485 resultados para 030606 Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy


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The mixed anion mineral parnauite Cu9[(OH)10|SO4|(AsO4)2].7H2O from two localities namely Cap Garonne Mine, Le Pradet, France and Majuba Hill mine, Pershing County, Nevada, USA has been studied by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum of the French sample is dominated by an intense band at 975 cm-1 assigned to the ν1 (SO4)2- symmetric stretching mode and Raman bands at 1077 and 1097 cm-1 may be attributed to the ν3 (SO4)2- antisymmetric stretching mode. Two Raman bands 1107 and 1126 cm-1 are assigned to carbonate CO32- symmetric stretching bands and confirms the presence of carbonate in the structure of parnauite. The comparatively sharp band for the Pershing County mineral at 976 cm-1 is assigned to the ν1 (SO4)2- symmetric stretching mode and a broad spectral profile centered upon 1097 cm-1 is attributed to the ν3 (SO4)2- antisymmetric stretching mode. Two intense bands for the Pershing County mineral at 851 and 810 cm-1 are assigned to the ν1 (AsO4)3- symmetric stretching and ν3 (AsO4)3- antisymmetric stretching modes. Two Raman bands for the French mineral observed at 725 and 777 cm-1 are attributed to the ν3 (AsO4)3- antisymmetric stretching mode. For the French mineral, a low intensity Raman band is observed at 869 cm-1 and is assigned to the ν1 (AsO4)3- symmetric stretching vibration. Chemical composition of parnauite remains open and the question may be raised is parnauite a solid solution of two or more minerals such as a copper hydroxy-arsenate and a copper hydroxy sulphate.


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In the structure of title compound [Rb2(C7H4NO2)2(H2O)2]n the centrosymmetric cyclic dimeric repeating unit comprises two irregular RbO4 complex centres bridged by the carboxylate groups of the 5-nitrosalicylate ligands. The coordination about each Rb is completed by a monodentate water molecule and a phenolic O donor which gives a bridging extension [Rb-O range 3.116(7)-3.135(5)A]. The two-dimensional polymeric structure is stabilized by intermolecular water O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds and weak inter-ring pi--pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.620(4)A].


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Many phosphate containing minerals are found in the Jenolan Caves. Such minerals are formed by the reaction of bat guano and clays from the caves. Among these cave minerals is the mineral taranakite (K,NH4)Al3(PO4)3(OH)•9(H2O) which has been identified by X-ray diffraction. Jenolan Caves taranakite has been characterised by Raman spectroscopy. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to H2PO4-, OH and NH stretching vibrations. By using a combination of XRD and Raman spectroscopy, the existence of taranakite in the caves has been proven.


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In the structure of the title compound, C5H7N2+ C8H11O4-, the cis-monoanions associate through short carboxylic acid-carboxyl O-H...O hydrogen bonds [graph set C(7)], forming zigzag chains which extend along c and are inter-linked through pyridinium and amine N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds giving a three-dimensional network structure.


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The objective of this research is to determine the molecular structure of the mineral hidalgoite PbAl3(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6 using vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is found in old mine sites. Observed bands are assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- units, stretching and bending vibrations of hydrogen bonded (OH)- ions and Al3+-(O,OH) units. The approximate range of O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths is inferred from the Raman and infrared spectra. Values of 2.6989 Å, 2.7682 Å, 2.8659 Å were obtained. The formation of hidalgoite may offer a mechanism for the removal of arsenic from the environment.


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Shattuckite Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2 is a copper hydroxy silicate and is commonly known as a ‘healing’ mineral. Three shattuckite mineral samples from three different origins were analysed by Raman spectroscopy. Some Raman bands are common in the spectra of the minerals. Raman bands at around 890, 1058 and 1102 are described as the ν3 –SiO3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The Raman band at 670 cm-1 is assigned to the ν4 bending modes of the -SiO3 units and the band at around 785 cm-1is due to Si-O-Si chain stretching mode. Raman (and infrared) spectroscopy proves that water is in the molecular structure of shattuckite; thus the formula is better written as Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2•xH2O.


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Kinoite Ca2Cu2Si3O10(OH)4 is a mineral named after a Jesuit missionary. Raman and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterise the structure of the mineral. The Raman spectrum is characterised by an intense sharp band at 847 cm-1 assigned to the ν1 (A1g) symmetric stretching vibration. Intense sharp bands at 951, 994 and 1000 cm-1 are assigned to the ν3 (Eu, A2u, B1g) SiO4 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Multiple ν2 SiO4 vibrational modes indicate strong distortion of the SiO4 tetrahedra. Multiple CaO and CuO stretching bands are observed. Raman spectroscopy confirmed by infrared spectroscopy clearly shows that hydroxyl units are involved in the kinoite structure. Based upon the infrared spectra, it is proposed that water is also involved in the kinoite structure. Based upon vibrational spectroscopy, the formula of kinoite is defined as Ca2Cu2Si3O10(OH)4•xH2O.


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Thermogravimetry combined with evolved gas mass spectrometry has been used to characterise the mineral ardealite and to ascertain the thermal stability of this ‘cave’ mineral. The mineral ardealite Ca2(HPO4)(SO4)•4H2O is formed through the reaction of calcite with bat guano. The mineral shows disorder and the composition varies depending on the origin of the mineral. Thermal analysis shows that the mineral starts to decompose over the temperature range 100 to 150°C with some loss of water. The critical temperature for water loss is around 215°C and above this temperature the mineral structure is altered. It is concluded that the mineral starts to decompose at 125°C, with all waters of hydration being lost after 226°C. Some loss of sulphate occurs over a broad temperature range centred upon 565°C. The final decomposition temperature is 823°C with loss of the sulphate and phosphate anions.


