295 resultados para Inflammatory Joint Diseases


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Periodontal inflammation can inhibit cell differentiation of periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs), resulting in decreased bone/cementum regeneration ability. The Wnt signaling pathway, including canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling and noncanonical Wnt/Ca2+ signaling, plays essential roles in cell proliferation and differentiation during tooth development. However, little is still known whether noncanonical Wnt/Ca2+ signaling cascade could regulate cementogenic/osteogenic differentiation capability of PDLCs within an inflammatory environment. Therefore, in this study, human PDLCs (hPDLCs) and their cementogenic differentiation potential were investigated in the presence of cytokines. The data demonstrated that both cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibited cell proliferation, relative alkaline phosphatase activity, bone/cementum-related gene/protein expression, and canonical Wnt pathway-related gene/protein expression in hPDLCs. Interestingly, both cytokines upregulated the noncanonical Wnt/Ca2+ signaling-related gene and protein expression in hPDLCs. When the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway was blocked by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor KN93, even in the presence of IL-6 and TNF-α, cementogenesis could be stimulated in hPDLCs. Our data indicate that the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway plays an inhibitory role on PDLC cementogenic differentiation in inflammatory microenvironments. Therefore, targeting the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway may provide a novel therapeutic approach to improve periodontal regeneration for periodontal diseases.


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Background Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis is the most common type of spinal deformity, and whilst the risk of progression appears to be biomechanically mediated (larger deformities are more likely to progress), the detailed biomechanical mechanisms driving progression are not well understood. Gravitational forces in the upright position are the primary sustained loads experienced by the spine. In scoliosis they are asymmetrical, generating moments about the spinal joints which may promote asymmetrical growth and deformity progression. Using 3D imaging modalities to estimate segmental torso masses allows the gravitational loading on the scoliotic spine to be determined. The resulting distribution of joint moments aids understanding of the mechanics of scoliosis progression. Methods Existing low-dose CT scans were used to estimate torso segment masses and joint moments for 20 female scoliosis patients. Intervertebral joint moments at each vertebral level were found by summing the moments of each of the torso segment masses above the required joint. Results The patients’ mean age was 15.3 years (SD 2.3; range 11.9 – 22.3 years); mean thoracic major Cobb angle 52° (SD 5.9°; range 42°-63°) and mean weight 57.5 kg (SD 11.5 kg; range 41 – 84.7 kg). Joint moments of up to 7 Nm were estimated at the apical level. No significant correlation was found between the patients’ major Cobb angles and apical joint moments. Conclusions Patients with larger Cobb angles do not necessarily have higher joint moments, and curve shape is an important determinant of joint moment distribution. These findings may help to explain the variations in progression between individual patients. This study suggests that substantial corrective forces are required of either internal instrumentation or orthoses to effectively counter the gravity-induced moments acting to deform the spinal joints of idiopathic scoliosis patients.


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Dissatisfaction with, and discontinuation from, contact lens wear is a source of major frustration and inconvenience to users, and a problem that is thought to cost the contact lens industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year. By directly and non-invasively monitoring inflammatory cells in the tissues at the front of the eye in symptomatic and asymptomatic lens wearers, the candidate has been able to demonstrate an inflammatory basis for contact lens discomfort. This finding may pave the way towards the development of strategies to make contact lenses more safe and afford greater levels of comfort.


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Indoor air quality is a critical factor in the classroom due to high people concentration in a unique space. Indoor air pollutant might increase the chance of both long and short-term health problems among students and staff, reduce the productivity of teachers and degrade the student’s learning environment and comfort. Adequate air distribution strategies may reduce risk of infection in classroom. So, the purpose of air distribution systems in a classroom is not only to maximize conditions for thermal comfort, but also to remove indoor contaminants. Natural ventilation has the potential to play a significant role in achieving improvements in IAQ. The present study compares the risk of airborne infection between Natural Ventilation (opening windows and doors) and a Split-System Air Conditioner in a university classroom. The Wells-Riley model was used to predict the risk of indoor airborne transmission of infectious diseases such as influenza, measles and tuberculosis. For each case, the air exchange rate was measured using a CO2 tracer gas technique. It was found that opening windows and doors provided an air exchange rate of 2.3 air changes/hour (ACH), while with the Split System it was 0.6 ACH. The risk of airborne infection ranged between 4.24 to 30.86 % when using the Natural Ventilation and between 8.99 to 43.19% when using the Split System. The difference of airborne infection risk between the Split System and the Natural Ventilation ranged from 47 to 56%. Opening windows and doors maximize Natural Ventilation so that the risk of airborne contagion is much lower than with Split System.


