382 resultados para Word and image


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“Slow Horizon” is comprised of six lenticular panels hung in an even, horizontal sequence. As the viewer moves in front of the work, each panel alternates subtly between two vertical colour gradients. From left to right, the panels move through yellow, orange, magenta and violet to ‘midnight blue’. Together, the coloured panels comprise an abstract horizon line that references the changing nature of light at sunset. The scale, movement and chromatic qualities of the panels also allude to the formal characteristics of the screen technologies that pervade contemporary visual culture. “Slow Horizon” contributes to studies in the field of contemporary art. It is particularly concerned with the relationships between abstraction, colour, signification and perception. Since early Modernity, debates concerning representation and the formal qualities of the picture plane have been fundamental to art practice and theory. These debates have often dovetailed with questions of art’s capacity to generate shifts in thought and perception. Practitioners such as Ellsworth Kelly, James Turrell and Ed Ruscha have variously used block and blended colour to engage in these formal, symbolic and perceptual potentials of colour. Using a practice-led research methodology, “Slow Horizon” furthers this creative inquiry. By conflating the reductive visual logics of abstraction and minimalism with the iconic, romantic evocations of sunset imagery, it questions not only the contemporary relationship between abstraction and image-making, but also art’s ability to create moments of stillness and contemplation in a context significantly shaped by screen technologies. “Slow Horizon” has been exhibited internationally as part of “Supermassive” at LA Louver Gallery, Venice, California in 2013. The exhibition was reviewed in The Los Angeles Times.


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Our everyday environment is full of text but this rich source of information remains largely inaccessible to mobile robots. In this paper we describe an active text spotting system that uses a small number of wide angle views to locate putative text in the environment and then foveates and zooms onto that text in order to improve the reliability of text recognition. We present extensive experimental results obtained with a pan/tilt/zoom camera and a ROS-based mobile robot operating in an indoor environment.


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In this paper, we propose an approach which attempts to solve the problem of surveillance event detection, assuming that we know the definition of the events. To facilitate the discussion, we first define two concepts. The event of interest refers to the event that the user requests the system to detect; and the background activities are any other events in the video corpus. This is an unsolved problem due to many factors as listed below: 1) Occlusions and clustering: The surveillance scenes which are of significant interest at locations such as airports, railway stations, shopping centers are often crowded, where occlusions and clustering of people are frequently encountered. This significantly affects the feature extraction step, and for instance, trajectories generated by object tracking algorithms are usually not robust under such a situation. 2) The requirement for real time detection: The system should process the video fast enough in both of the feature extraction and the detection step to facilitate real time operation. 3) Massive size of the training data set: Suppose there is an event that lasts for 1 minute in a video with a frame rate of 25fps, the number of frames for this events is 60X25 = 1500. If we want to have a training data set with many positive instances of the event, the video is likely to be very large in size (i.e. hundreds of thousands of frames or more). How to handle such a large data set is a problem frequently encountered in this application. 4) Difficulty in separating the event of interest from background activities: The events of interest often co-exist with a set of background activities. Temporal groundtruth typically very ambiguous, as it does not distinguish the event of interest from a wide range of co-existing background activities. However, it is not practical to annotate the locations of the events in large amounts of video data. This problem becomes more serious in the detection of multi-agent interactions, since the location of these events can often not be constrained to within a bounding box. 5) Challenges in determining the temporal boundaries of the events: An event can occur at any arbitrary time with an arbitrary duration. The temporal segmentation of events is difficult and ambiguous, and also affected by other factors such as occlusions.


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In general optical systems, the range of distances over which the detector cannot detect any change in focus is called the depth-of-field. This may be specified by movement of the object or image planes, with the former being referred to as depth-of-field and the latter as depth-of-focus (DOF). Either term can be used in vision science, where we refer to changes in vergence which have the same value in both object and image space.


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This report describes the available functionality and use of the ClusterEval evaluation software. It implements novel and standard measures for the evaluation of cluster quality. This software has been used at the INEX XML Mining track and in the MediaEval Social Event Detection task.


