416 resultados para Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009


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Research shows that approximately half of creative practitioners operate as embedded creatives by securing gainful employment within organisations located in the field beyond their core discipline. This foregrounds the significance of having the skills necessary to successfully cross the disciplinary boundaries in order to negotiate a professional role. The multiple implications of such reframing for emerging creative practitioners who navigate uncertain professional boundaries include developing a skill of identifying and successfully targeting the shifting professional and industry coordinates while remaining responsive to changes. A further implication involves creative practitioners engaging in a continuous cycle of re-negotiation of their professional identity making the management of multiple professional selves - along with creating and recreating a meaningful frame of references such as the language around their emerging practice - a necessary skill. This chapter presents a case study of a set of Work Integrated Learning subjects designed to develop in creative industries practitioners the skills to manage their emerging professional identities in response to the shifts in the professional world.


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Most emergency service organisations have some form of staff support program that share general aims of promoting and maintaining the mental health of their workforce. Yet few of these services have been subject to evaluation and fewer still have commissioned external professional researchers to scrutinise their programs. The Queensland Ambulance (QAS) Service provides a comprehensive and multifaceted program that is both proactive and reactive in design and with the support of the Commissioner, was the subject of a rigorous evaluation throughout 2013. In this paper the program services are briefly outlined and the considered approach to the evaluation is presented within the context of existing scientific literature. Using focus groups, information regarding the uptake of the program’s various ‘arms’, and survey data, results suggest the program is widely used and that staff are very satisfied with the services provided. Further, analysis of established psychometric measures demonstrated organisational and interpersonal factors that are important in the promotion of mental health and in warding off the deleterious impacts that frontline emergency service staff can endure. Data presented in this paper indicate how best to ensure a professional quality of life for ambulance personnel, how to promote resilience to the sometimes extremely challenging aspects of the work role, and ways in which difficulties such as depression may be minimised.


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This research applies a multidimensional model of publicness to the analysis of organisational change and in so doing enriches understanding of the public nature of organisations and how public characteristics facilitate change. Much of the prior literature describes public organisations as bureaucratic, with characteristics that are resistant to change, hierarchical structures that impede information flow, goals that are imposed and scrutinised by political authority and red tape that constrains decision-making. This dissertation instead reports a more complex picture and explains how public characteristics can also work in ways that enable organisational change.


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While organizations strive to leverage the vast information generated daily from social media platforms and both decision makers and consultants are keen to identify and exploit this information’s value, there has been little research into social media in the business context. Social media are diverse, varying in scope and functionality, this diversity entailing a complex of attributes and characteristics, resulting in confusion for both researchers and organizations. Taxonomies are important precursors in emerging fields and are foundational for rigorous theory building. Though aspects of social media have been studied from various discipline perspectives, this work has been largely descriptive. Thus, while the need for a rigorous taxonomy of social media is strong, previous efforts to classify social media suffer limitations – e.g. lack of a systematic taxonomic method, overreliance on intuition, disregard for the users’ perspective, and inadequate consideration of purpose. Thus, this study was mainly initiated by the overarching question “How can social media in the business context be usefully classified?” In order to address this gap, the current paper proposes a systematic method for developing a taxonomy appropriate to study social media in organizations context, combining Nickerson et al,’s (2012) IS taxonomy building guidelines and a Repertory grid (RepGrid) approach.


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This paper aims to review the notion of the one-stop shop, particularly as it has developed in Australia. It has three main components. The first focuses on a significant initiative taken by the Coombs Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration as a form of action research in the mid-1970s. The second highlights the associated work on access theory by the late Bernard Schaffer and his associates and explains why this work was of fundamental importance for the development of the idea of the one-stop shop. The third deals with subsequent Australian understandings and a pp lications of the idea.


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We present a theoretical model describing a plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanofibers (CNFs), which involves two competing channels of carbon incorporation into stacked graphene sheets: via surface diffusion and through the bulk of the catalyst particle (on the top of the nanofiber), accounting for a range of ion- and radical-assisted processes on the catalyst surface. Using this model, it is found that at low surface temperatures, Ts, the CNF growth is indeed controlled by surface diffusion, thus quantifying the semiempirical conclusions of earlier experiments. On the other hand, both the surface and bulk diffusion channels provide a comparable supply of carbon atoms to the stacked graphene sheets at elevated synthesis temperatures. It is also shown that at low Ts, insufficient for effective catalytic precursor decomposition, the plasma ions play a key role in the production of carbon atoms on the catalyst surface. The model is used to compute the growth rates for the two extreme cases of thermal and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of CNFs. More importantly, these results quantify and explain a number of observations and semiempirical conclusions of earlier experiments.


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Geminin was identified in Xenopus as a dual function protein involved in the regulation of DNA replication and neural differentiation. In Xenopus, Geminin acts to antagonize the Brahma (Brm) chromatin-remodeling protein, Brg1, during neural differentiation. Here, we investigate the interaction of Geminin with the Brm complex during Drosophila development. We demonstrate that Drosophila Geminin (Gem) interacts antagonistically with the Brm–BAP complex during wing development. Moreover, we show in vivo during wing development and biochemically that Brm acts to promote EGFR–Ras–MAPK signaling, as indicated by its effects on pERK levels, while Gem opposes this. Furthermore, gem and brm alleles modulate the wing phenotype of a Raf gain-of-function mutant and the eye phenotype of a EGFR gain-of-function mutant. Western analysis revealed that Gem over-expression in a background compromised for Brm function reduces Mek (MAPKK/Sor) protein levels, consistent with the decrease in ERK activation observed. Taken together, our results show that Gem and Brm act antagonistically to modulate the EGFR–Ras–MAPK signaling pathway, by affecting Mek levels during Drosophila development.


