451 resultados para MINERAL-CHEMISTRY


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The mixed valency (M2+M3+) sulphate minerals, römerite Fe2+Fe23+(SO4)4•14H2O and botryogen Mg2+Fe3+(SO4)2(OH).7H2O have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of the two types of crystals proved very similar but not identical. The observation of two symmetric stretching modes confirmed the presence of the two non-equivalent sulphate units in the römerite structure. The observation of multiple bands in the antisymmetric stretching region and in the bending regions proves the symmetry of the sulphate anion is significantly reduced in the römerite structure. The number of Raman bands related to the (SO4)2- symmetric and antisymmetric vibrations support the X-ray single crystal structure conclusion that two symmetrically distinct S6+ are present in the structure of botryogen. Römerite is a mineral of environmental significance as it is commonly found in tailings and dumps.


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to study selected mineral samples of the copiapite group. Copiapite (Fe2+Fe3+(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O) is a secondary mineral formed through the oxidn. of pyrite. Minerals of the copiapite group have the general formula AFe4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O, where A has a + 2 charge and can be either magnesium, iron, copper, calcium and/or zinc. The formula can also be B2/3Fe4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O, where B has a + 3 charge and may be either aluminum or iron. For each mineral, two Raman bands are obsd. at around 992 and 1029 cm-1, assigned to the (SO4)2-ν1 sym. stretching mode. The observation of two bands provides evidence for the existence of two non-equiv. sulfate anions in the mineral structure. Three Raman bands at 1112, 1142 and 1161 cm-1 are obsd. in the Raman spectrum of copiapites, indicating a redn. of symmetry of the sulfate anion in the copiapite structure. This redn. in symmetry is supported by multiple bands in the ν2 and ν4(SO4)2- spectral regions.


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The single crystal Raman spectra of natural mineral schafarzikite FeSb2O4 from the Pernek locality of the Slovak Republic are presented for the first time. Raman spectra of natural mineral apuanite Fe2+Fe43+Sb4O12S, originating from the Apuan Alps in Italy, as well as spectra of synthetic ZnSb2O4 and arsenite mineral trippkeite CuAs2O4 are also presented for the first time. The spectra of the antimonite minerals are characterized by a strong band in the region 660 – 680 cm-1 with shoulders on either side, and a band of medium intensity near 300 cm-1. The spectrum of the arsenite mineral is characterized by a medium band near 780 cm-1 with a shoulder on the high wavenumber side and a strong band at 370 cm-1. Assignments are proposed based on the spectral comparison between the compounds, symmetry modes of the bands and prior literature. The single crystal spectra of schafarzikite showed good mode separation, allowing bands to be assigned a symmetry species of A1g, B1g, B2g or Eg.


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Explanations of the role of analogies in learning science at a cognitive level are made in terms of creating bridges between new information and students’ prior knowledge. In this empirical study of learning with analogies in an 11th grade chemistry class, we explore an alternative explanation at the "social" level where analogy shapes classroom discourse. Students in the study developed analogies within small groups and with their teacher. These classroom interactions were monitored to identify changes in discourse that took place through these activities. Beginning from socio-cultural perspectives and hybridity, we investigated classroom discourse during analogical activities. From our analyses, we theorized a merged discourse that explains how the analog discourse becomes intertwined with the target discourse generating a transitional state where meanings, signs, symbols, and practices are in flux. Three categories were developed that capture how students intertwined the analog and target discourses—merged words, merged utterances/sentences, and merged practices.


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Raman and infrared spectra of two polymorphous minerals with the chemical formula Fe3+(SO4)(OH)•2H2O, monoclinic butlerite and orthorhombic parabutlerite, are studied and the spectra assigned. Observed bands are attributed to the (SO4)2- stretching and bending vibrations, hydrogen bonded water molecules, stretching and bending vibrations of hydroxyl ions, water librational modes, Fe-O and Fe-OH stretching vibrations, Fe-OH bending vibrations and lattice vibrations. The O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths in the structures of both minerals are calculated from the wavenumbers of the stretching vibrations. One symmetrically distinct (SO4)2- unit in the structure of butlerite and two symmetrically distinct (SO4)2- units in the structure of parabutlerite are inferred from the Raman and infrared spectra. This conclusion agrees with the published crystal structures of both mineral phases.


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The two minerals diadochite and destinezite of formula Fe2(PO4,SO4)2(OH)•6H2O have been characterised by Raman spectroscopy and complimented with infrared spectroscopy. These two minerals are both found in soils and are identical except for their morphology. Diadochite is amorphous whereas destinezite is highly crystalline. The spectra of diadochite are broad and ill-defined, whereas the spectra of destinezite are intense and well defined. Bands are assigned to phosphate and sulphate stretching and bending modes. Two symmetric stretching modes for both the phosphate and sulphate symmetric stretching modes support the concept of non-equivalent phosphate and sulphate units in the mineral structure. Multiple water bending and stretching modes imply that non-equivalent water molecules in the structure exist with different hydrogen bond strengths.


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Pascoite mineral having yellow-orange colour of Colorado, USA origin has been characterized by EPR, optical and NIR spectroscopy. The colour dark red-orange to yellow-orange colour of the pascoite indicates that the mineral contain mixed valency of vanadium. The optical spectrum exhibits a number of electronic bands due to presence of VO(II) ions in the mineral. From EPR studies, the parameters of g, A are evaluated and the data confirm that the ion is in distorted octahedron. Optical absorption studies reveal that two sets of VO(II) is in distorted octahedron. The bands in NIR spectra are due to the overtones and combinations of water molecules.


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Novel profluorescent nitroxides bearing a triazole linker between the coumarin fluorophore and an isoindoline nitroxide were prepared in good yields using the coppercatalyzed azide�alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction (CuAAC). Nitroxides containing 7-hydroxy and 7-diethylamino substitution on their coumarin rings displayed significant fluorescence suppression, and upon reaction with methyl radicals, normal fluorescence emission was returned. The fluorescence emission for the 7-hydroxycoumarin nitroxide and its diamagnetic analogue was found to be strongly influenced by pH with maximal fluorescence emission achieved in basic solution. Solvent polarity was also shown to affect fluorescence emission. The significant difference in fluorescence output between the nitroxides and their corresponding diamagnetic analogues makes these compounds ideal tools for monitoring processes involving free-radical species.


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The molecular structure of the mineral archerite ((K,NH4)H2PO4) has been determined and compared with that of biphosphammite ((NH4,K)H2PO4). Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy has been used to characterise these ‘cave’ minerals. Both minerals originated from the Murra-el-elevyn Cave, Eucla, Western Australia. The mineral is formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to H2PO4-, OH and NH stretching vibrations. The Raman band at 981 cm-1 is assigned to the HOP stretching vibration. Bands in the 1200 to 1800 cm-1 region are associated with NH4+ bending modes. The molecular structure of the two minerals appear to be very similar, and it is therefore concluded that the two minerals are identical.


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Poly(styrene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers synthesized via the combination of reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization and hetero Diels–Alder (HDA) cycloaddition can be cleaved in the solid state by a retro-HDA reaction occurring at 90 °C. Nanoporous films can be prepared from these polymers using a simple heating and washing procedure.