333 resultados para M-Days


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Objective: To determine the prevalence, severity, location, etiology, treatment, and healing of medical device-related pressure ulcers in intensive care patients for up to 7 days. Design: Prospective repeated measures study. Setting and participants: Patients in 6 intensive care units of 2 major medical centers, one each in Australia and the United States, were screened 1 day per month for 6 months. Those with device-related ulcers were followed daily up to 7 days. Outcome measures: Device-related ulcer prevalence, pain, infection, treatment, healing. Results: 15/483 patients had device-related ulcers and 9/15 with 11 ulcers were followed beyond screening. Their mean age was 60.5 years, most were men, over-weight, and at increased pressure ulcer risk. Endotracheal and nasogastric tubes were the cause of most device-related ulcers. Repositioning was the most frequent treatment. 4/11 ulcers healed within the 7 day observation period. Conclusion: Device-related ulcer prevalence was 3.1%, similar to that reported in the limited literature available, indicating an ongoing problem. Systematic assessment and repositioning of devices are the mainstays of care. We recommend continued prevalence determination and that nurses remain vigilant to prevent device-related ulcers, especially in patients with nasogastric and endotracheal tubes.


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A routine activity for a sports dietitian is to estimate energy and nutrient intake from an athlete's self-reported food intake. Decisions made by the dietitian when coding a food record are a source of variability in the data. The aim of the present study was to determine the variability in estimation of the daily energy and key nutrient intakes of elite athletes, when experienced coders analyzed the same food record using the same database and software package. Seven-day food records from a dietary survey of athletes in the 1996 Australian Olympic team were randomly selected to provide 13 sets of records, each set representing the self-reported food intake of an endurance, team, weight restricted, and sprint/power athlete. Each set was coded by 3-5 members of Sports Dietitians Australia, making a total of 52 athletes, 53 dietitians, and 1456 athlete-days of data. We estimated within- and between- athlete and dietitian variances for each dietary nutrient using mixed modeling, and we combined the variances to express variability as a coefficient of variation (typical variation as a percent of the mean). Variability in the mean of 7-day estimates of a nutrient was 2- to 3-fold less than that of a single day. The variability contributed by the coder was less than the true athlete variability for a 1-day record but was of similar magnitude for a 7-day record. The most variable nutrients (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin A, cholesterol) had approximately 3-fold more variability than least variable nutrients (e.g., energy, carbohydrate, magnesium). These athlete and coder variabilities need to be taken into account in dietary assessment of athletes for counseling and research.


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Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas with a global warming potential (GWP) 25 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2) that can be produced or consumed in soils depending on environmental conditions and other factors. Biochar application to soils has been shown to reduce CH4 emissions and to increase CH4 consumption. However, the effects of rice husk biochar (RB) have not been thoroughly investigated. Two 60-day laboratory incubation experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of amending two soil types with RB, raw mill mud (MM) and composted mill mud (CM) on soil CH4 consumption and emissions. Soil cores incubated in 1 L glass jars and gas samples were analysed for CH4 using gas chromatography. Average CH4 consumption rates varied from -0.06 to -0.68 g CH4-C( )/ha/d in sandy loam soil and -0.59 to -1.00 g CH4-C/ha/d in clay soil. Application of RB resulted in CH4 uptake of -0.52 to -0.55 g CH4-C/ha/d in sandy loam and -0.76 to -0.91 g CH4-C/ha/d in clay soil. Addition of MM showed low CH4 emissions or consumption at 60% water-filled pore space (WFPS) in both soils. However, at high water contents (>75% WFPS) the application of MM produced high rates of CH4 emissions which were significantly suppressed when RB was added. Cumulative emissions of the MM treatment produced 108.9 g CH4-C/ha at 75% WFPS and 11 459.3 g CH4-C/ha at 90% WFPS in sandy loam soil over a period of 60 days. RB can increase CH4 uptake under low soil water content (SWC) and decrease CH4 emissions under anaerobic conditions. CM expressed more potential to reduce CH4 emissions than those of MM.


