319 resultados para Reagents indicator


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We evaluated three acid-resistant pancreatic enzyme preparations by in vitro assays, and by comparing degree of steatorrhea, creatorrhea, fecal wet weight, and stool energy losses in a randomized crossover study of patients with pancreatic insufficient cystic fibrosis. Aims of the study were to assess (a) the most practicable and reliable indicator of malabsorption; (b) the variation in enzyme batch potency; (c) the decline in enzyme batch potency with prolonged shelf life; and (d) the relative bio-efficacy of the different preparations. In the in vivo study, absorption of energy, nitrogen, and fat did not differ when comparing the three preparations at roughly pharmaceu-tically equivalent doses, but when expressed per capsule of pancreatic supplement ingested, absorption reflected relative enzyme content, favoring the higher potency preparations. Although steatorrhea was reasonably controlled by these preparations, stool energy losses varied from 800 to 1,100 kJ per day, suggesting greater attention be paid to overall energy absorption rather than absorption of individual nutrients. In addition, fecal energy loss correlated more closely with fecal wet weight (r = 0.81; p < 0.05) than with steatorrhea (r = 0.40; ns), such that 1 g wet feces = 8.37 kJ (± 0.14). In vitro enzyme potency varied markedly between batches of the same brand, and also a decline of up to 20% in amylase, lipase, and trypsin activity was noted over an 8-month period for each batch. Both observations have clinical implications at times of represcription. Finally, the higher potency preparations were more effective per capsule and reduced capsule dosage is therefore attainable. © 1993 Raven Press, Ltd., New York.


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Assessing airport service performance requires understanding of a complete set of passenger experiences covering all activities from departures to arrivals. Weight-based indicator models allow passengers to express their priority on certain evaluation criteria (airport domains) and their service attributes over the others. The application of multilevel regression analysis in questionnaire design is expected to overcome limitations of traditional questionnaires, which require application of all indicators with equal weight. The development of a Taxonomy of Passenger Activities (TOPA), which captures all passenger processing and discretionary activities, has provided a novel perspective in understanding passenger experience in various airport domains. Based on further literature reviews on various service attributes at airport passenger terminals, this paper constitutes questionnaire design to employ a weighting method for all activities from the time passengers enter an airport domain at the departure terminal until leaving the arrival terminal (i.e. seven airport domains for departure, four airport domains during transit, and seven airport domains for arrival). The procedure of multilevel regression analysis is aimed not only at identifying the ranking of each evaluation criterion from the most important to the least important but also to explain the relationship between service attributes in each airport domain and overall service performance.


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Ship seakeeping operability refers to the quantification of motion performance in waves relative to mission requirements. This is used to make decisions about preferred vessel designs, but it can also be used as comprehensive assessment of the benefits of ship-motion-control systems. Traditionally, operability computation aggregates statistics of motion computed over over the envelope of likely environmental conditions in order to determine a coefficient in the range from 0 to 1 called operability. When used for assessment of motion-control systems, the increase of operability is taken as the key performance indicator. The operability coefficient is often given the interpretation of the percentage of time operable. This paper considers an alternative probabilistic approach to this traditional computation of operability. It characterises operability not as a number to which a frequency interpretation is attached, but as a hypothesis that a vessel will attain the desired performance in one mission considering the envelope of likely operational conditions. This enables the use of Bayesian theory to compute the probability of that this hypothesis is true conditional on data from simulations. Thus, the metric considered is the probability of operability. This formulation not only adheres to recent developments in reliability and risk analysis, but also allows incorporating into the analysis more accurate descriptions of ship-motion-control systems since the analysis is not limited to linear ship responses in the frequency domain. The paper also discusses an extension of the approach to the case of assessment of increased levels of autonomy for unmanned marine craft.


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Quantifying the stiffness properties of soft tissues is essential for the diagnosis of many cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. In these pathologies it is widely agreed that the arterial wall stiffness is an indicator of vulnerability. The present paper focuses on the carotid artery and proposes a new inversion methodology for deriving the stiffness properties of the wall from cine-MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data. We address this problem by setting-up a cost function defined as the distance between the modeled pixel signals and the measured ones. Minimizing this cost function yields the unknown stiffness properties of both the arterial wall and the surrounding tissues. The sensitivity of the identified properties to various sources of uncertainty is studied. Validation of the method is performed on a rubber phantom. The elastic modulus identified using the developed methodology lies within a mean error of 9.6%. It is then applied to two young healthy subjects as a proof of practical feasibility, with identified values of 625 kPa and 587 kPa for one of the carotid of each subject.


