340 resultados para Teaching of physics


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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been applied for high resolution imaging of articular cartilage. However, the contribution of individual structural elements of cartilage on OCT signal has not been thoroughly studied. We hypothesize that both collagen and chondrocytes, essential structural components of cartilage, act as important light scatterers and that variation in their concentrations can be detected by OCT through changes in backscattering and attenuation. To evaluate this hypothesis, we established a controlled model system using agarose scaffolds embedded with variable collagen concentrations and chondrocyte densities. Using OCT, we measured the backscattering coefficient (µb) and total attenuation coefficient (µt) in these scaffolds. Along our hypothesis, light backscattering and attenuation in agarose were dependent on collagen concentration and chondrocyte density. Significant correlations were found between µt and chondrocyte density (ρ = 0.853, p < 0.001) and between µt and collagen concentration (ρ = 0.694, p < 0.001). µb correlated significantly with chondrocyte density (ρ = 0.504, p < 0.001) but not with collagen concentration (ρ = 0.103, p = 0.422) of the scaffold. Thus, quantitation of light backscattering and, especially, attenuation could be valuable when evaluating the integrity of soft tissues, such as articular cartilage with OCT.


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This study reports on an original concept of additive manufacturing for the fabrication of tissue engineered constructs (TEC), offering the possibility of concomitantly manufacturing a customized scaffold and a bioreactor chamber to any size and shape. As a proof of concept towards the development of anatomically relevant TECs, this concept was utilized for the design and fabrication of a highly porous sheep tibia scaffold around which a bioreactor chamber of similar shape was simultaneously built. The morphology of the bioreactor/scaffold device was investigated by micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy confirming the porous architecture of the sheep tibiae as opposed to the non-porous nature of the bioreactor chamber. Additionally, this study demonstrates that both the shape, as well as the inner architecture of the device can significantly impact the perfusion of fluid within the scaffold architecture. Indeed, fluid flow modelling revealed that this was of significant importance for controlling the nutrition flow pattern within the scaffold and the bioreactor chamber, avoiding the formation of stagnant flow regions detrimental for in vitro tissue development. The bioreactor/scaffold device was dynamically seeded with human primary osteoblasts and cultured under bi-directional perfusion for two and six weeks. Primary human osteoblasts were observed homogenously distributed throughout the scaffold, and were viable for the six week culture period. This work demonstrates a novel application for additive manufacturing in the development of scaffolds and bioreactors. Given the intrinsic flexibility of the additive manufacturing technology platform developed, more complex culture systems can be fabricated which would contribute to the advances in customized and patient-specific tissue engineering strategies for a wide range of applications.


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Ultrasound has been previously investigated as an alternative readout method for irradiated polymer gel dosimeters, with authors reporting varying dose responses. We extend previous work utilizing a new computed tomography ultrasound scanner comprising of two identical 5 MHz, 128-element linear-array ultrasound transducers, co-axially aligned and submerged in water as a coupling agent, with rotational of the gel dosimeter between the transducers facilitated by a robotic arm. We have investigated the dose-dependence of both ultrasound bulk attenuation and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) for the PAGAT gel dosimeter. The ultrasound bulk attenuation dose sensitivity was found to be 1.46  ±  0.04 dB m −1 Gy −1, being in agreement with previously published results for PAG and MAGIC gels. BUA was also found to be dose dependent and was measured to be 0.024  ±  0.003 dB MHz −1 Gy −1; the advantage of BUA being its insensitivity to frequency-independent attenuation mechanisms including reflection and refraction, thereby minimizing image reconstruction artefacts.