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Aims This research sought to determine optimal corn waste stream–based fermentation medium C and N sources and incubation time to maximize pigment production by an indigenous Indonesian Penicillium spp., as well as to assess pigment pH stability. Methods and Results A Penicillium spp. was isolated from Indonesian soil, identified as Penicillium resticulosum, and used to test the effects of carbon and nitrogen type and concentrations, medium pH, incubation period and furfural on biomass and pigment yield (PY) in a waste corncob hydrolysate basal medium. Maximum red PY (497·03 ± 55·13 mg l−1) was obtained with a 21 : 1 C : N ratio, pH 5·5–6·0; yeast extract-, NH4NO3-, NaNO3-, MgSO4·7H2O-, xylose- or carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)-supplemented medium and 12 days (25°C, 60–70% relative humidity, dark) incubation. C source, C, N and furfural concentration, medium pH and incubation period all influenced biomass and PY. Pigment was pH 2–9 stable. Conclusions Penicillium resticulosum demonstrated microbial pH-stable-pigment production potential using a xylose or CMC and N source, supplemented waste stream cellulose culture medium. Significance and Impact of the Study Corn derived, waste stream cellulose can be used as a culture medium for fungal pigment production. Such application provides a process for agricultural waste stream resource reuse for production of compounds in increasing demand.


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Environmental Burkholderia pseudomallei isolated from sandy soil at Castle Hill, Townsville, in the dry tropic region of Queensland, Australia, was inoculated into sterile-soil laboratory microcosms subjected to variable soil moisture. Survival and sublethal injury of the B. pseudomallei strain were monitored by recovery using culture-based methods. Soil extraction buffer yielded higher recoveries as an extraction agent than sterile distilled water. B. pseudomallei was not recoverable when inoculated into desiccated soil but remained recoverable from moist soil subjected to 91 days desiccation and showed a growth response to increased soil moisture over at least 113 days. Results indicate that endemic dry tropic soil may act as a reservoir during the dry season, with an increase in cell number and potential for mobilization from soil into water in the wet season.


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Large igneous provinces (LIPs) host the most frequently recurring, largest volume basaltic & silicic eruptions on Earth. The largest volume (>1000 km^3 DRE) and magnitude (>M8) eruptions produce areally extensive (10^4-10^5 km^2) basaltic flow fields and sills, and silicic ignimbrites that are the main LIP building blocks. Basaltic and silicic eruptions have comparable magnitudes, but silicic ignimbrite volumes may be significantly underestimated due to unrecognized and correlated, but voluminous co-ignimbrite ash deposits. Magma composition is no barrier to individual eruption volume. Despite similar magnitudes, flood basaltic and silicic eruptions are very different in eruption mechanism, duration, intensity, vent configuration, and emplacement style. Flood basalts are dominantly effusive Hawaiian-Strombolian, with magma discharge rates of ~10^7-10^8 kg s^-1, and produce dominantly compound pahoehoe flow fields over eruption durations most likely >10 yrs. Most silicic eruptions are moderately to highly explosive, producing cocurrent pyroclastic fountains (rarely Plinian) and suggested to be of short-duration (hours to days) and high intensity (~10^11 kg s^-1). Eruption frequencies are elevated for largemagnitude eruptions of both magma types during LIP formation. In basalt-dominated provinces, large magnitude (>M8) eruptions have much shorter recurrence intervals (10^3-10^4 years) than similar magnitude silicic eruptions (~10^5 years). The huge volumes of magma erupted rapidly in LIPs raises several unresolved issues in terms of locus of magma generation and storage (if any) in the crust prior to eruption, the paths and rates of ascent from magma reservoirs to the surface, and relative aerosol contributions to the stratosphere from the flood basaltic and rhyolitic eruptions.


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Background: Decreased ability to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) during hospitalisation has negative consequences for patients and health service delivery. Objective: To develop an Index to stratify patients at lower and higher risk of a significant decline in ability to perform ADLs at discharge. Design: Prospective two cohort study comprising a derivation (n=389; mean age 82.3 years; SD� 7.1) and a validation cohort (n=153; mean age 81.5 years; SD� 6.1). Patients and setting: General medical patients aged = 70 years admitted to three university-affiliated acute care hospitals in Brisbane, Australia. Measurement and main results: The short ADL Scale was used to identify a significant decline in ability to perform ADLs from premorbid to discharge. In the derivation cohort, 77 patients (19.8%) experienced a significant decline. Four significant factors were identified for patients independent at baseline: 'requiring moderate assistance to being totally dependent on others with bathing'; 'difficulty understanding others (frequently or all the time)'; 'requiring moderate assistance to being totally dependent on others with performing housework'; a 'history of experiencing at least one fall in the previous 90 days prior to hospital admission' in addition to 'independent at baseline', which was protective against decline at discharge. 'Difficulty understanding others (frequently or all the time)' and 'requiring moderate assistance to being totally dependent on others with performing housework' were also predictors for patients dependent in ADLs at baseline. Sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), and Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of the DADLD dichotomised risk scores were: 83.1% (95% CI 72.8; 90.7); 60.5% (95% CI 54.8; 65.9); 34.2% (95% CI 27.5; 41.5); 93.5% (95% CI 89.2; 96.5). In the validation cohort, 47 patients (30.7%) experienced a significant decline. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of the DADLD were: 78.7% (95% CI 64.3; 89.3); 69.8% (95% CI 60.1, 78.3); 53.6% (95% CI 41.2; 65.7); 88.1% (95% CI 79.2; 94.1). Conclusions: The DADLD Index is a useful tool for identifying patients at higher risk of decline in ability to perform ADLs at discharge.


