435 resultados para Lower Semicontinuous Function


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Tumour suppressors safeguard the fidelity of the mitotic checkpoint by transcriptional regulation of genes that encode components of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC). Here we report a new role for the tumour suppressor and transcription factor, WT1, in the mitotic checkpoint. We show that WT1 regulates the MCC by directly interacting with the spindle assembly checkpoint protein, MAD2. WT1 colocalizes with MAD2 during mitosis and preferentially binds to the functionally active, closed-conformer, C-MAD2. Furthermore, WT1 associates with the MCC containing MAD2, BUBR1 and CDC20, resulting in prolonged inhibition of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and delayed degradation of its substrates SECURIN and CYCLIN B1. Strikingly, RNA interference-mediated depletion of WT1 leads to enhanced turnover of SECURIN, decreased lag time to anaphase and defects in chromosome segregation. Our findings identify WT1 as a regulator of the mitotic checkpoint and chromosomal stability.


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The morphology, colour, fluorescence, cathodoluminescence, nitrogen content and aggregation state, internal structure and mineral inclusions have been studied for 69 alluvial diamonds from the Rio Soriso (Juina area, Mato Grosso State, Brazil). Nitrogen in most diamonds (53%) is fully aggregated as B centres, but there is also a large proportion of N-free stones (38%). A strong positive correlation between nitrogen and IR-active hydrogen concentrations is observed. The diamonds contain (in order of decreasing abundance) ferropericlase, CaSi-perovskite, magnetite, MgSi-perovskite, pyrrhotite, 'olivine', SiO2, perovskite, tetragonal almandine-pyrope phase and some other minerals represented by single grains. The Rio Soriso diamond suite is subdivided into several subpopulations that originated in upper and lower mantle of ultramafic and mafic compositions, with the largest subgroup forming in the ultramafic lower mantle. Analysed ferropericlase grains are enriched in Fe (Mg#=0.43-0.89), which is ascribed to their origin in the lowermost mantle. The Juina kimberlites may be unique in sampling the material from depths below 1,700 km that ascended in a plume formed at the core-mantle boundary.


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IT consumerization is both a major opportunity and significant challenge for organizations. However, IS research has hardly discussed the implications for IT management so far. In this paper we address this topic by empirically identifying organizational themes for IT consumerization and conceptually exploring the direct and indirect effects on the business value of IT, IT capabilities, and the IT function. More specifically, based on two case studies, we identify eight organizational themes: consumer IT strategy, policy development and responsibilities, consideration of private life of employees, user involvement into IT-related processes, individualization, updated IT infrastructure, end user support, and data and system security. The contributions of this paper are: (1) the identification of organizational themes for IT consumerization; (2) the proposed effects on the business value of IT, IT capabilities and the IT function, and; (3) combining empirical insights into IT consumerization with managerial theories in the IS discipline.


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This project was a step forward in discovering the potential role of intestinal cell kinase in prostate cancer development. Intestinal cell kinase was shown to be upregulated in prostate cancer cells and altered expression led to changes in key cell survival proteins. This study used in vitro experiments to monitor changes in cell growth, protein and RNA expression.


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Structural identification (St-Id) can be considered as the process of updating a finite element (FE) model of a structural system to match the measured response of the structure. This paper presents the St-Id of a laboratory-based steel through-truss cantilevered bridge with suspended span. There are a total of 600 degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the superstructure plus additional DOFs in the substructure. The St-Id of the bridge model used the modal parameters from a preliminary modal test in the objective function of a global optimisation technique using a layered genetic algorithm with patternsearch step (GAPS). Each layer of the St-Id process involved grouping of the structural parameters into a number of updating parameters and running parallel optimisations. The number of updating parameters was increased at each layer of the process. In order to accelerate the optimisation and ensure improved diversity within the population, a patternsearch step was applied to the fittest individuals at the end of each generation of the GA. The GAPS process was able to replicate the mode shapes for the first two lateral sway modes and the first vertical bending mode to a high degree of accuracy and, to a lesser degree, the mode shape of the first lateral bending mode. The mode shape and frequency of the torsional mode did not match very well. The frequencies of the first lateral bending mode, the first longitudinal mode and the first vertical mode matched very well. The frequency of the first sway mode was lower and that of the second sway mode was higher than the true values, indicating a possible problem with the FE model. Improvements to the model and the St-Id process will be presented at the upcoming conference and compared to the results presented in this paper. These improvements will include the use of multiple FE models in a multi-layered, multi-solution, GAPS St-Id approach.