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Background Aneurysm expansion rate is an important indicator of the potential risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture. Stress within the AAA wall is also thought to be a trigger for its rupture. However, the association between aneurysm wall stresses and expansion of AAA is unclear. Methods and Results Forty-four patients with AAAs were included in this longitudinal follow-up study. They were assessed by serial abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography scans if a critical size was reached or a rapid expansion occurred. Patient-specific 3-dimensional AAA geometries were reconstructed from the follow-up computed tomography images. Structural analysis was performed to calculate the wall stresses of the AAA models at both baseline and final visit. A nonlinear large-strain finite element method was used to compute the wall-stress distribution. The relationship between wall stresses and expansion rate was investigated. Slowly and rapidly expanding aneurysms had comparable baseline maximum diameters (median, 4.35 cm [interquartile range, 4.12 to 5.0 cm] versus 4.6 cm [interquartile range, 4.2 to 5.0 cm]; P=0.32). Rapidly expanding AAAs had significantly higher shoulder stresses than slowly expanding AAAs (median, 300 kPa [interquartile range, 280 to 320 kPa] versus 225 kPa [interquartile range, 211 to 249 kPa]; P=0.0001). A good correlation between shoulder stress at baseline and expansion rate was found (r=0.71; P=0.0001). Conclusion A higher shoulder stress was found to have an association with a rapidly expanding AAA. Therefore, it may be useful for estimating the expansion of AAAs and improve risk stratification of patients with AAAs.


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Growth rate of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is thought to be an important indicator of the potential risk of rupture. Wall stress is also thought to be a trigger for its rupture. However, stress change during the expansion of an AAA is unclear. Forty-four patients with AAAs were included in this longitudinal follow-up study. They were assessed by serial abdominal ultrasonography and computerized tomography (CT) scans if a critical size was reached or a rapid expansion occurred. Patient-specific 3-dimensional AAA geometries were reconstructed from the follow-up CT images. Structural analysis was performed to calculate the wall stresses of the AAA models at both baseline and final visit. A non-linear large-strain finite element method was used to compute the wall stress distribution. The average growth rate was 0.66cm/year (range 0-1.32 cm/year). A significantly positive correlation between shoulder tress at baseline and growth rate was found (r=0.342; p=0.02). A higher shoulder stress is associated with a rapidly expanding AAA. Therefore, it may be useful for estimating the growth expansion of AAAs and further risk stratification of patients with AAAs.


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The rupture of atherosclerotic plaques is known to be associated with the stresses that act on or within the arterial wall. The extreme wall tensile stress (WTS) is usually recognized as a primary trigger for the rupture of vulnerable plaque. The present study used the in-vivo high-resolution multi-spectral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for carotid arterial plaque morphology reconstruction. Image segmentation of different plaque components was based on the multi-spectral MRI and co-registered with different sequences for the patient. Stress analysis was performed on totally four subjects with different plaque burden by fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations. Wall shear stress distributions are highly related to the degree of stenosis, while the level of its magnitude is much lower than the WTS in the fibrous cap. WTS is higher in the luminal wall and lower at the outer wall, with the lowest stress at the lipid region. Local stress concentrations are well confined in the thinner fibrous cap region, and usually locating in the plaque shoulder; the introduction of relative stress variation during a cycle in the fibrous cap can be a potential indicator for plaque fatigue process in the thin fibrous cap. According to stress analysis of the four subjects, a risk assessment in terms of mechanical factors could be made, which may be helpful in clinical practice. However, more subjects with patient specific analysis are desirable for plaque-stability study.


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As part of the development of the ASEAN Regional Road Safety Strategy, a new index for measuring road safety maturity (RSM) was constructed from numerical weightings given to measurable factors presented for each of the pillars that guide national road safety plans and activities in WHO Global Road Safety Report 2013: road safety management, safer road and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users and post-crash response. The index is based on both a content analysis approach and a binary methodology (report/no report) including measures which have been considered pertinent and not redundant. For instance, the use of random breath testing and/or police checkpoints in the national drink driving law are combined in the enforcement index. The value of the index per pillar ranges from 0 to 100%, taking into account whether there is total, partial or non-implementation of certain actions. In addition, when possible, the self-rated level of enforcement is included. The overall ratings for the I 0 ASEAN countries and the scores for each of the pillars are presented in the paper. The extent to which the RSM index is a valid indicator of road safety performance is also discussed.


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It is well-known that new particle formation (NPF) in the atmosphere is inhibited by pre-existing particles in the air that act as condensation sinks to decrease the concentration and, thus, the supersaturation of precursor gases. In this study, we investigate the effects of two parameters - atmospheric visibility, expressed as the particle back-scatter coefficient (BSP), and PM10 particulate mass concentration, on the occurrences of NPF events in an urban environment where the majority of precursor gases originate from motor vehicle and industrial sources. This is the first attempt to derive direct relationships between each of these two parameters and the occurrence of NPF. NPF events were identified from data obtained with a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer over 245 days within a calendar year. Bayesian logistic regression was used to determine the probability of observing NPF as functions of BSP and PM10. We show that the BSP at 08 h on a given day is a reliable indicator of an NPF event later that day. The posterior median probability of observing an NPF event was greater than 0.5 (95%) when the BSP at 08 h was less than 6.8 Mm-1.