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The work described in this technical report is part of an ongoing project at QUT to build practical tools for the manipulation, analysis and visualisation of recordings of the natural environment. This report describes the algorithm we use to cluster the spectra in a spectrogram. The report begins with a brief description of the signal processing that prepares the spectrograms.


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Uncooperative iris identification systems at a distance suffer from poor resolution of the acquired iris images, which significantly degrades iris recognition performance. Super-resolution techniques have been employed to enhance the resolution of iris images and improve the recognition performance. However, most existing super-resolution approaches proposed for the iris biometric super-resolve pixel intensity values, rather than the actual features used for recognition. This paper thoroughly investigates transferring super-resolution of iris images from the intensity domain to the feature domain. By directly super-resolving only the features essential for recognition, and by incorporating domain specific information from iris models, improved recognition performance compared to pixel domain super-resolution can be achieved. A framework for applying super-resolution to nonlinear features in the feature-domain is proposed. Based on this framework, a novel feature-domain super-resolution approach for the iris biometric employing 2D Gabor phase-quadrant features is proposed. The approach is shown to outperform its pixel domain counterpart, as well as other feature domain super-resolution approaches and fusion techniques.


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Trees are capable of portraying the semi-structured data which is common in web domain. Finding similarities between trees is mandatory for several applications that deal with semi-structured data. Existing similarity methods examine a pair of trees by comparing through nodes and paths of two trees, and find the similarity between them. However, these methods provide unfavorable results for unordered tree data and result in yielding NP-hard or MAX-SNP hard complexity. In this paper, we present a novel method that encodes a tree with an optimal traversing approach first, and then, utilizes it to model the tree with its equivalent matrix representation for finding similarity between unordered trees efficiently. Empirical analysis shows that the proposed method is able to achieve high accuracy even on the large data sets.


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We read with interest the article entitled ‘Population spherical aberration: associations with ametropia, age, corneal curvature, and image quality’ by Amanda C Kingston and Ian G Cox (2013). The authors provided higher order aberrations data for a sample of 1124 eyes and performed correlation analyses to compare higher order aberrations with refraction and biometry data, such as spherical equivalent power and corneal curvature. Special attention was drawn to spherical aberration...


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This thesis examined the influence of mobile digital technology on the brand identity of luxury brands. Specifically it focused on the use of mobile applications by automobile, hotel and beauty brands and compared the perceptions of marketing managers with consumers on how mobile applications influenced luxury brand identity and image. Outcomes of this research included a model to depict the ongoing process between mobile-mediated luxury brand identity and image, and a typology of luxury brand mobile applications listing key features of mobile-mediated luxemosphere. Overall findings suggest that the influence of mobile applications on luxury brand identity has been negative, as their brand image appeared to be degraded, resulting in diminishing the brand identity.


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Clustering identities in a broadcast video is a useful task to aid in video annotation and retrieval. Quality based frame selection is a crucial task in video face clustering, to both improve the clustering performance and reduce the computational cost. We present a frame work that selects the highest quality frames available in a video to cluster the face. This frame selection technique is based on low level and high level features (face symmetry, sharpness, contrast and brightness) to select the highest quality facial images available in a face sequence for clustering. We also consider the temporal distribution of the faces to ensure that selected faces are taken at times distributed throughout the sequence. Normalized feature scores are fused and frames with high quality scores are used in a Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence based face clustering system. We present a news video database to evaluate the clustering system performance. Experiments on the newly created news database show that the proposed method selects the best quality face images in the video sequence, resulting in improved clustering performance.