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Background The purpose of this study was to adapt and validate the Foot Function Index to the Spanish (FFI-Sp) following the guidelines of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Methods A cross-sectional study 80 participants with some foot pathology. A statistical analysis was made, including a correlation study with other questionnaires (the Foot Health Status Questionnaire, EuroQol 5-D, Visual Analogue Pain Scale, and the Short Form SF-12 Health Survey). Data analysis included reliability, construct and criterion-related validity and factor analyses. Results The principal components analysis with varimax rotation produced 3 principal factors that explained 80% of the variance. The confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable fit with a comparative fit index of 0.78. The FFI-Sp demonstrated excellent internal consistency on the three subscales: pain 0.95; disability 0.96; and activity limitation 0.69, the subscale that scored lowest. The correlation between the FFI-Sp and the other questionnaires was high to moderate. Conclusions The Spanish version of the Foot Function Index (FFI-Sp) is a tool that is a valid and reliable tool with a very good internal consistency for use in the assessment of pain, disability and limitation of the function of the foot, for use both in clinic and research.


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Background Foot dorsiflexion plays an essential role in both controlling balance and human gait. Electromyography (EMG) and sonomyography (SMG) can provide information on several aspects of muscle function. The aim was to establish the relationship between the EMG and SMG variables during isotonic contractions of foot dorsiflexors. Methods Twenty-seven healthy young adults performed the foot dorsiflexion test on a device designed ad hoc. EMG variables were maximum peak and area under the curve. Muscular architecture variables were muscle thickness and pennation angle. Descriptive statistical analysis, inferential analysis and a multivariate linear regression model were carried out. The confidence level was established with a statistically significant p-value of less than 0.05. Results The correlation between EMG variables and SMG variables was r = 0.462 (p < 0.05). The linear regression model to the dependent variable “peak normalized tibialis anterior (TA)” from the independent variables “pennation angle and thickness”, was significant (p = 0.002) with an explained variance of R2 = 0.693 and SEE = 0.16. Conclusions There is a significant relationship and degree of contribution between EMG and SMG variables during isotonic contractions of the TA muscle. Our results suggest that EMG and SMG can be feasible tools for monitoring and assessment of foot dorsiflexors. TA muscle parameterization and assessment is relevant in order to know that increased strength accelerates the recovery of lower limb injuries.


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Background The evaluation of the hand function is an essential element within the clinical practice. The usual assessments are focus on the ability to perform activities of daily life. The inclusion of instruments to measure kinematic variables provides a new approach to the assessment. Inertial sensors adapted to the hand could be used as a complementary instrument to the traditional assessment. Material: clinimetric assessment (Upper Limb Functional Index, Quick Dash), antrophometric variables (eight and weight), dynamometry (palm preasure) was taken. Functional analysis was made with Acceleglove system for the right hand and computer system. The glove has six acceleration sensor, one on each finger and another one on the reverse palm. Method Analytic, transversal approach. Ten healthy subject made six task on evaluation table (tripod pinch, lateral pinch and tip pinch, extension grip, spherical grip and power grip). Each task was made and measure three times, the second one was analyze for the results section. A Matlab script was created for the analysis of each movement and detection phase based on module vector. Results The module acceleration vector offers useful information of the hand function. The data analysis obtained during the performance of functional gestures allows to identify five different phases within the movement, three static phase and tow dynamic, each module vector was allied to one task. Conclusion Module vector variables could be used for the analysis of the different task made by the hand. Inertial sensor could be use as a complement for the traditional assessment system.


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The phase relations have been investigated experimentally at 200 and 500 MPa as a function of water activity for one of the least evolved (Indian Batt Rhyolite) and of a more evolved rhyolite composition (Cougar Point Tuff XV) from the 12·8-8·1 Ma Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center of the Yellowstone hotspot. Particular priority was given to accurate determination of the water content of the quenched glasses using infrared spectroscopic techniques. Comparison of the composition of natural and experimentally synthesized phases confirms that high temperatures (>900°C) and extremely low melt water contents (<1·5 wt % H₂O) are required to reproduce the natural mineral assemblages. In melts containing 0·5-1·5 wt % H₂O, the liquidus phase is clinopyroxene (excluding Fe-Ti oxides, which are strongly dependent on fO₂), and the liquidus temperature of the more evolved Cougar Point Tuff sample (BJR; 940-1000°C) is at least 30°C lower than that of the Indian Batt Rhyolite lava sample (IBR2; 970-1030°C). For the composition BJR, the comparison of the compositions of the natural and experimental glasses indicates a pre-eruptive temperature of at least 900°C. The composition of clinopyroxene and pigeonite pairs can be reproduced only for water contents below 1·5 wt % H₂O at 900°C, or lower water contents if the temperature is higher. For the composition IBR2, a minimum temperature of 920°C is necessary to reproduce the main phases at 200 and 500 MPa. At 200 MPa, the pre-eruptive water content of the melt is constrained in the range 0·7-1·3 wt % at 950°C and 0·3-1·0 wt % at 1000°C. At 500 MPa, the pre-eruptive temperatures are slightly higher (by 30-50°C) for the same ranges of water concentration. The experimental results are used to explore possible proxies to constrain the depth of magma storage. The crystallization sequence of tectosilicates is strongly dependent on pressure between 200 and 500 MPa. In addition, the normative Qtz-Ab-Or contents of glasses quenched from melts coexisting with quartz, sanidine and plagioclase depend on pressure and melt water content, assuming that the normative Qtz and Ab/Or content of such melts is mainly dependent on pressure and water activity, respectively. The combination of results from the phase equilibria and from the composition of glasses indicates that the depth of magma storage for the IBR2 and BJR compositions may be in the range 300-400 MPa (13 km) and 200-300 MPa (10 km), respectively.


