693 resultados para Dietrick Lee


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The hexagonal resonator characteristics of an individual ZnO-nanonail’s head were investigated via spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) at room temperature. The positions of most of distinct CL peaks in visible range were well matched to those of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of a hexagonal dielectric cavity when we took birefringence and dispersion of refractive indices into account. The broad and weak peaks for TE polarization in long wavelength range were consistent with refractive-index values below the threshold for total internal inflection. CL peaks that were not matched to WGMs were identified as either triangular quasi-WGM or Fabry–Pérot resonance modes.


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Bending and bundling was observed from vertically aligned arrays of ZnO nanowires with flat (0001) top surfaces, which were synthesized using a vapor-phase method without metal catalysts. Sufficient evidence was found to exclude electron-beam bombardment during scanning electron microscopy as a cause for bending and bundling. We attribute the bending and bundling to electrostatic interactions due to charged (0001) polar surfaces, and also discussed the threshold surface charge densities for the bending and bundling based on a simple cantilever-bending model. Some growth features were indicative of the operation of electrostatic interactions during the growth.


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Vertically aligned ZnO nanorods have been grown on silicon substrates pre-coated with thin, less than 10 nm, textured ZnO seeding layers via a vapor-solid mechanism. The ZnO seeding layers, which were essential for vertical alignment of ZnO nanorods without using any metal catalyst, were prepared by decomposing zinc acetate. The structure and the luminescence properties of the ZnO nanorods synthesized onto ZnO seeding layers were investigated and their morphologies were compared with those of single-crystalline GaN substrates and silicon substrates covered with sputtered ZnO flms. Patterning of ZnO seed layers using photolithography allowed the fabrication of patterned ZnO-nanorod arrays.


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This study explores the development of a coding system for analysing test questions in two context-based chemistry exams. We describe our unique analytical procedures before contrasting the data from both tests. Our findings indicate that when a new curriculum is developed such as a context-based curriculum, teachers are required to combine the previously separate domains of context and concept to develop contextualised assessment. We argue that constructing contextualised assessment items requires teachers to view concepts and context as interconnected rather than as separate entities that may polarise scientific endeavour. Implications for practice, curriculum and assessment-development in context-based courses are proposed.


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This paper adopts an epistemic community framework to explicate the dual role of epistemic communities as influencers of accounting policy within regulatory space and as implementers who effect change within the domain of accounting. The context is the adoption and implementation of fair value accounting within local government in New South Wales (NSW). The roles and functions of Australian local government are extensive, and include the development and maintenance of infrastructure, provision of recreational facilities, certain health and community services, buildings, cultural facilities, and in some cases, water and sewerage (Australian Local Government Association, 2009). The NSW state Department of Local Government (DLG) is responsible for legislation and policy development to ensure that local councils are able to deliver ‘quality services to their communities in a sustainable manner’ (DLG, 2008c). These local councils receive revenue from various sources including property rates, government grants and user-pays service provision. In July 2006 the DLG issued Circular 06-453 to councils (DLG, 2006c), mandating the staged adoption of fair value measurement of infrastructure assets. This directive followed the policy of NSW State Treasury (NSW Treasury, 2007),4 and an independent inquiry into the financial sustainability of local councils (LGSA, 2006). It was an attempt to resolve the inconsistency in public sector asset valuation in NSW Local Governments, and to provide greater usefulness and comparability of financial statements.5 The focus of this study is the mobilization of accounting change by the DLG within this wider political context. When a regulatory problem arises, those with political power seek advice from professionals with relevant skill and expertise (Potter, 2005). This paper explores the way in which professionals diffuse accounting ‘problems’ and the associated accounting solutions ‘across time and space’ (Potter, 2005, p. 277). The DLG’s fair value accounting policy emanated from a ‘regulatory space’ (Hancher and Moran, 1989)6 as a result of negotiations between many parties, including accounting and finance professionals. Operating within the local government sector, these professionals were identified by the DLG as being capable of providing helpful input. They were also responsible for the implementation of the new olicy within local councils. Accordingly they have been dentified as an pistemic community with the ability to ranslate regulatory power by changing he domain of ccounting (Potter, 2005, p. 278).7 The paper is organised as follows. The background to the LG’s decision to require the introduction of fair value accounting for infrastructure assets is explored. Following this, the method of the study is described, and the epistemic community framework outlined. In the next sections, evidence of the influencing and implementing roles of epistemic groups is provided. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the significance of these groups both within regulatory space in developing accounting regulation, and in embedding change within the domain of accounting.


