431 resultados para Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD)


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Bit-stream-based control, which uses one bit wide signals to control power electronics applications, is a new approach for controller design in power electronic systems. This study presents a novel family of three-phase space vector modulators, which are based on the bit-stream technique and suitable for three-phase inverter systems. Each of the proposed modulators simultaneously converts a two-phase reference to the three-phase domain and reduces switching frequencies to reasonable levels. The modulators do not require carrier oscillators, trigonometric functions or, in some cases, sector detectors. A complete three-phase modulator can be implemented in as few as 102 logic elements. The performance of the proposed modulators is compared through simulation and experimental testing of a 6 kW, three-phase DC-to-AC inverter. Subject to limits on the modulation index, the proposed modulators deliver spread-spectrum output currents with total harmonic distortion comparable to a standard carrier-based space vector pulse width modulator.


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This paper presents new five-level current-source inverters (CSIs) with voltage/current buck-boost capability, unlike existing five-level CSIs where only voltage-boost operation is supported. The proposed inverters attain self-inductive-current-balancing per switching cycle at their dc front ends without having to include additional balancing hardware or complex control manipulation. The inverters can conveniently be controlled by using the well-established phase-shifted carrier modulation scheme with only two additional linear references and a mapping logic table needed. Existing modulators can therefore be conveniently retrofitted for controlling the presented inverters. By appropriately coordinating the inverter gating signals, their implementations can be realized by using the least number of components without degrading performance. These enhanced features of the inverters have already been verified in simulation and experimentally using a scaled-down laboratory platform.


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Lanthanum oxide (La2O3) nanostructured films are synthesized on a p-type silicon wafer by ablation of La2O3 pellet due to interaction with hot dense argon plasmas in a modified dense plasma focus (DPF) device. The nanostructured films are investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra. SEM study shows the formation of nano-films having nano-size structures with the average nanostructures size ~25, ~53, and ~45 nm for one, two, and three DPF shots, respectively. The nanostructures sizes and morphology of nano-films are consistent between the AFM and SEM analyses. XRD spectra confirms nano-sized La2O3 with an average grain size ~34, ~51, and ~42 nm for one, two, and three DPF shots, respectively. The electrical properties such as current-voltage and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the Al-La2O3-Si metal-oxide- semiconductor (MOS) capacitor structure are measured. The current conduction mechanism of the MOS capacitors is also demonstrated. The C-V characteristics are further used to obtain the electrical parameters such as the dielectric constant, oxide thickness, flat-band capacitance, and flat-band voltage of the MOS capacitors. These measurements demonstrate significantly lower leakage currents without any commonly used annealing or doping, thereby revealing a significant improvement of the MOS nanoelectronic device performance due to the incorporation of the DPF-produced La2O3 nano-films.


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Realizing the promise of molecularly targeted inhibitors for cancer therapy will require a new level of knowledge about how a drug target is wired into the control circuitry of a complex cellular network. Here we review general homeostatic principles of cellular networks that enable the cell to be resilient in the face of molecular perturbations, while at the same time being sensitive to subtle input signals. Insights into such mechanisms may facilitate the development of combination therapies that take advantage of the cellular control circuitry, with the aim of achieving higher efficacy at a lower drug dosage and with a reduced probability of drug-resistance development.


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Luminescent ZnO nanoparticles have been synthesized on silicon and quartz substrates under extremely non-equilibrium conditions of energetic ion condensation during the post-focus phase in a dense plasma focus (DPF) device. Ar+, O+, Zn+ and ZnO+ ions are generated as a result of interaction of hot and dense argon plasma focus with the surfaces of ZnO pellets placed at the anode. It is found that the sizes, structural and photoluminescence (PL) properties of the ZnO nanoparticles appear to be quite different on Si(1 0 0) and quartz substrates. The results of x-ray diffractometry and atomic force microscopy show that the ZnO nanoparticles are crystalline and range in size from 5-7 nm on Si(1 0 0) substrates to 10-38 nm on quartz substrates. Room-temperature PL studies reveal strong peaks related to excitonic bands and defects for the ZnO nanoparticles deposited on Si (1 0 0), whereas the excitonic bands are not excited in the quartz substrate case. Raman studies indicate the presence of E2 (high) mode for ZnO nanoparticles deposited on Si(1 0 0).


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The response of complex ionized gas systems to the presence of nonuniform distribution of charged grains is investigated using a kinetic model. Contrary to an existing view that the electron temperature inevitably increases in the grain-occupied region because of enhanced ionization to compensate for the electrons lost to the grains, it is shown that this happens only when the ionizing electric field increases in the electron depleted region. The results for two typical plasma systems suggest that when the ionizing electric field depends on the spatially averaged electron density, the electron temperature in the grain containing region can actually decrease.


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A global, or averaged, model for complex low-pressure argon discharge plasmas containing dust grains is presented. The model consists of particle and power balance equations taking into account power loss on the dust grains and the discharge wall. The electron energy distribution is determined by a Boltzmann equation. The effects of the dust and the external conditions, such as the input power and neutral gas pressure, on the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the electron and ion number densities, and the dust charge are investigated. It is found that the dust subsystem can strongly affect the stationary state of the discharge by dynamically modifying the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the creation and loss of the plasma particles, as well as the power deposition. In particular, the power loss to the dust grains can take up a significant portion of the input power, often even exceeding the loss to the wall.