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Background Overweight and obesity has become a serious public health problem in many parts of the world. Studies suggest that making small changes in daily activity levels such as “breaking-up” sedentary time (i.e., standing) may help mitigate the health risks of sedentary behavior. The aim of the present study was to examine time spent in standing (determined by count threshold), lying, and sitting postures (determined by inclinometer function) via the ActiGraph GT3X among sedentary adults with differing weight status based on body mass index (BMI) categories. Methods Participants included 22 sedentary adults (14 men, 8 women; mean age 26.5 ± 4.1 years). All subjects completed the self-report International Physical Activity Questionnaire to determine time spent sitting over the previous 7 days. Participants were included if they spent seven or more hours sitting per day. Postures were determined with the ActiGraph GT3X inclinometer function. Participants were instructed to wear the accelerometer for 7 consecutive days (24 h a day). BMI was categorized as: 18.5 to <25 kg/m2 as normal, 25 to <30 kg/m2 as overweight, and ≥30 kg/m2 as obese. Results Participants in the normal weight (n = 10) and overweight (n = 6) groups spent significantly more time standing (after adjustment for moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity and wear-time) (6.7 h and 7.3 h respectively) and less time sitting (7.1 h and 6.9 h respectively) than those in obese (n = 6) categories (5.5 h and 8.0 h respectively) after adjustment for wear-time (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in standing and sitting time between normal weight and overweight groups (p = 0.051 and p = 0.670 respectively). Differences were not significant among groups for lying time (p = 0.55). Conclusion This study described postural allocations standing, lying, and sitting among normal weight, overweight, and obese sedentary adults. The results provide additional evidence for the use of increasing standing time in obesity prevention strategies.


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Background: Ureaplasma species are the most prevalent isolates from women who deliver preterm. The MBA, a surface exposed lipoprotein, is a key virulence factor of ureaplasmas. We investigated MBA variation after chronic and acute intra-amniotic (IA) ureaplasma infections. Method: U. parvum serovar 3 (2x104 colony-forming-units) was injected IA into pregnant ewes at: 55 days gestation (d, term = 145d) (n=8); 117d (n=8) and 121d (n=8). Fetuses were delivered surgically (124d) and ureaplasmas cultured from amniotic fluid (AF), chorioamnion, fetal lung (FL) and umbilical cord were tested by western blot and PCR assays to demonstrate MBA and mba gene variation respectively. Tissue sections were sectioned and stained by haemotoxylin and eosin and inflammatory cell counts and pathology were reported (blinded to outcome). Results: Numerous MBA/mba variants were generated in vivo after chronic exposure to ureaplasma infection but after acute infection no variants (3d) or very few variants (7d) were generated. Identical MBA variants were detected within the AF and FL but different ureaplasma variants were detected within chorioamnion specimens. The severity of inflammation within chronically infected tissues varied between animals ranging from no inflammation to severe inflammation with/without fibrosis. Chorioamnion, FL and cord from the same animal demonstrated the same degree of inflammation. Conclusions: MBA/mba variation in vivo occurred after the initiation of the host immune response and we propose that ureaplasmas vary the MBA antigen to evade the host immune response. In some animals there was no inflammation despite colonisation with high numbers of ureaplasmas.


