464 resultados para Seed treatment


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Aim Large-scale patterns linking energy availability, biological productivity and diversity form a central focus of ecology. Despite evidence that the activity and abundance of animals may be limited by climatic variables associated with regional biological productivity (e.g. mean annual precipitation and annual actual evapotranspiration), it is unclear whether plant–granivore interactions are themselves influenced by these climatic factors across broad spatial extents. We evaluated whether climatic conditions that are known to alter the abundance and activity of granivorous animals also affect rates of seed removal. Location Eleven sites across temperate North America. Methods We used a common protocol to assess the removal of the same seed species (Avena sativa) over a 2-day period. Model selection via the Akaike information criterion was used to determine a set of candidate binomial generalized linear mixed models that evaluated the relationship between local climatic data and post-dispersal seed predation. Results Annual actual evapotranspiration was the single best predictor of the proportion of seeds removed. Annual actual evapotranspiration and mean annual precipitation were both positively related to mean seed removal and were included in four and three of the top five models, respectively. Annual temperature range was also positively related to seed removal and was an explanatory variable in three of the top four models. Main conclusions Our work provides the first evidence that energy and precipitation, which are known to affect consumer abundance and activity, also translate to strong, predictable patterns of seed predation across a continent. More generally, these findings suggest that future changes in temperature and precipitation could have widespread consequences for plant species composition in grasslands, through impacts on plant recruitment.


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Treatment performance of bioretention basins closely depends on hydrologic and hydraulic factors such as rainfall characteristics and inflow and outflow discharges. An in-depth understanding of the influence of these factors on water quality treatment performance can provide important guidance for effective bioretention basin design. In this paper, hydraulic and hydrologic factors impacting pollutant removal by a bioretention basin were assessed under field conditions. Outcomes of the study confirmed that the antecedent dry period plays an important role in influencing treatment performance. A relatively long antecedent dry period reduces nitrite and ammonium concentrations while increasing the nitrate concentration, which confirms that nitrification occurs within the bioretention basin. Additionally, pollutant leaching influences bioretention basin treatment performance, reducing the nutrients removal efficiency, which was lower for high rainfall events. These outcomes will contribute to a greater understanding of the treatment performance of bioretention basins, assisting in the design, operation and maintenance of these systems.


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The foraging behavior of greater short-nosed fruit bats (Cynopterus sphinx) on wild banana (Musa acuminata) and subsequent dispersal of seeds were studied in the Tropical Rainforest Conservation Area, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Yunnan province, by direct observation of marked fruits, mist netting, and seed collection. The mean number (± SE) of individual C. sphinx captured by mist net were 2.2 ± 0.33/day and 1.4 ± 0.32/day in the rainy season (September to October) and dry season (November to December), respectively; the difference was not significant. The number of seed pellets expelled was 9.0 ± 1.12/day and 7.2 ± 1.37/day in the rainy and dry seasons respectively; again the difference was not significant. The removal curves for marked fruit were similar for 10 focal trees. Fruits were consumed heavily within two weeks after ripening and all the marked fruit were removed within one month. The difference in seed dispersal was significant between different feeding roosts indicating that patterns of seed dispersal may not be uniform. We found the seeds of M. acuminata can be dispersed by C. sphinx to a distance of about 200 m, and C. sphinx can be considered as an effective seed disperser of M. acuminata.


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Background: Due to improved screening and treatment for gynaecological cancers survivorship has increased. Use of supportive care services after treatment is important to improve quality of life. Objective: To assess self-reported lower-limb lymphoedema (LLL), depression, anxiety, quality of life, unmet supportive care needs, and service use among gynaecological cancer survivors. Methods: In 2010 a population-based cross-sectional mail survey was conducted (n=160 gynaecological cancer survivors 5 to 30 month post-diagnosis (53% response rate)). Results: Overall, 30% of women self-reported LLL, 21% and 24% depression or anxiety, respectively. Women with LLL were more likely to also report symptoms of depression or anxiety, and with these symptoms had higher unmet supportive care needs. Services needed but not used by 10-15% of women with LLL, anxiety or depression respectively were lymphoedema specialist, pain specialist and physiotherapist, or psychiatrists, psychologists and pain specialists. Limitations: Small sample size, self-report data, limited generalisation to other countries, underrepresentation of older women (age >70) and women from non-Caucasian backgrounds. Conclusions: Women with LLL or high distress were less likely to use services they needed. Funding: This study was funded by Cancer Australia.