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Between 2001 and 2005, the US airline industry faced financial turmoil. At the same time, the European airline industry entered a period of substantive deregulation. This period witnessed opportunities for low-cost carriers to become more competitive in the market as a result of these combined events. To help assess airline performance in the aftermath of these events, this paper provides new evidence of technical efficiency for 42 national and international airlines in 2006 using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) bootstrap approach first proposed by Simar and Wilson (J Econ, 136:31-64, 2007). In the first stage, technical efficiency scores are estimated using a bootstrap DEA model. In the second stage, a truncated regression is employed to quantify the economic drivers underlying measured technical efficiency. The results highlight the key role played by non-discretionary inputs in measures of airline technical efficiency.


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In this paper we construct a mathematical model for the genetic regulatory network of the lactose operon. This mathematical model contains transcription and translation of the lactose permease (LacY) and a reporter gene GFP. The probability of transcription of LacY is determined by 14 binding states out of all 50 possible binding states of the lactose operon based on the quasi-steady-state assumption for the binding reactions, while we calculate the probability of transcription for the reporter gene GFP based on 5 binding states out of 19 possible binding states because the binding site O2 is missing for this reporter gene. We have tested different mechanisms for the transport of thio-methylgalactoside (TMG) and the effect of different Hill coefficients on the simulated LacY expression levels. Using this mathematical model we have realized one of the experimental results with different LacY concentrations, which are induced by different concentrations of TMG.


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High levels of sitting have been linked with poor health outcomes. Previously a pragmatic MTI accelerometer data cut-point (100 count/min-1) has been used to estimate sitting. Data on the accuracy of this cut-point is unavailable. PURPOSE: To ascertain whether the 100 count/min-1 cut-point accurately isolates sitting from standing activities. METHODS: Participants fitted with an MTI accelerometer were observed performing a range of sitting, standing, light & moderate activities. 1-min epoch MTI data were matched to observed activities, then re-categorized as either sitting or not using the 100 count/min-1 cut-point. Self-report demographics and current physical activity were collected. Generalized estimating equation for repeated measures with a binary logistic model analyses (GEE), corrected for age, gender and BMI, were conducted to ascertain the odds of the MTI data being misclassified. RESULTS: Data were from 26 healthy subjects (8 men; 50% aged <25 years; mean BMI (SD) 22.7(3.8)m/kg2). MTI sitting and standing data mode was 0 count/min-1, with 46% of sitting activities and 21% of standing activities recording 0 count/min-1. The GEE was unable to accurately isolate sitting from standing activities using the 100 count/min-1 cut-point, since all sitting activities were incorrectly predicted as standing (p=0.05). To further explore the sensitivity of MTI data to delineate sitting from standing, the upper 95% confidence interval of the mean for the sitting activities (46 count/min-1) was used to re-categorise the data; this resulted in the GEE correctly classifying 49% of sitting, and 69% of standing activities. Using the 100 count/min-1 cut-point the data were re-categorised into a combined ‘sit/stand’ category and tested against other light activities: 88% of sit/stand and 87% of light activities were accurately predicted. Using Freedson’s moderate cut-point of 1952 count/min-1 the GEE accurately predicted 97% of light vs. 90% of moderate activities. CONCLUSION: The distributions of MTI recorded sitting and standing data overlap considerably, as such the 100 count/min -1 cut-point did not accurately isolate sitting from other static standing activities. The 100 count/min -1 cut-point more accurately predicted sit/stand vs. other movement orientated activities.


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Gesture in performance is widely acknowledged in the literature as an important element in making a performance expressive and meaningful. The body has been shown to play an important role in the production and perception of vocal performance in particular. This paper is interested in the role of gesture in creative works that seek to extend vocal performance via technology. A creative work for vocal performer, laptop computer and a Human Computer Interface called the eMic (Extended Microphone Stand Interface controller) is presented as a case study, to explore the relationships between movement, voice production, and musical expression. The eMic is an interface for live vocal performance that allows the singers’ gestures and interactions with a sensor based microphone stand to be captured and mapped to musical parameters. The creative work discussed in this paper presents a new compositional approach for the eMic by working with movement as a starting point for the composition and thus using choreographed gesture as the basis for musical structures. By foregrounding the body and movement in the creative process, the aim is to create a more visually engaging performance where the performer is able to more effectively use the body to express their musical objectives.