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This Special Issue of New Technology, Work and Employment has been prompted by the increasing awareness in many countries of the need to maintain and grow their science and innovation base. The development of science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) skills and capacity is seen as vital for economic development and prosperity through its impact on national and regional research and development (R&D), technological advancement, and innovation potential.


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Effective enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights has become a significant issue due to concerns about the effects of IP infringement, including trade mark counterfeiting. It is an important issue for the Australian Government as IP rights underpin a strong, modern economy. Criminal offences and civil remedies can be an important element of an enforcement regime. This review of penalties and additional damages in the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth) (Trade Marks Act) has been prompted by a recommendation made by the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP), recent changes to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (Copyright Act) and concerns raised by stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to elicit comments on options which IP Australia is considering recommending to Government.


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This chapter examines lessons learnt from a study of the use of e-learning within the rail sector in Australia and explores factors that inhibit or advance its organisational effectiveness. We examine the social, organisational and technical influences on the way employees perceive and use e-learning. By examining these issues, we aim to demonstrate that successful organisational adoption of e-learning is influenced by factors beyond the systems themselves and requires a more holistic understanding of the target workforce and the suitability of the e-learning tasks. Without a clear understanding of these relationships, organisations run the real risk of investing heavily in e-learning without receiving benefits or, worse still, impacting negatively on their ability to deliver training.


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Understanding the organisational processes driving quality primary care is crucial to the maintaining and improving practice. Qualitative methods are increasingly popular in health services research, but this area is dominated by interview studies. Multiple qualitative methods are rarely used in a systematically integrated fashion. We developed a method to study small primary health care organizations using rapid appraisal and qualitative mixed methods: Q-RARA – Qualitative Rapid Appraisal, Rigorous Analysis


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Delay in the delivery of manufacturing projects is a major problem in manufacturing industries. This research investigates the factors that influence the lead time of new projects in manufacturing organisations. Employing a questionnaire survey and interview methodologies, this study collected data from five leading manufacturing organisations as well as their suppliers and contractors in Saudi Arabia to examine what, how and why the new project implementation delay occurs. Results show that the main factors contributing to manufacturing delays are related to people and material. On the other hand, social, political and cultural factors were the least significant factors as per the outcome of this study. Views of manufacturers, suppliers and contractors regarding causes of delays have also been analysed.


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Background Situational driving factors, including fatigue, distraction, inattention and monotony, are recognised killers in Australia, contributing to an estimated 40% of fatal crashes and 34% of all crashes . More often than not the main contributing factor is identified as fatigue, yet poor driving performance has been found to emerge early in monotonous conditions, independent of fatigue symptoms and time on task. This early emergence suggests an important role for monotony. However, much road safety research suggests that monotony is solely a task characteristic that directly causes fatigue and associated symptoms and there remains an absence of consistent evidence explaining the relationship. Objectives We report an experimental study designed to disentangle the characteristics and effects of monotony from those associated with fatigue. Specifically, we examined whether poor driving performance associated with hypovigilance emerges as a consequence of monotony, independent of fatigue. We also examined whether monotony is a multidimensional construct, determined by environmental characteristics and/or task demands that independently moderate sustained attention and associated driving performance. Method Using a driving simulator, participants completed four, 40 minute driving scenarios. The scenarios varied in the degree of monotony as determined by the degree of variation in road design (e.g., straight roads vs. curves) and/or road side scenery. Fatigue, as well as a number of other factors known to moderate vigilance and driving performance, was controlled for. To track changes across time, driving performance was assessed in five minute time periods using a range of behavioural, subjective and physiological measures, including steering wheel movements, lane positioning, electroencephalograms, skin conductance, and oculomotor activity. Results Results indicate that driving performance is worse in monotonous driving conditions characterised by low variability in road design. Critically, performance decrements associated with monotony emerge very early, suggesting monotony effects operate independent of fatigue. Conclusion Monotony is a multi-dimensional construct where, in a driving context, roads containing low variability in design are monotonous and those high in variability are non-monotonous. Importantly, low variability in road side scenery does not appear to exacerbate monotony or associated poor performance. However, high variability in road side scenery can act as a distraction and impair sustained attention and poor performance when driving on monotonous roads. Furthermore, high sensation seekers seem to be more susceptible to distraction when driving on monotonous roads. Implications of our results for the relationship between monotony and fatigue, and the possible construct-specific detection methods in a road safety context, will be discussed.


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The nature and context of project-based work combines with sector characteristics to present both barriers and benefits that influence career choices and experiences. Using social cognitive career theory (SCCT) as a lens, this paper contributes to understanding of the relative involvement of women and men in project roles by exploring the ways they perceive the experience and opportunities of project based work. With such diverse outcomes for men and women on almost all measures it is obvious projects can be a nightmare of different treatment and different experiences for men and women. The question of how organisations can ensure equal opportunity of the benefits and the burdens of work in projects continues to grow.