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Forestry by-products have potential applications as components of wood composites. Replacement of conventional pine radiata wood-fibres by the fibres from the seeds (SCF) of the by-products, require determining and optimizing the mechanical properties to producing highest quality products. Response to mechanical stress is an important aspect to consider towards partial or full replacement of the wood-fibres by SCFs. In the present study the critical strain energy release rate, and the fracture toughness are derived from the published data. The present work uses rules of mixture to derive the mechanical and the physical properties of the SCF and relates the performance of the composites of the wood-fibres and the SCF to chemical composition, dispersion, weight and Vf of the fibres. We have also derived the Gc, the critical strain energy release rate, KIC, the fracture toughness of the composites.


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Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is a well established technique for delivering highly conformal radiation dose distributions. The complexity of the delivery techniques and high dose gradients around the target volume make verification of the patient treatment crucial to the success of the treatment. Conventional treatment protocols involve imaging the patient prior to treatment, comparing the patient set-up to the planned set-up and then making any necessary shifts in the patient position to ensure target volume coverage. This paper presents a method for calibrating electronic portal imaging device (EPID) images acquired during IMRT delivery so that they can be used for verifying the patient set-up.


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With the increasing availability of high quality digital cameras that are easily operated by the non-professional photographer, the utility of using digital images to assess endpoints in clinical research of skin lesions has growing acceptance. However, rigorous protocols and description of experiences for digital image collection and assessment are not readily available, particularly for research conducted in remote settings. We describe the development and evaluation of a protocol for digital image collection by the non-professional photographer in a remote setting research trial, together with a novel methodology for assessment of clinical outcomes by an expert panel blinded to treatment allocation.


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In the general population it is evident that parent feeding practices can directly shape a child’s life long dietary intake. Young children undergoing childhood cancer treatment may experience feeding difficulties and limited food intake, due to the inherent side effects of their anti-cancer treatment. What is not clear is how these treatment side effects are influencing the parent–child feeding relationship during anti-cancer treatment. This retrospective qualitative study collected telephone based interview data from 38 parents of childhood cancer patients who had recently completed cancer treatment (child’s mean age: 6.98 years). Parents described a range of treatment side effects that impacted on their child’s ability to eat, often resulting in weight loss. Sixty-one percent of parents (n = 23) reported high levels of stress in regard to their child’s eating and weight loss during treatment. Parents reported stress, feelings of helplessness, and conflict and/or tension between parent and the child during feeding/eating interactions. Parents described using both positive and negative feeding practices, such as: pressuring their child to eat, threatening the insertion of a nasogastric feeding tube, encouraging the child to eat and providing home cooked meals in hospital. Results indicated that parent stress may lead to the use of coping strategies such as positive or negative feeding practices to entice their child to eat during cancer treatment. Future research is recommended to determine the implication of parent feeding practice on the long term diet quality and food preferences of childhood cancer survivors.


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Objectives: To identify the groups of patients with high prevalence and poor control of hypertension in South Africa. Methods: In the first national Demographic and Health Survey, 12 952 randomly selected South Africans, aged 15 years and older were surveyed. Trained interviewers completed questionnaires on socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle and the management of hypertension. This cross-sectional survey also included blood pressure, height and weight measurements. Logistic regression analyses identified the determinants of hypertension and the treatment status in this dataset. Results: A high risk of hypertension was associated with less than tertiary education, older age groups, overweight and obese people, using alcohol in excess, and a family history of stroke and hypertension. Rural Africans had the lowest risk of hypertension, which was significantly higher in obese African women than in women with normal body mass index. Improved hypertension control was found in the wealthy, women, older persons, being Asian, and having medical insurance. Conclusions: Rural African people had lower hypertension prevalence rates than the other groups. The poorer, younger men, without health insurance had the worst level of hypertension control.