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Several intelligent transportation systems (ITS) were used with an advanced driving simulator to assess its influence on driving behavior. Three types of ITS interventions were tested: video in vehicle, audio in vehicle, and on-road flashing marker. The results from the driving simulator were inputs for a developed model that used traffic microsimulation (VISSIM 5.4) to assess the safety interventions. Using a driving simulator, 58 participants were required to drive through active and passive crossings with and without an ITS device and in the presence or absence of an approaching train. The effect of changes in driver speed and compliance rate was greater at passive crossings than at active crossings. The slight difference in speed of drivers approaching ITS devices indicated that ITS helped drivers encounter crossings in a safer way. Since the traffic simulation was not able to replicate a dynamic speed change or a probability of stopping that varied depending on ITS safety devices, some modifications were made to the traffic simulation. The results showed that exposure to ITS devices at active crossings did not influence drivers’ behavior significantly according to the traffic performance indicator, such as delay time, number of stops, speed, and stopped delay. However, the results of traffic simulation for passive crossings, where low traffic volumes and low train headway normally occur, showed that ITS devices improved overall traffic performance.


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Sustainable societal and economic development relies on novel nanotechnologies that offer maximum efficiency at minimal environmental cost. Yet, it is very challenging to apply green chemistry approaches across the entire life cycle of nanotech products, from design and nanomaterial synthesis to utilization and disposal. Recently, novel, efficient methods based on nonequilibrium reactive plasma chemistries that minimize the process steps and dramatically reduce the use of expensive and hazardous reagents have been applied to low-cost natural and waste sources to produce value-added nanomaterials with a wide range of applications. This review discusses the distinctive effects of nonequilibrium reactive chemistries and how these effects can aid and advance the integration of sustainable chemistry into each stage of nanotech product life. Examples of the use of enabling plasma-based technologies in sustainable production and degradation of nanotech products are discussed—from selection of precursors derived from natural resources and their conversion into functional building units, to methods for green synthesis of useful naturally degradable carbon-based nanomaterials, to device operation and eventual disintegration into naturally degradable yet potentially reusable byproducts.


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Peritoneal washing cytology (PWC) is a useful indicator of ovarian surface involvement and peritoneal dissemination by ovarian tumours. It may identify subclinical peritoneal spread and thus provide valuable staging and prognostic information, particularly for non-serous ovarian tumours. The role of PWC as a prognostic indicator for endometrial carcinoma is less clear, due in part to the questionable significance of identifying endometrial tumour cells in the peritoneum. Detection of metastatic carcinoma in PWC is based on recognition of non-mesothelial cell characteristics, however a number of conditions such as reactive mesothelial cells, endometriosis and endosalpingiosis may mimic this appearance. Cells from these conditions may have a similar presentation in PWC to that of serous borderline tumours and low grade serous carcinoma. The presence of cilia, lack of single atypical cells, prominent cytoplasmic vacuolation, marked nuclear atypia or two distinct cell populations are features favouring a benign process. Attention to these features along with close correlation with clinical history and the results of surgical pathology should help avoid errors. Additional assistance may be provided by the use of cell blocks and special stains.


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Optimizing the quality of early childhood education (ECE) is an international policy priority. Teacher-child interactions have been identified as the strongest indicator of quality and most potent predictor of child outcomes. This paper presents ethnomethodological and conversation analysis of an interaction between an early childhood educator with two children as they engage with each other, while performing a Web search. Analyses shows that question design can elicit qualitatively different responses with regard to sustained interactions. Understanding the design of teacher questions has pedagogic implications for the work of the teacher and for the broader quality agenda in early childhood education.


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Background: Gait speed is an indicator of walking ability, morbidity and mortality; and is a reliable, valid and sensitive outcome measure commonly used in the rehabilitation setting. Gait speed is a quick and efficient assessment method; yet, to date, there has been little investigation of its potential use in populations with lower limb amputation.


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Sonographic diagnosis of appendicitis in children is an important clinical tool, often obviating the need for potentially harmful ionising radiation from computed tomography (CT) scans and unnecessary appendectomies. Established criteria do not commonly account for the sonographic secondary signs of acute appendicitis as an adjunct or corollary to an identifiably inflamed appendix. If one of, or combinations of these secondary signs are a reliable positive and/or negative indicator of the condition, diagnostic accuracy may be improved. This will be of particular importance in cases where the appendix cannot be easily identified, possibly providing referring clinicians with a less equivocal diagnosis. Acute appendicitis (AA) is the most common emergency presentation requiring surgical intervention among both adults and children. During 2010-11 in Australia 25000 appendicectomies were performed on adults and children, more than double the number of the next most common surgical procedure [1]. Ultrasound has been commonly used to diagnose AA since the 1980s, however the best imaging modality or combination of modalities to accurately and cost-effectively diagnose the condition is still debated. A study by Puylaert advocated ultrasound in all presentations [2], whereas others suggested it only as a first line modality [3–5]. Conversely, York et al state that it is not appropriate as it delays treatment [6]. CT has been shown to more accurately diagnose AA than ultrasound, however its inherent radiation risks warrant cautionary use in children [7]. Improved accuracy in the diagnosis of suspected AA using ultrasound would enable surgeons to make a decision without the need to expose children to the potentially harmful effects of CT. Secondary signs of appendicitis are well established [8], although research into their predictive values has only recently been undertaken [9,10] indicating their potential diagnostic benefit in the absence of an identifiable appendix. The purpose of this review is to examine the history of appendiceal sonography, established sonographic criteria, paediatric specific techniques and the predictive value of secondary signs.