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Plaque rupture has been considered to be the result of its structural failure. The aim of this study is to suggest a possible link between higher stresses and rupture sites observed from in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of transient ischemic attack (TIA) patients, by using stress analysis methods. Three patients, who had recently suffered a TIA, underwent in vivo multi-spectral MR imaging. Based on plaque geometries reconstructed from the post-rupture status, six pre-rupture plaque models were generated for each patient dataset with different reconstructions of rupture sites to bridge the gap of fibrous cap from original MRI images. Stress analysis by fluid structure interaction simulation was performed on the models, followed by analysis of local stress concentration distribution and plaque rupture sites. Furthermore, the sensitivity of stress analysis to the pre-rupture plaque geometry reconstruction was examined. Local stress concentrations were found to be located at the plaque rupture sites for the three subjects studied. In the total of 18 models created, the locations of the stress concentration regions were similar in 17 models in which rupture sites were always associated with high stresses. The local stress concentration region moved from circumferential center to the shoulder region (slightly away from the rupture site) for a case with a thick fibrous cap. Plaque wall stress level in the rupture locations was found to be much higher than the value in non-rupture locations. The good correlation between local stress concentrations and plaque rupture sites, and generally higher plaque wall stress level in rupture locations in the subjects studied could provide indirect evidence for the extreme stress-induced plaque rupture hypothesis. Local stress concentration in the plaque region could be one of the factors contributing to plaque rupture.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a relationship between the degree of MR-defined inflammation using ultra small super-paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles, and biomechanical stress using finite element analysis (FEA) techniques, in carotid atheromatous plaques. Methods and Results: 18 patients with angiographically proven carotid stenoses underwent multi-sequence MR imaging before and 36 h after USPIO infusion. T2 * weighted images were manually segmented into quadrants and the signal change in each quadrant normalised to adjacent muscle was calculated after USPIO administration. Plaque geometry was obtained from the rest of the multi-sequence dataset and used within a FEA model to predict maximal stress concentration within each slice. Subsequently, a new statistical model was developed to explicitly investigate the form of the relationship between biomechanical stress and signal change. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for USPIO enhanced signal change and maximal biomechanical stress was -0.60 (p = 0.009). Conclusions: There is an association between biomechanical stress and USPIO enhanced MR-defined inflammation within carotid atheroma, both known risk factors for plaque vulnerability. This underlines the complex interaction between physiological processes and biomechanical mechanisms in the development of carotid atheroma. However, this is preliminary data that will need validation in a larger cohort of patients.


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Developing accurate and reliable crop detection algorithms is an important step for harvesting automation in horticulture. This paper presents a novel approach to visual detection of highly-occluded fruits. We use a conditional random field (CRF) on multi-spectral image data (colour and Near-Infrared Reflectance, NIR) to model two classes: crop and background. To describe these two classes, we explore a range of visual-texture features including local binary pattern, histogram of oriented gradients, and learn auto-encoder features. The pro-posed methods are evaluated using hand-labelled images from a dataset captured on a commercial capsicum farm. Experimental results are presented, and performance is evaluated in terms of the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the precision-recall curves.Our current results achieve a maximum performance of 0.81AUC when combining all of the texture features in conjunction with colour information.


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The contemporary methodology for growth models of organisms is based on continuous trajectories and thus it hinders us from modelling stepwise growth in crustacean populations. Growth models for fish are normally assumed to follow a continuous function, but a different type of model is needed for crustacean growth. Crustaceans must moult in order for them to grow. The growth of crustaceans is a discontinuous process due to the periodical shedding of the exoskeleton in moulting. The stepwise growth of crustaceans through the moulting process makes the growth estimation more complex. Stochastic approaches can be used to model discontinuous growth or what are commonly known as "jumps" (Figure 1). However, in stochastic growth model we need to ensure that the stochastic growth model results in only positive jumps. In view of this, we will introduce a subordinator that is a special case of a Levy process. A subordinator is a non-decreasing Levy process, that will assist in modelling crustacean growth for better understanding of the individual variability and stochasticity in moulting periods and increments. We develop the estimation methods for parameter estimation and illustrate them with the help of a dataset from laboratory experiments. The motivational dataset is from the ornate rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, which can be found between Australia and Papua New Guinea. Due to the presence of sex effects on the growth (Munday et al., 2004), we estimate the growth parameters separately for each sex. Since all hard parts are shed too often, the exact age determination of a lobster can be challenging. However, the growth parameters for the aforementioned moult processes from tank data being able to estimate through: (i) inter-moult periods, and (ii) moult increment. We will attempt to derive a joint density, which is made up of two functions: one for moult increments and the other for time intervals between moults. We claim these functions are conditionally independent given pre-moult length and the inter-moult periods. The variables moult increments and inter-moult periods are said to be independent because of the Markov property or conditional probability. Hence, the parameters in each function can be estimated separately. Subsequently, we integrate both of the functions through a Monte Carlo method. We can therefore obtain a population mean for crustacean growth (e. g. red curve in Figure 1). [GRAPHICS]


