378 resultados para substrate-integrated hollow waveguide


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This report provides an account of the first large-scale scoping study of work integrated learning (WIL) in contemporary Australian higher education. The explicit aim of the project was to identify issues and map a broad and growing picture of WIL across Australia and to identify ways of improving the student learning experience in relation to WIL. The project was undertaken in response to high levels of interest in WIL, which is seen by universities both as a valid pedagogy and as a means to respond to demands by employers for work-ready graduates, and demands by students for employable knowledge and skills. Over a period of eight months of rapid data collection, 35 universities and almost 600 participants contributed to the project. Participants consistently reported the positive benefits of WIL and provided evidence of commitment and innovative practice in relation to enhancing student learning experiences. Participants provided evidence of strong partnerships between stakeholders and highlighted the importance of these relationships in facilitating effective learning outcomes for students. They also identified a range of issues and challenges that face the sector in growing WIL opportunities; these issues and challenges will shape the quality of WIL experiences. While the majority of comments focused on issues involved in ensuring quality placements, it was recognised that placements are just one way to ensure the integration of work with learning. Also, the WIL experience is highly contextualised and impacted by the expectations of students, employers, the professions, the university and government policy.


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The characterisation of facial expression through landmark-based analysis methods such as FACEM (Pilowsky & Katsikitis, 1994) has a variety of uses in psychiatric and psychological research. In these systems, important structural relationships are extracted from images of facial expressions by the analysis of a pre-defined set of feature points. These relationship measures may then be used, for instance, to assess the degree of variability and similarity between different facial expressions of emotion. FaceXpress is a multimedia software suite that provides a generalised workbench for landmark-based facial emotion analysis and stimulus manipulation. It is a flexible tool that is designed to be specialised at runtime by the user. While FaceXpress has been used to implement the FACEM process, it can also be configured to support any other similar, arbitrary system for quantifying human facial emotion. FaceXpress also implements an integrated set of image processing tools and specialised tools for facial expression stimulus production including facial morphing routines and the generation of expression-representative line drawings from photographs.


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As fossil fuel prices increase and environmental concerns gain prominence, the development of alternative fuels from biomass has become more important. Biodiesel produced from microalgae is becoming an attractive alternative to share the role of petroleum. Currently it appears that the production of microalgal biodiesel is not economically viable in current environment because it costs more than conventional fuels. Therefore, a new concept is introduced in this article as an option to reduce the total production cost of microalgal biodiesel. The integration of biodiesel production system with methane production via anaerobic digestion is proved in improving the economics and sustainability of overall biodiesel stages. Anaerobic digestion of microalgae produces methane and further be converted to generate electricity. The generated electricity can surrogate the consumption of energy that require in microalgal cultivation, dewatering, extraction and transesterification process. From theoretical calculations, the electricity generated from methane is able to power all of the biodiesel production stages and will substantially reduce the cost of biodiesel production (33% reduction). The carbon emissions of biodiesel production systems are also reduced by approximately 75% when utilizing biogas electricity compared to when the electricity is otherwise purchased from the Victorian grid. The overall findings from this study indicate that the approach of digesting microalgal waste to produce biogas will make the production of biodiesel from algae more viable by reducing the overall cost of production per unit of biodiesel and hence enable biodiesel to be more competitive with existing fuels.


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As each day passes, and as new and better devices and services are developed, more and more government and private services are being moved to an online format. This movement makes access to the internet an essential for 21st Century life. The internet has become so integrated in our lives that many of us cannot imagine how we could operate without it. This omnipresent ‘being’ affects all forms of ‘normal’ social and economic activity and does so in ways that we do not realize. Those with access are able to engage with government, business, and family and friends more easily, which can lead to an improved standard of living. For the disadvantaged, however – those with the desire but without the capacity – a lack of access can be socially isolating. "Between the idea And the reality Between the motion And the act Falls the Shadow – T. S. Elliott. “The Hollow Men” Engagement in the internet economy requires both physical access and the individual to have the necessary finances and skills to make and sustain their use. If governments and the international community want a fully functioning internet economy this requires that all individuals must be operating in it. That not all individuals do so means, very simply, that the internet economy is not fully functioning. The text contextualizes for policy makers and legislatures why it is essential to ensure that individuals have appropriate access to the internet and what can be done to achieve it. The interrelationship/overlap between why access is essential, how it can be achieved and the central role of the individual to the internet economy is explored and translated into the concept of connectedness. From this, solutions for ensuring connectedness for all individuals are developed. It is Dr Cradduck’s hope that in the not too distant future readers will puzzle over why texts such as this needed to be written.


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This paper explores the potential to focus and develop the approach to Work Integrated Learning (WIL)in journalism courses where this method is seen as a core principal of the program. It argues that, in many cases, such approaches are ill-defined and underdeveloped, a fact that weakens the possibility for strong course outcomes. It then examines the particular case of QUT coverage of the 2014 G20 Leader's summit to illustrate how an all-of-course WIL approach to G20 coverage-coupled with a tailored interaction with the library-might provide an enhanced student experience as well as unlock the potential for greater knowledge transfer between university journalism courses and industry partners.