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This workshop was supported by the Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS, http://www.aceas.org.au/), a facility of the Australian Government-funded Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (http://www.tern.org.au/), a research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund - Super Science Initiative, through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education. Hosted by: Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland. (QUT, http://www.qut.edu.au/) Dates: 8-11 May 2012 Report Editors: Prof Stuart Parsons (Uni. Auckland, NZ) and Dr Michael Towsey (QUT). This report is a compilation of notes and discussion summaries contributed by those attending the Workshop. They have been assembled into a logical order by the editors. Another report (with photographs) can be obtained at: http://www.aceas.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=94&Itemid=96


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Recent modelling of socio-economic costs by the Australian railway industry in 2010 has estimated the cost of level crossing accidents to exceed AU$116 million annually. To better understand causal factors that contribute to these accidents, the Cooperative Research Centre for Rail Innovation is running a project entitled Baseline Level Crossing Video. The project aims to improve the recording of level crossing safety data by developing an intelligent system capable of detecting near-miss incidents and capturing quantitative data around these incidents. To detect near-miss events at railway level crossings a video analytics module is being developed to analyse video footage obtained from forward-facing cameras installed on trains. This paper presents a vision base approach for the detection of these near-miss events. The video analytics module is comprised of object detectors and a rail detection algorithm, allowing the distance between a detected object and the rail to be determined. An existing publicly available Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) based object detector algorithm is used to detect various types of vehicles in each video frame. As vehicles are usually seen from a sideway view from the cabin’s perspective, the results of the vehicle detector are verified using an algorithm that can detect the wheels of each detected vehicle. Rail detection is facilitated using a projective transformation of the video, such that the forward-facing view becomes a bird’s eye view. Line Segment Detector is employed as the feature extractor and a sliding window approach is developed to track a pair of rails. Localisation of the vehicles is done by projecting the results of the vehicle and rail detectors on the ground plane allowing the distance between the vehicle and rail to be calculated. The resultant vehicle positions and distance are logged to a database for further analysis. We present preliminary results regarding the performance of a prototype video analytics module on a data set of videos containing more than 30 different railway level crossings. The video data is captured from a journey of a train that has passed through these level crossings.


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Introduction Stretching of tissue stimulates angiogenesis but increased motion at a fracture site hinders revascularisation. In vitro studies have indicated that mechanical stimuli promote angiogenic responses in endothelial cells, but can either inhibit or enhance responses when applied directly to angiogenesis assays. We anticipated that cyclic tension applied during endothelial network assembly would increase vascular structure formation up to a certain threshold. Methods Fibroblast/HUVEC co-cultures were subjected to cyclic equibiaxial strain (1 Hz; 6 h/day; 7 days) using the FlexerCell FX-4000T system and limiting rings for simultaneous application of multiple strain magnitudes (0–13%). Cells were labelled using anti-PECAM-1, and image analysis provided measures of endothelial network length and numbers of junctions. Results Cyclic stretching had no significant effect on the total length of endothelial networks (P > 0.2) but resulted in a strain-dependent decrease in branching and localised alignments of endothelial structures, which were in turn aligned with the supporting fibroblastic construct. Conclusion The organisation of endothelial networks under cyclic strain is dominated by structural adaptation to the supporting construct. It may be that, in fracture healing, the formation and integrity of the granulation tissue and callus is ultimately critical in revascularisation and its failure under severe strain conditions.


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This work considers the problem of building high-fidelity 3D representations of the environment from sensor data acquired by mobile robots. Multi-sensor data fusion allows for more complete and accurate representations, and for more reliable perception, especially when different sensing modalities are used. In this paper, we propose a thorough experimental analysis of the performance of 3D surface reconstruction from laser and mm-wave radar data using Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces (GPIS), in a realistic field robotics scenario. We first analyse the performance of GPIS using raw laser data alone and raw radar data alone, respectively, with different choices of covariance matrices and different resolutions of the input data. We then evaluate and compare the performance of two different GPIS fusion approaches. The first, state-of-the-art approach directly fuses raw data from laser and radar. The alternative approach proposed in this paper first computes an initial estimate of the surface from each single source of data, and then fuses these two estimates. We show that this method outperforms the state of the art, especially in situations where the sensors react differently to the targets they perceive.