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Rank-based inference is widely used because of its robustness. This article provides optimal rank-based estimating functions in analysis of clustered data with random cluster effects. The extensive simulation studies carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed method demonstrate that it is robust to outliers and is highly efficient given the existence of strong cluster correlations. The performance of the proposed method is satisfactory even when the correlation structure is misspecified, or when heteroscedasticity in variance is present. Finally, a real dataset is analyzed for illustration.


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This paper proposes a linear quantile regression analysis method for longitudinal data that combines the between- and within-subject estimating functions, which incorporates the correlations between repeated measurements. Therefore, the proposed method results in more efficient parameter estimation relative to the estimating functions based on an independence working model. To reduce computational burdens, the induced smoothing method is introduced to obtain parameter estimates and their variances. Under some regularity conditions, the estimators derived by the induced smoothing method are consistent and have asymptotically normal distributions. A number of simulation studies are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results indicate that the efficiency gain for the proposed method is substantial especially when strong within correlations exist. Finally, a dataset from the audiology growth research is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.


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We consider estimating the total load from frequent flow data but less frequent concentration data. There are numerous load estimation methods available, some of which are captured in various online tools. However, most estimators are subject to large biases statistically, and their associated uncertainties are often not reported. This makes interpretation difficult and the estimation of trends or determination of optimal sampling regimes impossible to assess. In this paper, we first propose two indices for measuring the extent of sampling bias, and then provide steps for obtaining reliable load estimates that minimizes the biases and makes use of informative predictive variables. The key step to this approach is in the development of an appropriate predictive model for concentration. This is achieved using a generalized rating-curve approach with additional predictors that capture unique features in the flow data, such as the concept of the first flush, the location of the event on the hydrograph (e.g. rise or fall) and the discounted flow. The latter may be thought of as a measure of constituent exhaustion occurring during flood events. Forming this additional information can significantly improve the predictability of concentration, and ultimately the precision with which the pollutant load is estimated. We also provide a measure of the standard error of the load estimate which incorporates model, spatial and/or temporal errors. This method also has the capacity to incorporate measurement error incurred through the sampling of flow. We illustrate this approach for two rivers delivering to the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. One is a data set from the Burdekin River, and consists of the total suspended sediment (TSS) and nitrogen oxide (NO(x)) and gauged flow for 1997. The other dataset is from the Tully River, for the period of July 2000 to June 2008. For NO(x) Burdekin, the new estimates are very similar to the ratio estimates even when there is no relationship between the concentration and the flow. However, for the Tully dataset, by incorporating the additional predictive variables namely the discounted flow and flow phases (rising or recessing), we substantially improved the model fit, and thus the certainty with which the load is estimated.


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For clustered survival data, the traditional Gehan-type estimator is asymptotically equivalent to using only the between-cluster ranks, and the within-cluster ranks are ignored. The contribution of this paper is two fold: - (i) incorporating within-cluster ranks in censored data analysis, and; - (ii) applying the induced smoothing of Brown and Wang (2005, Biometrika) for computational convenience. Asymptotic properties of the resulting estimating functions are given. We also carry out numerical studies to assess the performance of the proposed approach and conclude that the proposed approach can lead to much improved estimators when strong clustering effects exist. A dataset from a litter-matched tumorigenesis experiment is used for illustration.


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We investigate methods for data-based selection of working covariance models in the analysis of correlated data with generalized estimating equations. We study two selection criteria: Gaussian pseudolikelihood and a geodesic distance based on discrepancy between model-sensitive and model-robust regression parameter covariance estimators. The Gaussian pseudolikelihood is found in simulation to be reasonably sensitive for several response distributions and noncanonical mean-variance relations for longitudinal data. Application is also made to a clinical dataset. Assessment of adequacy of both correlation and variance models for longitudinal data should be routine in applications, and we describe open-source software supporting this practice.


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We consider rank regression for clustered data analysis and investigate the induced smoothing method for obtaining the asymptotic covariance matrices of the parameter estimators. We prove that the induced estimating functions are asymptotically unbiased and the resulting estimators are strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. The induced smoothing approach provides an effective way for obtaining asymptotic covariance matrices for between- and within-cluster estimators and for a combined estimator to take account of within-cluster correlations. We also carry out extensive simulation studies to assess the performance of different estimators. The proposed methodology is substantially Much faster in computation and more stable in numerical results than the existing methods. We apply the proposed methodology to a dataset from a randomized clinical trial.