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The uniform growth of copper oxide nanowires on the top of copper plate has been investigated during the exposure to radiofrequency plasma discharge in respect to plasma properties and its localization. The copper samples of 10 mm radius and 1 mm in thickness were exposed to argon-oxygen plasma created at discharge power of 150 W. After 10 min, almost uniform growth of nanowires was achieved over large surface. There were significant distortions in nanowire length and shape near the edges. Based on the experimental results, we developed a theoretical model, which took into account a balance in heat released at the flow of the current to the nanowire and rejected from the nanowire. This model established a dependence of the maximal length of the nanowire at dependence on the plasma parameters, where the limiting factor for nanowire growth and distortions in distribution are ballistic effects of ions and their local fluxes. In contrast, the plasma heating by potential interactions of species has very little influence on the length and smaller deviations in flux are allowed for uniformity of growth


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Purpose The purpose of this investigation was to assess the angular dependence of a commercial optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter (OSLD) dosimetry system in MV x-ray beams at depths beyondd max and to find ways to mitigate this dependence for measurements in phantoms. Methods Two special holders were designed which allow a dosimeter to be rotated around the center of its sensitive volume. The dosimeter's sensitive volume is a disk, 5 mm in diameter and 0.2 mm thick. The first holder rotates the disk in the traditional way. It positions the disk perpendicular to the beam (gantry pointing to the floor) in the initial position (0°). When the holder is rotated the angle of the disk towards the beam increases until the disk is parallel with the beam (“edge on,” 90°). This is referred to as Setup 1. The second holder offers a new, alternative measurement position. It positions the disk parallel to the beam for all angles while rotating around its center (Setup 2). Measurements with five to ten dosimeters per point were carried out for 6 MV at 3 and 10 cm depth. Monte Carlo simulations using GEANT4 were performed to simulate the response of the active detector material for several angles. Detector and housing were simulated in detail based on microCT data and communications with the manufacturer. Various material compositions and an all-water geometry were considered. Results For the traditional Setup 1 the response of the OSLD dropped on average by 1.4% ± 0.7% (measurement) and 2.1% ± 0.3% (Monte Carlo simulation) for the 90° orientation compared to 0°. Monte Carlo simulations also showed a strong dependence of the effect on the composition of the sensitive layer. Assuming the layer to completely consist of the active material (Al2O3) results in a 7% drop in response for 90° compared to 0°. Assuming the layer to be completely water, results in a flat response within the simulation uncertainty of about 1%. For the new Setup 2, measurements and Monte Carlo simulations found the angular dependence of the dosimeter to be below 1% and within the measurement uncertainty. Conclusions The dosimeter system exhibits a small angular dependence of approximately 2% which needs to be considered for measurements involving other than normal incident beams angles. This applies in particular to clinicalin vivo measurements where the orientation of the dosimeter is dictated by clinical circumstances and cannot be optimized as otherwise suggested here. When measuring in a phantom, the proposed new setup should be considered. It changes the orientation of the dosimeter so that a coplanar beam arrangement always hits the disk shaped detector material from the thin side and thereby reduces the angular dependence of the response to within the measurement uncertainty of about 1%. This improvement makes the dosimeter more attractive for clinical measurements with multiple coplanar beams in phantoms, as the overall measurement uncertainty is reduced. Similarly, phantom based postal audits can transition from the traditional TLD to the more accurate and convenient OSLD.


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The production mechanism of OH radicals in a pulsed DC plasma jet is studied by a two-dimensional (2-D) plasma jet model and a one-dimensional (1-D) discharge model. For the plasma jet in the open air, electron-impact dissociation of H2O, electron neutralization of H2O+, as well as dissociation of H2O by O(1D) are found to be the main reactions to generate the OH species. The contribution of the dissociation of H2O by electron is more than the others. The additions of N2, O2, air, and H2O into the working gas increase the OH density outside the tube slightly, which is attributed to more electrons produced by Penning ionization. On the other hand, the additions of O2 and H2O into the working gas increase the OH density inside the tube substantially, which is attributed to the increased O (1D) and H2O concentration, respectively. The gas flow will transport high density OH out of the tube during pulse off period. It is also shown that the plasma chemistry and reactivity can be effectively controlled by the pulse numbers. These results are supported by the laser induced fluorescence measurements and are relevant to several applications of atmospheric-pressure plasmas in health care, medicine, and materials processing.