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CXCL-8 (Interleukin 8) is a CXC chemokine with a central role in the human immune response. We have undertaken extensive in silico analyses to elucidate the interactions of CXCL-8 with its various binding partners, which are crucial for its biological function. Sequence and structure analyses showed that residues in the thirdq β-sheet and basic residues in the heparin binding site are highly variable, while residues in the second β-sheet are highly conserved. Molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous solution of dimeric CXCL-8 have been performed with starting geometries from both X-ray and NMR structures showed shearing movements between the two antiparallel C-terminal helices. Dynamic conservation analyses of these simulations agreed with experimental data indicating that structural differences between the two structures at quaternary level arise from changes in the secondary structure of the N-terminal loop, the 310-helix, the 30s, 40s, and 50s loops and the third β-sheet, resulting in a different interhelical separation. Nevertheless, the observation of these different states indicates that CXCL-8 has the potential to undergo conformational changes, and it seems likely that this feature is relevant to the mode of binding of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) mimetics such as cyclitols. Simulations of the receptor peptide fragment−CXCL-8 complex identified several specific interactions of the receptor peptide with CXCL-8 that could be exploited in the structure-based design of competitive peptides and nonpeptidic molecules targeting CXCL-8 for combating inflammatory diseases. Simulations of the CXCL-8 dimer complexed with a 24-mer heparin fragment and of the CXCL-8−receptor peptide complex revealed that Arg60, Lys64, and Arg68 in the dimer bind to cyclitols in a horseshoe pattern, defining a region which is spatially distinct from the receptor binding site. There appears to be an optimum number of sulfates and an optimum length of alkyl spacers required for the interaction of cyclitol inhibitors with the dimeric form of CXCL-8. Calculation of the binding affinities of cyclitol inhibitors reflected satisfactorily the ranking of experimentally determined inhibitory potencies. The findings of these molecular modeling studies will help in the search for inhibitors which can modulate various CXCL-8 biological activities and serve as an excellent model system to study CXC-inhibitor interactions.


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Background Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an immune-mediated arthritis particularly targeting the spine and pelvis and is characterised by inflammation, osteoproliferation and frequently ankylosis. Current treatments that predominately target inflammatory pathways have disappointing efficacy in slowing disease progression. Thus, a better understanding of the causal association and pathological progression from inflammation to bone formation, particularly whether inflammation directly initiates osteoproliferation, is required. Methods The proteoglycan-induced spondylitis (PGISp) mouse model of AS was used to histopathologically map the progressive axial disease events, assess molecular changes during disease progression and define disease progression using unbiased clustering of semi-quantitative histology. PGISp mice were followed over a 24-week time course. Spinal disease was assessed using a novel semi-quantitative histological scoring system that independently evaluated the breadth of pathological features associated with PGISp axial disease, including inflammation, joint destruction and excessive tissue formation (osteoproliferation). Matrix components were identified using immunohistochemistry. Results Disease initiated with inflammation at the periphery of the intervertebral disc (IVD) adjacent to the longitudinal ligament, reminiscent of enthesitis, and was associated with upregulated tumor necrosis factor and metalloproteinases. After a lag phase, established inflammation was temporospatially associated with destruction of IVDs, cartilage and bone. At later time points, advanced disease was characterised by substantially reduced inflammation, excessive tissue formation and ectopic chondrocyte expansion. These distinct features differentiated affected mice into early, intermediate and advanced disease stages. Excessive tissue formation was observed in vertebral joints only if the IVD was destroyed as a consequence of the early inflammation. Ectopic excessive tissue was predominantly chondroidal with chondrocyte-like cells embedded within collagen type II- and X-rich matrix. This corresponded with upregulation of mRNA for cartilage markers Col2a1, sox9 and Comp. Osteophytes, though infrequent, were more prevalent in later disease. Conclusions The inflammation-driven IVD destruction was shown to be a prerequisite for axial disease progression to osteoproliferation in the PGISp mouse. Osteoproliferation led to vertebral body deformity and fusion but was never seen concurrent with persistent inflammation, suggesting a sequential process. The findings support that early intervention with anti-inflammatory therapies will be needed to limit destructive processes and consequently prevent progression of AS.


