345 resultados para algoritmi non evolutivi pattern recognition analisi dati avanzata metodi matematici intelligenza artificiale non evolutive algorithms artificial intelligence


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Object detection is a fundamental task in many computer vision applications, therefore the importance of evaluating the quality of object detection is well acknowledged in this domain. This process gives insight into the capabilities of methods in handling environmental changes. In this paper, a new method for object detection is introduced that combines the Selective Search and EdgeBoxes. We tested these three methods under environmental variations. Our experiments demonstrate the outperformance of the combination method under illumination and view point variations.


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Public buildings and large infrastructure are typically monitored by tens or hundreds of cameras, all capturing different physical spaces and observing different types of interactions and behaviours. However to date, in large part due to limited data availability, crowd monitoring and operational surveillance research has focused on single camera scenarios which are not representative of real-world applications. In this paper we present a new, publicly available database for large scale crowd surveillance. Footage from 12 cameras for a full work day covering the main floor of a busy university campus building, including an internal and external foyer, elevator foyers, and the main external approach are provided; alongside annotation for crowd counting (single or multi-camera) and pedestrian flow analysis for 10 and 6 sites respectively. We describe how this large dataset can be used to perform distributed monitoring of building utilisation, and demonstrate the potential of this dataset to understand and learn the relationship between different areas of a building.


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Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a powerful tool that can be employed to study white matter microstructure by examining the 3D displacement profile of water molecules in brain tissue. By applying diffusion-sensitized gradients along a minimum of 6 directions, second-order tensors can be computed to model dominant diffusion processes. However, conventional DTI is not sufficient to resolve crossing fiber tracts. Recently, a number of high-angular resolution schemes with greater than 6 gradient directions have been employed to address this issue. In this paper, we introduce the Tensor Distribution Function (TDF), a probability function defined on the space of symmetric positive definite matrices. Here, fiber crossing is modeled as an ensemble of Gaussian diffusion processes with weights specified by the TDF. Once this optimal TDF is determined, the diffusion orientation distribution function (ODF) can easily be computed by analytic integration of the resulting displacement probability function.


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Automated digital recordings are useful for large-scale temporal and spatial environmental monitoring. An important research effort has been the automated classification of calling bird species. In this paper we examine a related task, retrieval of birdcalls from a database of audio recordings, similar to a user supplied query call. Such a retrieval task can sometimes be more useful than an automated classifier. We compare three approaches to similarity-based birdcall retrieval using spectral ridge features and two kinds of gradient features, structure tensor and the histogram of oriented gradients. The retrieval accuracy of our spectral ridge method is 94% compared to 82% for the structure tensor method and 90% for the histogram of gradients method. Additionally, this approach potentially offers a more compact representation and is more computationally efficient.


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Acoustic recordings of the environment provide an effective means to monitor bird species diversity. To facilitate exploration of acoustic recordings, we describe a content-based birdcall retrieval algorithm. A query birdcall is a region of spectrogram bounded by frequency and time. Retrieval depends on a similarity measure derived from the orientation and distribution of spectral ridges. The spectral ridge detection method caters for a broad range of birdcall structures. In this paper, we extend previous work by incorporating a spectrogram scaling step in order to improve the detection of spectral ridges. Compared to an existing approach based on MFCC features, our feature representation achieves better retrieval performance for multiple bird species in noisy recordings.


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Flos Chrysanthemum is a generic name for a particular group of edible plants, which also have medicinal properties. There are, in fact, twenty to thirty different cultivars, which are commonly used in beverages and for medicinal purposes. In this work, four Flos Chrysanthemum cultivars, Hangju, Taiju, Gongju, and Boju, were collected and chromatographic fingerprints were used to distinguish and assess these cultivars for quality control purposes. Chromatography fingerprints contain chemical information but also often have baseline drifts and peak shifts, which complicate data processing, and adaptive iteratively reweighted, penalized least squares, and correlation optimized warping were applied to correct the fingerprint peaks. The adjusted data were submitted to unsupervised and supervised pattern recognition methods. Principal component analysis was used to qualitatively differentiate the Flos Chrysanthemum cultivars. Partial least squares, continuum power regression, and K-nearest neighbors were used to predict the unknown samples. Finally, the elliptic joint confidence region method was used to evaluate the prediction ability of these models. The partial least squares and continuum power regression methods were shown to best represent the experimental results.


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Transfusion of blood components has been associated with poor patient outcomes and, an overall increase in morbidity and mortality. Differences in the blood components arising from donor health, age and immune status may impact on outcomes of transfusion and transfusion-related immune modulation in recipients. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in inflammatory profile in donors and association with parameters including age, gender and deficiency status of pattern recognition molecule mannose-binding lectin (MBL). MBL level was determined by ELISA. Serum levels of interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, interferon (IFN)-α, and IFN-γ were examined by cytometric bead array (CBA). C-reactive protein (CRP) and rheumatoid factor (RF) were examined by immunoturbidimetry. This study demonstrated age was a parameter associated with the immune profile of blood donors, with significant increases in MCP-1 (p < 0.05) and RF (p < 0.05) and decreases in IL-1α evident in the older donors (61–76 years). Significant gender-associated differences in MCP-1, IL-12 and CRP plasma levels in the blood donor cohort were also reported. There was no significant difference in the level of any inflammatory markers studied according to MBL status. This study demonstrated that age and gender are associated with inflammatory profile in donors. These differences may be a factor impacting on outcomes of transfusion.


