389 resultados para Finite size scaling


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Numerical investigation of free convection heat transfer in an attic shaped enclosure with differentially heated two inclined walls and filled with air is performed in this study. The left inclined surface is uniformly heated whereas the right inclined surface is uniformly cooled. There is a heat source placed on the right side of the bottom surface. Rest of the bottom surface is kept as adiabatic. Finite volume based commercial software ANSYS 15 (Fluent) is used to solve the governing equations. Dependency of various flow parameters of fluid flow and heat transfer is analyzed including Rayleigh number, Ra ranging from 103 to 106, heater size from 0.2 to 0.6, heater position from 0.3 to 0.7 and aspect ratio from 0.2 to 1.0 with a fixed Prandtl number of 0.72. Outcomes have been reported in terms of temperature and stream function contours and local Nusselt number for various Ra, heater size, heater position, and aspect ratio. Grid sensitivity analysis is performed and numerically obtained results have been compared with those results available in the literature and found good agreement.


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Clear-fell harvest of forest concerns many wildlife biologists because of loss of vital resources such as roosts or nests, and effects on population viability. However, actual impact has not been quantified. Using New Zealand long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) as a model species we investigated impacts of clear-fell logging on bats in plantation forest. C. tuberculatus roost within the oldest stands in plantation forest so it was likely roost availability would decrease as harvest operations occurred. We predicted that post-harvest: (1) roosting range sizes would be smaller, (2) fewer roosts would be used, and (3) colony size would be smaller. We captured and radiotracked C. tuberculatus to day-roosts in Kinleith Forest, an exotic plantation forest, over three southern hemisphere summers (Season 1 October 2006–March 2007; Season 2 November 2007–March 2008; and Season 3 November 2008–March 2009). Individual roosting ranges (100% MCPs) post harvest were smaller than those in areas that had not been harvested, and declined in area during the 3 years. Following harvest, bats used fewer roosts than those in areas that had not been harvested. Over 3 years 20.7% of known roosts were lost: 14.5% due to forestry operations and 6.2% due to natural tree fall. Median colony size was 4.0 bats (IQR = 2.0–8.0) and declined during the study, probably because of locally high levels of roost loss. Post harvest colonies were smaller than colonies in areas that had not been harvested. Together, these results suggest the impact of clear-fell harvest on long-tailed bat populations is negative.


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Brain size in vertebrates varies principally with body size. Although many studies have examined the variation of brain size in birds, there is little information on Palaeognaths, which include the ratite lineage of kiwi, emu, ostrich and extinct moa, as well as the tinamous. Therefore, we set out to determine to what extent the evolution of brain size in Palaeognaths parallels that of other birds, i. e., Neognaths, by analyzing the variation in the relative sizes of the brain and cerebral hemispheres of several species of ratites and tinamous. Our results indicate that the Palaeognaths possess relatively smaller brains and cerebral hemispheres than the Neognaths, with the exception of the kiwi radiation (Apteryx spp.). The external morphology and relatively large size of the brain of Apteryx, as well as the relatively large size of its telencephalon, contrast with other Palaeognaths, including two species of historically sympatric moa, suggesting that unique selective pressures towards increasing brain size accompanied the evolution of kiwi. Indeed, the size of the cerebral hemispheres with respect to total brain size of kiwi is rivaled only by a handful of parrots and songbirds, despite a lack of evidence of any advanced behavioral/ cognitive abilities such as those reported for parrots and crows. In addition, the enlargement in brain and telencephalon size of the kiwi occurs despite the fact that this is a precocial bird. These findings form an exception to, and hence challenge, the current rules that govern changes in relative brain size in birds. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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This paper presents a nonlinear finite element (FE) model for the analysis of very high strength (VHS) steel hollow sections wrapped by high modulus carbon fibre rein forced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The bond strength of CFRP wrapped VHS circular steel hollow section under tension is investigated using the FE model. The three dimensional FE model by Nonlinear static analysis has been carried out by Strand 7 finite element software. The model is validated by the experimental data obtained from Fawzia et al [1]. A detail parametric study has been performed to examine the effect of number of CFRP layers, different diameters of VHS steel tube and different bond lengths of CFRP sheet. The analytical model developed by Fawzia et al. [1] has been used to determine the load carrying capacity of different diameters of CFRP strengthened VHS steel tube by using the capacity from each layer of CFRP sheet. The results from FE model have found in reasonable agreement with the analytical model developed by Fawzia et al [1]. This validation was necessary because the analytical model by Fawzia et al [1] was developed by using only one diameter of VHS steel tube and fixed (five) number of CFRP layers. It can be concluded that the developed analytical model is valid for CFRP strengthened VHS steel tubes with diameter range of 38mm to 100mm and CFRP layer range of 3 to 5 layers. Based on the results it can also be concluded that the effective bond length is consistent for different diameters of steel tubes and different layers of CFRP. Three layers of CFRP is considered most effective wrapping scheme due to the cost effectiveness. Finally the distribution of longitudinal and hoop stress has been determined by the finite element model for different diameters of CFRP strengthened VHS steel tube.


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Bridge girder bearings rest on pedestals to transfer the loading safely to the pier headstock. In spite of the existence of industry guidelines, due to construction complexities, such guidelines are often overlooked. Further, there is paucity of research on the performance of pedestals, although their failure could cause exorbitant maintenance costs. Although reinforced concrete pedestals are recommended in the industry design guidelines, unreinforced concrete and/ or epoxy glue pedestals are provided due to construction issues; such pedestals fail within a very short period of service. With a view to understanding the response of pedestals subject to monotonic loading, a three-dimensional nonlinear explicit finite element micro-model of unreinforced and reinforced concrete pedestals has been developed. Contact and material nonlinearity have been accounted for in the model. It is shown that the unreinforced concrete pedestals suffer from localised edge stress singularities, the failure of which was comparable to those in the field. The reinforced concrete pedestals, on the other hand, distribute the loading without edge stress singularity, again conforming to the field experience.


