383 resultados para storage temperature


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Visible light can drive esteri fi cation from aldehydes and alcohols using supported gold nanoparticles (Au/Al 2 O 3 ) as photo- catalysts at ambient temperatures. The gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) absorb visible light due to the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) e ff ect, and the conduction electrons of the AuNPs gain the energy of the incident light. The energetic electrons, which concentrate at the NP surface, facilitate the activation of a range of aldehyde and alcohol substrates. The photocatalytic e ffi ciencies strongly depend on the Au loading, particle sizes of the AuNPs, irradiance, and wavelength of the light irradiation. Finally, a plausible reaction mechanism was proposed, and the Au/Al 2 O 3 catalysts can be reused several times without signi fi cantly losing activity. The knowledge acquired in this study may inspire further studies in new e ffi cient recyclable photocatalysts and a wide range of organic synthesis driven by sunlight.


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Background: Studies have examined the effects of temperature on mortality in a single city, country, or region. However, less evidence is available on the variation in the associations between temperature and mortality in multiple countries, analyzed simultaneously. Methods: We obtained daily data on temperature and mortality in 306 communities from 12 countries/regions (Australia, Brazil, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada). Two-stage analyses were used to assess the nonlinear and delayed relation between temperature and mortality. In the first stage, a Poisson regression allowing overdispersion with distributed lag nonlinear model was used to estimate the community-specific temperature-mortality relation. In the second stage, a multivariate meta-analysis was used to pool the nonlinear and delayed effects of ambient temperature at the national level, in each country. Results: The temperatures associated with the lowest mortality were around the 75th percentile of temperature in all the countries/regions, ranging from 66th (Taiwan) to 80th (UK) percentiles. The estimated effects of cold and hot temperatures on mortality varied by community and country. Meta-analysis results show that both cold and hot temperatures increased the risk of mortality in all the countries/regions. Cold effects were delayed and lasted for many days, whereas heat effects appeared quickly and did not last long. Conclusions: People have some ability to adapt to their local climate type, but both cold and hot temperatures are still associated with increased risk of mortality. Public health strategies to alleviate the impact of ambient temperatures are important, in particular in the context of climate change.


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Objectives To investigate whether a sudden temperature change between neighboring days has significant impact on mortality. Methods A Poisson generalized linear regression model combined with a distributed lag non-linear models was used to estimate the association of temperature change between neighboring days with mortality in a subtropical Chinese city during 2008–2012. Temperature change was calculated as the current day’s temperature minus the previous day’s temperature. Results A significant effect of temperature change between neighboring days on mortality was observed. Temperature increase was significantly associated with elevated mortality from non-accidental and cardiovascular diseases, while temperature decrease had a protective effect on non-accidental mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Males and people aged 65 years or older appeared to be more vulnerable to the impact of temperature change. Conclusions Temperature increase between neighboring days has a significant adverse impact on mortality. Further health mitigation strategies as a response to climate change should take into account temperature variation between neighboring days.


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The “third-generation” 3D graphene structures, T-junction graphene micro-wells (T-GMWs) are produced on cheap polycrystalline Cu foils in a single-step, low-temperature (270 °C), energy-efficient, and environment-friendly dry plasma-enabled process. T-GMWs comprise vertical graphene (VG) petal-like sheets that seemlessly integrate with each other and the underlying horizontal graphene sheets by forming T-junctions. The microwells have the pico-to-femto-liter storage capacity and precipitate compartmentalized PBS crystals. The T-GMW films are transferred from the Cu substrates, without damage to the both, in de-ionized or tap water, at room temperature, and without commonly used sacrificial materials or hazardous chemicals. The Cu substrates are then re-used to produce similar-quality T-GMWs after a simple plasma conditioning. The isolated T-GMW films are transferred to diverse substrates and devices and show remarkable recovery of their electrical, optical, and hazardous NO2 gas sensing properties upon repeated bending (down to 1 mm radius) and release of flexible trasparent display plastic substrates. The plasma-enabled mechanism of T-GMW isolation in water is proposed and supported by the Cu plasma surface modification analysis. Our GMWs are suitable for various optoelectronic, sesning, energy, and biomedical applications while the growth approach is potentially scalable for future pilot-scale industrial production.


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To study the relation between temperature and mortality by estimating the temperature-related mortality in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. METHODS: Data of daily mortality, weather and air pollution in the three cities were collected. A distributed lag nonlinear model was established and used in analyzing the effects of temperature on mortality. Current and future net temperature-related mortality was estimated. RESULTS: The association between temperature and mortality was J-shaped, with an increased death risk of both hot and cold temperature in these cities. The effects of cold temperature on health lasted longer than those of hot temperature. The projected temperature-related mortality increased with the decreased cold-related mortality. The mortality was higher in Guangzhou than in Beijing and Shanghai. CONCLUSION: The impact of temperature on health varies in the 3 cities of China, which may have implications for climate policy making in China.


