Congress of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2013.


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Recently Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on various classification tasks. In this paper, we present for the first time a place recognition technique based on CNN models, by combining the powerful features learnt by CNNs with a spatial and sequential filter. Applying the system to a 70 km benchmark place recognition dataset we achieve a 75% increase in recall at 100% precision, significantly outperforming all previous state of the art techniques. We also conduct a comprehensive performance comparison of the utility of features from all 21 layers for place recognition, both for the benchmark dataset and for a second dataset with more significant viewpoint changes.


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Many of the 5,500 threatened species of vertebrates found worldwide are highly protected and generally unavailable for scientific investigation. Here we describe a noninvasive protocol to visualize the structure and size of brain in postmortem specimens. We demonstrate its utility by examining four endangered species of kiwi (Apteryx spp.). Frozen specimens are thawed and imaged using MRI, revealing internal details of brain structure. External brain morphology and an estimate of brain volume can be reliably obtained by creating 3D models. This method has facilitated a comparison of brain structure in the different kiwi species, one of which is on the brink of extinction. This new approach has the potential to extend our knowledge of brain structure to species that have until now been outside the reach of anatomical investigation.


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Background Chlamydia pecorum is an important pathogen of domesticated livestock including sheep, cattle and pigs. This pathogen is also a key factor in the decline of the koala in Australia. We sequenced the genomes of three koala C. pecorum strains, isolated from the urogenital tracts and conjunctiva of diseased koalas. The genome of the C. pecorum VR629 (IPA) strain, isolated from a sheep with polyarthritis, was also sequenced. Results Comparisons of the draft C. pecorum genomes against the complete genomes of livestock C. pecorum isolates revealed that these strains have a conserved gene content and order, sharing a nucleotide sequence similarity > 98%. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) appear to be key factors in understanding the adaptive process. Two regions of the chromosome were found to be accumulating a large number of SNPs within the koala strains. These regions include the Chlamydia plasticity zone, which contains two cytotoxin genes (toxA and toxB), and a 77 kbp region that codes for putative type III effector proteins. In one koala strain (MC/MarsBar), the toxB gene was truncated by a premature stop codon but is full-length in IPTaLE and DBDeUG. Another five pseudogenes were also identified, two unique to the urogenital strains C. pecorum MC/MarsBar and C. pecorum DBDeUG, respectively, while three were unique to the koala C. pecorum conjunctival isolate IPTaLE. An examination of the distribution of these pseudogenes in C. pecorum strains from a variety of koala populations, alongside a number of sheep and cattle C. pecorum positive samples from Australian livestock, confirmed the presence of four predicted pseudogenes in koala C. pecorum clinical samples. Consistent with our genomics analyses, none of these pseudogenes were observed in the livestock C. pecorum samples examined. Interestingly, three SNPs resulting in pseudogenes identified in the IPTaLE isolate were not found in any other C. pecorum strain analysed, raising questions over the origin of these point mutations. Conclusions The genomic data revealed that variation between C. pecorum strains were mainly due to the accumulation of SNPs, some of which cause gene inactivation. The identification of these genetic differences will provide the basis for further studies to understand the biology and evolution of this important animal pathogen. Keywords: Chlamydia pecorum; Single nucleotide polymorphism; Pseudogene; Cytotoxin


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Background Cardiovascular disease and mental health both hold enormous public health importance, both ranking highly in results of the recent Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010). For the first time, the GBD 2010 has systematically and quantitatively assessed major depression as an independent risk factor for the development of ischemic heart disease (IHD) using comparative risk assessment methodology. Methods A pooled relative risk (RR) was calculated from studies identified through a systematic review with strict inclusion criteria designed to provide evidence of independent risk factor status. Accepted case definitions of depression include diagnosis by a clinician or by non-clinician raters adhering to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD) classifications. We therefore refer to the exposure in this paper as major depression as opposed to the DSM-IV category of major depressive disorder (MDD). The population attributable fraction (PAF) was calculated using the pooled RR estimate. Attributable burden was calculated by multiplying the PAF by the underlying burden of IHD estimated as part of GBD 2010. Results The pooled relative risk of developing IHD in those with major depression was 1.56 (95% CI 1.30 to 1.87). Globally there were almost 4 million estimated IHD disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), which can be attributed to major depression in 2010; 3.5 million years of life lost and 250,000 years of life lived with a disability. These findings highlight a previously underestimated mortality component of the burden of major depression. As a proportion of overall IHD burden, 2.95% (95% CI 1.48 to 4.46%) of IHD DALYs were estimated to be attributable to MDD in 2010. Eastern Europe and North Africa/Middle East demonstrate the highest proportion with Asia Pacific, high income representing the lowest. Conclusions The present work comprises the most robust systematic review of its kind to date. The key finding that major depression may be responsible for approximately 3% of global IHD DALYs warrants assessment for depression in patients at high risk of developing IHD or at risk of a repeat IHD event.


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Forestry by-products have potential applications as components of wood composites. Replacement of conventional pine radiata wood-fibres by the fibres from the seeds (SCF) of the by-products, require determining and optimizing the mechanical properties to producing highest quality products. Response to mechanical stress is an important aspect to consider towards partial or full replacement of the wood-fibres by SCFs. In the present study the critical strain energy release rate, and the fracture toughness are derived from the published data. The present work uses rules of mixture to derive the mechanical and the physical properties of the SCF and relates the performance of the composites of the wood-fibres and the SCF to chemical composition, dispersion, weight and Vf of the fibres. We have also derived the Gc, the critical strain energy release rate, KIC, the fracture toughness of the composites.