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Due to anatomical and biomechanical similarities to human shoulder, kangaroo was chosen as a model to study shoulder cartilage. Comprehensive enzymatic degradation and indentation tests were applied on kangaroo shoulder cartilage to study mechanisms underlying its strain-rate-dependent mechanical behavior. We report that superficial collagen plays a more significant role than proteoglycans in facilitating strain-rate-dependent behavior of kangaroo shoulder cartilage. By comparing the mechanical properties of degraded and normal cartilages it was noted that proteoglycan and collagen degradation significantly compromised strain-rate-dependent mechanical behavior of the cartilage. Superficial collagen contributed equally to the tissue behavior at all strain-rates. This is different to studies reported on knee cartilage and confirms the importance of superficial collagen on shoulder cartilage mechanical behavior. A porohyperelastic numerical model also indicated that collagen disruption would lead to faster damage of the shoulder cartilage than when proteoglycans are depleted.


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Research over a long period of time has continued to demonstrate problems in the teaching of science in school. In addition, declining levels of participation and interest in science and related fields have been reported from many particularly western countries. Among the strategies suggested is the recruitment of professional scientists and technologists either at the graduate level or advanced career level to change career and teach. In this study, we analysed how one beginning middle primary teacher engaged with students to support their science learning by establishing rich classroom discussions. We followed his evolving teaching expertise over three years focussing on his communicative practices informed by socio-cultural theory. His practices exemplified a non-interactive dialogical communicative approach where ideas were readily discussed but were concentrated on the class acquiring acceptable scientific understandings. His focus on the language of science was a significant aspect of his practice and one that emerged from his professional background. The study affirms the theoretical frameworks proposed by Mortimer and Scott (2003) highlighting how dialogue contributes to heightened student interest in science.


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Model systems are critical to our understanding of self-assembly processes. As such, we have studied the surface self-assembly of a small and simple molecule, indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2CA). We combine density functional theory gas-phase (DFT) calculations with scanning tunneling microscopy to reveal details of I2CA assembly in two different solvents at the solution/solid interface, and on Au(111) in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). In UHV and at the trichlorobenzene/highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) interface, I2CA forms epitaxial lamellar structures based on cyclic OH⋯O carboxylic dimers. The structure formed at the heptanoic acid/HOPG interface is different and can be interpreted in a model where heptanoic acid molecules co-adsorb on the substrate with the I2CA, forming a bicomponent commensurate unit cell. DFT calculations of dimer energetics elucidate the basic building blocks of these structures, whereas calculations of periodic two-dimensional assemblies reveal the epitaxial effects introduced by the different substrates.


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Trimesic acid (TMA) and alcohols were recently shown to self-assemble into a stable, two-component linear pattern at the solution/highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) interface. Away from equilibrium, the TMA/alcohol self-assembled molecular network (SAMN) can coexist with pure-TMA networks. Here, we report on some novel characteristics of these non-equilibrium TMA structures, investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We observe that both the chicken-wire and flower-structure TMA phases can host 'guest' C60 molecules within their pores, whereas the TMA/alcohol SAMN does not offer any stable adsorption sites for the C60 molecules. The presence of the C60 molecules at the solution/solid interface was found to improve the STM image quality. We have taken advantage of the high-quality imaging conditions to observe unusual TMA bonding geometries at domain boundaries in the TMA/alcohol SAMN. Boundaries between aligned TMA/alcohol domains can give rise to doubled TMA dimer rows in two different configurations, as well as a tripled-TMA row. The boundaries created between non-aligned domains can create geometries that stabilize TMA bonding configurations not observed on surfaces without TMA/alcohol SAMNs, including small regions of the previously predicted 'super flower' TMA bonding geometry and a tertiary structure related to the known TMA phases. These structures are identified as part of a homologic class of TMA bonding motifs, and we explore some of the reasons for the stabilization of these phases in our multicomponent system.


