449 resultados para wind field


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The rapid pace of urbanisation in China has seen a massive increase in the movement of the rural population to work and live in urban regions. In this large-scale migration context, the educational, health, and psychological problems of floating children are becoming increasingly visible. Different from extant studies, we focus our investigation on the rural dispositions of floating children through interviews with leaders, teachers, and students in four schools in Beijing. Drawing on Bourdieu’s key notions of habitus, capital, and field, our study indicates that the rural habitus of floating children can differentiate these children from their urban peers. This habitus can be marginalised and stigmatised in certain fields but can be recognised and valued as capital in other fields. Our paper offers some implications for research and practice in relation to the schooling of floating children.


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During high wind events, crest-fixed profiled steel roof claddings in low-rise buildings can be subjected to combined cyclic wind uplift and in-plane racking (shear) forces. Static and cyclic tests of corrugated steel roof claddings were carried out to investigate the effect of in-plane racking force on the uplift strength, in particular, in relation to the fatigue cracking commonly observed under cyclic wind uplift. The presence of racking force appeared to have insignificant effect on the static and cyclic wind uplift strength. It may therefore be possible to include the diaphragm strength of these claddings in the design of low-rise buildings in a similar manner to valley-fixed claddings. This may lead to a reduction in bracing requirements.


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Profiled steel roof claddings in Australia and its neighbouring countries are commonly made of very thin high tensile steel and are crest-fixed intermittently with screw fasteners. The failure of the roof cladding systems was due to a local failure (dimpling of crests I pull-through) at the fasteners under wind uplift Cyclic wind uplift during cyclones causes fatigue cracking to occur at the fastener holes which leads to pull-through failures at lower load levels. At present the design of these claddings is entirely based on testing. In order to improve the understanding of the behaviour and the design and test methods of these claddings under wind uplift loading during storms and cyclones, a detailed investigation consisting of finite element analyses, static and fatigue experiments and cyclonic wind modelling was carried out on two-span roofing assemblies of three common roofing profiles. This paper presents the details of this investigation and its important results.


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This project focused on maximising the detection range of an eye-safe stand-off Raman system for use in detecting explosives. Investigation of the effect on detection range through differing laser parameters in this thesis provided optimal laser settings to achieve the largest possible detection range of explosives, while still remaining under the eye-safe limit.


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The use of GNSS tracked Lagrangian drifters allows more realistic quantification of fluid motion and dispersion coefficients than Eulerian techniques because such drifters are analogues of particles that are relevant to flow field characterisation and pollutant dispersion. Using the fast growing Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning technique derived from Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), drifters are developed for high frequency (10 Hz) sampling with position estimates to centimetre accuracy. The drifters are designed with small size and less direct wind drag to follow the sub-surface flow which characterizes dispersion in shallow waters. An analysis of position error from stationary observation indicates that the drifter can efficiently resolve motion up to 1 Hz. The result of the field deployments of the drifter in conjunction with acoustic Eulerian devices shows higher estimate of the drifter streamwise velocities. Single particle statistical analysis of field deployments in a shallow estuarine zone yielded dispersion coefficients estimate comparable to those of dye tracer studies. The drifters capture the tidal elevation during field studies in a tidal estuary.


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This chapter provides an introduction to the use of pedagogical patterns in capturing and sharing educational design experience. In higher education, helping students to learn to engage in productive reflection presents a complex set of challenges. Delicate balances must be found: too little structure and support for students’ reflective work can leave them floundering; too much, and some will remain dependent. Moreover, this is a dynamic teaching problem – scaffolding needs to be adjusted as students develop confidence and capability, which they will do at different rates. The model presented in this chapter embraces the three main elements that teachers can legitimately design, or help set in place, to support their students’ reflective activity: good tasks, the right tools, and appropriate divisions of labour. It delineates a complex, shifting architecture of tasks, tools and people, activities and outcomes associated with reflective learning. It shows how the designable elements of this complex mix can be described in patterns and pattern languages, which then become design resources for teachers’ own action, reflection and professional development.


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Direct writing melt electrospinning is an additive manufacturing technique capable of the layer-by-layer fabrication of highly ordered 3d tissue engineering scaffolds from micron-diameter fibres. The utility of these scaffolds, however, is limited by the maximum achievable height of controlled fibre deposition, beyond which the structure becomes increasingly disordered. A source of this disorder is charge build-up on the deposited polymer producing unwanted coulombic forces. In this study we introduce a novel melt electrospinning platform with dual voltage power supplies to reduce undesirable charge effects and improve fibre deposition control. We produced and characterised several 90° cross-hatched fibre scaffolds using a range of needle/collector plate voltages. Fibre thickness was found to be sensitive only to overall potential and invariant to specific tip/collector voltage. We also produced ordered scaffolds up to 200 layers thick (fibre spacing 1 mm, diameter 40 μm) and characterised structure in terms of three distinct zones; ordered, semi-ordered and disordered. Our in vitro analysis indicates successful cell attachment and distribution throughout the scaffolds, with little evidence of cell death after seven days. This study demonstrates the importance of electrostatic control for reducing destabilising polymer charge effects and enabling the fabrication of morphologically suitable scaffolds for tissue engineering.