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The article describes a generalized estimating equations approach that was used to investigate the impact of technology on vessel performance in a trawl fishery during 1988-96, while accounting for spatial and temporal correlations in the catch-effort data. Robust estimation of parameters in the presence of several levels of clustering depended more on the choice of cluster definition than on the choice of correlation structure within the cluster. Models with smaller cluster sizes produced stable results, while models with larger cluster sizes, that may have had complex within-cluster correlation structures and that had within-cluster covariates, produced estimates sensitive to the correlation structure. The preferred model arising from this dataset assumed that catches from a vessel were correlated in the same years and the same areas, but independent in different years and areas. The model that assumed catches from a vessel were correlated in all years and areas, equivalent to a random effects term for vessel, produced spurious results. This was an unexpected finding that highlighted the need to adopt a systematic strategy for modelling. The article proposes a modelling strategy of selecting the best cluster definition first, and the working correlation structure (within clusters) second. The article discusses the selection and interpretation of the model in the light of background knowledge of the data and utility of the model, and the potential for this modelling approach to apply in similar statistical situations.


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The von Bertalanffy growth model is extended to incorporate explanatory variables. The generalized model includes the switched growth model and the seasonal growth model as special cases, and can also be used to assess the tagging effect on growth. Distribution-free and consistent estimating functions are constructed for estimation of growth parameters from tag-recapture data in which age at release is unknown. This generalizes the work of James (1991, Biometrics 47 1519-1530) who considered the classical model and allowed for individual variability in growth. A real dataset from barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is analysed to estimate the growth parameters and possible effect of tagging on growth.


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Domain-invariant representations are key to addressing the domain shift problem where the training and test exam- ples follow different distributions. Existing techniques that have attempted to match the distributions of the source and target domains typically compare these distributions in the original feature space. This space, however, may not be di- rectly suitable for such a comparison, since some of the fea- tures may have been distorted by the domain shift, or may be domain specific. In this paper, we introduce a Domain Invariant Projection approach: An unsupervised domain adaptation method that overcomes this issue by extracting the information that is invariant across the source and tar- get domains. More specifically, we learn a projection of the data to a low-dimensional latent space where the distance between the empirical distributions of the source and target examples is minimized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the task of visual object recognition and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a stan- dard domain adaptation benchmark dataset


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Anatomically precontoured plates are commonly used to treat periarticular fractures. A well-fitting plate can be used as a tool for anatomical reduction of the fractured bone. Recent studies highlighted that some plates fit poorly for many patients due to considerable shape variations between bones of the same anatomical site. While it is impossible to design one shape that fits all, it is also burdensome for the manufacturers and hospitals to produce, store and manage multiple plate shapes without the certainty of utilization by a patient population. In this study, we investigated the number of shapes required for maximum fit within a given dataset, and if they could be obtained by manually deforming the original plate. A distal medial tibial plate was automatically positioned on 45 individual tibiae, and the optimal deformation was determined iteratively using finite element analysis simulation. Within the studied dataset, we found that: (i) 89% fit could be achieved with four shapes, (ii) 100% fit was impossible through mechanical deformation, and (iii) the deformations required to obtain the four plate shapes were safe for the stainless steel plate for further clinical use. The proposed framework is easily transferable to other orthopaedic plates.


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated associations between endometriosis and certain histotypes of ovarian cancer, including clear cell, low-grade serous and endometrioid carcinomas. We aimed to determine whether the observed associations might be due to shared genetic aetiology. To address this, we used two endometriosis datasets genotyped on common arrays with full-genome coverage (3194 cases and 7060 controls) and a large ovarian cancer dataset genotyped on the customized Illumina Infinium iSelect (iCOGS) arrays (10 065 cases and 21 663 controls). Previous work has suggested that a large number of genetic variants contribute to endometriosis and ovarian cancer (all histotypes combined) susceptibility. Here, using the iCOGS data, we confirmed polygenic architecture for most histotypes of ovarian cancer. This led us to evaluate if the polygenic effects are shared across diseases. We found evidence for shared genetic risks between endometriosis and all histotypes of ovarian cancer, except for the intestinal mucinous type. Clear cell carcinoma showed the strongest genetic correlation with endometriosis (0.51, 95% CI = 0.18–0.84). Endometrioid and low-grade serous carcinomas had similar correlation coefficients (0.48, 95% CI = 0.07–0.89 and 0.40, 95% CI = 0.05–0.75, respectively). High-grade serous carcinoma, which often arises from the fallopian tubes, showed a weaker genetic correlation with endometriosis (0.25, 95% CI = 0.11–0.39), despite the absence of a known epidemiological association. These results suggest that the epidemiological association between endometriosis and ovarian adenocarcinoma may be attributable to shared genetic susceptibility loci.