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The Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center (BJEC) in the central Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA consists of the Cougar Point Tuff (CPT), a series of ten, high-temperature (900-1000°C) voluminous ignimbrites produced over the explosive phase of volcanism (12.8-10.5 Ma) and more than a dozen equally high-temperature rhyolite lava flows produced during the effusive phase (10.5-8 Ma). Spot analyses by ion microprobe of oxygen isotope ratios in 210 zircons demonstrate that all of the eruptive units of the BJEC are characterized by zircon δ¹⁸O values ≤ 2.5‰, thus documenting the largest low δ¹⁸O silicic volcanic province known on Earth (>10⁴ km³). There is no evidence for voluminous normal δ¹⁸O magmatism at the BJEC that precedes generation of low δ¹⁸O magmas as there is at other volcanic centers that generate low δ¹⁸O magmas such as Heise and Yellowstone. At these younger volcanic centers of the hotspot track, such low δ¹⁸O magmas represent ~45 % and ~20% respectively of total eruptive volumes. Zircons in all BJEC tuffs and lavas studied (23 units) document strong δ¹⁸O depletion (median CPT δ¹⁸OZrc = 1.0‰, post-CPT lavas = 1.5‰) with the third member of the CPT recording an excursion to minimum δ¹⁸O values (δ¹⁸OZrc= -1.8‰) in a supereruption > 2‰ lower than other voluminous low δ¹⁸O rhyolites known worldwide (δ¹⁸OWR ≤0.9 vs. 3.4‰). Subsequent units of the CPT and lavas record a progressive recovery in δ¹⁸OZrc to ~2.5‰ over a ~ 4 m.y. interval (12 to 8 Ma). We present detailed evidence of unit-to-unit systematic patterns in O isotopic zoning in zircons (i.e. direction and magnitude of Δcore-rim), spectrum of δ¹⁸O in individual units, and zircon inheritance patterns established by re-analysis of spots for U-Th-Pb isotopes by LA-ICPMS and SHRIMP. In conjunction with mineral thermometry and magma compositions, these patterns are difficult to reconcile with the well-established model for "cannibalistic" low δ¹⁸O magma genesis at Heise and Yellowstone. We present an alternative model for the central Snake River Plain using the modeling results of Leeman et al. (2008) for ¹⁸O depletion as a function of depth in a mid-upper crustal protolith that was hydrothermally altered by infiltrating meteoric waters prior to the onset of silicic magmatism. The model proposes that BJEC silicic magmas were generated in response to the propagation of a melting front, driven by the incremental growth of a vast underlying mafic sill complex, over a ~5 m.y. interval through a crustal volume in which a vertically asymmetric δ¹⁸OWR gradient had previously developed that was sharply inflected from ~ -1 to 10‰ at mid-upper crustal depths. Within the context of the model, data from BJEC zircons are consistent with incremental melting and mixing events in roof zones of magma reservoirs that accompany surfaceward advance of the coupled mafic-silicic magmatic system.


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The NTRK1 gene (also known as TRKA) encodes a high-affinity receptor for NGF, a neurotrophin involved in nervous system development and myelination. NTRK1 has been implicated in neurological function via links between the T allele at rs6336 (NTRK1-T) and schizophrenia risk. A variant in the neurotrophin gene, BDNF, was previously associated with white matter integrity in young adults, highlighting the importantce of neurotrophins to white matter development. We hypothesized that NTRK1-T would relate to lower fractional anisotropy in healthy adults. We scanned 391 healthy adult human twins and their siblings (mean age: 23.6 ± 2.2 years; 31 NTRK1-T carriers, 360 non-carriers) using 105-gradient diffusion tensor imaging at 4 tesla. We evaluated in brain white matter how NTRK1-T and NTRK1 rs4661063 allele A (rs4661063-A, which is in moderate linkage disequilibrium with rs6336) related to voxelwise fractional anisotropy-acommondiffusion tensor imaging measure of white matter microstructure. We used mixed-model regression to control for family relatedness, age, and sex. The sample was split in half to test reproducibility of results. The false discovery rate method corrected for voxelwise multiple comparisons. NTRK1-T and rs4661063-A correlated with lower white matter fractional anisotropy, independent of age and sex (multiple-comparisons corrected: false discovery rate critical p=0.038 forNTRK1-Tand0.013 for rs4661063-A). In each half-sample, theNTRK1-T effectwasreplicated in the cingulum, corpus callosum, superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, superior corona radiata, and uncinate fasciculus. Our results suggest that NTRK1-T is important for developing white matter microstructure.