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Repeatable and accurate seagrass mapping is required for understanding seagrass ecology and supporting management decisions. For shallow (< 5 m) seagrass habitats, these maps can be created by integrating high spatial resolution imagery with field survey data. Field survey data for seagrass is often collected via snorkelling or diving. However, these methods are limited by environmental and safety considerations. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are used increasingly to collect field data for habitat mapping, albeit mostly in deeper waters (>20 m). Here we demonstrate and evaluate the use and potential advantages of AUV field data collection for calibration and validation of seagrass habitat mapping of shallow waters (< 5 m), from multispectral satellite imagery. The study was conducted in the seagrass habitats of the Eastern Banks (142 km2), Moreton Bay, Australia. In the field, georeferenced photos of the seagrass were collected along transects via snorkelling or an AUV. Photos from both collection methods were analysed manually for seagrass species composition and then used as calibration and validation data to map seagrass using an established semi-automated object based mapping routine. A comparison of the relative advantages and disadvantages of AUV and snorkeller collected field data sets and their influence on the mapping routine was conducted. AUV data collection was more consistent, repeatable and safer in comparison to snorkeller transects. Inclusion of deeper water AUV data resulted in mapping of a larger extent of seagrass (~7 km2, 5 % of study area) in the deeper waters of the site. Although overall map accuracies did not differ considerably, inclusion of the AUV data from deeper water transects corrected errors in seagrass mapped at depths to 5 m, but where the bottom is visible on satellite imagery. Our results demonstrate that further development of AUV technology is justified for the monitoring of seagrass habitats in ongoing management programs.


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The global efforts to reduce carbon emissions from power generation have favoured renewable energy resources such as wind and solar in recent years. The generation of power from the renewable energy resources has become attractive because of various incentives provided by government policies supporting green power. Among the various available renewable energy resources, the power generation from wind has seen tremendous growth in the last decade. This article discusses various advantages of the upcoming offshore wind technology and associated considerations related to their construction. The conventional configuration of the offshore wind farm is based on the alternative current internal links. With the recent advances of improved commercialised converters, voltage source converters based high voltage direct current link for offshore wind farms is gaining popularity. The planning and construction phases of offshore wind farms, including related environmental issues, are discussed here.


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This chapter discussed the various modes of operation of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind farm system. The impact of a auxiliary damping controller on the different modes of operation for the DFIG based wind generation system is investigated. The co-ordinated tuning of the damping controller to enhance the damping of the oscillatory modes using Bacteria Foraging (BF) technique is presented. The results from eigenvalue analysis are presented to elucidate the effectiveness of the tuned damping controller in the DFIG system under Super/Sub-synchronous speed of operation. The robustness issue of the damping controller is also investigated.


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Adjustable speed induction generators, especially the Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) are becoming increasingly popular due to its various advantages over fixed speed generator systems. A DFIG in a wind turbine has ability to generate maximum power with varying rotational speed, ability to control active and reactive by integration of electronic power converters such as the back-to-back converter, low rotor power rating resulting in low cost converter components, etc, DFIG have become very popular in large wind power conversion systems. This chapter presents an extensive literature survey over the past 25 years on the different aspects of DFIG. Application of H8 Controller for enhanced DFIG-WT performance in terms of robust stability and reference tracking to reduce mechanical stress and vibrations is also demonstrated in the chapter.


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This chapter focuses on the implementation of the TS (Tagaki-Sugino) fuzzy controller for the Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind generator. The conventional PI control loops for mantaining desired active power and DC capacitor voltage is compared with the TS fuzzy controllers. DFIG system is represented by a third-order model where electromagnetic transients of the stator are neglected. The effectiveness of the TS-fuzzy controller on the rotor speed oscillations and the DC capacitor voltage variations of the DFIG damping controller on converter ratings is also investigated. The results from the time domain simulations are presented to elucidate the effectiveness of the TS-fuzzy controller over the conventional PI controller in the DFIG system. The proposed TS-fuzzy con-troller can improve the fault ride through capability of DFIG compared to the conventional PI controller.


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From the early literature on the role of firm managers (Alchian and Demsetz 1972) to the industrial organisation on contracts and mechanism design (Laont and Martimort 2009), economists have given a lot of attention to find solutions to the imperfect alignment between individuals' incentives and an organisation's collective goals (Prendergast 1999). In that literature a key role of managers is to monitor individuals to reward behaviour aligned with the collective goals and reduce sub- optimal behaviour, such as shirking. How- ever, another strand of literature, since Akerlof (1982), has put forward a vision of reciprocal behaviour between an organisation's leadership and its members: gifts (high wages, recognition) from the organisation are reciprocated by high effort from the members of the organisation. By rewarding individual members (rather than strictly monitoring them), organisations may benefit from greater effort and cohesion. Experimental research in organizational economics has provided mixed results suggesting that agents do react to personal incentives but also that reciprocal behaviour can play a substantial role (Camerer and Weber 2012).