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Globally, lung cancer accounts for approximately 20% of all cancer related deaths. Five-year survival is poor and rates have remained unchanged for the past four decades. There is an urgent need to identify markers of lung carcinogenesis and new targets for therapy. Given the recent successes of immune modulators in cancer therapy and the improved understanding of immune evasion by tumours, we sought to determine the carcinogenic impact of chronic TNF-α and IL-1β exposure in a normal bronchial epithelial cell line model. Following three months of culture in a chronic inflammatory environment under conditions of normoxia and hypoxia (0.5% oxygen), normal cells developed a number of key genotypic and phenotypic alterations. Important cellular features such as the proliferative, adhesive and invasive capacity of the normal cells were significantly amplified. In addition, gene expression profiles were altered in pathways associated with apoptosis, angiogenesis and invasion. The data generated in this study provides support that TNF-α, IL-1β and hypoxia promotes a neoplastic phenotype in normal bronchial epithelial cells. In turn these mediators may be of benefit for biomarker and/or immune-therapy target studies. This project provides an important inflammatory in vitro model for further immuno-oncology studies in the lung cancer setting.


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Extrapulmonary manifestations constitute 15 to 20% of tuberculosis cases, with lymph node tuberculosis (LNTB) as the most common form of infection. However, diagnosis and treatment advances are hindered by lack of understanding of LNTB biology. To identify host response, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected lymph nodes from LNTB patients were studied by means of transcriptomics and quantitative proteomics analyses. The selected targets obtained by comparative analyses were validated by quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry. This approach provided expression data for 8,728 transcripts and 102 proteins, differentially regulated in the infected human lymph node. Enhanced inflammation with upregulation of T-helper1-related genes, combined with marked dysregulation of matrix metalloproteinases, indicates tissue damage due to high immunoactivity at infected niche. This expression signature was accompanied by significant upregulation of an immunoregulatory gene, leukotriene A4 hydrolase, at both transcript and protein levels. Comparative transcriptional analyses revealed LNTB-specific perturbations. In contrast to pulmonary TB-associated increase in lipid metabolism, genes involved in fatty-acid metabolism were found to be downregulated in LNTB suggesting differential lipid metabolic signature. This study investigates the tissue molecular signature of LNTB patients for the first time and presents findings that indicate the possible mechanism of disease pathology through dysregulation of inflammatory and tissue-repair processes.


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Background Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours (IMTs) are rare sarcomas that were first described in the lung. They are composed of myofibroblastic mesenchymal spindle cells accompanied by an inflammatory infiltrate of plasma cells. Complete resection is the treatment of choice. There is currently no standard treatment for inoperable or recurrent disease. Expression of ALK protein triggered by ALK gene rearrangement at chromosome 2p23 has been found in 36%-60% of IMTs. Case report We report a rapid early response to crizotinib as neoadjuvant therapy, enabling surgical excision of a large ALK-translocated IMT, which resulted in complete disease clearance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case in the literature of a patient with IMT in whom crizotinib was used successfully in the neoadjuvant or curative setting.


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The majority of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients present with advanced stage disease, where chemotherapy is usually the most common treatment option. While somewhat effective, patients treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy will eventually develop resistance. Multiple pathways have been implicated in chemo-resistance, however the critical underlying mechanisms have yet to be elucidated. The aim of this project is to determine the role of inflammatory mediators in cisplatin resistance.