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This paper reports the details of an experimental study of cold-formed steel hollow section columns at ambient and elevated temperatures. In this study the global buckling behaviour of cold-formed Square Hollow Section (SHS) slender columns under axial compression was investigated at various uniform elevated temperatures up to 700℃. The results of these column tests are reported in this paper, which include the buckling/failure modes at elevated temperatures, and ultimate load versus temperature curves. Finite element models of tested columns were also developed and their behaviour and ultimate capacities at ambient and elevated temperatures were studied. Fire design rules given in European and American standards including the Direct Strength Method (DSM) based design rules were used to predict the ultimate capacities of tested columns at elevated temperatures. Elevated temperature mechanical properties and stress-strain models given in European steel design standards and past researches were used with design rules and finite element models to investigate their effects on SHS column capacities. Comparisons of column capacities from tests and finite element analyses with those predicted by current design rules were used to determine the accuracy of currently available column design rules in predicting the capacities of SHS columns at elevated temperatures and the need to use appropriate elevated temperature material stress-strain models. This paper presents the important findings derived from the comparisons of these column capacities.


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Supplying peak energy demand in a cost effective, reliable manner is a critical focus for utilities internationally. Successfully addressing peak energy concerns requires understanding of all the factors that affect electricity demand especially at peak times. This paper is based on past attempts of proposing models designed to aid our understanding of the influences on residential peak energy demand in a systematic and comprehensive way. Our model has been developed through a group model building process as a systems framework of the problem situation to model the complexity within and between systems and indicate how changes in one element might flow on to others. It is comprised of themes (social, technical and change management options) networked together in a way that captures their influence and association with each other and also their influence, association and impact on appliance usage and residential peak energy demand. The real value of the model is in creating awareness, understanding and insight into the complexity of residential peak energy demand and in working with this complexity to identify and integrate the social, technical and change management option themes and their impact on appliance usage and residential energy demand at peak times.


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This paper presents a study on the effectiveness of two forms of reinforced grout confining systems for hollow concrete block masonry. The systems considered are: (1) a layer of grout directly confining the unreinforced masonry, and (2) a layer of grout indirectly confining the unreinforced masonry through block shells. The study involves experimental testing and finite-element (FE) modeling of six diagonally loaded masonry panels containing the two confining systems. The failure mode, the ultimate load, and the load-deformation behaviors of the diagonally loaded panels were successfully simulated using the finite-element model. In-plane shear strength and stiffness of the masonry thus determined are used to evaluate some selected models of the confined masonry shear including the strut-and-tie model reported in the literature. The evaluated strut width is compared with the prediction of the FE model and then extended for rational prediction of the strength of confined masonry shear walls.


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Compact arrays enable various applications such as antenna beam-forming and multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) schemes on limited-size platforms. The reduced element spacing in compact arrays introduces high levels of mutual coupling which can affect the performance of the adaptive array. This coupling causes a mismatch at the input ports, which disturbs the performance of the individual elements in the array and affects the implementation of beam steering. In this article, a reactive decoupling network for a 3-element monopole array is used to establish port isolation while simultaneously matching input impedance at each port to the system impendence. The integrated decoupling and matching network is incorporated in the ground plane of the monopole array, providing further development scope for beamforming using phase shifters and power splitters in double-layered circuits.


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This paper reveals the effects of layer orientation on structural behaviour of three layers configured (LHL, HHL, LLH) CFRP strengthened circular hollow section (CHS) members subjected to bending. The beams were loaded to failure under four-point bending. The structural behaviour of the CFRP strengthened tubular steel beams with various layer orientations were presented in terms of failure load, stiffness, composite beam action and modes of failure. The LHL and LLH layers oriented strengthened beams perform slightly better than HHL layers oriented strengthened beams. The LHL and LLH layers oriented treated beams showed very similar structural behaviour.


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This paper provides insights into salient issues in the development of the Integrated Reporting () Framework, and emerging issues in the implementation of this Framework, with the aim of identifying opportunities for future research. The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has recently produced a reporting framework for the preparation of a concise, user-oriented corporate report which expands the scope of a company’s reporting using a multiple capitals concept and requires a description of a company’s business model, allowing a better communication of its value creation proposition. To gain international acceptance, the market-based benefits of adopting the framework must be demonstrated.


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Integrated reporting () holds significant promise as a new reporting paradigm that is holistic, strategic, responsive, material, and relevant across multiple time frames. However, its uptake in Australia is being hampered by directors’ concerns about personal liability exposure, particularly for forward-looking statements that subsequently prove to be unfounded. This article seeks to illuminate the bases for these liability concerns by outlining the similarities between and the operating and financial review requirements under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), and the relevant grounds for liability for misleading and deceptive disclosures, and breach of directors’ duties. In light of this discussion, this article proposes four possible reform options, ranging from minor adaptations to the Framework to far-reaching reforms of the Corporations Act. As assurance is desirable to ensure that reliance can be placed on integrated reports, the development of a legal safe harbour for auditors of forward-looking information is also canvassed.


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The behavior of small molecules on a surface depends critically on both molecule–substrate and intermolecular interactions. We present here a detailed comparative investigation of 1,3,5-benzene tricarboxylic acid (trimesic acid, TMA) on two different surfaces: highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and single-layer graphene (SLG) grown on a polycrystalline Cu foil. On the basis of high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) images, we show that the epitaxy matrix for the hexagonal TMA chicken wire phase is identical on these two surfaces, and, using density functional theory (DFT) with a non-local van der Waals correlation contribution, we identify the most energetically favorable adsorption geometries. Simulated STM images based on these calculations suggest that the TMA lattice can stably adsorb on sites other than those identified to maximize binding interactions with the substrate. This is consistent with our net energy calculations that suggest that intermolecular interactions (TMA–TMA dimer bonding) are dominant over TMA–substrate interactions in stabilizing the system. STM images demonstrate the robustness of the TMA films on SLG, where the molecular network extends across the variable topography of the SLG substrates and remains intact after rinsing and drying the films. These results help to elucidate molecular behavior on SLG and suggest significant similarities between adsorption on HOPG and SLG.