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Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a powerful tool that can be employed to study white matter microstructure by examining the 3D displacement profile of water molecules in brain tissue. By applying diffusion-sensitized gradients along a minimum of 6 directions, second-order tensors can be computed to model dominant diffusion processes. However, conventional DTI is not sufficient to resolve crossing fiber tracts. Recently, a number of high-angular resolution schemes with greater than 6 gradient directions have been employed to address this issue. In this paper, we introduce the Tensor Distribution Function (TDF), a probability function defined on the space of symmetric positive definite matrices. Here, fiber crossing is modeled as an ensemble of Gaussian diffusion processes with weights specified by the TDF. Once this optimal TDF is determined, the diffusion orientation distribution function (ODF) can easily be computed by analytic integration of the resulting displacement probability function.


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Fractional anisotropy (FA), a very widely used measure of fiber integrity based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), is a problematic concept as it is influenced by several quantities including the number of dominant fiber directions within each voxel, each fiber's anisotropy, and partial volume effects from neighboring gray matter. With High-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) and the tensor distribution function (TDF), one can reconstruct multiple underlying fibers per voxel and their individual anisotropy measures by representing the diffusion profile as a probabilistic mixture of tensors. We found that FA, when compared with TDF-derived anisotropy measures, correlates poorly with individual fiber anisotropy, and may sub-optimally detect disease processes that affect myelination. By contrast, mean diffusivity (MD) as defined in standard DTI appears to be more accurate. Overall, we argue that novel measures derived from the TDF approach may yield more sensitive and accurate information than DTI-derived measures.


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We demonstrate a geometrically inspired technique for computing Evans functions for the linearised operators about travelling waves. Using the examples of the F-KPP equation and a Keller–Segel model of bacterial chemotaxis, we produce an Evans function which is computable through several orders of magnitude in the spectral parameter and show how such a function can naturally be extended into the continuous spectrum. In both examples, we use this function to numerically verify the absence of eigenvalues in a large region of the right half of the spectral plane. We also include a new proof of spectral stability in the appropriate weighted space of travelling waves of speed c≥sqrt(2δ) in the F-KPP equation.


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The size and arrangement of stromal collagen fibrils (CFs) influence the optical properties of the cornea and hence its function. The spatial arrangement of the collagen is still questionable in relation to the diameter of collagen fibril. In the present study, we introduce a new parameter, edge-fibrillar distance (EFD) to measure how two collagen fibrils are spaced with respect to their closest edges and their spatial distribution through normalized standard deviation of EFD (NSDEFD) accessed through the application of two commercially available multipurpose solutions (MPS): ReNu and Hippia. The corneal buttons were soaked separately in ReNu and Hippia MPS for five hours, fixed overnight in 2.5% glutaraldehyde containing cuprolinic blue and processed for transmission electron microscopy. The electron micrographs were processed using ImageJ user-coded plugin. Statistical analysis was performed to compare the image processed equivalent diameter (ED), inter-fibrillar distance (IFD), and EFD of the CFs of treated versus normal corneas. The ReNu-soaked cornea resulted in partly degenerated epithelium with loose hemidesmosomes and Bowman’s collagen. In contrast, the epithelium of the cornea soaked in Hippia was degenerated or lost but showed closely packed Bowman’s collagen. Soaking the corneas in both MPS caused a statistically significant decrease in the anterior collagen fibril, ED and a significant change in IFD, and EFD than those of the untreated corneas (p < 0.05, for all comparisons). The introduction of EFD measurement in the study directly provided a sense of gap between periphery of the collagen bundles, their spatial distribution; and in combination with ED, they showed how the corneal collagen bundles are spaced in relation to their diameters. The spatial distribution parameter NSDEFD indicated that ReNu treated cornea fibrils were uniformly distributed spatially, followed by normal and Hippia. The EFD measurement with relatively lower standard deviation and NSDEFD, a characteristic of uniform CFs distribution, can be an additional parameter used in evaluating collagen organization and accessing the effects of various treatments on corneal health and transparency.