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Increasing epidemiological studies have shown that a rapid temperature change within 1 day is an independent risk factor for human health. This paper aimed to systematically review the epidemiological evidence on the relationship between diurnal temperature range (DTR) and human health and to propose future research directions. A literature search was conducted in October 2013 using the databases including PubMed, ScienceDirect, and EBSCO. Empirical studies regarding the relationship between DTR and mortality and morbidity were included. Twenty-five relevant studies were identified, among which, 11 investigated the relationship between DTR and mortality and 14 examined the impact of DTR on morbidity. The majority of existing studies reported that DTR was significantly associated with mortality and morbidity, particularly for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Notably, compared with adults, the elderly and children were more vulnerable to DTR effects. However, there were some inconsistencies regarding the susceptible groups, lag time, and threshold of DTR. The impact of DTR on human health may be confounded or modified by season, socioeconomic, and educational status. Further research is needed to further confirm the adverse effects of DTR in different geographical locations; examine the effects of DTR on the health of children aged one or under; explore extreme DTR effects on human health; analyze the difference of DTR effects on human health in different locations and the modified effects of potential confounding factors; and develop detailed preventive measures against large DTR, particularly for susceptible groups


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Ba(6-3x)Nd(8+2x)Ti(18)O(54) (BNTl14) is a high permittivity dielectric with low temperature coefficient (Tcf). Low coefficient of change of dielectric permittivity with temperature (Tcf) is an unusual materials property. The research is aimed at discovering how atomic structure relates to temperature coefficient. Sub-Ångström scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is used to measure mixed occupancy of Nd and Ba in atomic columns. It was expected that phase separation would occur to accommodate mixing of dissimilar ions. However no evidence of phase separation was found. There is a good image match between experiment and high angle annular dark field (HAADF) simulation. Vacancies and excess Ba ions appear to be randomly arranged on the available sites which would result in distortion of TiO6 octahedra. The low Tcf may arise from TiO6 distortion.


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Background Little evidence is available about the association between temperature and cerebrovascular mortality in China. This study aims to examine the effects of ambient temperature on cerebrovascular mortality in different climatic zones in China. Method We obtained daily data on weather conditions, air pollution and cerebrovascular deaths from five cities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Guangzhou) in China during 2004-2008. We examined city-specific associations between ambient temperature and the cerebrovascular mortality, while adjusting for season, long-term trends, day of the week, relative humidity and air pollution. We examined cold effects using a 1°C decrease in temperature below a city-specific threshold, and hot effects using a 1°C increase in temperature above a city-specific threshold. We used a meta-analysis to summarize the cold and hot effects across the five cities. Results Beijing and Tianjin (with low mean temperature) had lower thresholds than Shanghai, Wuhan and Guangzhou (with high mean temperature). In Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan and Guangzhou cold effects were delayed, while in Shanghai there was no or short induction. Hot effects were acute in all five cities. The cold effects lasted longer than hot effects. The hot effects were followed by mortality displacement. The pooled relative risk associated with a 1°C decrease in temperature below thresholds (cold effect) was 1.037 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.020, 1.053). The pooled relative risk associated with a 1°C increase in temperature above thresholds (hot effect) was 1.014 (95% CI: 0.979, 1.050). Conclusion Cold temperatures are significantly associated with cerebrovascular mortality in China, while hot effect is not significant. People in colder climate cities were sensitive to hot temperatures, while people in warmer climate cities were vulnerable to cold temperature.


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This study examined the short-term effects of temperature on cardiovascular hospital admissions (CHA) in the largest tropical city in Southern Vietnam. We applied Poisson time-series regression models with Distributed Lag Non-Linear Model (DLNM) to examine the temperature-CHA association while adjusting for seasonal and long-term trends, day of the week, holidays, and humidity. The threshold temperature and added effects of heat waves were also evaluated. The exposure-response curve of temperature-CHA reveals a J-shape relationship with a threshold temperature of 29.6 °C. The delayed effects temperature-CHA lasted for a week (0–5 days). The overall risk of CHA increased 12.9% (RR, 1.129; 95%CI, 0.972–1.311) during heatwave events, which were defined as temperature ≥ the 99th percentile for ≥2 consecutive days. The modification roles of gender and age were inconsistent and non-significant in this study. An additional prevention program that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in relation to high temperatures should be developed.