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A move to more sustainable living can provide immediate and long term health and environmental benefits. The Green Living Study consisted of a mail survey of 1186 South East Queensland residents and an online survey of a further 451 individuals, primarily from South East Queensland, and explored the predictors of environmentally friendly behaviour. This paper explores the underlying beliefs that were found to predict specific environmentally friendly behaviours, such as walking for transport, switching off lights when not in use, switching off unused appliances at the wall and shopping with reusable bags. Beliefs explored included social norms, advantages and disadvantages of performing the behaviours, and issues of control over ones behaviour. The findings showed that people’s environmentally friendly behaviours may be influenced by convenience, saving money and saving face; i.e. is it easy to do, will I be better off, and will I be seen as ‘different’? Understanding the beliefs which directly predict behaviour can help inform public policy and educational initiatives. A number of models for transferring this knowledge into policy and practice will be discussed.


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Background: To compare the intraocular pressure readings obtained with the iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer with those measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry in treated glaucoma patients. Design: A prospective, cross sectional study was conducted in a private tertiary glaucoma clinic. Participants: 109 (54M:55F) patients including only eyes under medical treatment for glaucoma. Methods: Measurement by Goldmann applanation tonometry, iCare rebound tonometry and 7CR non-contact tonometry. Main Outcome Measures: Intraocular pressure. Results: There were strong correlations between the intraocular pressure measurements obtained with Goldmann and both the rebound and non-contact tonometers (Spearman r values ≥ 0.79, p < 0.001). However, there were small, statistically significant differences between the average readings for each tonometer. For the rebound tonometer, the mean intraocular pressure was slightly higher compared to the Goldmann applanation tonometer in the right eyes (p = 0.02), and similar in the left eyes (p = 0.93) however these differences did not reach statistical significance. The Goldmann correlated measurements from the noncontact tonometer were lower than the average Goldmann reading for both right (p < 0.001) and left (p > 0.01) eyes. The corneal compensated measurements from the non-contact tonometer were significantly higher compared to the other tonometers (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusions: The iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer measure IOP in fundamentally different ways to the Goldmann applanation tonometer. The resulting IOP values vary between the instruments and will need to be considered when comparing clinical versus home acquired measurements.


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This paper investigates the High Lift System (HLS) application of complex aerodynamic design problem using Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) coupled to Game strategies. Two types of optimization methods are used; the first method is a standard PSO based on Pareto dominance and the second method hybridises PSO with a well-known Nash Game strategies named Hybrid-PSO. These optimization techniques are coupled to a pre/post processor GiD providing unstructured meshes during the optimisation procedure and a transonic analysis software PUMI. The computational efficiency and quality design obtained by PSO and Hybrid-PSO are compared. The numerical results for the multi-objective HLS design optimisation clearly shows the benefits of hybridising a PSO with the Nash game and makes promising the above methodology for solving other more complex multi-physics optimisation problems in Aeronautics.


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Abstract—Computational Intelligence Systems (CIS) is one of advanced softwares. CIS has been important position for solving single-objective / reverse / inverse and multi-objective design problems in engineering. The paper hybridise a CIS for optimisation with the concept of Nash-Equilibrium as an optimisation pre-conditioner to accelerate the optimisation process. The hybridised CIS (Hybrid Intelligence System) coupled to the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tool and one type of Computer Aided Design(CAD) system; GiD is applied to solve an inverse engineering design problem; reconstruction of High Lift Systems (HLS). Numerical results obtained by the hybridised CIS are compared to the results obtained by the original CIS. The benefits of using the concept of Nash-Equilibrium are clearly demonstrated in terms of solution accuracy and optimisation efficiency.


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We have developed digital image registration program for a MC 68000 based fundus image processing system (FIPS). FIPS not only is capable of executing typical image processing algorithms in spatial as well as Fourier domain, the execution time for many operations has been made much quicker by using a hybrid of "C", Fortran and MC6000 assembly languages.


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Research has shown that people with a mental illness are an at-risk group for sexually transmitted infections. A programme for preventing risk behaviours for sexually transmitted infections among people with psychiatric disorder was designed and implemented by mental health occupational therapists. This programme used an interactive didactic approach to provide education and awareness of sexual health issues to acute psychiatric inpatients. Twenty-four participants completed a sexual health questionnaire, which was designed for this study, both before and after attending the programme. They had a higher than expected knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and safe sex practices at pre-test. The education programme resulted in a statistically significant but modest increase in sexual health knowledge. These findings indicate that there are benefits in providing sexual health education to clients with a mental illness. Further programme development should be directed towards sexual health decision-making and behaviour change.