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Background: Ureaplasmas are the most frequently isolated microorganisms from the amniotic fluid (AF) of pregnant women and can cause chronic infections that are difficult to eradicate with standard macrolide treatment. We tested the effects of erythromycin treatment on phenotypic and genotypic markers of ureaplasmal antimicrobial resistance in sheep. Method: At 50 days of gestation (d, term=145d) 12 pregnant ewes received intra-amniotic injections of U. parvum serovar 3 (erythromycin-sensitive, 2x104 colony-forming-units). At 100d ewes received: erythromycin treatment (500 mg, q3h for 4 days, IM, n=6) or no treatment (n=6). Fetuses were delivered surgically (125d) and AF and chorioamnion were collected for: culture, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC) testing; 23S rRNA sequencing; and detection of macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin resistance (MLSr) genes. Results: MICs of erythromycin, azithromycin and roxithromycin against AF isolates were low (range = 0.06 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L); however, chorioamnion isolates demonstrated increased resistance to roxithromycin (0.13 – 5.33 mg/L). 62.5% of chorioamnion ureaplasmas formed biofilms in vitro and mutations (125 nucleotides, 29.6%) were found in the 23S rRNA gene (domain V) of chorioamnion (but not AF) ureaplasmas. MLSr genes (ermB, msrC and msrD) were detected in 100% of chorioamnion isolates and only msrD was detected in AF isolates (40%). Conclusions: 23S rRNA mutations and MLSr genes occurred independently of erythromycin treatment, suggesting that the anatomical site of infection and microenvironment may exert selective pressures on ureaplasmas that cause genetic changes and alter antimicrobial sensitivity profiles. These results have serious implications for treatment of in utero infections.


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Background Individual exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is challenging to measure, particularly for diseases with substantial latency periods between first exposure and diagnosis of outcome, such as cancer. To guide the choice of surrogates for long-term UVR exposure in epidemiologic studies, we assessed how well stable sun-related individual characteristics and environmental/meteorological factors predicted daily personal UVR exposure measurements. Methods We evaluated 123 United States Radiologic Technologists subjects who wore personal UVR dosimeters for 8 hours daily for up to 7 days (N = 837 days). Potential predictors of personal UVR derived from a self-administered questionnaire, and public databases that provided daily estimates of ambient UVR and weather conditions. Factors potentially related to personal UVR exposure were tested individually and in a model including all significant variables. Results The strongest predictors of daily personal UVR exposure in the full model were ambient UVR, latitude, daily rainfall, and skin reaction to prolonged sunlight (R2 = 0.30). In a model containing only environmental and meteorological variables, ambient UVR, latitude, and daily rainfall were the strongest predictors of daily personal UVR exposure (R2 = 0.25). Conclusions In the absence of feasible measures of individual longitudinal sun exposure history, stable personal characteristics, ambient UVR, and weather parameters may help estimate long-term personal UVR exposure.


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Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), a marker for vitamin D status, is associated with bone health and possibly cancers and other diseases; yet, the determinants of 25(OH)D status, particularly ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, are poorly understood. Determinants of 25(OH)D were analyzed in a subcohort of 1,500 participants of the US Radiologic Technologists (USRT) Study that included whites (n 842), blacks (n 646), and people of other races/ethnicities (n 12). Participants were recruited monthly (20082009) across age, sex, race, and ambient UVR level groups. Questionnaires addressing UVR and other exposures were generally completed within 9 days of blood collection. The relation between potential determinants and 25(OH)D levels was examined through regression analysis in a random two-thirds sample and validated in the remaining one third. In the regression model for the full study population, age, race, body mass index, some seasons, hours outdoors being physically active, and vitamin D supplement use were associated with 25(OH)D levels. In whites, generally, the same factors were explanatory. In blacks, only age and vitamin D supplement use predicted 25(OH)D concentrations. In the full population, determinants accounted for 25 of circulating 25(OH)D variability, with similar correlations for subgroups. Despite detailed data on UVR and other factors near the time of blood collection, the ability to explain 25(OH)D was modest.