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Aerial surveys conducted using manned or unmanned aircraft with customized camera payloads can generate a large number of images. Manual review of these images to extract data is prohibitive in terms of time and financial resources, thus providing strong incentive to automate this process using computer vision systems. There are potential applications for these automated systems in areas such as surveillance and monitoring, precision agriculture, law enforcement, asset inspection, and wildlife assessment. In this paper, we present an efficient machine learning system for automating the detection of marine species in aerial imagery. The effectiveness of our approach can be credited to the combination of a well-suited region proposal method and the use of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs). In comparison to previous algorithms designed for the same purpose, we have been able to dramatically improve recall to more than 80% and improve precision to 27% by using DCNNs as the core approach.


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Acoustic classification of anurans (frogs) has received increasing attention for its promising application in biological and environment studies. In this study, a novel feature extraction method for frog call classification is presented based on the analysis of spectrograms. The frog calls are first automatically segmented into syllables. Then, spectral peak tracks are extracted to separate desired signal (frog calls) from background noise. The spectral peak tracks are used to extract various syllable features, including: syllable duration, dominant frequency, oscillation rate, frequency modulation, and energy modulation. Finally, a k-nearest neighbor classifier is used for classifying frog calls based on the results of principal component analysis. The experiment results show that syllable features can achieve an average classification accuracy of 90.5% which outperforms Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients features (79.0%).


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Frog protection has become increasingly essential due to the rapid decline of its biodiversity. Therefore, it is valuable to develop new methods for studying this biodiversity. In this paper, a novel feature extraction method is proposed based on perceptual wavelet packet decomposition for classifying frog calls in noisy environments. Pre-processing and syllable segmentation are first applied to the frog call. Then, a spectral peak track is extracted from each syllable if possible. Track duration, dominant frequency and oscillation rate are directly extracted from the track. With k-means clustering algorithm, the calculated dominant frequency of all frog species is clustered into k parts, which produce a frequency scale for wavelet packet decomposition. Based on the adaptive frequency scale, wavelet packet decomposition is applied to the frog calls. Using the wavelet packet decomposition coefficients, a new feature set named perceptual wavelet packet decomposition sub-band cepstral coefficients is extracted. Finally, a k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier is used for the classification. The experiment results show that the proposed features can achieve an average classification accuracy of 97.45% which outperforms syllable features (86.87%) and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) feature (90.80%).


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Frogs have received increasing attention due to their effectiveness for indicating the environment change. Therefore, it is important to monitor and assess frogs. With the development of sensor techniques, large volumes of audio data (including frog calls) have been collected and need to be analysed. After transforming the audio data into its spectrogram representation using short-time Fourier transform, the visual inspection of this representation motivates us to use image processing techniques for analysing audio data. Applying acoustic event detection (AED) method to spectrograms, acoustic events are firstly detected from which ridges are extracted. Three feature sets, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), AED feature set and ridge feature set, are then used for frog call classification with a support vector machine classifier. Fifteen frog species widely spread in Queensland, Australia, are selected to evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results show that ridge feature set can achieve an average classification accuracy of 74.73% which outperforms the MFCCs (38.99%) and AED feature set (67.78%).


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Document clustering is one of the prominent methods for mining important information from the vast amount of data available on the web. However, document clustering generally suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Providentially in high dimensional space, data points tend to be more concentrated in some areas of clusters. We take advantage of this phenomenon by introducing a novel concept of dynamic cluster representation named as loci. Clusters’ loci are efficiently calculated using documents’ ranking scores generated from a search engine. We propose a fast loci-based semi-supervised document clustering algorithm that uses clusters’ loci instead of conventional centroids for assigning documents to clusters. Empirical analysis on real-world datasets shows that the proposed method produces cluster solutions with promising quality and is substantially faster than several benchmarked centroid-based semi-supervised document clustering methods.


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Bioacoustic data can be used for monitoring animal species diversity. The deployment of acoustic sensors enables acoustic monitoring at large temporal and spatial scales. We describe a content-based birdcall retrieval algorithm for the exploration of large data bases of acoustic recordings. In the algorithm, an event-based searching scheme and compact features are developed. In detail, ridge events are detected from audio files using event detection on spectral ridges. Then event alignment is used to search through audio files to locate candidate instances. A similarity measure is then applied to dimension-reduced spectral ridge feature vectors. The event-based searching method processes a smaller list of instances for faster retrieval. The experimental results demonstrate that our features achieve better success rate than existing methods and the feature dimension is greatly reduced.


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In this paper we tackle the problem of efficient video event detection. We argue that linear detection functions should be preferred in this regard due to their scalability and efficiency during estimation and evaluation. A popular approach in this regard is to represent a sequence using a bag of words (BOW) representation due to its: (i) fixed dimensionality irrespective of the sequence length, and (ii) its ability to compactly model the statistics in the sequence. A drawback to the BOW representation, however, is the intrinsic destruction of the temporal ordering information. In this paper we propose a new representation that leverages the uncertainty in relative temporal alignments between pairs of sequences while not destroying temporal ordering. Our representation, like BOW, is of a fixed dimensionality making it easily integrated with a linear detection function. Extensive experiments on CK+, 6DMG, and UvA-NEMO databases show significant performance improvements across both isolated and continuous event detection tasks.


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In this paper, we tackle the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation for classification. In the unsupervised scenario where no labeled samples from the target domain are provided, a popular approach consists in transforming the data such that the source and target distributions be- come similar. To compare the two distributions, existing approaches make use of the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). However, this does not exploit the fact that prob- ability distributions lie on a Riemannian manifold. Here, we propose to make better use of the structure of this man- ifold and rely on the distance on the manifold to compare the source and target distributions. In this framework, we introduce a sample selection method and a subspace-based method for unsupervised domain adaptation, and show that both these manifold-based techniques outperform the cor- responding approaches based on the MMD. Furthermore, we show that our subspace-based approach yields state-of- the-art results on a standard object recognition benchmark.