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High resolution thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has attracted much attention in the synthesis of organoclays and its applications. In this study, organoclays were synthesised through ion exchange of a single cationic surfactant for sodium ions, and characterised by methods including X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The changes of surface properties in montmorillonite and organoclays intercalated with surfactant were determined using XRD through the changes in the basal spacing. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was applied in this study to investigate more information of the configuration and structural changes in the organoclays with thermal decomposition. There are four different decompositions steps in differential thermogravimetric (DTG) curves. The obtained TG steps are relevant to the arrangement of the surfactant molecules intercalated in montmorillonite and the thermal analysis indicates the thermal stability of surfactant modified clays. This investigation provides new insights into the properties of organoclays and is important in the synthesis and processing of organoclays for environmental applications.


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The removal of the sulfate anion from water using synthetic hydrotalcite (Mg/Al LDH) was investigated using powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Synthetic hydrotalcite Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO3)∙4H2O was prepared by the co-precipitation method from aluminum and magnesium chloride salts. The synthetic hydrotalcite was thermally activated to a maximum temperature of 380°C. Samples of thermally activated hydrotalcite where then treated with aliquots of 1000ppm sulfate solution. The resulting products where dried and characterized by XRD and TG. Powder XRD revealed that hydrotalcite had been successfully prepared and that the product obtained after treatment with sulfate solution also conformed well to the reference pattern of hydrotalcite. The d(003) spacing of all samples was found to be within the acceptable region for a LDH structure. TG revealed all products underwent a similar decomposition to that of hydrotalcite. It was possible to propose a reasonable mechanism for the thermal decomposition of a sulfate containing Mg/Al LDH. The similarities in the results may indicate that the reformed hydrotalcite may contain carbonate anion as well as sulfate. Further investigation is required to confirm this.


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The mineral newberyite Mg(PO3OH)•3H2O is a mineral that has been found in caves such as the Skipton Lava Tubes (SW of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia), Moorba cave, Jurien Bay, Western Australia, and in the Petrogale Cave (Madura , Eucla, Western Australia). Because these minerals contain water, the minerals lend themselves to thermal analysis. The mineral newberyite is found to decompose at 145°C with a water loss of 31.96%, a result which is very close to the theoretical value. The result shows that the mineral is not stable in caves where the temperature exceeds this value. The implication of this result rests with the removal of kidney stones, which have the same composition as newberyite. Point heating focussing on the kidney stone results in the destruction of the kidney stone.


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Thermogravimetric analysis has been used to determine the thermal stability of the mineral stercorite H(NH4)Na(PO4)·4H2O. The mineral stercorite originated from the Petrogale Cave, Madura, Eucla, Western Australia. This cave is one of many caves in the Nullarbor Plain in the South of Western Australia. The mineral is formed by the reaction of bat guano chemicals on calcite substrates. Upon thermal treatment the mineral shows a strong decomposition at 191°C with loss of water and ammonia. Other mass loss steps are observed at 158, 317 and 477°C. Ion current curves indicate a gain of CO2 at higher temperature and are attributed to the thermal decomposition of calcite impurity.


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Thermogravimetry combined with evolved gas mass spectrometry has been used to characterise the mineral crandallite CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5•(H2O) and to ascertain the thermal stability of this ‘cave’ mineral. X-ray diffraction proves the presence of the mineral and identifies the products after thermal decomposition. The mineral crandallite is formed through the reaction of calcite with bat guano. Thermal analysis shows that the mineral starts to decompose through dehydration at low temperatures at around 139°C while dehydroxylation occurs over the temperature range 200 to 700°C with loss of OH units. The critical temperature for OH loss is around 416°C and above this temperature the mineral structure is altered. Some minor loss of carbonate impurity occurs at 788°C. This study shows the mineral is unstable above 139°C. This temperature is well above the temperature in caves, which have a maximum temperature of 15°C. A chemical reaction for the synthesis of crandallite is offered and the mechanism for the thermal decomposition is given.


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The phosphate mineral brazilianite NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4 is a semi precious jewel. There are almost no minerals apart from brazilianite which are used in jewellery. Vibrational spectroscopy was used to characterize the mol. structure of brazilianite. Brazilianite is composed of chains of edge-sharing Al-O octahedra linked by P-O tetrahedra, with Na located in cavities of the framework. An intense sharp Raman band at 1019 cm-1 is attributed to the PO43- sym. stretching mode. Raman bands at 973 and 988 cm-1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the HOPO33- units. The IR spectra compliment the Raman spectra but show greater complexity. Multiple Raman bands are obsd. in the PO43- and HOPO33- bending region. This observation implies that both phosphate and hydrogen phosphate units are involved in the structure. Raman OH stretching vibrations are found at 3249, 3417 and 3472 cm-1. These peaks show that the OH units are not equiv. in the brazilianite structure. Vibrational spectroscopy is useful for increasing the knowledge of the mol. structure of brazilianite.


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Materials consisting of anatase linked to Laponite particles were synthesized by the reaction of TiOSO4 with Laponite, and were used for the degradation of pesticides. All these materials were characterized by XRD, FTIR, Raman, TEM, specific surface area and porosity determinations. Based on the amount of photoactive phase per unit mass of the clay mineral, not based on the total weight of the catalysts, these porous catalysts were displaying a high degradation rate than commercial P25. The TiO2 immobilized clay mineral catalysts can sediment in few minutes and could be readily separated out from a slurry system after the photocatalytic reaction. Settling properties of these catalysts are enormously high in aqueous media in contrast to P25.