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Under certain conditions, the mathematical models governing the melting of nano-sized particles predict unphysical results, which suggests these models are incomplete. This thesis studies the addition of different physical effects to these models, using analytic and numerical techniques to obtain realistic and meaningful results. In particular, the mathematical "blow-up" of solutions to ill-posed Stefan problems is examined, and the regularisation of this blow-up via kinetic undercooling. Other effects such as surface tension, density change and size-dependent latent heat of fusion are also analysed.


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Due to its ability to represent intricate systems with material nonlinearities as well as irregular loading, boundary, geometrical and material domains, the finite element (FE) method has been recognized as an important computational tool in spinal biomechanics. Current FE models generally account for a single distinct spinal geometry with one set of material properties despite inherently large inter-subject variability. The uncertainty and high variability in tissue material properties, geometry, loading and boundary conditions has cast doubt on the reliability of their predictions and comparability with reported in vitro and in vivo values. A multicenter study was undertaken to compare the results of eight well-established models of the lumbar spine that have been developed, validated and applied for many years. Models were subjected to pure and combined loading modes and their predictions were compared to in vitro and in vivo measurements for intervertebral rotations, disc pressures and facet joint forces. Under pure moment loading, the predicted L1-5 rotations of almost all models fell within the reported in vitro ranges; their median values differed on average by only 2° for flexion-extension, 1° for lateral bending and 5° for axial rotation. Predicted median facet joint forces and disc pressures were also in good agreement with previously published median in vitro values. However, the ranges of predictions were larger and exceeded the in vitro ranges, especially for facet joint forces. For all combined loading modes, except for flexion, predicted median segmental intervertebral rotations and disc pressures were in good agreement with in vivo values. The simulations yielded median facet joint forces of 0 N in flexion, 38 N in extension, 14 N in lateral bending and 60 N in axial rotation that could not be validated due to the paucity of in vivo facet joint forces. In light of high inter-subject variability, one must be cautious when generalizing predictions obtained from one deterministic model. This study demonstrates however that the predictive power increases when FE models are combined together. The median of individual numerical results can hence be used as an improved tool in order to estimate the response of the lumbar spine.


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This study provides validity evidence for the Capture-Recapture (CR) method, borrowed from ecology, as a measure of second language (L2) productive vocabulary size (PVS). Two separate “captures” of productive vocabulary were taken using written word association tasks (WAT). At Time 1, 47 bilinguals provided at least 4 associates to each of 30 high-frequency stimulus words in English, their first language (L1), and in French, their L2. A few days later (Time 2), this procedure was repeated with a different set of stimulus words in each language. Since the WAT was used, both Lex30 and CR PVS scores were calculated in each language. Participants also completed an animacy judgment task assessing the speed and efficiency of lexical access. Results indicated that, in both languages, CR and Lex30 scores were significantly positively correlated (evidence of convergent validity). CR scores were also significantly larger in the L1, and correlated significantly with the speed of lexical access in the L2 (evidence of construct validity). These results point to the validity of the technique for estimating relative L2 PVS. However, CR scores are not a direct indication of absolute vocabulary size. A discussion of the method’s underlying assumptions and their implications for interpretation are provided.


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Steel hollow sections used in structures such as bridges, buildings and space structures involve different strengthening techniques according to their structural purpose and shape of the structural member. One such technique is external bonding of CFRP sheets to steel tubes. The performance of CFRP strengthening for steel structures has been proven under static loading while limited studies have been conducted on their behaviour under impact loading. In this study, a comprehensive numerical investigation is carried out to evaluate the response of CFRP strengthened steel tubes under dynamic axial impact loading. Impact force, axial deformation impact velocities are studied. The results of the numerical investigations are validated by experimental results. Based on the developed finite element (FE) model several output parameters are discussed. The results show that CFRP wrapping is an effective strengthening technique to increase the axial dynamic load bearing capacity by increasing the stiffness of the steel tube.


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Strain-based failure criteria have several advantages over stress-based failure criteria: they can account for elastic and inelastic strains, they utilise direct, observables effects instead of inferred effects (strain gauges vs. stress estimates), and model complete stress-strain curves including pre-peak, non-linear elasticity and post-peak strain weakening. In this study, a strain-based failure criterion derived from thermodynamic first principles utilising the concepts of continuum damage mechanics is presented. Furthermore, implementation of this failure criterion into a finite-element simulation is demonstrated and applied to the stability of underground mining coal pillars. In numerical studies, pillar strength is usually expressed in terms of critical stresses or stress-based failure criteria where scaling with pillar width and height is common. Previous publications have employed the finite-element method for pillar stability analysis using stress-based failure criterion such as Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown or stress-based scalar damage models. A novel constitutive material model, which takes into consideration anisotropy as well as elastic strain and damage as state variables has been developed and is presented in this paper. The damage threshold and its evolution are strain-controlled, and coupling of the state variables is achieved through the damage-induced degradation of the elasticity tensor. This material model is implemented into the finite-element software ABAQUS and can be applied to 3D problems. Initial results show that this new material model is capable of describing the non-linear behaviour of geomaterials commonly observed before peak strength is reached as well as post-peak strain softening. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the model can account for directional dependency of failure behaviour (i.e. anisotropy) and has the potential to be expanded to environmental controls like temperature or moisture.