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- Gender dysphoria is a condition in which a child's subjectively felt identity and gender are not congruent with her or his biological sex. Because of this, the child suffers clinically significant distress or impairment in social functioning. - The Family Court of Australia has recently received an increasing number of applications seeking authorisation for the provision of hormones to treat gender dysphoria in children. - Some medical procedures and interventions performed on children are of such a grave nature that court authorisation must be obtained to render them lawful. These procedures are referred to as special medical procedures. - Hormonal therapy for the treatment of gender dysphoria in children is provided in two stages occurring years apart. Until recently, both stages of treatment were regarded by courts as special medical treatments, meaning court authorisation had to be provided for both stages. - In a significant recent development, courts have drawn a distinction between the two stages of treatment, permitting parents to consent to the first stage. In addition, it has been held that a child who is determined by a court to be Gillick competent can consent to stage 2 treatment. - The new legal developments concerning treatment for gender dysphoria are of ethical, clinical and practical importance to children and their families, and to medical practitioners treating children with gender dysphoria. Medical practitioners should benefit from an understanding of the recent developments in legal principles. This will ensure that they have up-to-date information about the circumstances under which treatment may be conducted with parental consent, and those in which they must seek court authorisation.


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This study aimed to provide a detailed evaluation and comparison of a range of modulated beam evaluation metrics, in terms of their correlation with QA testing results and their variation between treatment sites, for a large number of treatments. Ten metrics including the modulation index (MI), fluence map complexity (FMC), modulation complexity score (MCS), mean aperture displacement (MAD) and small aperture score (SAS) were evaluated for 546 beams from 122 IMRT and VMAT treatment plans targeting the anus, rectum, endometrium, brain, head and neck and prostate. The calculated sets of metrics were evaluated in terms of their relationships to each other and their correlation with the results of electronic portal imaging based quality assurance (QA) evaluations of the treatment beams. Evaluation of the MI, MAD and SAS suggested that beams used in treatments of the anus, rectum, head and neck were more complex than the prostate and brain treatment beams. Seven of the ten beam complexity metrics were found to be strongly correlated with the results from QA testing of the IMRT beams (p < 0.00008). For example, Values of SAS (with MLC apertures narrower than 10 mm defined as “small”) less than 0.2 also identified QA passing IMRT beams with 100% specificity. However, few of the metrics are correlated with the results from QA testing of the VMAT beams, whether they were evaluated as whole 360◦ arcs or as 60◦ sub-arcs. Select evaluation of beam complexity metrics (at least MI, MCS and SAS) is therefore recommended, as an intermediate step in the IMRT QA chain. Such evaluation may also be useful as a means of periodically reviewing VMAT planning or optimiser performance.


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Health professionals' duty of care includes combating racism in society as well as in health care settings. The Australian Government's proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and the repeal of section 18C has transfixed national debates on legally defining racial discrimination.1 Under these changes, racial discrimination would no longer include acts that “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” a person based on the person's race, colour or national or ethnic origin and instead be limited to acts that “incite hatred” or “cause fear of physical harm”.2 These proposed changes have been framed in the context of enabling “free speech”, yet, evidence presented in this issue of the Journal shows that they have potential to cause harm. In this issue, Kelaher and colleagues highlight the prevalence of racism as experienced by Indigenous Australians and its deleterious effects on mental health.3 Alarmingly, almost every Aboriginal Victorian participating in this study reported an experience of racism in the preceding 12 months, which included jokes, stereotypes, verbal abuse and exclusionary practices. The experiences of racism reported here neither incited hatred nor caused fear of physical harm, yet resulted in harm such as psychological distress, especially when meted out in our health care system. These findings are a stark reminder that racism is indeed an important health issue, and as health professionals, our duty of care extends to contributing to these broader policy discussions...


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Constructed wetlands are among the most common Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) measures for stormwater treatment. These systems have been extensively studied to understand their performance and influential treatment processes. Unfortunately, most past studies have been undertaken considering a wetland system as a lumped system with a primary focus on the reduction of the event mean concentration (EMC) values of specific pollutant species or total pollutant load removal. This research study adopted an innovative approach by partitioning the inflow runoff hydrograph and then investigating treatment performance in each partition and their relationships with a range of hydraulic factors. The study outcomes confirmed that influenced by rainfall characteristics, the constructed wetland displays different treatment characteristics for the initial and later sectors of the runoff hydrograph. The treatment of small rainfall events (<15 mm) is comparatively better at the beginning of runoff events while the trends in pollutant load reductions for large rainfall events (>15 mm) are generally lower at the beginning and gradually increase towards the end of rainfall events. This highlights the importance of ensuring that the inflow into a constructed wetland has low turbulence in order to achieve consistent treatment performance for both, small and large rainfall events.