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A model for electronegative plasmas containing charged dust or colloidal grains was used. Numerical solutions based on the model demonstrate how a low-pressure diffusion equilibrium of the complex electronegative plasma system is dynamically sustained through plasma particle sources.


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A wave propagation in a complex dusty plasma with negative ions was considered. The relevant processes such as ionization, electron attachment, diffusion, positive-negative ion recombination, plasma particle collisions, as well as elastic Coulomb and inelastic dust-charging collisions were taken self-consistently. It was found that the equilibrium of the plasma as well as the propagation of ion waves were modified to various degrees by these effects.


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A generic approach towards tailoring of ion species composition in reactive plasmas used for nanofabrication of various functional nanofilms and nanoassemblies, based on a simplified model of a parallel-plate rf discharge, is proposed. The model includes an idealized reactive plasma containing two neutral and two ionic species interacting via charge exchange collisions in the presence of a microdispersed solid component. It is shown that the number densities of the desired ionic species can be efficiently managed by adjusting the dilution of the working gas in a buffer gas, rates of electron impact ionization, losses of plasma species on the discharge walls, and surfaces of fine particles, charge exchange rates, and efficiency of three-body recombination processes in the plasma bulk. The results are relevant to the plasma-aided nanomanufacturing of ordered patterns of carbon nanotip and nanopyramid microemitters.


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The effect of density and size of dust grains on the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in low-temperature complex plasmas is studied. It is found that the EEDF depends strongly on the dust density and size. The behavior of the electron temperature can differ significantly from that of a pristine plasma. For low-pressure argon glow discharge, the Druyvesteyn-like EEDF often found in pristine plasmas can become nearly Maxwellian if the dust density and/or sizes are large. One can thus control the plasma parameters by the dust grains.


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The control of the generation and assembly of the electronegative plasma-grown particles is discussed. Due to the large number of elementary processes of particle creation and loss, electronegative complex plasmas should be treated as open systems where the stationary states are sustained by various particle creation and loss processes in the plasma bulk, on the walls, and on the dust grain surfaces. To be physically self-consistent, ionization, diffusion, electron attachment, recombination, dust charge variation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and fine particles, as well as charging collisions with the dust, must be accounted for.


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Negative ions and negatively charged micro- to nano-meter sized dust grains are ubiquitous in astrophysical as well as industrial processing plasmas. The negative ions can appear in electro-negative plasmas as a result of elementary processes such as dissociative or non-dissociative electron attachment to neutrals. They are usually rather small in number, and in general do not affect the overall plasma behavior. On the other hand, since the dust grains are almost always highly negative, even in small numbers they can take up a considerable proportion of the total negative charge in the system. The presence of dusts can affect the characteristics of most collective processes of the plasma since the charge balance in both the steady and dynamic states can be significantly altered. Another situation that often occurs is that the electron number density becomes small because of their absorption by the dust grains or the discharge walls. In this case the negative ions in the plasma can play a very important role. Here, a self-consistent theory of linear waves in complex laboratory plasmas containing dust grains and negative ions is presented. A comprehensive model for such plasmas including source and sink effects associated with the presence of dust grains and negative ions is introduced. The stationary state of the plasma as well as the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated. All relevant processes, such as ionization, diffusion, electron attachment, negative-positive ion recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dust particles, as well as charging collisions with the dusts, are taken into consideration.


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An overview of dynamic self-organization phenomena in complex ionized gas systems, associated physical phenomena, and industrial applications is presented. The most recent experimental, theoretical, and modeling efforts to understand the growth mechanisms and dynamics of nano- and micron-sized particles, as well as the unique properties of the plasma-particle systems (colloidal, or complex plasmas) and the associated physical phenomena are reviewed and the major technological applications of micro- and nanoparticles are discussed. Until recently, such particles were considered mostly as a potential hazard for the microelectronic manufacturing and significant efforts were applied to remove them from the processing volume or suppress the gas-phase coagulation. Nowadays, fine clusters and particulates find numerous challenging applications in fundamental science as well as in nanotechnology and other leading high-tech industries.


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The continuous steady-state current drive in a spherical argon plasma by transverse oscillating magnetic field (OMF) is investigated. The experimental results reveal that a rotating magnetic field is generated, and its amplitude depends linearly on the external steady vertical magnetic field. It has been shown that steady toroidal currents of up to about 400 A can be driven by a 490 kHz OMF with an input power of 1.4 kW. The generation of steady toroidal magnetic fields directed oppositely in the upper and lower hemispheres have been recorded. The measurements of time-varying magnetic fields unveil a strong nonlinear effect of the frequency-doubled field harmonics generation. The electron number density and temperature of up to 6.2×1018 m-3 and 12 eV have been obtained. The observed effects validate the existing theory of the OMF current drive in spherical plasmas.