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Reasons for performing study: The distance travelled by Australian feral horses in an unrestricted environment has not previously been determined. It is important to investigate horse movement in wilderness environments to establish baseline data against which the movement of domestically managed horses and wild equids can be compared. Objectives: To determine the travel dynamics of 2 groups of feral horses in unrestricted but different wilderness environments. Methods: Twelve feral horses living in 2 wilderness environments (2000 vs. 20,000 km2) in outback Australia were tracked for 6.5 consecutive days using custom designed, collar mounted global positioning systems (GPS). Collars were attached after darting and immobilising the horses. The collars were recovered after a minimum of 6.5 days by re-darting the horses. Average daily distance travelled was calculated. Range use and watering patterns of horses were analysed by viewing GPS tracks overlaid on satellite photographs of the study area. Results: Average distance travelled was 15.9 ± 1.9 km/day (range 8.1–28.3 km/day). Horses were recorded up to 55 km from their watering points and some horses walked for 12 h to water from feeding grounds. Mean watering frequency was 2.67 days (range 1–4 days). Central Australian horses watered less frequently and showed a different range use compared to horses from central Queensland. Central Australian horses walked for long distances in direct lines to patchy food sources whereas central Queensland horses were able to graze close to water sources and moved in a more or less circular pattern around the central water source. Conclusions: The distances travelled by feral horses were far greater than those previously observed for managed domestic horses and other species of equid. Feral horses are able to travel long distances and withstand long periods without water, allowing them to survive in semi-arid conditions.


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High energy bone fractures resulting from impact trauma are often accompanied by subcutaneous soft tissue injuries, even if the skin remains intact. There is evidence that such closed soft tissue injuries affect the healing of bone fractures, and vice versa. Despite this knowledge, most impact trauma studies in animals have focussed on bone fractures or soft tissue trauma in isolation. However, given the simultaneous impact on both tissues a better understanding of the interaction between these two injuries is necessary to optimise clinical treatment. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a new experimental model and characterise, for the first time, the healing of a complex fracture with concurrent closed soft tissue trauma in sheep. A pendulum impact device was designed to deliver a defined and standardised impact to the distal thigh of sheep, causing a reproducible contusion injury to the subcutaneous soft tissues. In a subsequent procedure, a reproducible femoral butterfly fracture (AO C3-type) was created at the sheep’s femur, which was initially stabilised for 5 days by an external fixator construct to allow for soft tissue swelling to recede, and ultimately in a bridging construct using locking plates. The combined injuries were applied to twelve sheep and the healing observed for four or eight weeks (six animals per group) until sacrifice. The pendulum impact led to a moderate to severe circumferential soft tissue injury with significant bruising, haematomas and partial muscle disruptions. Posttraumatic measurements showed elevated intra-compartmental pressure and circulatory tissue breakdown markers, with recovery to normal, pre-injury values within four days. Clinically, no neurovascular deficiencies were observed. Bi-weekly radiological analysis of the healing fractures showed progressive callus healing over time, with the average number of callus bridges increasing from 0.4 at two weeks to 4.2 at eight weeks. Biomechanical testing after sacrifice showed increasing torsional stiffness between four and eight weeks healing time from 10% to 100%, and increasing ultimate torsional strength from 10% to 64% (relative to the contralateral control limb). Our results demonstrate the robust healing of a complex femur fracture in the presence of a severe soft tissue contusion injury in sheep and demonstrate the establishment of a clinically relevant experimental model, for research aimed at improving the treatment of bone fractures accompanied by closed soft tissue injuries.


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Background: Ureaplasma species in amniotic fluid at the time of second-trimester amniocentesis increases the risk of preterm birth, but most affected pregnancies continue to term (Gerber et al. J Infect Dis 2003). We aimed to model intra-amniotic (IA) ureaplasma infection in spiny mice, a species with a relatively long gestation (39 days) that allows investigation of the disposition and possible clearance of ureaplasmas in the feto-placental compartment. Method: Pregnant spiny mice received IA injections of U. parvum serovar 6 (10µL, 1x104 colony-forming-units in PBS) or 10B media (10µL; control) at 20 days (d) of gestation (term=39d). At 37d fetuses (n=3 ureaplasma, n=4 control) were surgically delivered and tissues were collected for; bacterial culture, ureaplasma mba and urease gene expression by PCR, tissue WBC counts and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) staining using anti-ureaplasma serovar 6 (rabbit) antiserum. Maternal and fetal plasma IgG was measured by Western blot. Results: Ureaplasmas were not detected by culture or PCR in fetal or maternal tissues but were visualized by IFA within placental and fetal lung tissues, in association with inflammatory changes and elevated WBC counts (p<0.0001). Anti-ureaplasma IgG was detected in maternal (2/2 tested) and fetal (1/2 tested) plasma but not in controls (0/3). Conclusions: IA injection of ureaplasmas in mid-gestation spiny mice caused persistent fetal lung and placental infection even though ureaplasmas were undetectable using standard culture or PCR techniques. This is consistent with resolution of IA infection, which may occur in human pregnancies that continue to term despite detection of ureaplasmas in mid-gestation.