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Experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of the excess water storage depth (EWSD) in reducing runoff losses of simetryn and thiobencarb from paddy fields upon appreciable rainfall events. A paddy plot having an EWSD of 2 cm was effective in controlling runoff with the herbicide losses of less than 1% of the applied herbicides. Meanwhile, a plot with 0-cm EWSD lost 18.1 and 3.7% of the applied mass of simetryn and thiobencarb, respectively. Therefore, an appropriate EWSD is essential during the recommended 7-day water holding period in order to completely hold the water inside the field in case of rainfall.


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Eight small-scale lysimeters with different excess water storage depths (EWSDs) were used to investigate the behavior of two herbicides, simetryn and thiobencarb, under paddy conditions. The concentration of simetryn dissipated similarly in all the lysimeters, while the thiobencarb concentration varied significantly because thiobencarb can adsorb onto the dissolved organic matter in a manure slurry, which was applied to six of the lysimeters. The herbicide losses (the percentage of the applied mass) from the lysimeters were reversely proportional with the EWSD. The correlation was stronger for simetryn than for thiobencarb. An appropriate EWSD is required to effectively prevent herbicide run-off from the paddy field, especially when a rainfall event occurs soon after herbicide application.


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This poster presents key features of how QUT’s integrated research data storage and management services work with researchers through their own individual or team research life cycle. By understanding the characteristics of research data, and the long-term need to store this data, QUT has provided resources and tools that support QUT’s goal of being a research intensive institute. Key to successful delivery and operation has been the focus upon researchers’ individual needs and the collaboration between providers, in particular, Information Technology Services, High Performance Computing and Research Support, and QUT Library. QUT’s Research Data Storage service provides all QUT researchers (staff and Higher Degree Research students (HDRs)) with a secure data repository throughout the research data lifecycle. Three distinct storage areas provide for raw research data to be acquired, project data to be worked on, and published data to be archived. Since the service was launched in late 2014, it has provided research project teams from all QUT faculties with acquisition, working or archival data space. Feedback indicates that the storage suits the unique needs of researchers and their data. As part of the workflow to establish storage space for researchers, Research Support Specialists and Research Data Librarians consult with researchers and HDRs to identify data storage requirements for projects and individual researchers, and to select and implement the most suitable data storage services and facilities. While research can be a journey into the unknown[1], a plan can help navigate through the uncertainty. Intertwined in the storage provision is QUT’s Research Data Management Planning tool. Launched in March 2015, it has already attracted 273 QUT staff and 352 HDR student registrations, and over 620 plans have been created (2/10/2015). Developed in collaboration with Office of Research Ethics and Integrity (OREI), uptake of the plan has exceeded expectations.


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The process of spray drying is applied in a number of contexts. One such application is the production of a synthetic rock used for storage of nuclear waste. To establish a framework for a model of the spray drying process for this application, we here develop a model describing evaporation from droplets of pure water, such that the model may be extended to account for the presence of colloid within the droplet. We develop a spherically-symmetric model and formulate continuum equations describing mass, momentum, and energy balance in both the liquid and gas phases from first principles. We establish appropriate boundary conditions at the surface of the droplet, including a generalised Clapeyron equation that accurately describes the temperature at the surface of the droplet. To account for experiment design, we introduce a simplified platinum ball and wire model into the system using a thin wire problem. The resulting system of equations is transformed in order to simplify a finite volume solution scheme. The results from numerical simulation are compared with data collected for validation, and the sensitivity of the model to variations in key parameters, and to the use of Clausius–Clapeyron and generalised Clapeyron equations, is investigated. Good agreement is found between the model and experimental data, despite the simplicity of the platinum phase model.


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The fire performance of cold-formed steel members is an important criterion to be verified for their successful use in structural applications. However, lack of clear design guidance on their fire performance has inhibited their usage in buildings. Their elevated temperature mechanical properties, i.e., yield strengths, elastic moduli and stress–strain relationships, are imperative for the fire design. In the past many researchers have proposed elevated temperature mechanical property reduction factors for cold-formed steels, however, large variations exist among them. The LiteSteel Beam (LSB), a hollow flange channel section, is manufactured by a combined cold-forming and electric resistance welding process. Its web, inner and outer flange elements have different yield strengths due to varying levels of cold-working caused by their manufacturing process. Elevated temperature mechanical properties of LSBs are not the same even within their cross-sections. Therefore an experimental study was undertaken to determine the elevated temperature mechanical properties of steel plate elements in LSBs. Elevated temperature tensile tests were performed on web, inner and outer flange specimens taken from LSBs, and their results are presented in this paper including their comparisons with previous studies. Based on the test results and the proposed values from previous studies and fire design standards, suitable predictive equations are proposed for the determination of elevated temperature mechanical properties of LSB web and flange elements. Suitable stress–strain models are also proposed for the plate elements of this cold-formed and welded hollow flange channel section.