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The equilibrium geometry, electronic structure and energetic stability of Bi nanolines on clean and hydrogenated Si(001) surfaces have been examined by means of ab initio total energy calculations and scanning tunnelling microscopy. For the Bi nanolines on a clean Si surface the two most plausible structural models, the Miki or M model (Miki et al 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 14868) and the Haiku or H model (Owen et al 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 226104), have been examined in detail. The results of the total energy calculations support the stability of the H model over the M model, in agreement with previous theoretical results. For Bi nanolines on the hydrogenated Si(001) surface, we find that an atomic configuration derived from the H model is also more stable than an atomic configuration derived from the M model. However, the energetically less stable (M) model exhibits better agreement with experimental measurements for equilibrium geometry. The electronic structures of the H and M models are very similar. Both models exhibit a semiconducting character, with the highest occupied Bi-derived bands lying at ~0.5 eV below the valence band maximum. Simulated and experimental STM images confirm that at a low negative bias the Bi lines exhibit an 'antiwire' property for both structural models.


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The authors combine nanostenciling and pulsed laser deposition to patterngermanium(Ge)nanostructures into desired architectures. They have analyzed the evolution of the Ge morphology with coverage. Following the formation of a wetting layer within each area defined by the stencil’s apertures, Gegrowth becomes three dimensional and the size and number of Ge nanocrystals evolve with coverage. Micro-Raman spectroscopy shows that the deposits are crystalline and epitaxial. This approach is promising for the parallel patterning of semiconductor nanostructures for optoelectronic applications.


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A Bi 2 × n surface net was grown on the Si(001) surface and studied with inverse photoemission, scanning tunnelling microscopy and ab initio and empirical pseudopotential calculations. The experiments demonstrated that Bi adsorption eliminates the dimer related π1* and π2* surface states, produced by correlated dimer buckling, leaving the bulk bandgap clear of unoccupied surface states. Ab initio calculations support this observation and demonstrate that the surface states derived from the formation of symmetric Bi dimers do not penetrate the fundamental bandgap of bulk Si. Since symmetric Bi dimers are an important structural component of the recently discovered Bi nanolines, that self-organize on Si(001) above the Bi desorption temperature, a connection will be made between our findings and the electronic structure of the nanolines.


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Results of a study designed to investigate the possibility of using the Si(111)- Ge(5×5) surface reconstruction as a template for In cluster growth are described. As with Si(111)-7×7, the In adatoms preferentially adsorb in the faulted half-unit cell, but on Si(111)- Ge(5×5) a richer variety of cluster geometries are found. In addition to the clusters that occupy the faulted half-unit cell, clusters that span two and four half-unit cells are found. The latter have a triangular shape spanning one unfaulted and three, nearest neighbor, faulted half-unit cells, Triangular clusters in the opposite orientation were not found. Many of the faulted halfunit cells have a streaked appearance consistent with adatom mobility.


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The crystallization of amorphous semiconductors is a strongly exothermic process. Once initiated the release of latent heat can be sufficient to drive a self-sustaining crystallization front through the material in a manner that has been described as explosive. Here, we perform a quantitative in situ study of explosive crystallization in amorphous germanium using dynamic transmission electron microscopy. Direct observations of the speed of the explosive crystallization front as it evolves along a laser-imprinted temperature gradient are used to experimentally determine the complete interface response function (i.e., the temperature-dependent front propagation speed) for this process, which reaches a peak of 16 m/s. Fitting to the Frenkel-Wilson kinetic law demonstrates that the diffusivity of the material locally/immediately in advance of the explosive crystallization front is inconsistent with those of a liquid phase. This result suggests a modification to the liquid-mediated mechanism commonly used to describe this process that replaces the phase change at the leading amorphous-liquid interface with a change in bonding character (from covalent to metallic) occurring in the hot amorphous material.